
I am here to improve the Bible (King James) project.

Currently, the Wikisource text is missing a number of features in the print text. In addition, there are points where the Wikisource text contains actual disagreements with the printed text, which I am fixing as I find them.

Some initial checks


In the long run, to really get the text right, every page will need to be compared with the scanned source. In the meantime, however, most of some kinds of errors can be corrected by electronically comparing the Wikisource text as it stands to the text of an early 20th century Cambridge text available online.[1] This, for any book of the Bible checked, will produce a list of verses to check. Wherever the current Wikisource text varies from the early 20th century Cambridge text, there are only two possibilities: either the Wikisource text is in error, or else there are simply actual differences from the 1769 text on which the Wikisource text is attempting to base itself and the early 20th century text. By checking each of these verses against the 1769 page scan, we can then find a good number of errors.

The first run of checking I am doing is sensitive to differences in wording and punctuation, but not to differences in the placement of pilcrows, italics, or marginal references. Once the first run of checking is done, if I complete it, then we will be able to say that -- as far as wording and punctuation go -- the Wikisource text is correct in every place, except in any places where a post-1769 reading has somehow crept in. So in every place the Wikisource text will reflect either the 1769 text or the 20th century Cambridge text, which should eliminate most errors, as Norton's Textual History of the King James Bible indicates that there are only a handful of differences between the two.

Checking the 30 or so places where Norton says the 1769 text differs against the later Cambridge text, along with distinctive readings noted in Scrivener's work on the history of the KJV text and the notes made by later researchers such as Matthew Verschuur should help sweep up some remaining errors. By then the text should be very close to correct, and would most likely be the most accurate reproduction of the 1769 text to exist on the internet yet.

The one place where using Verschuur will not work is in the Apocrypha, for which Verschuur has no established text. The Wikisource text of the Apocrypha was taken from Kraft 1987, and so by careful comparison with the OCR output and scanned images of a 1900 Cambridge Pitt Brevier printing[2], it is possible to draw up a similar list of potential places where the Wikisource text might be in the wrong. Each thing on this list, in turn, will need to be checked against the scanned source. At the moment (2023-4-8) there seems to be some ambiguity over whether it is Blayney's 1769 folio or a 1772 reprint that are to be used as our source text, so for now it seems wisest to check every candidate verse against both 1769 and 1772, and keep track of all differences found, until the question of source texts is resolved.

Because of the enormous number of Pilcrows, cases of italic formatting, and marginal notes that need to be added to the Wikisource text, I can't keep track of all them as they're added, but I would like to keep a list below of every place I've corrected the Wikisource text. That is, the list below is intended to note every place where I've found the Wikisource text to be affirmatively wrong about something, not including places where the Wikisource text simply hasn't yet incorporated some features of the page scans.

This list has for the most part been made by electronically comparing the Wikisource edition to Matthew Verschuur's text (in the case of the books the KJ translators considered canonical), and then checking all verses where discrepancies arise against the page scans underlying the Wikisource edition. In the case of the Apocrypha, instead of Verschuur's text, a 1900 Cambridge Pitt Brevier edition has been used.

I have also at times spot-checked a variety of verses and added some entries that way.

Due to space constraints on this page, the list of corrections has been moved to User:MPlasky/KJV-Corrections-Protocanon and User:MPlasky/KJV-Corrections-Apocrypha.

Differences between Blayney and 20th-Century Cambridge Bibles


After Blayney's edition, relatively few additional edits (in comparison to the larger amount of editing from 1611 to 1769) were made to the KJV, at least in the forms published by Cambridge and Oxford. However, on the occasions where a difference does exist, it is worth noting, as the 20th-century printings of Cambridge are sometimes treated as the current "standard" text. Given that this project specifically aims to reproduce the text of 1769, not the text of the early 1900's, it is worthwhile to keep a list of places where our text may appear "wrong" to a reader with a newer KJV, despite faithfully reproducing the 1769 text.

Please note that in the list below, there are no listed differences for Leviticus, Ruth, or Esther because an electronic search found no places where the Wikisource text differs from the early 20th century Cambridge text. For the list below, except where otherwise noted I have used Verschuur's electronic text on the assumption that it is a highly accurate rendition of the 20th-century Cambridge text. For the Apocrypha, I have used as a standard a 1900 Cambridge Pitt Brevier KJV. For the preface from the translators to the readers, I have used Goodspeed's 1935 edition as a point of comparison.



In "The Translators to the Reader", in the section entitled, "Reasons moving us to set diversity of senses in the margin, where there is great probability for each", there is a note which cites Agustine's De Doctrina Christiana in favor of the idea that having multiple translations of Scripture is helpful. The citation in both the Blayney folio and quarto is to chapter 1. Goodspeed's 1935 edition of the Preface, The Translators to the Reader, gives it as chapter 14. Goodspeed's facsimile, published with it, also shows that "14" was the original reading of the KJV translators.

To the second paragraph of the same section, in the margin, there is a note beginning with the Greek phrase τὸ σπουδάζειν ἐπὶ ὀνόμασι., which comes from Plato, as cited in Eusebius's Preparation for the Gospel, book 12, chapter 8. (See also page 61 of The Translators to the Reader as edited by Rhodes and Lupas, 1997.) In Goodspeed (1935) as well as Rhodes and Lupas (1997) and the 1611 facsimile given by Goodspeed, it can be confirmed that the reference is to book 12. Blayney by apparently accidental omission makes it book 2.

On the ninth page, in the left column, about three-quarters of the way down the column, we learn of the desirability of marginal notes in places "where the next is not so clear". In the 1611 "He" Bible, and in Goodspeed's modern-spelling edition, the correct reading appears: "where the text is not so clear".

