The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs)/Vol. II/Liber Tertius/Fable 4

The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope, Liber Tertius (1889)
by Aesop, translated by William Caxton, edited by Joseph Jacobs
Fable 4: The Beestes and the Birdes

Translated from French by William Caxton and first published in 1484. Perry Index 566.

Aesop3789025The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope, Liber Tertius — Fable 4: The Beestes and the Birdes1889William Caxton

¶ The iiij fable maketh mencyon of the beestes and of the birdes

NOne maye do no good to two lordes at ones / whiche ben cotrary one to that other / as sayth to vs this fable that the beestes made grete werre ageynst the byrdes / & fought euery day to gyder / And the backe feryng the wulues And that the beestes shold vaynquysshe and ouercome the byrdes / wold haue hold with the beestes / and be ageynst the byrdes / And whanne the batylle was ordeyned on bothe sydes / the egle beganne to entre in to the batayll of the beestes by suche a strengthe / that with the help of the other byrdes he gat the feld / and vaynquysshed / and ouercame the bestes / wherfor the bestes maade pees with the byrdes / and were alle of one accord and of one wylle / And for the treason that the backe had made / she was condempned to neuer see the day / And neuer flee / but only by nyght / And also she was despoylled of alle her fethers / And therfore he that wylle serue two lordes cōtrary one to other may-not be good ne trewe / And they wheche relynquen and leue theyr owne lordes for to serue another straunger / whiche is enemy to theyr lord / ben wel worthy to be punysshed / For as the Euangele sayth / None may serue bothe god and the deuyl