Transactions of the Linnean Society of London/Volume 1







I. INTRODUCTORY Discourse on the Rise and Progress of Natural History. By James Edward Smith, M.D. F.R.S. President of the Linnean Society Page 1
II. Observations on some extraneous Fossils of Switzerland. By Mr. Tingry, Foreign Member of the Linnean Society, Demonstrator of Chemistry and Natural History at Geneva, &c. p. 57
III. Observations on the Phalæna Bombyx Lubricipeda of Linnæus, and some other Moths allied to it. By Thomas Marsham, Esq. Secretary to the Linnean Society p. 67
IV. Descriptions of four Species of Cypripedium. By Richard Anthony Salisbury, Esq. F.R.S. Fellow of the Linnean Society p. 76
V. Descriptions of ten Species of Lichen, collected in the South of Europe. By James Edward Smith, M.D. F.R.S. President of the Linnean Society p. 81
VI. Some Observations on the Natural History of the Curculio Lapathi and Sipha grisea. By Mr. William Curtis, Fellow of the Linnean Society p. 86
VII. Description of the Stylephorus chordatus, a new fish. By George Shaw, M.D. F.R.S. Fellow of the Linnean Society p. 90
VIII. Description of the Hirudo viridis, a new English Leech. By the same p. 93
IX. The Botanical History of the Canella alba. By Olof Swartz, M.D. Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Stockholm, Foreign Member of the Linnean Society p. 96
X. Description of the Cancer stagnalis of Linnæus. By George Shaw, M.D. F.R.S. Fellow of the Linnean Society p. 103
XI. On the Festuca spadicea and Anthoxanthum paniculatum of Linnæus. By James Edward Smith, M.D. F.R.S. President of the Linnean Society p. 111
XII. On the Migration of certain Birds, and on other Matters relating to the feathered Tribes. By William Markwick, Esq. Associate of the Linnean Society p. 118
XIII. The History and Description of a new Species of Fucus. By Thomas Jenkinson Woodward, Esq. Fellow of the Linnean Society p. 131
XIV. Account of a singular Conformation in the Wings of some Species of Moths. By Mr. Esprit Giorna, of Turin, Foreign Member of the Linnean Society p. 135
XV. Observations on the Language of Botany. By the Rev. Thomas Martyn, B.D. F.R.S. Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge, Fellow of the Linnean Society; in a Letter addressed to the President p. 147
XVI. Observations on the Genus of Begonia. By Jonas Dryander, M. A. Libr. R.S. and Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Stockholm, Fellow of the Linnean Society p. 155
XVII. On the Genus of Symplocos, comprehending Hopes and Alstonia (Linn.), and Ciponima (Aubl.). By Mr. Charles Louis L'Heritier, of the Academy of Sciences at Paris, Foreign Member of the Linnean Society p. 174
XVIII. On the Genus of Calligonum, comprehending Pterococcus (Pallas.) and Pallisia (Linn.). By the same p. 177
XIX. Observations on Polypodium Oreopteris, accompanied with a Specimen from Scotland. By Mr. James Dickson, Fellow of the Linnean Society p. 181
XX. Account of a spinning Limax, or Slug. By Mr. Thomas Hoy, of Gordon Castle, Associate of the Linnean Society p. 183
XXI. Descriptions of three new Animals found in the Pacific Ocean. By Mr. Archibald Menzies, Fellow of the Linnean Society p. 187
XXII. Remarks on the Genus Veronica. By James Edward Smith, M.D. F.R.S. President of the Linnean Society p. 189
XXIII. Descriptions of two new Species of Phalæna. By Mr Louis Bosc, of Paris, Foreign Member of the Linnean Society p. 196
XXIV. The Botanical History of the Genus Dillenia, with an Addition of several nondescript Species. By Charles Peter Thunberg, Knight of the Order of Wasa, Professor of Botany and Medicine in the University of Upsal, Foreign Member of the Linnean Society p. 198
XXV. The Botanical History of Trifolium alpestre, medium, and pratense. By Adam Afzelius, M. A. Demonstrator of Botany in the University of Upsal, Foreign Member of the Linnean Society p. 202
XXVI. An Account of several Plants presented to the Society, at different Times, by Mr. John Fairbairn and Mr. Thomas Hoy, Fellows of the Linnean Society. By the President p. 249
XXVII. Extracts from the Minute Book of the Society p. 255