Some pains have been taken in compiling this list, in order to make it as complete, each entry as full, and all as correct as might be. It were idle to suppose that all the books named are equally well worth reading. The reader, to whom all are open, will find them vary, after the manner of books; but this volume will go into the hands of many to whom such free range is denied, and for their sake the list has been made long, in the hope that it may include one book at least for all who seek it. He who cannot buy may yet, with the help of this list in his hand, find some one book in well-nigh any library; where also the index of magazine articles will guide him to much matter of learning and amusement. Deeper students have (on p. 273) direction for further search.
Andersen (Carl C. T.).—Three sketches of life in Iceland; tr. M. Fenton. R. Washbourne, London, 1877, 8vo.
Anderson (Joseph).—See Orkneyinga Saga.
Anderson (Rasmus B.) and Bjarnason (Jon).—Viking tales of the North. The Sagas of Thorstein, Viking’s son, and Fridthjof the bold. Tr. from the Icelandic by R. B. A. and J. B. Also Tegnér’s Fridthjof’s Saga, tr. G. Stephens. S. C. Griggs & Co., Chicago, 1877, 12mo.
———History of the literature of the Scandinavian North, from the most ancient times to the present, by Frederik Winkel Horn, Ph. D., tr. by R. B. A., with Bibliography of Scandinavia by Thorvald Solberg. Griggs, Chicago, 1884, 8vo.
———Norse Mythology; or, the religion of our forefathers. Myths of the Eddas systematised and interpreted, with introd., vocab., and index. Griggs, Chicago, 1875, 8vo.
———The Scandinavian languages, their value, elucidated by quotations. Madison (Wis., U.S.A.), 1873, 8vo.
———See Edda Snorra Sturlusonar.
Anson (W. S. W.)—See Wagner (Dr. W.)
Bjarnason (Jon).—Icelandic Legends. Tr. G. E. J. Powell and Eiríkr Magnússon. 1st series, R. Bentley, London, 1864, 8vo. 2nd series, Notes and Introductory Essay, Longmans, London, 1866, 8vo.
Asgrimsson (Eystein)—See Magnusson (Eirikr).
Baring-Gould (Sabine).—Iceland: its scenes and sagas. Smith, Elder, & Co, London, 1863, 8vo.
Barnard (Rev. M. R.).—See Paijkull (C. W. von).
Barrow (John).—A visit to Iceland. . . . Summer 1834. J. Murray, London, 1835, 12mo.
Beresford (Rev. Jas., M.A.). The Song of the Sun, a poem of the Eleventh Century, from the Elder Edda, imitated by J. B. With preface, notes, and a short account of the author. Ice., Lat., and Eng. London, 1805, 8vo.
Bibliography of Scandinavia.—See Anderson (R. B.).
Bjarnason (Jon).—See Anderson (R. B.).
Blackwell (J. A.).—See Edda Snorra Sturlusonar.
Burton (R. Francis).—Ultima Thule; or, a Summer in Iceland. W. P. Nimmo, Edinburgh, 1875, 2 vols., 8vo.
Cassell’s Illustrated Travels. ed., H. W. Bates. Cassell, London, 1869–74, 6 vols. in 3, 4to. Contains Hjaltalin (Jon A.)—Notes on Iceland (v. ii.); Hekla (v. iii.); T. (J. E. H.)—Journey from Reikyavik to Kreisuvig (v. vi.); V. (Lt. von)—From end to end of Stromoe (v. vi.).
Clark (J. W.).—See Galton (F.).
Cleasby (R.) and Vigfusson (Gudbrand).—An Icelandic-English Dictionary. With introduction and life of R. Cleasby by G. W. Dasent. [Together with a grammar. ] Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1874, 4to.
Coles (J.)—Summer Travelling in Iceland. With chapter on Askja by E. Delmar Morgan, and literal translation of three sagas: The story of Thórdr hreda—Banda-manna Saga—The story of Hrafnkell, Frey’s priest.) Murray, London, 1882, 8vo.
Conybeare (C. A. Vansittart).—The place of Iceland in the history of European Institutions. Lothian prize essay. Parker and Co., Oxford and London, 1877, 8vo.
Cooper (C. F.).—See Pfeiffer (I. R.).
