This page has lists of the unsigned articles in DNB00 and DNB 01 (not yet fully disambiguated). It also has a working list of DNB links to Author:Anonymous. According to current practice, those should be changed by placing "|override_author = no contributor recorded" in the contributor field (or in the case of a "see" page, emptying that field).
DNB00 unsigned
edit- Abbott, Edwin
- Ackland, Thomas Gilbank
- Adams, George (d.1773)
- Adams, George (1750-1795)
- Adams, John (1662-1720)
- Adams, Joseph
- Addison, Charles Greenstreet
- Aidan (d.606)
- Aikin, Arthur
- Aikin, Charles Rochemont
- Ainger, Thomas
- Alcock, Thomas (1784-1833)
- Aldam, Thomas
- Alderson, Edward Hall
- Allan, Thomas
- Allen, John (fl.1764)
- Allen, John (1771-1839)
- Allen, Thomas (1803-1833)
- Ames, William (d.1662)
- Anderson, James (1739-1808)
- Anderson, James (d.1809)
- Anderson, John (1726-1796)
- Anderson, Patrick (fl.1618-1635)
- Anderson, Walter
- Angas, William Henry
- Angelus, Christopher
- Ansted, David Thomas
- Arnall, William
- Arnot, Hugo
- Arthur, James
- Ascham, Anthony
- Ashe, John
- Ashe, Robert Hoadley
- Ashton, Thomas de (fl.1446)
- Ashurst, William Henry (1792-1855)
- Asser
- Astbury, John
- Baker, Robert
- Balatine, Alan
- Ballantyne, John (1778-1830)
- Banastre, Gilbert
- Banyer, Henry
- Barbar, Thomas
- Barker, Francis
- Barker, Matthew (1619-1698)
- Barnes, Ambrose
- Barry, Thomas de
- Batt, William
- Battie, William
- Battley, Richard
- Batty, Robert (1763?-1849)
- Baty, Richard
- Bayfield, Robert
- Bayley, F. W. N.
- Baylies, William
- Baynton, Thomas
- Bean
- Beatson, Benjamin Wrigglesworth
- Beighton, Thomas
- Bell, John (1747-1798)
- Bellamy, Daniel (b.1687)
- Bellinger, Francis
- Ben, James
- Benedict Chelydonius
- Benhyem, Hugo de
- Beresford, James
- Bigsby, John Jeremiah
- Biscoe, Richard
- Blacater, Adam
- Blacker, George
- Blackrie, Alexander
- Bland, Miles
- Bland, Robert (1730-1816)
- Blegborough, Ralph
- Blondel, James Augustus
- Bloxham, John (d.1387)
- Blundell, James
- Blysse, John
- Bocfeld, Adam
- Boisil
- Bond, John Linnell
- Borrell, H. P.
- Bossam, John
- Boulton, Richard
- Bourne, Robert
- Boyd, Robert (d.1883)
- Bradley, Thomas (1751-1813)
- Brassey, Thomas
- Brisbane, John
- Bristol, Ralph de
- Bromfield, William (1712-1792)
- Bromley, William (1699?-1737)
- Brookfield, William Henry
- Brown, John (1797-1861)
- Bryce, James (1767-1857)
- Bryce, James (1806-1877)
- Buckler, John
- Buckler, William
- Burder, Samuel
- Burdon, William
- Burges, John
- Burgess, Anthony
- Burgoyne, Montagu
- Burnett, John (1729-1784)
- Burns, John
- Burton, Cassibelan
- Butter, John
- Calfhill, James
- Campbell, John (1794-1867?)
- Carey, Elizabeth
- Carey, Eustace
- Carey, Felix
- Carmichael, James Wilson
- Carter, Thomas
- Carvell, Nicholas
- Cary, Robert
- Case, John (d.1600)
- Casteels, Peter
- Catton, Charles (1728-1798)
- Catton, Charles (1756-1819)
- Cawdell, James
- Cawton, Thomas (1605-1659)
- Cecil, Thomas
- Challice, John
- Chalmers, George (d.1791)
- Chalmers, James
- Chalmers, W. A.
