Wikisource:WikiProject Film/Intertitles from GeoCities/'49-'17

'49-'17 1 Born and bred in the West, Judge Brand had never quite reconciled himself to the East.

Judge Brand... Joseph W. Girard

2 Tom Reeves had been the Judge's sec- retary for two years.

Leo Pierson

3 "Here are nine invitations for the coming week, sir."



them all!"

5 "This necklace takes me back to the old days out West. Society didn't count for much, but our friends were real..."

6 "Hugh Adams, my part- ner, and I, each made a nugget chain to give to the girl."

7 "It was the old story; two men and a woman-

and Adams won."

8 "For a couple of years they were happy..."

9 "But the life was hard. One night, when Hugh came home.... "

10 "A few weeks later we struck it rich - but the girl never came back."

11 "I'd never have come East but for my

invalid sister."

12 "She was all I had.

So I stayed here
taking care of her
 until she died."

13 "I've told you all this, Tom, so you would understand what I want to do."

14 "Nugget Notch is aban- doned now, but I want to rebuild it, and enjoy one more taste of the old West be-

 fore I die."

15 "I'll settle my affairs here. You go West and find me a popula- tion for Nugget Notch.

Spare no expense."


           It was a wild
      dream, but Tom un-
 derstood -- he had dreams

himself sometimes. So, two days later he left for

    the West.

17 Tom soon discovered that Western types were rare birds -- and shy.


     Tom had wasted
 three weeks of his 
 allotted time when he

reached San Diego, but he had lost none of his determination.

19 The big fair was on. "Castle's '49 Camp" was the biggest side-show there, but its owner, J. Gordon Castle, was broke.

William J. Dyer

20 So were the members of his troupe. "Ma" and "Pa" Bobbett wondered where they would go when the show closed.

Ma......Martha Witting Pa......George Pearce


  Even Castle's principal

attraction -- "The Real '49 Bar" -- was not doing enough business to pay

 for the lights.

22 "Gentleman Jim" Raynor ran the gambling tables and bar; but he didn't herd well with the troupe.

Jean Hersholt


 In his search for 

"sons of the old West," Tom tried the waterfront.

24 "Why ain't you at the expo', working for Castle, Pablo?"

25 "That bum forty-niners' camp hasn't drawn a cent for three


26 "A crowd is coming in - a little pep,



  "Call off the 

performance! Stella's jimmied us out of

  a crowd again."


  Peggy Bobbett was

the only unconcerned member of the camp.

Donna Drew

29 "I'm going down to flirt with the goldfish."

30 By careful questioning, Tom learned that Castle's Camp was on its last legs.

31 "Will you introduce

 me to Castle?"

32 "There's some of Castle's troupe now."

33 It didn't take Tom long to outline the whole plan to Castle.

34 "That's what the Judge wants. How about it?"


"One thing more-

no one is to know my part in this. Hire me as a regular member of the camp, and call

me Tom Robbins."

36 "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome Tom Robbins to Castle's Camp - he's

 one of the troupe."

37 Castle waited two days, then sprung the big plan on

 the bunch.

38 "This ought to prove

that the Judge 
means business."

39 A week later the outfit camped in the mountains, half of the dusty way to Nugget Notch.

40 "You've got to keep Robbins away from Peggy - do you hear?"

41 "I don't like to get personal, Bobbett, but don't forget the stranger who died so suddenly when you and I -"

42 Late in the afternoon Castle's outfit reached

   Nugget Notch.

43 By dark, quarters had been assigned.

44 The Bobbetts were to run the general store.

45 Gentleman Jim had charge of the saloon and the gambling hall.


  The hotel had fallen

to Colonel Hungerford's


47 "Buy what you want,

 Robbins - and
 then beat it."

48 Nugget Notch decided to doll up for Judge

Brand's reception.

49 "Ladies and gentlemen, Judge J. R. Brand -

 the father of
 Nugget Notch."


"You're a fine, tame
bunch of Westerners,
you are! How long

would a plug hat have lasted in the old days?"

51 For a play, this was pretty real!

52 "Judge, meet Gentleman

   Jim Raynor."

53 Nugget Notch gathered that night to welcome the Judge formally.

54 "Where did you get

 this necklace?"


"It's always 

belonged to her."

56 "Peggy ain't our child. Her real name is

Lorena Adams."

57 "I've spent years looking for the girl who rightfully owns that necklace, and the fortune that goes with it."

58 Everybody was pleased except Tom -- for what business has a penniless young man making love

      to an heiress?

59 "Judge Brand, we're in great trouble, and if what you said before is true, you've got to

   help us!"

60 "Jim Raynor is threat- ening to have father arrested unless he gives him ten thousand dollars before tomorrow."

61 "Tell Ezra Bobbett not to worry about the money or Jim Raynor. I'll take care of that!"

62 "I don't know what you're up to, Raynor, but if Peggy's going to suffer by it, Nugget Notch won't be big enough for both

      of us!"

63 Next morning, Raynor found a means of disposing of Tom.

64 No one took Tom's absence seriously -- except the Judge.

65 Tom realized that the wolf would show him the way out.


 "Tom, I think 

you've struck gold!"

67 No time was lost in staking out

  a claim.


 Tom suspected Raynor,

but said nothing, and the affair was accepted as a joke.

69 "The safe's busted open and all the

money's gone!"


"Every gun and

cartridge in camp has been stolen, Judge."

71 "You'd better get busy! Raynor tied me up and ran off all the horses in the night!"


 "Shell out your 

ready cash, gentlemen!"

73 "I fixed all the guns last night, Judge. It won't shoot!"

74 "I've a mind to shoot you, Robbins, but you've lost the lady, so I'll let you keep your life."

75 "I'll shoot the first

 man that moves!"

76 "Don't be a fool, Tom."

77 "There are only two roads Raynor can take. I know a

 short cut!"

78 Gentleman Jim was up for trial.


"There is no villainy

too black for Jim Raynor. Years ago, while my partner, Hugh Adams, was out working his claim -"

80 "And now I have another little story."

81 "Naturally, Raynor tried to steal the stranger's gold."

82 "Ever since, Gentleman Jim has held the stranger's death over

 Bobbett's head."

83 "I can tell the rest of it! Jim Raynor made me say Peggy was Adams' daughter. She isn't -- she's mine."


"I knew it all the 
time. Lorena Adams 

was found five years ago. That's where Jim slipped up."

The End