Cottle (A. S.)—See Edda Saemundar.
Dasent (Sir G. Webbe).—Jest and Earnest. Chapman & Hall, London, 1878, 2 vols., 8vo.
———The Story of Burnt Njal; or, life in Iceland at the end of the tenth century. From the Icelandic of the Njals Saga. Edmonston & Douglas, Edinburgh, 1861, 2 vols., 8vo.
———The Story of Gisli the Outlaw. From the Icelandic. E. & D., Edin., 1866, sm. 4to.
———The Norsemen in Iceland. In Oxford Essays. Parker, London, 1858, 4 vols, 8vo.
———The Vikings of the Baltic. A tale of the north in the tenth century. 2 vols. Chapman, London, 1875, 8vo.
———See also Edda Snorra Sturlusonar. See also Rask (R. C.).
De Fonblanque (Miss C. A.).—Five weeks in Iceland. Bentley, London, 1880, 8vo.
Dillon (Hon. A. E. D.; Viscount).—A Winter in Iceland and Lapland. Colburn, London, 1840, 2 vols., 12mo.
Domestic Scenes in Greenland and Iceland (Anon.). Van Voorst, London, 1850, 16mo.
Dufferin (F. T. H. Blackwood, Earl of).—Letters from High Latitudes, being some account of a voyage . . . to Iceland. . . . Murray, London (fifth edition), 8vo, 1867.
Edda Saemundar.—Icelandic poetry, or the Edda of Saemund, tr. into English verse, by A. S. Cottle. N. Briggs, Bristol, 1797, 8vo.
———Edda Saemundar hins froda. The Edda of Saemund the learned; tr., etc., by Ben. Thorpe. Trübner, London, 1866, 2 vols., 8vo.
———See also Vigfusson (G.), and Powell (F. T.)—See Volsunga Saga.—See Head (Sir G. W.).
———See Beresford (Rev. Jas.)
Edda Snorra Sturlusonar.—The Prose Edda, tr. by J. A. Blackwell. In Mallet (P. H.). Northern Antiquities. Bohn (Antiq. Lib.), London, 1847, 12mo.
———The Prose or Younger Edda . . . tr. by G. W. Dasent, Stockholm, 1842, 8vo.
———The Younger Edda: also called Snorre’s Edda, or the prose Edda. Tr., with notes, etc., by R. B. Anderson. Griggs & Co., Chicago, 1880 [1879], 8vo.
———See also Snorri Sturluson.
Fenton (Myfanwy).—See Andersen (Carl C. T.).
Forbes (C. Stuart).—Iceland; its volcanoes, geysers, and glaciers. Murray, London, 1860, 8vo.
Galton (Fras.).—Vacation Tourists and notes of travel in 1860-61-62-63. Macmillan, London, 1861-4, 8vo. (contains, 1860, Journal of a Yacht voyage to the Faroe Islands and Iceland. By J. W. Clark, pp. 318–361.)
Gisli Saga Sursonnar.—See Dasent (G. W.).
Grettis Saga.—See Magnusson (Eirikr) and Morris (Wm.).
Grimm (J. L. C.).—Teutonic Mythology. Sonnenschein, London, 1880, 8vo.
Gunnlaugs Saga Ormstunga ok Skáld-Hrafns.—See Magnusson (Eirikr) and Morris (Wm.).
Handbook for travellers in Denmark and Iceland. Murray, London, 1858, 12mo.
Head (Sir Edm. W.).—Viga Glums Saga. The story of Viga Glum, tr. from the Icelandic. Williams & Norgate, London, 1866, 8vo.
Headley (Ph. C.).—The Island of Fire. Lee & Shepard, Boston, 1875, 12mo.
Henderson (Rev. E.)—Iceland; the journal of a resident, 1814 and 1815. Oliphant, Edinburgh, 1818, 2 vols., 8vo.
Herbert (Hon. Wm.).—Select Icelandic poetry; tr., with notes. 2 parts. London, 1804–6, 8vo.
Historical (An) and descriptive account of Iceland, etc. (Anon.) Edinbro’ Cabinet Library, vol. 28, 1830, 12mo; and Harper, New York, 1842, 16mo.
Hjaltalin (Jon Andriesson).—The 1000th Anniversary of the Norwegian Settlement in Iceland (a sketch of the colonisation and general history of Iceland). Reykjavik, 1874, 8vo.