- Chapman, William
- Cleland, William (1674?-1741)
- Clerke, Francis
- Cogan, Thomas (1545?-1607)
- Colbatch, John (d.1729)
- Cole, Henry (1808-1882)
- Collins, Mortimer
- Collyer, William Bengo
- Colton, Charles Caleb
- Connellan, Thaddeus
- Conny, Robert
- Const, Francis
- Conybeare, William John
- Cook, John Douglas
- Cooke, George Leigh
- Cooper, William
- Coote, Henry Charles
- Cope, Walter
- Coram, Thomas
- Cordiner, Charles
- Corrie, George Elwes
- Cory, Isaac Preston
- Coventry, Francis
- Coventry, Henry (d.1752)
- Cowper, Henry
- Cox, Francis Augustus
- Coxe, Richard Charles
- Coxe, William
- Craig, John (d.1731)
- Craik, George Lillie
- Cramer, John Antony
- Crowe, Eyre Evans
- Crowley, Nicholas Joseph
- Cumming, John
- Curling, Henry
- Cust, Edward
- Dall, Nicholas Thomas
- Dallas, Robert Charles
- Darling, Grace Horsley
- Dauncey, John
- Dawes, Manasseh
- Day, George Edward
- Denton, Thomas
- De Vere, Aubrey
- Diamond, Hugh Welch
- Donne, William Bodham
- Dougall, John
- Dove, Patrick Edward
- Drake, James
- Drake, John Poad
- Dudley, Guildford
- Duppa, Richard
- Durham, Joseph
- Eardwulf
- Edmondstone, Robert
- Edwards, George (1694-1773)
- Edwards, Thomas (fl.1810)
- Elliott, Charlotte
- Elliott, Edward Bishop
- Elliott, Henry Venn
- Ellis, Barrow Helbert
- Ellis, Francis Whyte
- Ellis, William (1800-1881)
- Elton, Charles Abraham
- Empson, William
- Evans, John (d.1724)
- Evans, Theophilus
- Evanson, Edward
- Eyre, James (1748-1818)
- Ffennell, William Joshua
- Finan
- Finch-Hatton, Edward
- Forbes, Duncan (1798-1868)
- Fordham, George
- Fowler, William (fl.1603)
- Francis, James Goodall
- Froude, Richard Hurrell
- Garbett, James
- Gerbier, Balthazar
- Gibbs, James (1682-1754)
- Gibson, William (1720-1791)
- Gisborne, Thomas (1794-1852)
- Gladstone, John
- Godolphin, John (1618-1678)
- Gooch, Daniel
- Gordon, Patrick
- Gosynhyll, Edward
- Gouter, James
- Graile, Edmund
- Grantham, Thomas (fl.1684)
- Gray, Andrew (1805-1861)
- Gray, John (1807-1875)
- Greenwood, John
- Gregory, Donald
- Greswell, Dan
- Hall, Charles
- Hall, John (d.1707)
- Hamilton, Charles
- Harbord, Edward
- Harcourt, William Vernon
- Harrison, John (fl.1630)
- Hartog, Numa Edward
- Harvey, Richard
- Hawes, Stephen
- Hawkins, William
- Heath, Charles
- Henley, Walter de
- Herbert, Henry John George
- Hey, John
- Hill, William Noel-
- Hirschel, Solomon
- Hood, Francis Grosvenor
- Hope, Anne
- Hurwitz, Hyman
- Jameson, Robert William
- Jeffrey, Alexander
- Jennings, Hargrave
- Jones, Inigo
- Jones, William (1631-1682)
- Jones, William (1762-1846)
- Kalisch, Marcus
- Kay, John (1742-1826)
- Keating, John
- Kersey, John (1616-1690?)
- Kinglake, Robert
- Knox, John (1555?-1623)
- Lankester, Edwin
- La Touche, William George Digges
- Lauder, Robert Scott
- Lisle, John
- Littleton, Edward
- Lockhart, Laurence William Maxwell
- Lupo, Thomas (d.1628?)
- Lyon, Hart
- McAdam, John Loudon
- Maccarthy, John George
- Macdonald, Duncan George Forbes
- Mackail, Matthew
- Mackenzie, Thomas
- Mackenzie, William Forbes
- Macleod, Norman (1783-1862)
- Martin, Matthew
- Martyn, Henry
- Milbourne, Luke
- Morris, John Carnac
- Naden, Constance Caroline Woodhill
- Nicol, Mrs.
- Nicol, Emma
- Norris, Edwin
- Oliphant, Francis Wilson
- Ord, Robert
- Ossian
- Parnell, Charles Stewart
- Paterson, Emma Anne
- Pears, Steuart Adolphus
- Percival, John
- Perrot, Robert
- Peyton, Henry
- Peyton, Thomas
- Phelps, Thomas
- Phelps, William
- Phillipps, Thomas
- Poole, Reginald Stuart
- Poole, Sophia
- Preston, Gilbert de
- Ratcliffe, Henry
- Reynolds, John (1584-1614)
- Richardson, John (1741-1811?)
- Robinson, William (1720?-1775)
- Robson, Charles
- Rolle, Richard, de Hampole
- Rothschild, Lionel Nathan de
- Rothschild, Nathan Meyer
- Russell, Lucy
- Rye, Edward Caldwell
- Simeonis, Symon
- Sinclair, William (1804-1878)
- Skelton, John (1831-1897)
- Stone, Benjamin
- Strachey, William
- Temple, Thomas
- Vaughan, Henry Halford
- Walton, Izaak
- Whitford, Walter (d.1686?)
