User:Charles Matthews/DNB 8001-9000
- Woulfe, Stephen - Wrangham, Francis - Wratislaw, Albert Henry - Wraxall, Frederic Charles Lascelles - Wraxall, Nathaniel William - Wray, Cecil - Wrench, Benjamin - Wrenn, Ralph - Wrey, Bourchier (d.1696) - Wright, Abraham
- Wright, Edward (1558?-1615) - Wright, Edward Richard - Wright, Fortunatus - Wright, George Newenham - Wright, James (1643-1713) - Wright, James (1716-1785) - Wright, John (1568?-1605) - Wright, John (1805-1843?) - Wright, John (1770?-1844) - Wright, John Masey
- Wright, John Michael - Wright, John Wesley - Wright, John William - Wright, Joseph - Wright, Lawrence - Wright, Leonard - Wright, Nathan - Wright, Patience - Wright, Peter - Wright, Richard (1735-1775?)
- Wright, Richard (1764-1836) - Wright, Robert (1560-1643) - Wright, Thomas (d.1624?) - Wright, Thomas (fl.1740-1760) - Wright, Thomas (1792-1849) - Wright, Thomas (1789-1875) - Wright, Thomas (1810-1877) - Wright, Thomas (1809-1884) - Wright, Waller Rodwell - Wright, William (1563-1639)
- Wright, William (1735-1819) - Wright, William (1773-1860) - Wright, William (1830-1889) - Wright, William (1837-1899) - Wriothesley, Charles - Wriothesley, Henry - Wriothesley, John - Wriothesley, Thomas (d.1534) - Wriothesley, Thomas (1505-1550) - Wriothesley, Thomas (1607-1667)
- Wyatt, Francis - Wyatt, Henry - Wyatt, James - Wyatt, John (1700-1766) - Wyatt, John (1825-1874) - Wyatt, Matthew Cotes - Wyatt, Matthew Digby - Wyatt, Richard James - Wyatt, Thomas (1503?-1542) - Wyatt, Thomas (1521?-1554)
- Wyatt, Thomas Henry - Wyatt, William - Wyatville, Jeffry - Wyche, Cyril - Wyche, Peter - Wycherley, William - Wyck, John - Wydow, Robert - Wyer, Robert - Wyeth, Joseph
- Wyke, Charles Lennox - Wykeham, William of - Wykes, Thomas de - Wyld, James (1812-1887) - Wylde, Henry - Wylie, Alexander - Wylie, James (1768-1854) - Wylie, James Aitken - Wylie, William Howie - Wyllie, William
- Wyndham, Charles - Wyndham, Francis - Wyndham, George O'Brien - Wyndham, Henry Penruddocke - Wyndham, Hugh - Wyndham, Robert Henry - Wyndham, Thomas (1510?-1553) - Wyndham, Thomas (1681-1745) - Wyndham, Wadham - Wyndham, William
- Wynn, Charles Watkin Williams - Wynn, Charlotte Williams - Wynn, Henry Watkin Williams - Wynn, John - Wynn, Watkin Williams - Wynn, William - Wynne, Edward - Wynne, Ellis - Wynne, John (1667-1743) - Wynne, John Huddlestone
- Wynne, Warren Richard Colvin - Wynne, William Watkin Edward - Wynter, Andrew - Wyntoun, Andrew of - Wynyard, Robert Henry - Wyon, Benjamin - Wyon, Joseph Shepherd - Wyon, Leonard Charles - Wyon, Thomas (1792-1817) - Wyon, Thomas (1767-1830)
- Wyon, William - Wycliffe, John - Wren, Christopher (1632-1723) - Wyrley, William - Wyse, Thomas - Wythens, Francis - Wyvill, Christopher (1740-1822) - Wyvill, Christopher (1792-1863) - Forrest, Arthur - Forrest, Ebenezer
- Forrest, Henry - Forrest, Robert - Forrest, Theodosius - Forrest, Thomas (fl.1580) - Forrest, Thomas (1729?-1802?) - Forrest, William - Forrester, Alfred Henry - Forrester, David - Forrester, Joseph James - Forrester, Thomas (1588?-1642)
- Forrester, Thomas (1635?-1706) - Forret, Thomas - Forsett, Edward - Forshall, Josiah - Forster, Benjamin (1736-1805) - Forster, Benjamin Meggot - Forster, Edward (1730-1812) - Forster, Edward (1769-1828) - Forster, Edward (1765-1849) - Forster, George
- Forster, Henry Pitts - Forster, Johann Georg Adam - Forster, John (1812-1876) - Forster, John Cooper - Forster, Nathaniel (1718-1757) - Forster, Nathaniel (1726?-1790) - Forster, Thomas (fl.1695-1712) - Forster, Thomas (1675?-1738) - Forster, Thomas Furly - Forster, Thomas Ignatius Maria