Old Testament, 278

  1. Genesis 1:2: no comma after "without form".
  2. Genesis 2:9: no comma after "sight".
  3. Genesis 3:10: "my self" instead of "myself".
  4. Genesis 10:7: "Sabtechah" instead of "Sabtecha".
  5. Genesis 18:27, 30, 31, 32: LORD instead of Lord
  6. Genesis 20:4: LORD instead of Lord
  7. Genesis 25:4: "Abidah" instead of "Abida"
  8. Genesis 25:22 "enquire" instead of "inquire".
  9. Genesis 30:30: "Lord" instead of "LORD".
  10. Genesis 36:22: "Heman" instead of "Hemam".
  11. Genesis 46:12 "Zarah" instead of "Zerah".
  12. Genesis 49:26: "thy progenitors" instead of "my progenitors".
  13. Exodus 6:21: "Zithri" instead of "Zichri".
  14. Exodus 15:17: "LORD ... LORD" instead of "LORD ... Lord".
  15. Exodus 18:15: "enquire" instead of "inquire"
  16. Exodus 23:17: "LORD God" instead of "Lord GOD"
  17. Exodus 23:23: "the Hivites" instead of "and the Hivites"
  18. Exodus 34:9: "LORD ... Lord" instead of "Lord ... Lord"
  19. Exodus 34:23: "LORD God" instead of "Lord GOD", and "menchildren" instead of "men children"
  20. Numbers 6:5: "razor" instead of "rasor"
  21. Numbers 13:18: change a comma to a semicolon after "is", and italicize the word.
  22. Numbers 14:17: "LORD" instead of "Lord"
  23. Numbers 18:9: "their's" instead of "theirs" (four times in verse!)
  24. Numbers 20:14: "travel" instead of "travail".
  25. Numbers 32:32: "our's" instead of "ours"
  26. Deuteronomy 10:2: "brakedst" instead of "brakest".
  27. Deuteronomy 12:17: "thy tithe" instead of "the tithe".
  28. Deuteronomy 12:19: "thy earth" instead of "the earth".
  29. Deuteronomy 12:30: "enquire" instead of "inquire"
  30. Deuteronomy 13:14: "enquire" instead of "inquire"
  31. Deuteronomy 17:4: "enquired" instead of "inquired"
  32. Deuteronomy 17:9: "enquire" instead of "inquire"
  33. Deuteronomy 19:5: "ax" instead of "axe"
  34. Deuteronomy 20:19: "ax" instead of "axe"
  35. Deuteronomy 24:17 "the widow's" instead of "a widow's"
  36. Deuteronomy 29:23 "Lord" (quarto) instead of "LORD" (Verschuur, Blayney folio).
  37. Deuteronomy 32:8: "Most High" instead of "most High"
  38. Joshua 3:11: "LORD" instead of "Lord"
  39. Joshua 4:5: "take you" instead of "take ye"
  40. Joshua 13:18: "Jahaza" instead of "Jahazah"
  41. Joshua 19:2: "Beer-sheba, Sheba" instead of "Beer-sheba, or Sheba".
  42. Joshua 19:19: "Haphraim" instead of "Hapharaim"
  43. Joshua 19:19: "Shihon" instead of "Shion"
  44. Judges 4:20: "enquire" instead of "inquire"\
  45. Judges 6:22: "Lord God" instead of "Lord GOD"
  46. Judges 6:29: "enquired" instead of "inquired"
  47. Judges 9:37: no comma after "again"
  48. Judges 9:48: "ax" instead of "axe"
  49. Judges 11:7: "children of Gilead" instead of "elders of Gilead"
  50. Judges 13:8: "my LORD" instead of "my Lord"
  51. Judges 13:19: "wonderously" instead of "wondrously"
  52. Judges 19:29: "all the coast" instead of "all the coasts"
  53. Judges 20:27: "enquired" instead of "inquired"
  54. 1 Samuel 2:13: "priest's custom" instead of "priests' custom"
  55. 1 Samuel 9:9: "enquire" instead of "inquire"
  56. 1 Samuel 10:22: "enquired" instead of "inquired"
  57. 1 Samuel 13:6: "in a straight" instead of "in a strait"
  58. 1 Samuel 13:20: "ax" instead of "axe"
  59. 1 Samuel 17:56: "Enquire" instead of "Inquire"
  60. 1 Samuel 22:10: "enquired" instead of "inquired"
  61. 1 Samuel 22:13: "enquired" instead of "inquired"
  62. 1 Samuel 22:15: "enquire" instead of "inquire"
  63. 1 Samuel 23:2: "enquired" instead of "inquired"
  64. 1 Samuel 23:4: "enquired" instead of "inquired"
  65. 1 Samuel 28:6: "enquired" instead of "inquired"
  66. 1 Samuel 28:7: "enquire" instead of "inquire"
  67. 1 Samuel 30:8: "enquired" instead of "inquired"
  68. 1 Samuel 31:2: "Melchi-shua" instead of "Malchi-shua"
  69. 2 Samuel 2:1: "enquired" instead of "inquired".
  70. 2 Samuel 5:14: "Shammuah" instead of "Shammua".
  71. 2 Samuel 5:19: "enquired" instead of "inquired".
  72. 2 Samuel 5:23: "enquired" instead of "inquired".
  73. 2 Samuel 7:18: "LORD God" instead of "Lord GOD".
  74. 2 Samuel 7:19: "LORD God" instead of "Lord GOD" (twice)
  75. 2 Samuel 7:20: "LORD God" instead of "Lord GOD"
  76. 2 Samuel 7:28: "LORD God" instead of "Lord GOD".
  77. 2 Samuel 11:3: "enquired" instead of "inquired".
  78. 2 Samuel 12:22: "God" instead of "GOD".
  79. 2 Samuel 16:23: "enquired" instead of "inquired".
  80. 2 Samuel 21:21: "Shimeah" instead of "Shimea".
  81. 2 Samuel 23:37: "Nahari" instead of "Naharai".
  82. 1 Kings 3:10: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  83. 1 Kings 6:7: "ax" instead of "axe".
  84. 1 Kings 22:5: "Enquire" instead of "Inquire".
  85. 1 Kings 22:6: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  86. 1 Kings 22:7: "enquire" instead of "inquire".
  87. 1 Kings 22:8: "enquire" instead of "inquire".
  88. 2 Kings 1:2: "enquire" instead of "inquire".
  89. 2 Kings 1:3: "enquire" instead of "inquire".
  90. 2 Kings 1:6: "enquire" instead of "inquire".
  91. 2 Kings 1:16: "enqure" instead of "inquire" (twice).
  92. 2 Kings 3:11: "enquire" instead of "inquire".
  93. 2 Kings 6:5: "ax" instead of "axe".
  94. 2 Kings 7:6: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  95. 2 Kings 8:8: "enquire" instead of "inquire".
  96. 2 Kings 16:15: "enquire" instead of "inquire".
  97. 2 Kings 19:23: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  98. 2 Kings 19:26: "house tops" instead of "housetops".
  99. 2 Kings 22:13: "enquire" instead of "inquire".
  100. 2 Kings 22:18: "enquire" instead of "inquire".
