The poems of Edmund Clarence Stedman/Index of Titles

Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company pages 467-472

1592759The poems of Edmund Clarence Stedman — Index of Titles1908Edmund Clarence Stedman



Aaron Burr's Wooing, 389.
Ad Vatem, 190.
Ad Vigilem, 192.
Alectryon, 243.
Alice of Monmouth, 15.
All in a Lifetime, 429.
Amavi, 401.
Anonyma, 407.
Apollo, 363.
Ariel, 201.
Arnold, George, 193.
Assault by Night, The, 461.
Astra Caeli, 356.
At Twilight, 370.
Autumn Song, 371.

Ballad of Lager Bier, The, 84.
Blameless Prince, The, 257.
Bohemia; A Pilgrimage, 77.
Byron, 198.

Captain Francisca, 349.
Carib Sea, The, 323.
Castle Island Light, 328.
Centuria, 391.
Christophe, 332.
Comedian's Last Night, The, 414.
Constant Heart, The, 439.
Corda Concordia, 173.
Country Sleighing, 114.
Cousin Lucrece, 127.
Crabbed Age and Youth, 417.
Creole Lover's Song, 339.
Crete, 250.
Cuba, 413.
Custer, 172.

Darkness and the Shadow, 461.
Dartmouth Ode, 152.
Death of Agamemnon, The (from Aischylos), 234.
Death of Agamemnon, The (from Homer), 230.
Death of Bryant, The, 194.
Descent into the Crater, The, 395.
Diamond Wedding, The, 99.
Discoverer, The, 463.
Doorstep, The, 109.
Duke's Exequy, The, 411.
Dutch Patrol, The, 386.

Edged Tools, 406.
Ergo Iris, 192.
Estelle, 403.
Eventide, 449.

Falstaff's Song, 382.
Father Jardine, 455.
Fern-Land, 343.
Fin de Siècle, 456.
Flight of the Birds, The, 376.
Freshet, The, 303.
Fuit Ilium, 74.

Gettysburg, 60.
Gifford, 205.
Greeley, Horace, 164.
Guests at Yule, 381.

Hand of Lincoln, The, 435.
Harebell, 452.
Hawthorne, 183.
Hay, John, 216.
Heart of New England, The, 116.
Hebe, 441.
Heliotrope, 398.
Holyoke Valley, 315.
Homeward Bound, 217.
Hope Deferred, 400.
How Old Brown Took Harper's Ferry, 3.
Huntington House, 130.

H. van D. (A Toast), 213.
Hylas, 227.
Hymn of the West, 212.
Hypatia, 419.

Inscriptions, 210.
In War Time, 1.
Israel Freyer's Bid for Gold, 93.

Jamaica, 337.
Jean Prouvaire's Song at the Barricade, 375.
J. G. H., 206.

Kearney at Seven Pines, 11.
Keller, Helen, 450.
Kennst Du? 325.

La Source, 333.
Le Jour du Rossignol, 416.
L. H S., To, 335.
Liberty Enlightening the World, 209.
Lincoln, Abraham, 60.
Lord's Day Gale, The, 119.

Madrigal, 379.
Martinique Idyl, 354.
Mater Coronata, 146.
Meridian: An Old-Fashioned Poem, 136.
Montagu, 363.
Monument of Greeley, The, 167.
Morgan, 347.
Mors Benefica, 465.
Mother's Picture, A, 400.
Mountain, The, 311.
Music at Home, 434.
My Godchild, 219.

News from Olympia, 251.
Nocturne, 380.

Old Admiral, The, 162.
Old Love and the New, The, 110.
Old Picture-Dealer, The, 96.
On a Great Man Whose Mind is Clouding, 207.
On the Death of an Invincible Soldier, 207.
On White Carnations Given Me for My Birthday, 211.

Panama, 353.
Pan in Wall Street, 90.
Penelope, 240.
Peter Stuyvesant's New Year's Call, 69.
Pilgrims, The, 382.
Poems of Greece, 223.
Poems of Manhattan, 67.
Poems of Nature, 301.
Poems of New England, 107.
Poems of Occasion, 133.
Portrait d'une Dame Espagnole, 451.
Proem to A Victorian Anthology, 454.
Proem to "Poems Now First Collected," 454.
Provençal Lovers, 383.

Reapers, The, 225.
Refuge in Nature, 306.
Restraint, 397.
Rose and the Jasmine, The, 340.
Round the Old Board, 135.

Sad Bridal, The, 463.
Sargasso Weed, 327.
Sea-Change at Kelp Rock, A, 319.
Seeking the May-Flower, 317.
70° North, 220.
Shadow-Land, 459.
Singer, The, 361.
Sister Beatrice, 422.
Skull in the Gold Drift, The, 430.
Song from a Drama, 377.
Songs and Ballads, 359.
Songster, The, 372.
Souvenir de Jeunesse, 444.
Spoken at Sea, 409.
Stanzas for Music, 376.
Star Bearer, The, 447.
Summer Rain, 361.
Sumter, 9.
Sun-Dial, The, 378.
Surf, 309.
Swallow, The, 306.

Taylor, Bayard, To, 211.
Test, The, 402.
Tombe of ye Poet Chaucer, Ye, 436.
Toujours Amour, 368.
Treason's Last Device, 13.
Tryst, The, 369.

Ubi Sunt Qui Ante Nos? 180.
Undiscovered Country, The, 465.

Various Poems, 393.
Vigil, A, 445.
Violet Eyes, 369.
Voice of the Western Wind, 362.

Waldstein, To Dr., on His Proposal to Excavate Herculaneum, 214.
Wanted—A Man, 12.
Wedding-Day, The, 385.
What the Winds Bring, 372.
Witchcraft, 124.
With a Sprig of Heather, 433.
Woods and Waters, 309.
World well Lost, The, 440.
Written at the Opening of a House-Book, 220.
W. S., To, 212.
W. W., 198.

Yale Ode for Commencement Day, 145.