- Kalisch, Marcus - Kane, John - Kane, Richard - Kane, Robert John - Karkeek, William Floyd - Karslake, John Burgess - Kater, Henry - Katterfelto, Gustavus - Kauffmann, Angelica - Kavanagh, Arthur Macmorrough
- Kavanagh, Cahir Mac Art - Kavanagh, Julia - Kay, John (fl.1733-1764) - Kay, John (1742-1826) - Kay, Joseph - Kay, William - Kay-Shuttleworth, James Phillips - Kaye, John (1783-1853) - Kaye, John William - Keach, Benjamin
- Kean, Charles John - Kean, Edmund - Kean, Ellen - Kean, Michael - Keane, John - Keane, Joseph B. - Kearne, Andreas - Kearney, Barnabas - Kearney, John - Kearney, Michael
- Kearney, William Henry - Kearns, William Henry - Keary, Annie - Keate, George - Keate, John - Keate, Robert - Keate, Thomas - Keating, Geoffrey - Keating, George - Keating, Henry Singer
- Keating, John - Keating, Maurice Bagenal St. Leger - Keble, John - Keble, Joseph - Keble, Thomas - Keck, Anthony - Kedermyster, Richard - Kedington, Roger - Keeble, John - Keegan, John
- Keeley, Robert - Keeling, Josiah - Keeling, William (d.1620) - Keeling, William Knight - Keene, Benjamin - Keene, Charles Samuel - Keene, Henry (1726-1776) - Keene, Henry George - Keepe, Henry - Keightley, Thomas (1789-1872)
- Keigwin, John - Keigwin, Richard - Keilway, Robert - Keimer, Samuel - Keith, Alexander (d.1758) - Keith, Alexander (d.1819) - Keith, Alexander (1791-1880) - Keith, George (1553?-1623) - Keith, George (1639?-1716) - Keith, George (1693?-1778)
- Keith, George Skene - Keith, James Francis Edward - Keith, John - Keith, Robert (d.1346) - Keith, Robert (1681-1757) - Keith, Robert (d.1774) - Keith, Robert Murray - Keith, Robert William - Keith, Thomas - Keith, William (d.1407?)
- Keith, William (d.1581) - Keith, William (d.1635) - Keith, William (1617?-1661) - Keith-Falconer, Ion Grant Neville - Kelburn, Sinclare - Keldeleth, Robert - Kelham, Robert - Kelke, Roger - Kelland, Philip - Kellawe, Richard de
- Keller, Gottfried - Kellett, Edward - Kellett, Henry - Kelley, Edward - Kellner, Ernest Augustus - Kelly, Edward - Kelly, Fitzroy - Kelly, Frances Maria - Kelly, George - Kelly, Hugh
- Kelly, John (1680?-1751) - Kelly, John (1750-1809) - Kelly, Matthew - Kelly, Michael - Kelly, Patrick - Kelly, Ralph - Kelsey, Thomas - Kelton, Arthur - Keltridge, John - Kelty, Mary Ann
- Kelway, Joseph - Kelway, Thomas - Kelyng, John - Kem, Samuel - Kemble, Adelaide - Kemble, Charles - Kemble, Elizabeth - Kemble, Henry Stephen - Kemble, John (1599?-1679) - Kemble, John Mitchell
- Kemble, John Philip - Kemble, Maria Theresa - Kemble, Priscilla - Kemble, Roger - Kemble, Stephen - Kemp, George Meikle - Kemp, John (1380?-1447) - Kemp, John (1665-1717) - Kemp, John (1763-1812) - Kemp, Joseph
- Kemp, Thomas Read - Kemp, William (fl.1590) - Kemp, William (fl.1600) - Kempe, Alfred John - Kempe, Margerie - Kempenfelt, Richard - Kempt, James - Kempthorne, John - Kemys, Lawrence - Ken, Thomas
- Kendale, Richard - Kendall, Edward Augustus - Kendall, George - Kendall, Henry Clarence - Kendall, John (d.1485) - Kendall, John (1726-1815) - Kendall, John (1766-1829) - Kendall, Timothy - Kendrick, Emma Eleonora - Kendrick, James
- Kenealy, Edward Vaughan Hyde - Keninghale, John - Kennaway, John - Kennedy, Mrs. - Kennedy, Alexander - Kennedy, Arthur Edward - Kennedy, Benjamin Hall - Kennedy, Charles Rann - Kennedy, David - Kennedy, Edmund B.