  101. 1 Chronicles 1:38: "Ezar" instead of "Ezer".
  102. 1 Chronicles 2:47: "Gesham" instead of "Geshan"
  103. 1 Chronicles 2:49: "Achsa" instead of "Achsah"
  104. 1 Chronicles 5:11: "Salcah" instead of "Salchah"
  105. 1 Chronicles 6:30: "Shimei" instead of "Shimea"
  106. 1 Chronicles 7:1: "Shimrom" instead of "Shimron"
  107. 1 Chronicles 7:19: "Shemidah" instead of "Shemida"
  108. 1 Chronicles 7:27: "Jehoshuah" instead of "Jehoshua"
  109. 1 Chronicles 10:13: "enquire" instead of "inquire"
  110. 1 Chronicles 10:14: "enquire" instead of "inquire"
  111. 1 Chronicles 13:3: "enquired" instead of "inquired"
  112. 1 Chronicles 14:14: "enquired" instead of "inquired"
  113. 1 Chronicles 18:10: "enquire" instead of "inquire"
  114. 1 Chronicles 21:30: "enquire" instead of "inquire"
  115. 1 Chronicles 23:20: "Micah" instead of "Michah"
  116. 1 Chronicles 24:11: "Jeshuah" instead of "Jeshua"
  117. 1 Chronicles 29:1: "whom God alone" instead of "whom alone God"
  118. 2 Chronicles 2:16: "flotes" instead of "floats"
  119. 2 Chronicles 4:12: "which were on the pillars" instead of "which were on the top of the pillars"
  120. 2 Chronicles 6:13: a comma after "heaven" instead of a period.
  121. 2 Chronicles 17:8: "Eli-shama" instead of "Elishama".
  122. 2 Chronicles 18:4: "Enquire" instead of "Inquire".
  123. 2 Chronicles 18:6: "enquire" instead of "inquire".
  124. 2 Chronicles 18:7: "enquire" instead of "inquire".
  125. 2 Chronicles 18:2: "their's" instead of "theirs".
  126. 2 Chronicles 20:36: "Ezion-gaber" instead of "Ezion-geber".
  127. 2 Chronicles 32:31: "enquire" instead of "inquire".
  128. 2 Chronicles 33:19: "all his sins" instead of "all his sin"
  129. 2 Chronicles 34:21: "enquire" instead of "inquire"
  130. 2 Chronicles 34:26: "enquire" instead of "inquire".
  131. 2 Chronicles 35:20: "Charchemish" instead of "Carchemish".
  132. Ezra 2:2: "Mizpar" instead of "Mispar".
  133. Ezra 2:26: "Gaba" instead of "Geba".
  134. Ezra 4:10: "Asnapper" instead of "Asnappar".
  135. Ezra 7:14: "enquire" instead of "inquire".
  136. Nehemiah 1:11: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  137. Nehemiah 4:14: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  138. Nehemiah 8:10: "our LORD" instead of "our Lord".
  139. Job 8:8: "enquire" instead of "inquire".
  140. Job 10:6: "enquirest" instead of "inquirest".
  141. Job 28:28: "LORD" instead of "LORD".
  142. Job 30:6: "cliffs" instead of "clifts".
  143. Job 41:6: "thy companions" instead of "the companions"
  144. Psalm 2:4: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  145. Psalm 12, superscription: a period after "Sheminith" instead of a comma.
  146. Psalm 18:47: "unto me" instead of "under me"
  147. Psalm 22:30: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  148. Psalm 27:4: "enquire" instead of "inquire"
  149. Psalm 31:8: "my foot" instead "my feet"
  150. Psalm 35:17: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  151. Psalm 35:22: "LORD ... LORD" instead of "LORD ... Lord".
  152. Psalm 37:13: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  153. Psalm 38:9: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  154. Psalm 38:15: "LORD ... LORD" instead of "LORD ... Lord".
  155. Psalm 38:22: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  156. Psalm 39:7: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  157. Psalm 40:17: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  158. Psalm 44:23: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  159. Psalm 51, superscription: "Bathsheba" instead of "Bath-sheba".
  160. Psalm 51:15: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  161. Psalm 54:4: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  162. Psalm 55:9, "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  163. Psalm 57:9: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  164. Psalm 58, superscription: no comma after "Musician".
  165. Psalm 59:11: "LORD" instead of "Lord"
  166. Psalm 60:4: "feared" instead of "fear"
  167. Psalm 62:12: "LORD" instead of "Lord"
  168. Psalm 66:18: "LORD" instead of "Lord"
  169. Psalm 68:2: "in the presence" instead of "at the presence"
  170. Psalm 68:11: "LORD" instead of "Lord"
  171. Psalm 68:17: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  172. Psalm 68:19: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  173. Psalm 68:22: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  174. Psalm 68:32: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  175. Psalm 71:18: "greyheaded" instead of "grayheaded".
  176. Psalm 77:2: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  177. Psalm 77:7: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  178. Psalm 78:34: "enquired" instead of "inquired".
  179. Psalm 78:65: "LORD" instead of "Lord"
  180. Psalm 78:66: "part" instead of "parts"
  181. Psalm 79:12: "LORD" instead of "Lord"
  182. Psalm 86:3: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  183. Psalm 86:4: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  184. Psalm 86:5: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  185. Psalm 86:8: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  186. Psalm 86:9: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  187. Psalm 86:12: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  188. Psalm 86:15: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  189. Psalm 89:49: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  190. Psalm 89:50 "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  191. Psalm 97:5: "LORD of" instead of "Lord of"