- Wilks, Samuel Charles
- Wolstenholme, Joseph
- Worlidge, Thomas
- Wyse, Thomas
DNB01 unsigned
editLinks to Author:Anonymous
edit- Cumming, John (DNB00)
- Dove, Patrick Edward (DNB00)
- Duppa, Richard (DNB00)
- Empson, William (DNB00)
- Evans, John (d.1724) (DNB00)
- Evans, Theophilus (DNB00)
- Evanson, Edward (DNB00)
- Eyre, James (1748-1818) (DNB00)
- Ffennell, William Joshua (DNB00)
- Finan (DNB00)
- Finglas, Patrick (DNB00)
- Forbes, Duncan (1798-1868) (DNB00)
- Fordham, George (DNB00)
- Fowler, William (fl.1603) (DNB00)
- Francis, James Goodall (DNB00)
- Froude, Richard Hurrell (DNB00)
- Garbett, James (DNB00)
- Graile, Edmond (DNB00)
- Gray (DNB00)
- Gray, Andrew (1805-1861) (DNB00)
- Gray, John (1807-1875) (DNB00)
- Green, Jane (DNB00)
- Green, John (fl.1842-1866) (DNB00)
- Green, John Richards (DNB00)
- Green, Richard (1716-1793) (DNB00)
- Greenway, Oswald (DNB00)
- Greenwich, Duke of (DNB00)
- Greenwood, John (1727-1792) (DNB00)
- Gregory, Donald (DNB00)
- Greisley, Roger (DNB00)
- Grenville (DNB00)
- Gresham, John (DNB00)
- Gresswell, Dan (DNB00)
- Grey (DNB00)
- Grey, Catherine (DNB00)
- Grey, Jane (DNB00)
- Grey, Mary (DNB00)
- Griffith (DNB00)
- Griffiths, Michael (DNB00)
- Grimes, Robert (DNB00)
- Grimstone, Elizabeth (DNB00)
- Grymeston, Elizabeth (DNB00)
- Guerin, Thomas (DNB00)
- Guilford, Baron (DNB00)
- Guilford, Earls of (DNB00)
- Guillamore, Viscount (DNB00)
- Gulston, Theodore (DNB00)
- Gunning, Elizabeth (1769-1823) (DNB00)
- Gunning, Maria (DNB00)
- Gurney, Joseph (1744-1815) (DNB00)
- Guthry, Henry (DNB00)
- Guyldforde, Richard (DNB00)
- Guyton, Emma Jane (DNB00)
- Gwilym, David ap (DNB00)
- Gwynne, Nell (DNB00)
- Gwynne, Robert (DNB00)
- Hacket, George (DNB00)
- Haddenston, James (DNB00)
- Haddington, Earls of (DNB00)
- Haddington, Viscount (DNB00)
- Haddock (DNB00)
- Hadrian de Castello (DNB00)
- Harbord, Edward (DNB00)
- Hawes, Stephen (DNB00)
- Hirschel, Solomon (DNB00)
- Home (DNB00)
- How (DNB00)
- Howard, Catherine (DNB00)
- Howard, Elizabeth (DNB00)
- Howard, William (1626?-1694) (DNB00)
- Howick, Viscount (DNB00)
- Huggins, John (DNB00)
- Hume (DNB00)
- Hygebright (DNB00)
- Hyll (DNB00)
- Hylton, Lord (DNB00)
- Hylton, Walter (DNB00)
- Hyndford, Earls of. (DNB00)
- Iddesleigh (DNB00)
- Ieuan Ddu o Lan Tawy (DNB00)
- Ilchester, Richard of (DNB00)
- Inchiquin (DNB00)
- Kalisch, Marcus (DNB00)
- Kay, John (1742-1826) (DNB00)
- Keating, John (DNB00)
- Milbourne, Luke (1649-1720) (DNB00)
- Naden, Constance Caroline Woodhill (DNB00)
- Nicol (d.1834?) (DNB00)
- Nicol, Emma (DNB00)
- Parnell, Charles Stewart (DNB00)
- Partridge, John (1644-1715) (DNB00)
- Paterson, Emma Anne (DNB00)
- Patten, William (d.1486) (DNB00)
- Peacham, Henry (DNB00)
- Pears, Steuart Adolphus (DNB00)
- Percival, John (DNB00)
- Ratcliffe, Henry (DNB00)
- Reynolds, John (1584-1614) (DNB00)
- Robinson, William (1720?-1775) (DNB00)
- Robson, Charles (DNB00)
- Rolle, Richard, de Hampole (DNB00)
- Roydon, Matthew (DNB00)
- Russell, Lucy (DNB00)
- Simeonis, Symon (DNB00)
- Skelton, John (1831-1897) (DNB00)
- Snowdon, John (DNB01)
- Stone, Benjamin (DNB00)
- Strachey, William (DNB00)
- Temple, Thomas (DNB00)
- Vaughan, Henry Halford (DNB00)
- Walton, Izaak (DNB00)
- Whitford, Walter (d.1686?) (DNB00)
- Wilks, Samuel Charles (DNB00)
- Wolstenholme, Joseph (DNB00)
- Wyse, Thomas (DNB00)