Transactions of the Linnean Society of London/Volume 10/Donations to the Museum of the Linnean Society




Exclusive of many Presents of single Specimens of Animals, Plants, and Minerals.


Donations. Donors.
Skins of the Mountain Ram, and of another Animal, from the interior Part of Canada } Lieut. Gen. Thos. Davies, F.L.S.
Specimens of Meleagris Satyra, Phasianus ignitus, and two other Indian Birds } Lieut.-Col. Thos. Hardwick, F.L.S.
Several Specimens of Bird Skins collected in New South Wales by Mr. W. Westall } A. B. Lambert, Esq. V.P.L.S.
Specimens of 34 Birds from Berbice Alexander MacLeay, Esq. Sec. L.S.
An extensive Cabinet of Insects { The Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Banks Bart. K.B.
A Cabinet of European Lepidopterous Insects John Symmonds, Esq. F.L.S.
A Collection of English Shells Rev. Hugh Davies, F.L.S.
A Collection of Shells, chiefly from the Red Sea Viscount Valentia, F.L.S.
A Collection of dried Plants, named on the Authority of the Linnean Herbarium:
Hortus siccus Britannicus, Fasc. 1–19
} Mr. James Dickson, F.L.S.
A Collection of Specimens of Mints Mr. W. Sole, A.L.S.
A Collection of dried Marine Plants, in two Books } John Stackhouse, Esq. F.L.S.
Specimens of Confervæ, figured in the Synopsis of British Confervæ } L. W. Dillwyn, Esq. F.L.S.
vol. x. 3 h Specimens
414 Donations to the Museum of the Linnean Society.
Donations. Donors.
Specimens of dried Plants Mr. John Fairbairn, F.L.S.
Specimens of Plants collected in the County of Mayo by Dr. Patrick Browne
Specimens of Plants from Barbadoes
} A. B. Lambert, Esq. V.P.L.S.
A Collection of dried Plants from Portugal W. Withering, Esq. F.L.S.
A large Collection of dried Plants from India and the Cape of Good Hope } W. Roxburgh, M.D. F.L.S.
A Collection of Specimens of Plants from Jamaica } W. Wright, M.D. A.L.S.
An arranged Collection of Lichens, with Reference to the Methodus Lichenum, and to the unpublished Lichenographia Universalis of the Donor } Erick Acharius, M.D. F.M.L.S.
A Portrait of the late Dr. Solander R. A. Salisbury, Esq. F.L.S.
A Portrait of the late Henry Seymer, Esq. A. B. Lambert, Esq. V.P.L.S.

N.B. The Museum bequeathed by the late Dr. Pulteney, as noticed in the Sixth Volume of the Society's Transactions, p. 390, consists of an extensive Collection of Shells, an Herbarium Britannicum, a Collection of exotic Plants, and a Collection of Minerals.