  192. Psalm 105:12: "When there were" instead of "When they were"
  193. Psalm 107:16: "gates of iron" instead of "bars of iron".
  194. Psalm 107:27: "wit's" instead of "wits'".
  195. Psalm 110:5: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  196. Psalm 114:7: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  197. Psalm 130:2: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  198. Psalm 130:3: "LORD, who" instead of "Lord, who".
  199. Psalm 130:6: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  200. Psalm 135:5: "our LORD" instead of "our Lord".
  201. Psalm 136:3: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  202. Psalm 140:7: "God the LORD" instead of "GOD the Lord".
  203. Psalm 141:8: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  204. Psalm 147:5: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  205. Psalm 148:8: "vapours" instead of "vapour".
  206. Psalm 149:6: "two edged" instead of "twoedged".
  207. Proverbs 5:4: "two edged" instead of "twoedged"
  208. Proverbs 19:20: "the latter end" instead of "thy latter end"
  209. Proverbs 20:25: "enquiry" instead of "inquiry"
  210. Proverbs 20:29: "grey" instead of "gray"
  211. Proverbs 22:4: "riches, honour" instead of "riches, and honour".
  212. Ecclesiastes 1:11: "king of Jerusalem" instead of "king in Jerusalem".
  213. Ecclesiastes 7:10: "enquire" instead of "inquire".
  214. Ecclesiastes 8:17: "farther" instead of "further".
  215. Song 6:12: "Ammi-nadib" instead of "Amminadib". (This is a somewhat difficult case, as Verschuur omits a comma, while the only printed 20th-century Cambridge Bible I have examined at this verse, a 1900 Pitt Brevier, in fact hyphenates the name.)
  216. Isaiah 3:15: "Lord God" instead of "Lord GOD".
  217. Isaiah 3:17: "LORD will smite" instead of "Lord will smite".
  218. Isaiah 3:18: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  219. Isaiah 4:4: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  220. Isaiah 9:8: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  221. Isaiah 9:17: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  222. Isaiah 10:15: "ax" instead of "axe".
  223. Isaiah 11:11: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  224. Isaiah 15:2: "gone to" instead of "gone up to".
  225. Isaiah 21:6: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  226. Isaiah 21:12: "enquire, enquire" instead of "inquire, inquire".
  227. Isaiah 21:16: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  228. Isaiah 56:8: "LORD God" instead of "Lord GOD".
  229. Isaiah 58:10: "noon day" instead of "noonday".
  230. Isaiah 61:1: "Lord God" instead of "Lord GOD".
  231. Jeremiah 2:22: "sope" instead of "soap".
  232. Jeremiah 5:19: "your's" instead of "yours".
  233. Jeremiah 7:4: "LORD ... Lord ... Lord" instead of "LORD ... LORD ... LORD".
  234. Jeremiah 10:3: "ax" instead of "axe".
  235. Jeremiah 21:2: "Enquire" instead of "Inquire".
  236. Jeremiah 30:7: a question mark instead of a semicolon after "trouble".
  237. Jeremiah 32:5: a period instead of a question mark after "prosper".
  238. Jeremiah 33:26: a colon instead of a comma after "Jacob".
  239. Jeremiah 37:7: "enquire" instead of "inquire".
  240. Jeremiah 40:10: a comma after "Mizpah".
  241. Jeremiah 44:28: "their's" instead of "theirs".
  242. Jeremiah 51:20: "ax" instead of "axe".
  243. Lamentations 1:14: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  244. Lamentations 1:15: "LORD" instead of "Lord" (twice).
  245. Lamentations 2:1: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  246. Lamentations 2:5: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  247. Lamentations 2:7: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  248. Lamentations 2:20: "LORD ... LORD" instead of "LORD ... Lord"
  249. Lamentations 3:5: "travel" instead of "travail"
  250. Lamentations 3:31: "LORD" instead of "Lord"
  251. Lamentations 3:36: "LORD" instead of "Lord"
  252. Lamentations 3:37: "LORD" instead of "Lord"
  253. Lamentations 3:58: "LORD" instead of "Lord"
  254. Ezekiel 7:11: "their's" instead of "theirs"
  255. Ezekiel 14:3: "enquired" instead of "inquired".
  256. Ezekiel 14:7: "enquire" instead of "inquire".
  257. Ezekiel 16:23: "Lord God" instead of "Lord GOD.
  258. Ezekiel 18:25: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  259. Ezekiel 18:29: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  260. Ezekiel 20:1: "enquire" instead of "inquire".
  261. Ezekiel 20:3: "enquire" and "enquired" instead of "inquire" and "inquired".
  262. Ezekiel 36:37: "enquired" instead of "inquired".
  263. Daniel 1:20: "enquired" instead of "inquired".
  264. Daniel 4:8: "God" instead of "god".
  265. Daniel 5:10: no comma after "Now the queen".
  266. Daniel 5:10: no comma after "lords".
  267. Daniel 9:3: "Lord GOD" instead of "Lord God".
  268. Amos 2:2: "Kirioth" instead of "Kerioth".
  269. Micah 7:4: "is a brier" instead of "is as a brier"
  270. Nahum 3:16: "fleeth" instead of "flieth"
  271. Habakkuk 1:6: "their's" instead of "theirs"
  272. Zephaniah 1:6: "enquired" instead of "inquired"
  273. Zechariah 4:14: "LORD" instead of "Lord"
  274. Zechariah 6:5: "LORD" instead of "Lord"
  275. Zechariah 9:4: "LORD" instead of "Lord"
  276. Zechariah 11:2: "mighty is spoiled" instead of "mighty are spoiled".
  277. Malachi 1:14: "unto the LORD" instead of "unto the Lord".
  278. Malachi 3:1: "and the LORD" instead of "and the Lord".