———See Rask (R. K.).—See Orkneyinga Saga.—See Cassell.
Holland (W. J.)—See Peaks, etc. Hooker (Sir W. J.)—Journal of a tour in Iceland, 1809. Longmans, London, 1818, 2 vols., 8vo.
Horn (F. W.).—See Anderson (R. B.).
Horrebov (Niels).—Natural History of Iceland. Linde, London, 1758, fol.
Howitt (M. B. & W.).—Literature and Romance of Northern Europe. Colburn, London, 1852, 2 vols., 8vo.
Johnstone (James).—Anecdotes of Olave the Black, King of Man . . . By Snorro Sturluson, now first published in the original Icelandic . . . with translation and notes. Copenhagen, 1782, 16mo.
———Norwegian account of Haco’s Expedition against Scotland, A.D. 1263 . . . now first published in original Icelandic . . . with English version and notes. Copenhagen, 1782, 8vo.
———Krakumal. Lodbrokar quida; or, the death-song of Ragnar, Lodbrog, K. of Denmark. Ice., Eng., and Lat. Copenhagen, 1813, 16mo.
———Antiquitates Celto-Normannicæ. . . . Tr. by J. J. Copenhagen, 1786, 4to.
Jonsson (Arngrimr).—A briefe commentarie of Iceland. In Hakluyt’s collection of early voyages, etc. (Vol. i, pp. 550–590.) London, 1599, 4to.
Icelander.—Memoir of the causes of the present distressed state of the Icelanders, and the easy and certain means of permanently bettering their condition (originally written in Latin). By an Icelander. London, 1813, 8vo.
Krary (C. F. ).—Mythology of the Eddas. Longmans, London, 1882, 8vo.
King (R. J.).—The change of Faith in Iceland, A.D. 1000. In “Sketches and Studies,” pp. 147–196. Murray, London, 1874, 8vo.
Kneeland (S.).—An American in Iceland; with description of its millennial celebration in Aug. 1874, and great eruption in 1875. Brooks & Co., Boston, 1876, 8vo.
Krakumal.—See Johnstone (Jas).
Laing (S.).—See Snorri Sturluson.
Lodbrockar-quida.—See Johnstone (Jas).
Lock (C. G. W.).—The Home of the Eddas. With chapter on the Sprengisandr by Dr. C. le N. Foster. Sampson Low, London, 1879, 8vo.
———Lock (W. G.).—Guide to Iceland.—Charlton, 1882, 8vo.
———Askja, Iceland’s largest volcano. Charlton, 1881, 8vo.
Lund (H.).—See Rask (R. K.).
Macdowall (M. W.).—See Wagner (Dr. W.).
Mackenzie (Sir G. S.).—Travels in the island of Iceland, summer 1810. W. & R. Chambers, Edinbro’, 1842, 8vo.
Mackinley (D.).—See Symington (A. J.).
Magnus (Olaf).—See Olaus Magnus.
Magnusson (Eirikr).—The story of the Volsungs and Niblungs, with certain songs from the Elder Edda: tr. by E. M. and William Morris. Ellis, London, 1870, 12mo.
———Lilja (the Lily), an Icelandic religious poem of the 14th century, by Asgrimsson (Eystein), Ed., with met. trans., by E. M. Williams & Norgate, London, 1870, 12mo.
———and Morris (Wm.).—The story of Grettir the Strong (Grettis Saga). Tr. from the Icelandic. Ellis, London, 1869, 8vo.
Magnusson (Eirikr) and Morris (Wm.).—Three Northern Love-stories and other tales. (Gunnlaug the Worm-tongue; Frithiof the bold; Viglund the fair; Hogni and Hedinn; Roi the fool; Thorstein Staff - smitten.) Ellis, London, 1875, 12mo.
———Thomas Saga Erkibyskups. Life of the Archbp., Thos. A’ Beckett, in Icelandic. With trans., notes, and exhaustive glossary by E. M. Longman, London, 1875, 2 vols., 8vo.
———Viking tales. See Arnason (Jon).
Mallet (P. H.).—See Edda Snorra Sturlusonar.
