edit- Walker, James (1764-1831) - Walker, James (1770?-1841) - Walker, James (1809-1885) - Walker, James Robertson- - Walker, James Thomas - Walker, John (1674-1747) - Walker, John (1731-1803) - Walker, John (1732-1807) - Walker, John (1759-1830) - Walker, John (1770-1831)
- Walker, John (1768-1833) - Walker, John (1781?-1859) - Walker, Joseph Cooper - Walker, Obadiah - Walker, Robert (d.1658?) - Walker, Robert (1709-1802) - Walker, Robert Francis - Walker, Samuel - Walker, Sayer - Walker, Thomas (1698-1744)
- Walker, Thomas (1784-1836) - Walker, Thomas (1822-1898) - Walker, Thomas Larkins - Walker, William (1623-1684) - Walker, William (1791-1867) - Walker, William Sidney - Walkingame, Francis - Walkinshaw, Clementina - Wall, Richard - Wall, William
edit- Waller, Edmund - Waller, Hardress - Waller, Horace - Waller, John Francis - Waller, Richard - Waller, William (1597?-1668) - Waller, William (d.1699) - Wallich, Nathaniel - Wallingford, John of - Wallingford, William
- Wallis, Miss - Wallis, George (1740-1802) - Wallis, George (1811-1891) - Wallis, John (1714-1793) - Wallis, John (1789-1866) - Wallis, Provo William Parry - Wallis, Ralph - Wallis, Robert - Wallis, Samuel - Wallmoden, Amalie Sophie Marianne
- Wallop, Henry - Wallop, John (d.1551) - Wallop, John (1690-1762) - Wallop, Richard - Wallop, Robert - Walmesley, Charles - Walmesley, Thomas - Walmisley, Gilbert - Walmisley, Thomas Attwood - Walmisley, Thomas Forbes
edit- Walsh, John Edward - Walsh, John Henry - Walsh, Nicholas - Walsh, Peter - Walsh, Richard Hussey - Walsh, Robert - Walsh, William (1512?-1577) - Walsh, William (1663-1708) - Walshe, Walter Hayle - Walsingham, Edmund
- Walsingham, Francis (1530?-1590) - Walsingham, Francis (1577-1647) - Walsingham, John - Walsingham, Thomas - Walters, Edward - Walters, John - Waltham, John de - Waltheof (d.1076) - Waltheof (d.1159) - Walton, Christopher
- Walton, Elijah - Walton, George - Walton, Izaak - Walton, James - Walton, John (fl.1410) - Walton, John (d.1490?) - Walton, Thomas - Walton, Valentine - Walton, William - Walworth, William
edit- Ward, Edward Matthew - Ward, Henry George - Ward, James (1769-1859) - Ward, James (1800-1885) - Ward, James Clifton - Ward, John (fl.1613) - Ward, John? (fl.1603-1615) - Ward, John (fl.1642-1643) - Ward, John (1679?-1758) - Collier, Thomas
- Ward, John (1781-1837) - Ward, John (1805-1890) - Ward, John (1825-1896) - Ward, John William - Ward, Joshua - Ward, Nathaniel (1578-1652) - Ward, Nathaniel Bagshaw - Ward, Patience - Ward, Robert Plumer - Ward, Seth
- Ward, Thomas (1652-1708) - Ward, Thomas (1809-1858) - Ward, William (1534-1604?) - Ward, William (1769-1823) - Ward, William (1766-1826) - Ward, William (1787-1849) - Ward, William George - Ward, William James - Warde, Henry - Warde, James Prescott
edit- Warenne, William de (d.1240) - Warford, William - Warham, William - Waring, Edward - Waring, John Burley - Waring, Robert - Waring, William - Warington, Robert - Warkworth, John - Warmestry, Gervase
- Warmestry, Thomas - Warmington, William - Warne, Charles - Warneford, Samuel Wilson - Warner, Edward - Warner, Ferdinando - Warner, John (d.1565)- Dunk, George Montagu - Warner, John (1673?-1760) - Warner, John (1736-1800)
- Warner, Joseph - Warner, Mary Amelia - Warner, Richard (1713?-1775) - Warner, Richard (1763-1857) - Warner, Samuel Alfred - Warner, Thomas - Warner, William - Warre, William - Warren, Arthur - Warren, Charles (1767-1828)