Apocrypha, 123

  1. 1 Esdras 1:40: read "into Babylon" instead of "unto Babylon".
  2. 1 Esdras 2:6: no parentheses in this verse.
  3. 1 Esdras 2:16: no comma between "Persians" and "Belemus".
  4. 1 Esdras 2:18: no parentheses in this verse.
  5. 1 Esdras 4:11: no brackets around "watch".
  6. 1 Esdras 4:52: no parentheses in this verse.
  7. 1 Esdras 5:2: no comma after "[instruments]".
  8. 1 Esdras 5:5: comma after "Phares".
  9. 1 Esdras 5:20: "Ammidoi" instead of "Ammidioi".
  10. 1 Esdras 5:55: "Zidon" instead of "Sidon".
  11. 1 Esdras 6:1: no comma after "Darius".
  12. 1 Esdras 6:8: no comma after "captivity".
  13. 1 Esdras 6:17: no comma after "Babylon".
  14. 1 Esdras 6:24: no comma after "of Cyrus".
  15. 1 Esdras 6:25: "expences" instead of "expenses".
  16. 1 Esdras 7:9: "service" instead of "services".
  17. 1 Esdras 8:2: "Meremoth" instead of "Memeroth".
  18. 1 Esdras 8:39: no comma after "Adonikam".
  19. 1 Esdras 8:44: "Joribas" instead of "Joribus".
  20. 2 Esdras 1:15: "token to" instead of "token for".
  21. 2 Esdras 1:38: "come" instead of "cometh".
  22. 2 Esdras 3:34: "their's" instead of "theirs".
  23. 2 Esdras 5:27: "people" instead of "peoples".
  24. 2 Esdras 5:41: "that be now" not in brackets.
  25. 2 Esdras 6:50: "part, namely ... together," instead of "part (namely ... together)".
  26. 2 Esdras 6:58: "people, whom ... lover" instead of "people (whom ... lover)".
  27. 2 Esdras 7:24: a semicolon instead of a colon after "covenants".
  28. 2 Esdras 7:41: a colon instead of a semicolon after "ungodly".
  29. 2 Esdras 8:22: "Whose ... fire;" instead of "(Whose ... fire,)".
  30. 2 Esdras 9:13: "enquire" instead of "inquire".
  31. 2 Esdras 10:44: "even ... builded," instead of "(even, ... builded,)".
  32. 2 Esdras 13:12: "saw I" instead of "I saw".
  33. 2 Esdras 13:46: a semicolon instead of a colon after "time".
  34. 2 Esdras 13:52: "day time" instead of "daytime".
  35. 2 Esdras 16:45: "labour labour" instead of "labour, labour".
  36. Tobit 1:18: no commas around "for ... many;".
  37. Tobit 2:10: "came in" instead of "came into".
  38. Tobit 4:10: "suffereth" instead of "suffer".
  39. Tobit 5:13: "enquired" instead of "inquired".
  40. Tobit 5:18: "to add" not enclosed in brackets.
  41. Tobit 5:19: no comma after "with".
  42. Tobit 6:14: "life because" instead of "life, because".
  43. Tobit 6:14: "me to" instead of "me, to".
  44. Judith 5:1: "west." instead of "west?"
  45. Judith 5:18: "their's" instead of "theirs"
  46. Judith 8:1: "Salasdi" instead of "Salasdai".
  47. Judith 8:10: "waitingwoman" instead of "waiting woman".
  48. Judith 8:33: "waitingwoman" instead of "waiting woman".
  49. Judith 8:34: "enquire" instead of "inquire".
  50. Judith 11:6: "purposes." instead of "purposes,"
  51. Judith 13:14: no brackets around "I say,"
  52. Esther 11:8: "upon earth" instead of "upon the earth".
  53. Esther 14:4: "other help" instead of "other helper"
  54. Wisdom 1:15: verse is enclosed in parentheses.
  55. Wisdom 10:10: "travels" instead of "travails".
  56. Wisdom 10:17: "night season" instead of "night-season".
  57. Wisdom 17:2: "shut up" not followed by a comma.
  58. Wisdom 17:21: "afterward" instead of "afterwards".
  59. Wisdom 18:9: "like" instead of "alike".
  60. Wisdom 18:10: "enemies" followed by a comma, rather than a semicolon.
  61. Ecclesiasticus, second prologue, in the sentence that begins with "For the same", read a colon after "force in them" rather than a semicolon.
  62. Ecclesiasticus 4:3: "Add not" instead of "Add no".
  63. Ecclesiasticus 4:16: "generation" instead of "generations".
  64. Ecclesiasticus 6:5: "fairspeaking" instead of "fair speaking".
  65. Ecclesiasticus 13:8: a comma after "deceived" instead of a semicolon.
  66. Ecclesiasticus 17:5: no comma after "seventh".
  67. Ecclesiasticus 18:10: "gravelstone" instead of "gravel stone".
  68. Ecclesiasticus 21:3: "two edged" instead of "twoedged".
  69. Ecclesiasticus 21:17: "enquire" instead of "inquire".
  70. Ecclesiasticus 22:3: "evilnurtured" instead of "evil nurtured".
  71. Ecclesiasticus 22:12: no comma after "man".
  72. Ecclesiasticus 22:18: "an high" instead of "a high".
  73. Ecclesiasticus 22:22: "for for" instead of "for, for".
  74. Ecclesiasticus 27:13: "sport is" instead of "sport is in".
  75. Ecclesiasticus 29:25: no comma after "moreover".
  76. Ecclesiasticus 35:18: "repayed" instead of "repaid".
  77. Ecclesiasticus 38:28: a comma instead of a period after "perfectly".
  78. Ecclesiasticus 42:22: "Oh how" instead of "O how".
  79. Baruch 1:1: a comma instead of a period after "Babylon".
  80. Baruch 1:4: "king's" instead of "kings'".
  81. Baruch 2:16: "thine holy" instead of "thy holy".
  82. Baruch 5:4: no comma after "for ever".
  83. Baruch 6:15: "ax" instead of "axe".
  84. Prayer of Azarias 2: no comma after "fire".
  85. Prayer of Azarias 13: "seashore" instead of "sea shore".
  86. Prayer of Azarias 28: "blessed, God" instead of "blessed God".
  87. Susanna 48: read "them" without a comma after.
  88. Susanna 58: "an holm" instead of "a holm".
  89. Susanna 61: "for ... mouth:" instead of "(for ... mouth;)".
  90. Bel and the Dragon, title: "Narration" instead of "narration".
  91. Bel and the Dragon 6: "living God" instead of "living god".
  92. Bel and the Dragon 10: no parentheses around "Now ... children."
  93. Bel and the Dragon 15: no parentheses around "as ... do,".
  94. 1 Maccabees 3:16: "Bethhoron" instead of "Beth-horon".
  95. 1 Maccabees 3:24: "Bethhoron" instead of "Beth-horon".
  96. 1 Maccabees 3:42: no parentheses around "for . . . abolish them;".
  97. 1 Maccabees 5:26: no parentheses around "all . . . great:".
  98. 1 Maccabees 6:17: no parentheses around "whom .. young,".
  99. 1 Maccabees 6:17: no comma after "brought up".
  100. 1 Maccabees 6:55: "Philip, whom ... be king," instead of "Philip (whom ... be king,)".
  101. 1 Maccabees 7:5: "Alcimus, who ... priest," instead of "Alcimus (who ... priest)".
  102. 1 Maccabees 7:39: "Bethhoron" instead of "Beth-horon".
  103. 1 Maccabees 9:19: a period instead of comma after "Modin".
  104. 1 Maccabees 9:26: "enquiry" instead of "inquiry".
  105. 1 Maccabees 9:37: "Chanaan" instead of "Canaan".
  106. 1 Maccabees 9:50: "Bethhoron" instead of "Beth-horon".
  107. 1 Maccabees 9:55: "enterprizes" instead of "enterprises".
  108. 1 Maccabees 10:53: "For ... kingdom:" instead of "(For ... kingdom:)".
  109. 1 Maccabees 10:58: "he gave" instead of "gave".
  110. 1 Maccabees 10:89: "king's" instead of "kings'".
  111. 1 Maccabees 11:27: "preeminence" instead of "pre-eminence".
  112. 1 Maccabees 11:35: "saltpits" instead of "salt pits".
  113. 1 Maccabees 12:23: "our's ... our's ... your's" instead of "ours ... ours ... yours".
  114. 1 Maccabees 15:16: no comma after "Romans".
  115. 2 Maccabees 2:31: "abridgement" instead of "abridgment".
  116. 2 Maccabees 4:22: "torch light" instead of "torchlight".
  117. 2 Maccabees 4:42: "churchrobber" instead of "church robber".
  118. 2 Maccabees 9:4: "chariotmen" instead of "chariot man".
  119. 2 Maccabees 9:8: "horselitter" instead of "horse litter".
  120. 2 Maccabees 10:20: "money through ... castle," instead of "money, (through ... castle,)".
  121. 2 Maccabees 11:28: a semicolon instead of a colon after "desire".
  122. 2 Maccabees 13:22: "their's" instead of "theirs".
  123. 2 Maccabees 15:3: "Mighty one" instead of "Mighty One".

