Babel user information
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf grundlegendem Niveau.
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I am an electronic engineering student from the UK. I especially like doing the big scientific articles on EB1911, as well as a few small ones round the edges.

I am currently campaigning, along with Apwoolrich, and Milton Beychok, and others to have an option for a smaller (and possibly sans-serif, Apwoolrich's idea) font for the TeX PNG images on WS, and maybe elsewhere, as this would be much better for inline equations. See the full explanation on Scriptorium for examples and a place to vote for this.

Longish-Long EB1911 Articles to which I have made major contributions

  • Ballistics
  • Infinitesimal Calculus
  • Mars
  • Magic Square
  • Protozoa
  • Electrokinetics

Medium Articles on EB1911 (>one column)

  • Succinic Acid
  • Reflection of Light (see discussion page if you know about optics)
  • Parabola

EB1911 Articles which I may do one day...

  • Magnetism
  • Magnetism, Terrestrial
  • Hydraulics
  • Ordnance
  • Mechanics

Hint - use Opera to edit things, as the tabbed browsing means that you can easily have ten pages or more open while editing, and there is a 'notes' panel meaning you can store useful tags and backup articles as you write them.

Other Accounts

  • en.wikipedia
  • en.wikibooks
  • commons