edit- Warwick, Philip - Wase, Christopher - Wasey, William - Washbourn, John - Washbourne, Thomas - Washington, John - Wasse, Joseph - Wastell, Simon - Waterhouse, Edward (1535-1591) - Waterhouse, Edward (1619-1670)
- Waterhouse, George (d.1602) - Waterhouse, George Robert - Waterland, Daniel - Waters, John - Waterton, Charles - Waterworth, William - Wath, Michael de - Wathen, James - Watkin, William Thompson - Watkins, Charles (d.1808)
- Watkins, Charles Frederick - Watkins, John - Watkins, Morgan - Walpole, Robert (1676-1745) - Eastlake, Charles Lock - Teilo - Telfair, Charles - Telfer, James - Telford, Thomas - Tempest, Pierce
edit- Terill, Anthony - Ternan - Terne, Christopher - Terrick, Richard - Terrien De La Couperie, Albert Étienne Jean Baptiste - Terriss, William - Terrot, Charles (1758-1839) - Terrot, Charles Hughes - Terry, Daniel - Terry, Edward
- Terry, John - Tesdale, Thomas - Tesimond, Oswald - Thackeray, Francis - Thackeray, Frederick Rennell - Thackwell, Joseph - Thane, John - Thayre, Thomas - Theakston, Joseph - Theed, William
- Theinred - Thellusson, Peter - Thelwall, Eubule - Thelwall, John - Theobald (d.1161) - Theobald, Lewis - Theodore - Therry, John Joseph - Therry, Roger - Thesiger, Alfred Henry
edit- Thomas (1277?-1322) - Thomas of Brotherton - Thomas of Woodstock - Thomas (1388?-1421) - Thomas of Bayeux - Thomas (d.1114) - Thomas à Becket - Thomas Brown - Thomas of Beverley - Thomas of Ely - Thomas (fl.1200?) - Thomas Hibernicus - Thomas of Ashborne
- Thomas of Newmarket - Thomas ab Ieuan ap Rhys - Thomas, Arthur Goring - Thomas, David (1760?-1822) - Thomas, David (1813-1894) - Thomas, Edward - Thomas, Elizabeth - Thomas, Ernest Chester - Thomas, Francis Sheppard - Thomas, Frederick Jennings
- Thomas, George (1756?-1802) - Thomas, Honoratus Leigh - Thomas, John (1696-1781) - Thomas, John (1712-1793) - Thomas, John (1813-1862) - Thomas, John (1795-1871) - Thomas, John (1821-1892) - Thomas, John Evan - Thomas, John Fryer - Thomas, John Wesley
edit- Thomlinson, Robert - Thompson, Benjamin (1754-1814) - Thompson, Benjamin (1776?-1816) - Thompson, Charles - Thompson, Edward - Thompson, George - Thompson, Gilbert - Thompson, Harry Stephen Meysey - Thompson, Henry (1797-1878) - Thompson, Henry Langhorne
- Thompson, Jacob - Thompson, James - Thompson, John (fl.1382) - Thompson, John (1647-1710) - Thompson, John (1776-1864) - Thompson, John (1785-1866) - Thompson, John Sparrow David - Thompson, John Vaughan - Thompson, Matthew William - Thompson, Pishey
- Thompson, Samuel - Thompson, Theophilus - Thompson, Thomas (1708?-1773) - Thompson, Thomas Boulden - Thompson, Thomas Perronet - Ellerton, John Lodge - Thompson, William (1712?-1766?) - Thompson, William (1730?-1800) - Thompson, William (1805-1852) - Thompson, William (1811-1889)
- Thompson, William Hepworth - Thoms, William John - Thomson, Alexander (1763-1803) - Thomson, Alexander (1817-1875) - Thomson, Allen - Thomson, Andrew Mitchell - Thomson, Anthony Todd - Thomson, Charles Edward Poulett - Thomson, Charles Wyville - Thomson, David
- Thomson, Edward Deas - Thomson, George (fl.1643-1668) - Thomson, George (fl.1648-1679) - Thomson, George (1782?-1838) - Thomson, George (1757-1841) - Thomson, George (1799-1886) - Thomson, Henry (1773-1843) - Thomson, Henry William (Byerley) - Thomson, James (1700-1748) - Thomson, James (1786-1849)
