Thom's Irish Who's Who/Caddell, Major Ernest Duncan

2919841Thom's Irish Who's Who — Caddell, Major Ernest Duncan

CADDELL, Major Ernest Duncan, R.A.M.C.; b. 18th Nov., 188i; 4th son of Lt.-Col. H. Caddell, late 89th P. V. Irish Fusiliers; m. 22nd Feb., 1917, Margaret Frances, only dau. of C. Pratt Whelan, of Ailesbury Road, Dublin, and Rockfort, Greystones. Educ.: Portora Royal School, Enniskillen, and Dublin University (T.C.D.); B.A., 1905; M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O., 1906. Entered R.A.M C, 1906; went to France with 4th division in original Expeditionary Force; awarded M.C., October, 1914; despatches (thrice): played Rugby Football for Ireland in 1904-5-6-7-8, including matches v. S. Africans and the "All Blacks," and represented Army in 1907, and Navy. Vice-President I.R.F. Union in 1920-21 and 1921-22. Served in India, Aden, and Somaliland between 1909-1913, and travelled in Kashmir, Baltistan, Arabia, and Socotra.