New Testament, 52

  1. Matthew 2:1: "Judea" instead of "Judaea".
  2. Matthew 2:5: "Judea" instead of "Judaea".
  3. Matthew 2:7: "enquired" instead of "inquired".
  4. Matthew 2:16: "enquired" instead of "inquired".
  5. Matthew 2:22: "Judea" instead of "Judaea".
  6. Matthew 3:1: "Judea" instead of "Judaea".
  7. Matthew 3:5: "Judea" instead of "Judaea".
  8. Matthew 3:10: "ax" instead of "axe".
  9. Matthew 4:1: "spirit" instead of "Spirit".
  10. Matthew 4:25: "Judea" instead of "Judaea".
  11. Matthew 5:3: "their's" instead of "theirs".
  12. Matthew 5:10: "their's" instead of "theirs".
  13. Matthew 5:36: a semicolon instead of a period after "black".
  14. Matthew 9:27: "son" instead of "Son".
  15. Matthew 10:11: "enquire" instead of "inquire".
  16. Matthew 12:1: "hungered" instead of "hungred".
  17. Matthew 12:40: a colon instead of a semicolon after "belly".
  18. Matthew 13:27: "housholder" instead of "householder".
  19. Matthew 13:52: "housholder" instead of "householder".
  20. Matthew 15:22: "son" instead of "Son".
  21. Matthew 16:17: "Bar-jona" instead of "Barjona".
  22. Matthew 16:22: "LORD" instead of "Lord".
  23. Matthew 19:28: no comma after "followed me".
  24. Matthew 19:28: comma after "regeneration".
  25. Mathew 20:1: "housholder" instead of "householder".
  26. Matthew 20:3: "market-place" instead of "marketplace".
  27. Matthew 20:11: "good man" instead of "goodman".
  28. Matthew 21:9: "son" instead of "Son".
  29. Matthew 21:15: "son" instead of "Son".
  30. Matthew 21:33: "housholder" instead of "householder".
  31. Matthew 22:17: "Cesar" instead of "Caesar".
  32. Matthew 22:21: "Cesar" (3x) instead of "Caesar" (3x).
  33. Matthew 22:42: "The son" instead of "The Son".
  34. Matthew 23:9: "father, which" instead of "Father, which".
  35. Matthew 23:39: "farther" instead of "further".
  36. Matthew 27:57: "Arimathea" instead of "Arimathaea".
  37. Luke 7:21: "And in the same" instead of "And in that same".
  38. Luke 11:52: "ye enter not" instead of "ye entered not".
  39. Luke 16:23: "lifted" instead of "lift".
  40. John 14:6: "and the truth" instead of "the truth".
  41. Acts 1:15: "the names" instead of "names".
  42. Romans 11:23: "not in unbelief" instead of "not still in unbelief".
  43. 1 Corinthians 4:13: "the earth" instead of "the world".
  44. 2 Corinthians 3:11: "was done" instead of "is done".
  45. 2 Corinthians 12:2: "about" instead of "above".
  46. 2 Corinthians 12:13: "you were inferior" instead of "ye were inferior".
  47. Galatians 2:6: "those who" instead of "these who".
  48. Ephesians 3:5: "the holy apostles" instead of "his holy apostles".
  49. 1 Timothy 2:9: "broidered" instead of "broided".
  50. Hebrews 9:21: "sprinkled likewise" instead of "sprinkled".
  51. 1 John 1:4: "our joy" instead of "your joy".
  52. Revelation 18:22: Blayney omits "and no craftsman, of whatever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee;".

Differences between Blayney's Quarto and Folio Editions


There will, of course, due to the nature of the printing process, be differences between the page headings of Blayney's folio and quarto editions of 1769. I will not dwell on these; anyone interested may look page to page.

In addition to these, however, Blayney insisted that his folio edition was more accurate than his quarto edition. In 1769, he gave a brief explanation of his work in something called the Gentleman's Magazine, Volume 39:

When the Quarto Sheets, were printed off, the Forms were lengthened out in order to make up the Folio Edition; in doing the which the parts were often jumbled together, and such Confusion introduced by misplacing the References, and mistaking the Chronology, that nothing else would suffice than a fresh Collation of the whole with the Quarto copy, and a repetition of almost the same trouble and care in the revisal, and in making up the running Titles anew, as had been used before. But the Editor thinks has just reason to congratulate himself on the opportunity hereby given him of discovering and correcting some few trivial inaccuracies, which in spite of all his vigilance had escaped his notice in the Quarto Edition. So that the Folio Edition is rendered by this somewhat the more perfect of the two, and therefore more fit to be recommended for a standard copy.

Below are I am using the Wikisource copy of the quarto, and the archive.org copy of the folio.