Mathias (T. J.).—The Garland of Flowers; composed of Cupid and Psyche, from the Golden Ass of Apuleius, and of Odes, chiefly from the Norse tongue. New York, 1806, 12mo.
Metcalfe (Fred.).—The Englishman and the Scandinavian; or, a comparison of Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse literature. Trübner, London, 1880, 8vo.
———The Oxonian in Iceland, summer 1860. Hotten, London, 1867, 8vo.
———The Saxon and the Norseman. Oxford, 1876, 8vo.
Miles (Pliny).—Nordurfari; or, rambles in Iceland. Longman, London, 1856, 8vo. (The Travellers’ Library, vol. iv.)
Morris (Wm.).—The story of Sigurd the Volsung, and the Fall of the Niblungs. 4th edition, 6s. Reeves & Turner, London, 1887, post 8vo. See also Magnusson (Eirikr).
Muller (F. Max).—Chips from a German Workshop (vol. ii., pp. 189–196, The Norsemen in Iceland. pp. 219–238, Popular tales from the Norse). Longmans, London, 1867, 8vo.
Murray (J.)—Handbook for . . . Iceland. Murray, London, 1878, 12mo.
Njals Saga.—See Dasent (G. W.)
Olafsson (Eggert) and Palsson (Bjarni).—Travels in Iceland. In 2nd vol. of “A collection of . . . voyages and travels.” Phillips, London, 1805–9, 10 vols., 8vo.
Orkneyinga Saga.—Tr. from the Icelandic by Jon A. Hjaltalin and Gilbert Goudie. Ed., etc., Jos. Anderson. Edmonston, Edinbro’, 1873, 8vo.
Oswald (Miss E. J.).—By fell and fjord; scenes and studies in Iceland. Blackwood, Edinbro’, 1882, 8vo.
Otte (Emily C.).—Denmark and Iceland. Sampson Low, London, 1881, 8vo.
Paijkull (C. W. von).—A Summer in Iceland. Tr. Rev. M. R. Barnard. Chapman & Hall, London, 1868, 8vo.
Palsson (Bjarni).—See Olafsson (Eggert).
Peaks, passes and glaciers; being excursions by members of the Alpine Club (vol i., Holland (E. T.)., A tour in Iceland, summer 1861). Ed. E. S. Kennedy. Longman, London, 1862, 12mo.
Percy (T., Bp. of Dromore).—Five pieces of Runic poetry, from the Icelandic, tr. by T. P. London, 1768, 8vo.
Pfeiffer (Ida. L.).—Journey to Iceland, etc.; tr. C. F. Cooper. Bentley, London, 1852, 8vo.
Pigott (Gren.). Manual of Scandinavian Mythology, containing a popular account of the two Eddas. Pickering, London, 1839, 8vo.
Powell (F. York).—See Vigfusson (Gudbrand).
Powell (G. E. J.).—See Arnason (Jon).
Ragnar Lodbrog.—See Vigfusson (G.)—See Johnstone (Jas).
Rask (Rasmus Kristian).—Grammar of the Icelandic or old Norse tongue, tr. G. W. Dasent. Pickering, London, 1843, 8vo.
———Short . . . method of learning . . . Icelandic; after R. K. R., by H. Lund (vocab. by Jón A. Hjaltalin). Thimm, London, 1868, 12mo.
Shepherd (C. W.).—The Northwest peninsula of Iceland. Longmans, London, 1867, 8vo.
Skeat (W. W.).—A list of English words, the etymology of which is illustrated by comparison with Icelandic. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1876, 4to.
Snelling (W. J.).—The Polar Regions . . .; embracing a geographical account of Iceland, etc. Hunt, Boston, 1831, 8vo.
Snorri Sturluson.—The Heimskringla; or, chronicle of the kings of Norway. Tr. S. Laing. Longmans, London, 1844, 3 vols., 8vo. See also Edda Snorri Sturlusonar.
Solberg (Thorvald).—See Anderson (R. B.).
Stephens (Geo.).—See Anderson (R. B.).
Sturlunga Saga; including the Islendinga Saga of lawman Sturla Thordsson, etc, Ed. Dr. Gudbrand Vigfusson, with an introduction to the language and literature of Iceland, by G. V. and F. Y. Powell. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1878, 2 vols., 8vo.