- Kennedy, John (1567?-1615) - Kennedy, John (fl.1626) - Kennedy, John (1595?-1668) - Kennedy, John (1646?-1701) - Kennedy, John (d.1760) - Kennedy, John (1698-1782) - Kennedy, John (1789-1833) - Kennedy, John (1769-1855) - Kennedy, John (1819-1884) - Kennedy, John Pitt
- Campbell, John (1708-1775) - - Nichols, James - Nichols, John (1745-1826) - Nichols, John Bowyer - Nichols, John Gough - Nichols, Josias - Nichols, Philip - Nichols, Thomas - Nichols, William (1655-1716) - Nichols, William Luke
- Nicholson, Brinsley - Nicholson, Charles - Nicholson, Francis (1660-1728) - Nicholson, Francis (1650-1731) - Nicholson, Francis (1753-1844) - Nicholson, George (1760-1825) - Nicholson, George (1795?-1839?) - Nicholson, Isaac - Nicholson, John (1730-1796) - Nicholson, John (1790-1843)
- Nicholson, John (1821-1857) - Nicholson, Joshua - Nicholson, Lothian - Nicholson, Margaret - Nicholson, Peter - Nicholson, Richard - Nicholson, Samuel - Nicholson, Thomas Joseph - Nicholson, William (1753-1815) - Nicholson, William (1781-1844)
- Nicol, James (1810-1879) - Nicol, John - Nicol, William - Nicolas, John Toup - Nicolas, Nicholas Harris - Nicolay, William - Nicoll, Alexander - Nicoll, Anthony - Nicoll, Francis - Nicoll, Robert
- Nicoll, Whitlock - Nicolls, Augustine - Nicolls, Benedict - Nicolls, Ferdinando - Nicolls, Jasper - Nicolls, Mathias - Nicolls, Richard - Nicols, Thomas - Nicolson, Alexander - Nicolson, William
- Pagan, Isobel - Pagan, James - Paganel, Ralph - Paganell, Gervase - Page, Benjamin William - Page, David - Page, Francis - Page, Frederick - Page, John - Page, Samuel
- Page, Thomas (1803-1877) - Page, Thomas Hyde - Page, William - Pageham, John de - Paget, Arthur - Paget, Charles (d.1612) - Paget, Charles (1778-1839) - Paget, Edward - Paget, Francis Edward - Paget, George Augustus Frederick
- Paget, George Edward - Paget, Henry (d.1743) - Paget, Henry William - Paget, John (1808-1892) - Paget, Thomas (d.1590) - Paget, William (1505-1563) - Paget, William (1572-1629) - Paget, William (1609-1678) - Paget, William (1637-1713) - Pagula, William
- Pain, James - Pain, William - Paine, James (1725-1789) - Paine, James (d.1829?) - Paine, Thomas - Painter, Edward - Painter, William - Paisible, James - Palairet, Elias - Palairet, John
- Palliser, Fanny Bury - Palliser, Hugh - Palliser, John - Palliser, William (1830-1882) - Palmer, Alicia Tindal - Palmer, Anthony (1618?-1679) - Palmer, Anthony (1675?-1749) - Palmer, Charlotte - Palmer, Edward (fl.1572) - Palmer, Edward Henry
- Palmer, Geoffrey - Palmer, George - Palmer, Henry Spencer - Palmer, James (d.1657) - Palmer, James (1585-1660) - Palmer, James Frederick - Palmer, John (d.1607) - Palmer, John (1650-1700?) - Palmer, John (1742-1786) - Palmer, John (1729?-1790)
- Palmer, John (fl.1818) - Palmer, John (1782-1852) - Palmer, John Horsley - Palmer, Joseph - Palmer, Julins - Palmer, Mary - Palmer, Richard (d.1195) - Palmer, Richard (d.1625) - Palmer, Roger - Palmer, Roundell