  1. On the second page of the preface to the readers, quarto edition, in the left margin, "abridgements" appears, while in the corresponding place in the folio the word is "abridgment".
  2. On the third page of the preface to the readers, quarto edition, in the left column, there is written "even St. Hierome himself calleth". The folio, apparently by mistake, reads "even at St. Hierome himself calleth".
  3. On the third page of the preface to the readers, quarto edition, in the left margin, there is written, Mihael, Theophili fil., which would be translated "Mihael, son of Theophilus." In the folio edition, one finds Michael instead of Mihael. The folio is correct: the reference is to the Byzantine Emperor Michael III.
  4. On the third page of the preface to the readers, quarto edition, in the margin, we find See S. August. lib. 12. contra Faust. cap 32. This is correct. Instead of "32", the folio reads "52".
  5. On the fourth page of the preface to the readers, quarto edition, in the right margin, a Scripture reference is given to "John 3. [excessive whitespace] 0.", while the folio gives the correct reading, "John 3. 20."
  6. On the fourth page of the preface to the readers, quarto edition, right column, a quote from Psalm 48:8 is given as "As we have seen, so we have heard". The folio omits the comma. The quarto is correct.
  7. On the sixth page of the preface to the readers, quarto edition, left margin, there is a reference: "Ezra. 3. 32". In the folio, it looks as if the reference might be to "Ezra 31 32.". The quarto is correct.
  8. In the quarto, page six, left column, in the margin, there is a note which begins with seven words in Greek, followed by the words Sophocl. in Elect. In that note, the second word is written in the quarto without any accents as γαρ. In the folio, it appears to be written γάρ with an acute accent. In Goodspeed's 1935 edition, it is γὰρ with a grave accent. The third word, ὀκνεῖν in Goodspeed, appears to be written in with an acute accent, as ὀκνείν in both of Blayney's printings. The sixth word is πράσσων with an acute accent in Goodspeed, but appears not to be accented in Blayney's two printings.
  9. On the seventh page of the preface to the readers, quarto edition, left margin, there is a reference "Sixtus 5. Præf. fixa bibliis." This is a reference to Pope Sixtus V's preface to his Sixtine edition of the Latin Bible, and in particular, the word bibliis means "to the Bible". The folio reads bibilis instead of bibliis, which a clear typographic error (bibilis means "drinkable").
  10. On the eighth page of the preface to the readers, quarto edition, there is a quote from St. Augustine in which are found the words all such matters are found, followed by a semicolon. Instead of a semicolon, the folio has a comma.
  11. On the final paragraph of the preface to the readers, quarto edition, on the right margin, there is a reference: <<S. Chrysost. in Epist. ad. Rom. c. 14. orat. 26.>>. In the folio there is no period after the "c".
  12. Genesis 5, chapter summary, where the quarto reads "Mahaleel", the folio reads "Mahalaleel". The folio is correct, as can be seen in the text of both printings, where the reading is "Mahalaleel".
  13. Genesis 24, chapter summary, at 62, the quarto reads "bringing her home, marrieth her." The folio omits the comma: "bringing her home marrieth her".
  14. Genesis 25, chapter summary ends with a colon after "Jacob" in the folio. The quarto ends with a period.
  15. Genesis 30, chapter summary, the note on verse 11 ends with a period after the word 'souls' in the quarto. This period is omitted in the folio.
  16. Genesis 35, chapter summary, verse 22's summary has two colons in the folio: "Reuben lieth with Bilhah: The twelve sons of Jacob:". In the quarto it is two periods: "Reuben lieth with Bilhah. The twelve sons of Jacob."
  17. Deuteronomy 29:23. The quarto reads "Lord". The folio, correctly, has "LORD".
  18. Judges 2:23. The quarto reads "Lord". The folio, correctly, has "LORD".
  19. Psalm 54, title. "Zephims" came to Saul in the folio; "Ziphims" in the quarto. As a matter of Hebrew transliteration, the quarto is correct.
  20. Romans 7:20. Where a typical KJV should read "Now if I do", the 1769 Blayney quarto reads "Now if do". This is corrected in the folio to the usual "Now if I do".

Blayney vs. 1772


As of 2023-7-28, a 1772 reprint is being used as if it were identical with Blayney's text. So far, I know of one place where this assumption does not hold up. In Matthew 8:13, where 1769 reads "selfsame", 1772 reads "self-same".

Borderline cases of hyphenation in the KJV


As a general principle, on Wikisource, hyphens found at the end of a line that divide a word are not retained, unless the hyphen is a permanent part of the word. So, for example, if we read "hyph-" at the end of a line and "en" at the beginning of the next line, we render the word "hyphen". On the other hand, if a text is using a hyphen for more than just convenience at the edge of two lines, then the hyphen stays. Thus, for example, if we read "six-" at the end of a line and "pack" at the beginning of the next, the hyphen stays: we are speaking of a "six-pack".

Usually this is a fairly simple matter, but the KJV contains a number of hyphenated names where the hyphen is an integral part of the name, and the logic of the hyphenation is not always immediately obvious to the unfamiliar English-speaking reader. Sometimes, it is easy enough to check other uses of a name to see what the case is. For example, in Genesis 12:4, we find "Chedor-/laomer" (I am using a slash here to represent the line break). A quick look at 12:1, where the name is not divided across a line, is enough to show that the correct spelling of the name is "Chedorlaomer". On the other hand, take the "Beer-/sheba" of Genesis 26:23. A look at Genesis 26:33 shows that "Beer-sheba" is the intended form.

There are some cases that are harder, such as the case of "Tubal-/cain", which appears twice in Genesis 4:22. Unfortunately, there is nowhere in the document where the term appears, so we cannot use that trick. In this case, we can fall back on the logic of the hyphenated words. The reason that the KJV hyphenates names is to show that the hyphenated term represents a Hebrew proper name composed of more than one word. Thus, a check of the Hebrew text of Genesis 4:22 reveals that "Tubal-/cain" represents the Hebrew tubal qayin, and thus should be hyphenated: Tubal-cain. It might seem a bit much, however, to ask an editor to be familiar with Hebrew, so an alternative method which will yield the same result is to examine the same passage in other printings of the KJV by Oxford University -- post-1769 Bibles almost always display a near-identical text produced under the same principles as Blayney's, and so a look at an ordinary Oxford edition with line breaks in different places, such as this 1817 printing will also show that the correct form is "Tubal-cain".

Below is a list of places where on first glance it may be difficult to choose how a name is (or is not) hyphenated, along with the reasoning used.