Sweet (H.). Icelandic Primer, with Grammar, Notes, and Glossary. Clarendon Press, 1886, 12mo.
Symington (A. J.).—Pen and pencil sketches of Faroe and Iceland. Longman, London, 1862, 8vo.
Taylor (Bayard).—Egypt and Iceland in 1874. (Iceland, pt. 2, pp, 151–282). Putnam, New York, 1874, 16mo.
Tegner (Esaias, Bp. of Wexiö).—See Anderson (R. B.).
Thomas Saga Erkibyskups.—See Magnusson (E.).
Thordarson (Sturla).—The Norwegian account of Haco’s expedition against Scotland; A.D. 1263 . . . tr. by J. Johnstone from the original Icelandic of the Flateyan and Frisian MSS. (of “Hákonarsaga Hákonarsonar” by S. Th.). Simpkin, London, 1882, 8vo.
Thorgeirson (N.).—See Dasent (G. W.).
Thorkelin (Grimr Jonsson).—Fragments of Eng. and Ir. history in ninth and tenth century. Tr. from Icelandic, with notes. London, 1788, 4to.
Thorpe (Ben.).—See Edda Saemundar.
Todd (J. H.).—The War of the Gaedhil with the Gaill; or, the invasions of Iceland by the Danes and other Norsemen. Tr., ed., etc., by J. H. T. Longmans, London, 1867, 8vo.
Troil (Uno von).—Letters on Iceland. Richardson, London, 1780, 8vo; also in Pinkerton (J.), General collection . . . voyages and travels (vol. 1, pp. 621–734). Longman, London, 1808, 4to.
Van Gruisen (N. L., Jr.).—A holiday in Iceland. E. Stock, London, 1879, 8vo.
Viga Glums Saga.—See Head (Sir E.).
Vigfusson (Gudbrand) and Powell (F. York).—Icelandic prose reader, with notes, grammar, and glossary. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1879, 16mo.
———Corpus poeticum Boreale. The poetry of the old Northern tongue, from the earliest times to the 13th cent. Ed., etc., by G. V. and F. T. P. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1883, 2 vols., 8vo.
———See Sturlunga Saga.
———See Cleasby (R.).
Volsunga Saga.—See Magnusson (Eirikr).
Wagner (Dr. W.).—Asgard and the gods . . . for boys and girls. Tr. M. W. Macdowall, Ed. W. S. W. Anson. Sonnenschein, London, 1880, 8vo.
Waller (S. E.).—Six weeks in the Saddle: a painter’s journal in Iceland. Macmillan, London, 1874, 8vo.
Watts (W. L.).—Across the Vatna Jökull; or, Scenes in Iceland. Longmans, London, 1876, 8vo.
———Snioland; or, Jokulls and Fyalls. London, 1875, 8vo.
Worsaæ (J. J. A.)—Account of the Danes and Northmen in England. Murray, London, 1852, 8vo.
Yacht (A) Voyage to Iceland in 1853 (Anon). Hall, London, 1854, 8vo.
Zimmern (Helen).—Tales from the Edda. Sonnenschein, London, 1883, 8vo.
Jonsson (J.), Borgfirdingur.—Söguágrip um prentsmidjur og prentari á Islandi. Reykjavik, 1867, 12mo.
Einarsson (H.).—Historia literaria Islandiæ, autorum et scriptorum tum editorum tum ineditorum indicem exhibens. Editio nova. Havniæ et Lipsiae, 1786, 8vo.
Morbius (Th.)—Catalogus librorum islandicorum et norvegicorum ætatis mediae editorum versorum illustratorum. Lipsiae, 1856, 8vo.
———Verzeichniss der auf dem gebiete der altnordischen (altislandischen und altnorwegischen), Sprache und Literatur von 1855 bis 1879 erschienenen Schriften. Leipzig, 1880, 8vo.
Titles of works and names of authors cited in Cleasby’s Icelandic-English Dictionary. with references showing the press-mark, title, date, etc., of the volume in which each work cited will be found in the Library of the British Museum. Manuscript. Catalogue Desk. Brit. Mus. Lib.
See also Publications of the Islenzka Bókmentafélag. Copenhagen.
Magazine and other articles relating to Iceland.