- Palmer, Samuel (d.1732) - Palmer, Samuel (1741-1813) - Palmer, Samuel (1805-1881) - Palmer, Thomas Fyshe - Palmer, William (1539?-1605) - Palmer, William (1824-1856) - Palmer, William (1802-1858) - Palmer, William (1811-1879) - Palmer, William (1803-1885) - Palsgrave, John
- Paoli, Pascal - Papillon, David - Papillon, Thomas - Papilon, Ralph - Papin, Denis - Papineau, Louis Joseph - Papworth, Edgar George - Papworth, George - Papworth, John (1775-1847) - Papworth, John Woody
- Papworth, Wyatt Angelicus Van Sandau - Paradise, John - Pardoe, Julia - Pardoe, William - Pardon, George Frederick - Pare, William - Parent, Étienne - Parepa-Rosa, Euphrosyne Parepa de Boyesku - Parfitt, Edward - Parfre, Jhan
- Paris, John Ayrton - Paris, Matthew - Parish, Woodbine - Parish-Alvars, Eli - Park, Andrew - Park, Henry - Park, James (1636-1696) - Park, James Alan - Park, John (1804-1865) - Park, John James
- Park, John Ranicar - Park, Mungo - Park, Patric - Park, Thomas - Parke, Daniel - Parke, Henry - Parke, James - Parke, John - Parke, Robert (fl.1588) - Parke, Robert (1600-1668)
- Parke, Robert (fl.1800) - Parke, Thomas Heazle - Parke, William Thomas - Parker, Alexander - Parker, Benjamin - Parker, George (1732-1800) - Parker, George (1767-1847) - Parker, George (d.1857) - Parker, Henry (d.1470) - Parker, Henry (1476-1556)
- Parker, Henry (1604-1652) - Parker, Henry Perlee - Parker, Henry Watson - Parker, Hyde (1714-1782) - Parker, Hyde (1739-1807) - Parker, James (1750-1805) - Parker, James (1803-1852) - Parker, John (1534-1592) - Parker, John (fl.1655) - Parker, John (d.1681)
- Parker, John (fl.1705) - Parker, John (1730?-1765?) - Parker, John (fl.1762-1776) - Parker, John (1772-1840) - Parker, John (1798-1860) - Parker, John (1799-1881) - Parker, John Henry - Parker, John William - Parker, Martin - Parker, Nicholas
- Parker, Thomas Lister - Parker, William (d.1618) - Parker, William (1575-1622) - Parker, William (1714-1802) - Parker, William (1743-1802) - Parker, William (1781-1866) - Parker, William Kitchen - Parkes, Alexander - Parkes, David - Parkes, Edmund Alexander
- Parkes, Josiah - Parkes, Samuel - Parkes, William - Parkhurst, John (1728-1797) - Parkhurst, Nathaniel - Parkhurst, Thomas - Parkin, Charles - Parkinson, Anthony - Parkinson, James (1653-1722) - Parkinson, James (1730?-1813)
- Parkinson, James (d.1824) - Parkinson, John - Parkinson, Richard (1748-1815) - Parkinson, Richard (1797-1858) - Parkinson, Stephen - Parkinson, Sydney - Parkinson, Thomas (fl.1769-1789) - Parkinson, Thomas (1745-1830) - Parkyns, Mansfield - Parkyns, Thomas
- Parmentier, James - Parnell, Henry Brooke - Parnell, James - Parnell, John - Parnell, Thomas - Parnell, William - Parning, Robert - Parr, Bartholomew - Parr, Elnathan - Parr, John
- Parr, Remigius - Parr, Richard (1592?-1644) - Parr, Richard (1617-1691) - Parr, Thomas - Parr, William (1434-1483?) - Parr, William (1513-1571) - Parris, Edmund Thomas - Parris, George van - Parrot, Henry - Parry, Benjamin
- Parry, Caleb Hillier - Parry, Charles Henry - Parry, Edward (d.1650) - Parry, Edward (1830-1890) - Parry, Henry - Parry, John (d.1677) - Parry, John (d.1782) - Parry, John (1776-1851) - Parry, John Docwra - Parry, John Humffreys (1786-1826)
