Traffic Signs Manual/Chapter 4/2013/22

3646456Traffic Signs Manual : Chapter 4 — 22. CYCLINGDepartment of Transport (UK)

May be used With diagram 572 573 or 950 7
The symbol may be reversed

22.1 Diagram 950 may be used to warn traffic of a place where a cycle route crosses or joins a road and is not controlled by traffic signals. Where cyclists emerge only from the left, the symbol should be reversed. If cycles cross the road, a plate to diagram 950.1, varied to "Cycles crossing" may be used; a (1200) distance and if appropriate an arrow may be added (1500) (i.e. if the cycle crossing is in a side road or another road). Details can be found on the working drawing (see para 1.8). Where cycles join the road but do not cross it, a distance plate to diagram 572 (or 573 if the cycle route is in a side road) may be used. Where the junction is controlled by traffic signals, no warning sign is normally needed. If visibility of the signals is restricted, the appropriate sign is diagram 543 (see section 8).

May be used only in combination with diagram 950.
"tests" may be varied to "training". "Child cycle tests" may be varied to "Cycles crossing" or to "Cycle event".
A distance, an arrow or both may be added

22.2 Diagram 950.1 may be displayed when a children’s cycle testing or training session is in progress. It must be used with diagram 950 and be removed when the session is completed. When a cycle rally or similar event is in progress, the variant "Cycle event" may be used. An indication of the distance to the hazard may be included, and an arrow pointing to the left or to the right if the hazard is in another road.