Age of Igneous Rocks of I. (J. Geikie). Nature, 1881, 605.
Annals of I. (W. Fiske). N. Y. Nation, 1880, 63.
Bishops of I., Early. Christ. Remem., 1868, 311.
Boiling Springs of I. Westm. Rev., 1857, 198.
Cataract at Fossvöllum. Penny M., 1838, 449.
Caverns and Bandittiin I. Penny M., 1888, 409.
Celebration in I., 1874 (C. W. Field). St. James’ Mag., 1874, 559.
Change of Faith in I. Quar., 1862, 115.
Edda, The (E. W. Gosse), Ency. Brit., 9th edition, 1881.—(C. Lottner) Fraser, 1861, 190.—Knick., 1847, 294.—For. Q. 1827, 210.—Ethic Ideas of the E. (Karl Blind), Dub. Univ. Mag., 1878, 392, 520.—Free trans. from . . . E. (E. Head), Fraser, 1865, 370.—Rhymes from E., Dub. Univ. Mag., 1853, 578.—Symbolism of E., Nat. Q., 1866, 67.—E. doctrine and its origin.—For. Q., 1827, 210.
Egills Saga (Eng. epitome by E. W. Gosse), Corn., 1879, 21.
Eruption of Mt. Hecla in 1845, Dub. Rev., 1848, 1.
Eruptive Phenomena of I. (J. Tyndall). Journal Franklin Inst., 1853, 402.
Flora of I. (W. L. Lindsay). Ed. New Philos. J., 1861, 64.
Geysers of I., Penny M., 1833, 473; St. James’s Mag., 1862, 334.—Visit to G. of I., Ev. Sat., 1868, 487. G. Action of, Westm., 1857, 207.—G., and how they are explained (J. Le Conte), Pop. Sci. Mo., 1878, 407.
Hecla, Mount, Penny M., 1833, 495.—Ascent of Mt. H. (G. F Rodwell), Nature, 1878, 596; Chamb. J., 1867, 407.—Description of Mt. H. (S. Baring-Gould), Once a week, 1867, 657.—Eruption Mt. H. in 1845, Dub. Rev., 1848, 1.—Lavas of Mt. H. (G. F. Rodwell), Nature, 1879, 280.
Home Life of old Norsemen. Dub. Univ. Mag., 1869, 465.
Impressions of I. (Jas Bryce). Corn., 1874, 553
Ibn Fozlan.—Description by an eye-witness of the incineration of a Norse chief, early part 10th Cent. Soc. Ant. Proc., Edin. 1873, 518.
Iceland (geog. and descrip., H. A. Hjaltalin; lit. and hist., F. Y. Powell), Encyc. Brit., 9th ed., 1881.—(Syd. Smith), Ed. Rev., 1804, 334.—(A. Trollope), Fortn, 1878, 175.—(Sir D. Wedderburn), 19th Cent., 1880, 218.—Chamb. J., 1875, 741.—Dub. Univ. Mag., 1874, 349.—Eclectic R., 1862, 114.
I. and its Phenomena.—Lond. Quart., 1863, 121.—I. and Faroe Islands, Visit to (R. Chambers), Chamb. J., 1855, 129–282.—I. and its geysers, St. James’s Mag., 1862, 384.—I. and the Icelanders, Christ Rememb., 1852, 225.—New. Eng. Mag., 1831, 311.—I. and its explorers. Ed. Rev., 1876, 222—I. and its physical curiosities, Brit. Quart., 1861, 525.—In I. (E. J. Oswald), Good Words, 1876, 472, 543, 632.—I. in the year 1000, Fraser, 1852, 643.—I. in the year 1100, Ed. Rev., 1861, 425.—To I. (Mrs. Blackburn), Good Words, 1879, 429–622.—What I saw in I., Eclectic Mag., 1862 (v. i.), 518.—Physico-geographical sketch of I., Westm., 1849, 264.
Icelanders, Penny M., 1833, 442, 452.
Irish monks and the Norsemen (H. H. Howorth). R. His. Soc. Trans., Lond., 1880, 281.
Jón Jónsson’s Saga: the genuine autobiography of a modern Icelander, ed. by G. R. F. Cole. Fraser, 1877, 1.
Journey into I. (S. Baring-Gould). Good Words, 1867, 87.