edit- Thomson, James (1788-1850) - Thomson, James (1768-1855) - Thomson, James (1834-1882) - Thomson, James (1800-1883) - Thomson, James (1822-1892) - Thomson, James Bruce - Thomson, John (1778-1840) - Thomson, John (1805-1841) - Thomson, John (1765-1846) - Thomson, Joseph
- Thomson, Katharine - Thomson, Richard (d.1613) - Thomson, Richard (1794-1865) - Thomson, Robert Dundas - Thomson, Robert William - Thomson, Thomas (1768-1852) - Thomson, Thomas (1773-1852) - Thomson, Thomas (1817-1878) - Thomson, Thomas Napier - Thomson, William (1746-1817)
- Thomson, William (1802-1852) - Thomson, William (1819-1890) - Thorburn, Grant - Thorburn, Robert - Thoresby, John - Thoresby, Ralph - Thorie, John - Thorius, Raphael - Thorn, Nathaniel - Thorn, William
edit- Throckmorton, Nicholas - Throsby, John - Thrupp, Frederick - Thrupp, John - Thrupp, Joseph Francis - Thurcytel - Thurkilbi, Roger de - Thurkill (d.845) - Thurkill (fl.1009) - Thurland, Edward
- Thurloe, John - Thurlow, Edward (1731-1806) - Thurlow, Edward (1781-1829) - Thurlow, Thomas - Thurmond, Mrs. - Thurnam, John - Thurstan - Thurston, John (1774-1822) - Thurston, John Bates - Thurtell, John
- Thwaites, George Henry Kendrick - Thweng, Robert de - Tichborne, Chidiock - Tichborne, Henry - Tichborne, Robert - Tickell, Richard - Tickell, Thomas - Tidcomb, John - Tidd, William - Tidey, Alfred
edit- Timbs, John - Timperley, Charles H. - Tindal, Matthew - Tindal, Nicholas (1687-1774) - Tindal, Nicholas Conyngham - Tindal, William - Tinmouth, John de - Tinney, John - Tipping, William - Tiptoft, John (1375?-1443)
- Tiptoft, John (1427?-1470) - Tiptoft, Robert de - Tirechan - Tirel, Walter - Tisdal, Philip - Tisdal, William - Tisdale, John - Titcomb, Jonathan Holt - Tite, William - Titiens, Teresa Caroline Johanna
- Titley, Walter - Titus, Silius - Tobias - Tobin, George - Tobin, John - Tod, James - Todd, Alpheus - Todd, Elliott D'Arcy - Todd, Henry John - Tofts, Katherine
edit- Young, William (fl.1653) - Young, William (1749-1815) - Young, William (1751-1821) - Young, William (1799-1887) - Younge, Richard - Younger, Elizabeth - Younger, John - Yule, Henry - Zaehnsdorf, Joseph - Zerffi, George Gustavus
- Zincke, Christian Friedrich - Zincke, Foster Barham - Zoffany, John - Watson, Anthony - Watson, Brook - Watson, Charles - Watson, Christopher - Watson, David (1710-1756) - Watson, David (1713?-1761) - Watson, George (1723?-1773)
- Watson, Hewett Cottrell - Watson, James (d.1722) - Watson, James (1739?-1790) - Watson, James (1766?-1838) - Watson, James (1799-1874) - Watson, John (1520-1584) - Watson, John (1725-1783) - Watson, John Dawson - Watson, John Forbes - Watson, John Selby
edit- Watson, William (1559?-1603) - Watson, William (1715-1787) - Watson, William Henry - Watson-Wentworth, Charles - Watt, James Henry - Watt, Robert - Watts, Alaric Alexander - Watts, Gilbert - Watts, Henry
- Watts, Hugh - Watts, Isaac - Watts, Robert - Watts, Thomas - Watts, Walter Henry - Watts, William (1590?-1649) - Watts, William (1752-1851) - Wauchope, John - Waugh, Alexander - Waugh, Andrew Scott
- Waugh, Edwin - Wauton, Simon de - Way, Albert - Way, Gregory Holman Bromley - Waylett, Harriet - Waynflete, William of - Weale, John - Weatherhead, George Hume - Weaver, John (d.1685) - Weaver, John (1673-1760)
edit- Webbe, Samuel (1770?-1843) - Webbe, William - Webber, John - Weber, Henry William - Weber, Otto - Webster, Alexander - Webster, Augusta - Webster, Benjamin Nottingham - Ottley, William Young - Webster, John (1580?-1625?)