- Parry, John Humffreys (1816-1880) - Parry, John Orlando - Parry, Joseph - Parry, Joshua - Parry, Love Parry Jones - Parry, Richard (1560-1623) - Parry, Richard (1722-1780) - Parry, Robert - Parry, Sefton Henry - Parry, Thomas (d.1560)
- Parry, Thomas (d.1616) - Parry, Thomas (1795-1870) - Parry, William (d.1585) - Parry, William (fl.1601) - Parry, William (1687-1756?) - Parry, William (1742?-1791) - Parry, William (1754-1819) - Parry, William (fl.1825) - Parry, William Edward - Pars, Henry
- Pars, William - Parsell, Thomas - Parsley, Osbert - Parson, Thomas - Parsons, Abraham - Parsons, Andrew - Parsons, Bartholomew - Parsons, Benjamin - Parsons, Edward (1762-1833) - Parsons, Eliza
- Parsons, Elizabeth (1749-1807) - Parsons, Elizabeth (1812-1873) - Parsons, Francis - Parsons, Gertrude - Parsons, Humphrey - Parsons, James (1705-1770) - Parsons, James (1762-1847) - Parsons, James (1799-1877) - Parsons, John (d.1623) - Parsons, John (1742-1785)
- Parsons, Philip (1594-1653) - Parsons, Philip (1729-1812) - Parsons, Robert (1647-1714) - Parsons, William (1570?-1650) - Parsons, William (1658-1725?) - Parsons, William (1736-1795) - Parsons, William (fl.1785-1807) - Parsons, William (1746?-1817) - Parsons, William (1800-1867) - Partington, Charles Frederick
- Partridge, John (fl.1566) - Partridge, John (1644-1715) - Partridge, John (1790-1872) - Partridge, Joseph - Partridge, Peter - Partridge, Richard - Partridge, Seth - Parys, William - Paschal, John - Pasco, John
- Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne - Pashe, William - Pashley, Robert - Pasley, Charles (1824-1890) - Pasley, Charles William - Pasley, Thomas (1734-1808) - Pasley, Thomas Sabine - Pasor, Matthias - Pass, Simon - Passelewe, Edmund de
- Passelewe, Robert - Passelewe, Simon - Whichcote, Benjamin - Whichcote, George - Whichelo, C. John M. - Whiddon, Jacob - Whiddon, John - Whincop, Thomas - Whinyates, Edward Charles - Whipple, George Mathews
- Whish, William Sampson - Whiston, John - Whiston, William - Whitaker, Edward (1660-1735) - Whitaker, John (1735-1808) - Whitaker, John (1776-1847) - Whitaker, Joseph - Whitaker, Thomas Dunham - Whitchurch, Edward - White, Alice Mary Meadows
- White, Andrew - White, Anthony - White, Charles - White, Henry (1812-1880) - White, Henry Kirke - White, James (1775-1820) - White, James (1803-1862) - White, Jeremiah - White, John (1510?-1560) - White, John (fl.1585-1593)
- White, John (1570-1615) - White, John (1590-1645) - White, John (1826-1891) - White, John Tahourdin - White, Joseph (1745-1814) - White, Joseph Blanco - White, Michael - White, Nicholas - White, Richard (d.1584) - White, Richard (1539-1611)
- White, Richard (1604-1687) - White, Robert (1540?-1574) - White, Robert (1802-1874) - White, Robert Meadows - White, Stephen - White, Thomas (1492-1567) - White, Thomas (1593-1676) - White, Thomas (1628-1698) - White, Thomas (1830-1888) - White, Walter