King of I. Colburn, 1862, 118.
Legendary Lore of I. Westm., 1866, 122.
Legends, Icelandic. Dub. Univ. Mag., 1864, 65.
Literary Societies of I. For. Quart. 1831, 41.
Literature, Icelandic. Nat. Quart., 1870, 256—1874, 61. Origin . . . of I. hist. lit., Am. Eclectic, 1841, v. i., 446, v. ii. 131.—Ancient I.L., Am. Church Rev., 1872, 274. I., L. in, Ency Brit., 9th edition, 1881.—Northern L., Dub. Rev. 1850, 354—1852, 112.—Eclec. Rev. 1852, 592.—Old N. L., Am. Whig. Rev. 1845, 250.
Lore and Scenery, Icelandic. Dub. Univ. Mag., 1863, 469.
Millenary of I. Nature, 1874, 279.
Modern I., autobiography of Jón Jónsson. Fraser, 1877, 1.
Moors of I. (D. Ker). Appleton, 1878, 38.
Mythology, Scandinavian. Westminster, 1854, 311.; Dublin Review, 1852, 112. (H. Wheaton); No. Am., 1829, 18. S. M. and the nature of its analogy. Blackwood, 1835, 25.
———Northern M. Dub. Univ. Mag., 1838, 86; Westm., 1854, 311.—Old Norse M. Dub. Univ., 1872, 481, 599.
Norse. Our N. forefathers (C. Kingsley). Overland, 1874, 88. N. element in later English history. (R. E. Thompson). Penn. Mo., 1870, 241.
Northmen. (Mrs. L. M. Child.) Howitt’s Jnl., 1847, 163. N., Heathen and Christian. Blackw. 1869, 323; Eclec. Mag., 1869 (v. 2), 697, (v. 3) 54. History of the N. (W. Irving.) No. Am. Rev., 1832, 342; Am. Quart., 1831, 311; Westm., 1831, 442.
Odin, The Northern God of War. Every Saturday, 11, 79.—Wodan, the Wild Huntsman. (K. Blind). Gent. M., N.S., 25, 32.
Odinic Songs in Shetland, Discovery of. (Karl Blind.) 19th Cent., 5, 1091.
Olaf the Sinner and Olaf the Saint. Good Words, 1862, 23.
Poetry, Early Norse. Dub. R., 1850, 78.
Religious Song, Icelandic. Dub. Univ. Mag., 1871, 354.
Sagas and Scenes, Icelandic. Dub. Univ. Mag., 1863, 459.
Saga, Faroese. Blackw., 1869, 618, 701.
Saga of King Hjorward’s Death. (M. L. Woods.) Macmil., 1880, 353.
Sagas, Icelandic. (E. of Dufferin.) Canad. Mo., 1872, 550. Lond. Q., 1871, 35.
Sagas of the Kings of Norway. Eclec. Rev., 1860, 631.
Sea-kings at Home. Chamb. Jnl., 1869, 254.
Sigurd, The story of, and its Sources. (F. Hueffer.) Gent. M., N. S., 1877, 46.
Sulphur in I. Dub. Univ. Mag., 1874, 397.
Summer in I. 27. Chamb. J., 1869, 27.
Thor and the Giant Thrym. (Tr., R. B. Anderson.) 1875, 295.—Thor and the Giants. Household Words, 1857, 282.—Thor’s Hunt for his Hammer: a Norse Poem. Once a Week, 1861, 125.
Tree of Existence, Teutonic. (Karl Blind.) Fraser, 1877, 101.
Vatna Jökull, on the. (W. L. Watts.) Fraser, 1874, 693.
Viking’s Ransom. Tinsley’s, 1877, 638.—Viking’s Ship. (J. H, Stone.) Good Words, 1881. 759; Eclec. Engin., 1880, 320.—Viking’s Skin. (D. Cook.) Once a Week, 1867, 49.
Visit to I. 1857. (J. W. Bushby.) Colburn, 1858 (v.i.), 429; (v.ii.), 118, 344.
Vital Statistics of I. (P. A. Schleisner.) Jour. Stat. Soc. Lond., 1851, 1.
Walhalla. (R. H. Davis). Scribner’s, 1879, 139; Penny Magazine, 1843, 10, 489.
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