  • Genesis 4:22. "Tubal-/cain" should be "Tubal-cain", following the word division in Hebrew and an 1817 printing here.
  • Genesis 14:7. "En-/mishpat" should be "En-mishpat", following the word division in Hebrew and a 1917 printing here.
  • Genesis 16:14. "Beer-/lahai-roi" should be "Beer-lahai-roi", following the word division in the Hebrew and a 1917 printing here.
  • Genesis 21:32. "Beer-/sheba" should be "Beer-sheba" as in 21:31 and 33.
  • Genesis 26:23. "Beer-/sheba" should be "Beer-sheba" as in 21:31 and 33.
  • Genesis 28:6. "Padan-/aram" should be "Padan-aram" as in 28:5 and 7.
  • Genesis 28:10. "Beer-/sheba" should be "Beer-sheba" as in 21:31 and 33.
  • Genesis 31:47. "Jegar-sahadu-/tha" should be "Jegar-sahadutha", following the word division in the Aramaic and an 1823 printing here.
  • Genesis 41:50. "Poti-phe-/rah" should be "Poti-pherah" as in 41:45.
  • Genesis 46:1. "Beer-/sheba" should be "Beer-sheba" as in 21:31 and 33.
  • Genesis 46:5. "Beer-/sheba" should be "Beer-sheba" as in 21:31 and 33.
  • Genesis 46:20. Poti-/pherah" should be "Poti-pherah" as in 41:45.
  • Exodus 14:2. "Pi-hahi-/roth" should be "Pi-hahiroth" as in Numbers 33:7. This could also be deduced by comparing the placement of hyphens in 14:2 and 14:9.
  • Exodus 14:9. "Pi-ha-/hiroth" should be "Pi-hahiroth" as in Numbers 33:7. Compare Exodus 14:2.
  • Numbers 11:35. "Ki-/broth-hattaavah" should be "Kibroth-hattaavah" as in 11:34.
  • Numbers 25:3. "Baal-/peor" should be "Baal-peor" as in 25:5.
  • Numbers 33:8. "Pi-/hahiroth" should be "Pi-hahiroth" as in 33:7.
  • Numbers 33:17. "Kibroth-/hattaavah" should be "Kibroth-hattaavah" as in 33:16.
  • Numbers 33:47. "Almon-/diblathaim" should be "Almon-diblathaim" as in 33:46.
  • Deuteronomy 1:19. "Ho-/reb" should be "Horeb" as in 1:6.
  • Psalm 71:18. "grey-/headed" should be "greyheaded"; see "grayheaded" in Job 15:10.
  • Psalm 80, superscription. "Shoshannim-/Eduth" should be "Shoshannim-Eduth" because this follows the Hebrew, and because of the similar term in the superscription of Psalm 60.
  • Ezekiel 25:5. "couching-/place" should be "couchingplace". As strange as this may appear to modern readers, consider the "restingplace" of Jeremiah 50:6.
  • 1 Esdras 1:31: "feast-/days". This is an unusually difficult case, as it seems that neither "feastdays" nor "feast-days" can be found anywhere else in the 1769 text. Psalm 8:1 reads "feast day", while Hosea 2:11, Amos 5:21, Judith 10:2 all have "feast days". Meanwhile, Matthew 26:5, Mark 14:2, and John 2:23 all have "feast *day*". A 1900 Pitt Brevier printing by Cambridge clearly hyphenates "feast-days". In view of this, and in view of the fact that no "feastdays" can be found anywhere in 1769, it seems to me that "feast-days" is the more likely intended reading.
  • Sirach 24:14: "En-/gaddi" should most likely be Engaddi, as the entire Apocrypha in the KJV contains only a single hyphenated name ("Cades-Barnea", Judith 5:14) which does not straddle two lines.
  • Sirach 46:6: "Beth-/horon" should be "Bethhoron", the form in which it appears four times in 1 Maccabees.

Original origins of the Wikisource Text


Genesis is from the Debian package bible-kjv-text. Exodus through Malachi -- the rest of the Old Testament according to the Protestant canon, are from the January 1992 Project Gutenberg text of the KJV. The Project Gutenberg text does not contain the Apocrypha, so that had to be taken from another source.

The first edit to the 1 Esdras page indicates a source at the University of Virginia website. Unfortunately, that original page is gone, and I do not know of a way to recover. However, the original Wikisource text of 1 Esdras is a perfect match for this text, which claims to be a copy of the UVA KJV. The UVA KJV, in turn, traces back to the Robert Kraft text of the late 1980's.

2 Esdras is also ascribed in its first edit to a UVA page, and a look at its electronic text as recovered from archive.org[3] shows that the two are a perfect match. The same is true -- that the texts are taken from the University of Virginia and that a perfect match can be established with those texts as preserved on archive.org, for almost all the rest of the KJV Apocrypha: Tobit, Judith, the rest of Esther, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus, Baruch, the additions to Daniel, and 1 and 2 Maccabees. The only text which cannot be verified this way, because it is not preserved on archive.org, is the Prayer of Manasses.

In the case of the Prayer of Manasses, I would be willing to trust the upload note provided by the editor who originally placed it on Wikisource, who claimed that it came from the same source which was proven to be correct for all the other apocryphal books. Still, it is possible indirectly to check on the Prayer of Manasses. The UVA texts, for all the other books of the Apocrypha, claim to have originally been taken -- before some further editing -- from the 1987 text of Robert Kraft. A comparison of the original Wikisource Prayer of Manasses with Kraft's text shows only one difference -- Kraft has "iniquites" in one place where Wikisource has "iniquities". In addition to the similarity of wording there is also similarity of format -- in Kraft's KJV, the books of the Apocrypha all have versification except for the Prayer of Manasses, and the same pattern is found in the Wikisource text.

Enough about the Prayer of Manasses. We may say with a high degree of confidence that the whole Apocrypha of Wikisource come originally from the UVA text.

What's done, what's left to do


So far, I have run a check, with the help of electronic files but with a visual check against the page scans for every change, for Genesis through Matthew (2023-9-16). This check is able to pick up errors in wording, spacing between words, versification, capitalization, and punctuation (not including italics, pilcrows, hyphens or the symbols that alert the reader to marginal notes). I have done a similar check, for Genesis through Isaiah, for hyphenation.

After this run, I would like to add italics, pilcrows, and marginal notes to the whole text.

I would also like to run a close check on the verses mentioned in Norton's Textual History as differing between 1769 and later texts, and a similar close check for verses mentioned in Scrivener and Matthew Verschuur's works.

Or, in list form:

  • Full first pass through entire Bible for wording, punctuation, versification. (Currently through the Matthew, 2023-9-16.)
  • Add Psalm superscriptions. (done)
  • Full first pass for hyphens. (completed for Apocrypha)
  • Full first pass for pilcrows.
  • Addition of italics. (Done for DC, not for NT or OT.)
  • Check of text against the writings of Scrivener, Matthew Verschuur, and David Haslam where appropriate.
  • Addition of daggered and piped notes (mostly alternate or more literal renderings).
  • Addition of chapter summaries.
  • Addition of cross-references.
  • Addition of chronological notes.
  • Page summaries?
  • Proofreading and validation of each page of source.
  1. The text at http://www.bibleprotector.com/index.htm.
  2. https://archive.org/details/holybiblecontain0000unse_z7h7/page/4/mode/1up
  3. https://web.archive.org/web/20130824095835/http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/etcbin/toccer-new2?id=Kjv4Ezr.sgm&images=images/modeng&data=/texts/english/modeng/parsed&tag=public&part=all