- White, William (1604-1678) - White, William Arthur - Whitefield, George - Whitefoord, Caleb - Whitefoord, Charles - Whitehall, Robert - Whitehead, David - Whitehead, George - Whitehead, James - Whitehead, John (1630-1696)
- Whitehead, John (1740?-1804) - Whitehead, John (1860-1899) - Whitehead, Paul - Whitehead, William - Whitehurst, John - Whitelocke, Bulstrode - Whitelocke, John - Whiter, Walter - Whiteside, James - Whitfeld, Henry
- Whitfeld, John Clarke- - Whitford, David - Whitford, Walter (1581?-1647) - Whitford, Walter (d.1686?) - Whithorne, Peter - Whithorne, Thomas - Whiting, John - Whiting, Richard - Whitlock, Elizabeth - Whitlock, John
- Whitlock, William - Whitmore, George - Whitney, Geoffrey - Whitshed, James Hawkins - Whitson, John - Whittaker, George Byrom - Whittaker, James William - Whittaker, John William - Whittingham, Charles (1767-1840) - Whittingham, Charles (1795-1876)
- Whittingham, Samuel Ford - Whittingham, William - Whittington, Richard - Whittington, Robert - Whittle, Peter Armstrong - Whittlesey, William - Whitty, Edward Michael - Whitty, Michael James - Whitworth, Charles (1675-1725) - Whitworth, Charles (1714?-1778)
- Whitworth, Charles (1752-1825) - Whitworth, Joseph - Whood, Isaac - Whorwood, Jane - Whyte, Samuel - Whytehead, Thomas - Whyte-Melville, George John - Whytt, Robert - Wiche, John - Wickens, John
- Wickham, William - Wickwane, William de - Widdicomb, Henry - Widdowes, Giles - Widdrington, Ralph - Widdrington, Roger - Widdrington, Samuel Edward - Widdrington, Thomas - Widdrington, William (1610-1651) - Widdrington, William (1678-1743)
- Wiffen, Benjamin Barron - Wiffen, Jeremiah Holmes - Wigan, Alfred Sydney - Wigan, Horace - Wigan, John - Wigg, Lilly - Wight, Robert - Wightman, Edward - Wightman, William - Wightwick, George
- Forman, Simon - Fordyce, David - Fordyce, George - Fordyce, James - Fordyce, William - Forest, John - Forester, James - Forman, Andrew - Wollaston, William Hyde - Oxberry, William (1784-1824)
- Oxberry, William Henry - Oxburgh, Henry - Oxenedes, John de - Oxenford, John - Oxenham, Henry Nutcombe - Puckering, John - Pucci, Francesco - Parnell, Charles Stewart - Bancroft, Edward Nathaniel - Bancroft, Richard
- Bancroft, Thomas (fl.1633-1658) - Long, Thomas - Leslie, Charles (1650-1722) - Fowler, Edward - Herne, Thomas - Hickes, George - Horne, George - Clarke, John (1682-1757) - Bassnett, Christopher - Cardale, Paul
- Christie, William (1748-1823) - Wilbye, John - Wild, Charles - Wild, George - Wild, James William - Wild, Jonathan - Wilde, Alfred Thomas - Wilde, Thomas - Wilde, William (1611?-1679) - Wilde, William Robert Wills
- Wilkins, Charles - Wilkins, George (fl.1607) - Wilkins, George (1785-1865) - Wilkins, Henry St. Clair - Wilkins, William - Wilkinson, James John Garth - Wilkinson, John (1728-1808) - Wilkinson, Tate - Wilkinson, William - Wilks, John
- Williams, David (1738-1816) - Williams, David (1792-1850) - Williams, Edward (fl.1650) - Williams, Edward (1750-1813) - Williams, Edward (1746-1826) - Williams, Edward (1762-1833) - Leland, John (1691-1766) - Cumming, John - Williams, Edward Elliker - Williams, Edward Vaughan