- Webster, John (1610-1682) - Webster, Thomas (1773-1844) - Webster, Thomas (1810-1875) - Webster, William - Weckherlin, Georg Rudolph - Weddell, James - Weddell, John - Wedderburn, Alexander (1610-1676) - Wedderburn, Alexander (1733-1805) - Wedderburn, David
- Wedderburn, James (1495?-1553) - Wedderburn, James (1585?-1639) - Wedderburn, John (1599-1679) - Wedderburn, John (1704-1746) - Wedderburn, Peter - Wedge, John Helder - Weedall, Henry - Weekes, Henry - Weelkes, Thomas - Weever, John
edit- Zouche, William la - Zuccarelli, Francesco - Zuccaro, Federigo - Zucchi, Antonio Pietro - Zukertort, John Hermann - Zuylestein, William Henry (1645-1709) - Zuylestein, William Henry (1717-1781) - Weld, Thomas (1773-1837) - Weldon, Anthony - Weldon, John
- Weldon, Ralph - Weldon, Walter - Welles, Adam de - Welles, Lionel de - Welles, Thomas - Wellesley, Henry (1773-1847) - Wellesley, Henry (1791-1866) - Wellesley, Henry Richard Charles - Wellesley, Richard Colley (1690?-1758) - Wellesley, Richard Colley (1760-1842)
- Wellesley-Pole, William - Wells, Charles Jeremiah - Wells, Edward - Wells, Henry Lake - Wells, John (d.1388) - Wells, John (1623-1676) - Wells, Mary - Wells, Samuel - Wells, Thomas Spencer
edit- Wenham, Jane - Wenlock, John - Wentworth, Henrietta Maria - Wentworth, John - Wentworth, Paul - Cope, Anthony - Wentworth, Peter (1530?-1596) - Wentworth, Peter (1592-1675) - Wentworth, Thomas (1501-1551) - Wentworth, Thomas (1525-1584)
- Wentworth, Thomas (1568?-1628) - Wentworth, Thomas (1593-1641) - Wentworth, Thomas (1613-1665) - Wentworth, Thomas (1591-1667) - Wentworth, William Charles - Werburga - Werden, John - Werden, Robert - Werferth - Wesham, Roger de
- Wesley, Charles (1707-1788) - Wesley, Charles (1757-1834) - Wesley, Samuel (1766-1837) - Wesley, Samuel Sebastian - Wessington, John - West, Mrs. - West, Benjamin - West, Charles (1816-1898) - West, Charles Richard Sackville- - West, Edward
edit- Westcote, Thomas - Westcott, George Blagdon - Western, Charles Callis - Westfaling, Herbert - Westfield, Thomas - Westgarth, William - Westmacott, Richard (1775-1856) - Westmacott, Richard (1799-1872) - Westminster, Matthew - Weston, Edward (1566-1635)
- Weston, Edward (1703-1770) - Weston, Elizabeth Jane - Weston, Francis - Weston, Richard (1466?-1542) - Weston, Richard (1577-1635) - Weston, Richard (1591-1652) - Weston, Richard (1620-1681) - Weston, Richard (1733-1806) - Weston, Robert - Weston, Stephen (1665-1742)
- Weston, Stephen (1747-1830) - Weston, Thomas (d.1643?) - Weston, Thomas (1737-1776) - Weston, William (d.1540) - Weston, William (1550?-1615) - Westphal, George Augustus - Westphal, Philip - Westwood, John Obadiah - Wetherall, Frederick Augustus - Wetherall, George Augustus
edit- Wharton, John - Wharton, Philip (1613-1696) - Wharton, Philip (1698-1731) - Wharton, Thomas (1495?-1568) - Wharton, Thomas (1614-1673) - Wharton, Thomas (1648-1715)- Whewell, William - Whately, Richard - Whately, Thomas - Whately, William
- Whatton, William Robert - Wheare, Degory - Wheatley, Benjamin Robert - Wheatley, Francis - Wheatly, Charles - Wheatstone, Charles - Wheeler, Daniel - Wheeler, Hugh Massy - Wheeler, James Talboys - Wheeler, John
- Wheeler, Maurice - Wheeler, Thomas - Wheelocke, Abraham - Wheler, Francis - Wheler, George - Wheler, Robert Bell - Whelpdale, Roger - Whethamstede, John - Whetstone, George - Whetstone, William
edit- Toms, Peter - Tomson, Laurence - Tomson, Richard - Tonge, Israel - Tooke, George - Tooke, John Horne - Tooke, Thomas - Tooke, William (1744-1820) - Tooke, William (1777-1863) - Topcliffe, Richard
- Topham, Edward - Topham, Francis William - Topham, John - Topham, Thomas - Toplady, Augustus Montague - Topley, William - Topsell, Edward - Torkington, Richard - Torr, William - Torre, James
- Torrens, Arthur Wellesley - Torrens, Henry - Torrens, Robert - Torrens, William Torrens McCullagh - Torrigiano, Pietro - Torshell, Samuel - Tostig - Toto, Anthony - Tottel, Richard - Tottenham, Charles