United States Statutes at Large/Volume 2/7th Congress/1st Session/Chapter 20

United States Statutes at Large, Volume 2
United States Congress
Public Acts of the Seventh Congress, 1st Session, Chapter XX
2425693United States Statutes at Large, Volume 2 — Public Acts of the Seventh Congress, 1st Session, Chapter XXUnited States Congress

April 6, 1802.

Chap. XX.An Act authorizing the erection of certain Lighthouses; and for other purposes.

Land on which lighthouse on Gurnet Point stood, to be purchased.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, there shall be purchased, for the use of the United States, the land whereon lately stood the lighthouse on Gurnet Point, and so much land adjoining thereto, as may be sufficient for vaults and any other purpose necessary for the better support of the said lighthouse.

Secretary of the Treasury authorized to procure one or more lanterns.
Lighthouse on the Gurnet to be rebuilt.
Secretary of the Treasury authorized to cause a lighthouse to be rebuilt.
On what condition.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury shall be, and he is hereby authorized, at his discretion, to procure a new lantern or lanterns, with suitable distinctions, and to cause convenient vaults to be erected; and the said lighthouse, on the Gurnet, at the entrance on Plymouth harbor, to be rebuilt.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury shall be, and he is hereby authorized to cause to be rebuilt, of such height as he may deem expedient, the lighthouse now situated on the eastern end of New Castle Island, at the entrance of Piscataqua river, either on the land owned by the United States, or on Pollock Rock: Provided, that if built on Pollock Rock, the legislature of New Hampshire shall vest the property of the said rock in the United States, and cede the jurisdiction of the same.

A lighthouse to be erected on Lynde’s Point.
To appoint a keeper.
On what condition to be built.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury shall be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause a sufficient lighthouse to be erected on Lynde’s Point, at the mouth of Conncecticut river, in the state of Connecticut, and to appoint a keeper, and otherwise provide for such lighthouse, at the expense of the United States: Provided, that sufficient land for the accommodation of such lighthouse can be purchased at a reasonable price, and the legislature of the state of Connecticut shall cede the jurisdiction over the same to the United States.

Lighthouses to be built between Long Island and the main.
Keepers to be appointed.
On what conditions to be built.
Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury be directed to cause proper lighthouses to be built, and buoys to be placed, in the situations necessary for the navigation of the Sound between Long Island and the main; and be, to that effect, authorized to cause, by proper and intelligent persons, a survey to be taken of the said Sound, as far as may be requisite; and to appoint keepers and otherwise provide for such lighthouses, at the expense of the United States: Provided, that sufficient land for the accommodation of the respective lighthouses can be purchased at a reasonable price; and that the legislatures of Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New York, shall, respectively, cede the jurisdiction over the same to the United States.

A lighthouse to be built at the entrance of St. Mary’s river.Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury shall be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause a sufficient lighthouse to be erected on the south point of Cumberland Island, at the entrance of St. Mary’s river within the state of Georgia; and that, under the direction of the said secretary, there shall be purchased, if the same cannot otherwise be obtained, sufficient land for the erection of the said lighthouse, and accommodations for the better support thereof: Provided, that the legislature of Georgia shall cede the jurisdiction over the same to the United States.

Appropriations to reimburse certain merchants.Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That there shall be, and hereby are appropriated, for the reimbursement of the merchants of Plymouth and Duxbury, for monies expended by them in erecting a temporary light on the Gurnet, a sum not exceeding two hundred and seventy dollars; for the rebuilding the lighthouse on the said Gurnet, a sum not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars; for the rebuilding of the lighthouse on the eastern end of New Castle Island a sum not exceeding four thousand dollars; and for the erection of the said lighthouse on said Lynde’s Point, a sum not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars; for the erection of the lighthouse on Cumberland south point, a sum not exceeding four thousand dollars; and for taking the survey, and for erecting lighthouses and placing buoys in the Sound, a sum not exceeding eight thousand dollars, to be paid out of any monies which may be in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated.

Sum appropriated for public piers in the river Delaware.
On what conditions.
Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Secretary of the Treasury, under the direction of the President of the United States, to cause to be expended, in repairing and erecting public piers, in the river Delaware, a sum not exceeding thirty thousand dollars; and that the same be paid out of any monies in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated: Provided, that the jurisdiction of the site where any such piers may be erected, shall be first ceded to the United States, according to the conditions in such case by law provided.

Approved, April 6, 1802.