Translation of Detainee's Verbal Statement regarding Torture made by Abd Al Aziz Sayer Al Shammeri, ISN 217, on 28 Apr 05

Translation of Detainee's Verbal Statement regarding Torture made by Abd Al Aziz Sayer Al Shammeri, ISN 217, on 28 Apr 05 (2005)
188927Translation of Detainee's Verbal Statement regarding Torture made by Abd Al Aziz Sayer Al Shammeri, ISN 217, on 28 Apr 052005

29 April 2005

To:' Presiding Officer

Translation of Detainee's Verbal Statement regarding Torture made by Abd Al Aziz Sayer Al Shammeri, ISN 217, on 28 Apr 05 to OARDEC Linguist  

During the follow-up interview, the detainee was explaing to the AMO why he was not as proactive and detailed in his responses to the allegations in the ARB process, as he was in the CSRT process. The detainee started explaining his faith in God's will. He stated that God protected him from torture, fear, chaos and uncertainty and so far God has been with him, so therefore he will leave his fate in God's hands.

The detainee had previously stated that he did not wish to answer any more questions about the allegations, and the topic he was talking about was unrelated to the unclassified summary. When the detainee saw that the AMO was taking notes periodically while he was talking, he stopped and asked what the AMO was writing down and why he was doing so. When the AMO read back the line that he had written down, "God protected me from torture", the detainee said, "Don't misunderstand me. That does not mean there was no torture. We went through some very rough things and a lot of things were done to us."

He asked the AMO twice to immediately scratch out that line. When the AMO suggested that he should read that statement on the detainee's behalf and that the detainee could elaborate and explain it, the detainee declined, saying that he preferred for the AMO to scratch out that sentence.