Wikisource:WikiProject Film/Intertitles from GeoCities/20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 1

     The First Submarine Photoplay Ever Filmed
             Based On Jules Verne's
            "Twenty Thousand Leagues
                   Under the Sea"

Approved by the National Board of Review of Motion Pictures

  Copyrighted 1916 by The Universal Film Mfg. Co.

Carl Laemmle, President All rights reserved


 Directed by Stuart Paton

Photographed by Eugene Gaudio


The submarine scenes in this

production were made possible by the use of the Williamson inventions, and were directed under the personal supervision of the Williamson brothers, who alone have solved the secret of under-the-ocean photography.





When Jules Verne wrote

"Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea", the startling inventions in this Masterpiece impressed the world as being the limit of imagination and impossibility ....

6 .... Jules Verne died a disap- pointed man because the world did not take him seriously, but after all, he was merely fifty years ahead of his time.



Over fifty years ago the civil-

ized world was seized in a grip of terror on account of repeated reports of a gigantic sea mon- ster which attacked and de- stroyed ships, sending their crews to a watery grave ....

9 .... Terror prevailed on the high seas. Such was the sit- uation when the United States Government decided to send an expedition to rid the ocean of this demon of the deep.

10 Professor Aronnax, a distinguished French scientist, was stopping at the old Fifth Avenue Hotel in New York.

11 His daughter was his constant


12 Having accepted the invitation, the Professor goes aboard the "Abraham Lincoln," which sets out on its adventurous voyage.

13 On board, also, is the famous Ned Land, prince of harpooners.



At this time, unknown to the world, there lived a man of mystery who called himself Captain Nemo. He nursed a secret desire for revenge ....

15 .... He invented a strange craft in which he could navigate under the ocean .... With a loyal crew he traversed every sea, but never landed at any port, resolved to accomplish his vengeful purpose or die without disclos-

    ing his secret to mankind.



In his cabin on board the

submarine, "Nautilus."

17 The mysterious "monster" of

       the deep.

18 Slowly, silently, it rises from

    unfathomed depths.

19 Captain Nemo, having built and launched the "Monster," followed the paths of vessels for 20,000 leagues in search of ven- geance.... Failing to locate his enemy he now heads his craft toward a point in the tropic seas.

20 Captain Nemo makes certain of

        his bearings.

21 In secret, he grieves over his

     unavenged wrongs.

22 After following the trail of the "monster" for many days the "Abraham Lincoln"

nears the waters where it was last 

23 The "monster" is sighted.

24 "Its hide is too tough for harpoons."

25 "Even the cannon ball glanced

      from its back."

26 Fearing that the secret of his submarine will be made known to the world, Captain Nemo rams the "Abraham Lincoln," pitching the Professor and his

        party overboard.

37 Rudderless, the "Abraham Lincoln"

         drifts on.

38 A strange rescue.

39 Despite his resolve never to allow anyone but his crew on board the submarine, Captain Nemo in compas-

   sion saves the victims.

40 Professor Aronnax and his party, realizing that they are prisoners,

    attempt to escape.

41 "I am Captain Nemo and this is my submarine, 'Nautilus' ....It has pleased me to save your lives.... You are my


42 "You shall never leave this ship

      as long as I live."

43 Captain Nemo grants his lieutenant's

       plea for leniency.

44 About this time, Lieutenant Bond and four Union Army Scouts frustrate an attempt to destroy their balloon, and are

        carried out to sea.

45 For days they sail toward the tropics, until at last they sight

   "Mysterious Island."

46 They near the island.

47 On "Mysterious Island" lives

   a child of nature.

48 Soon they are hovering over a

    beautiful beach.

49 Dropped from the clouds.

50 One remains clinging to the


51 Captain Nemo, looking through the observation panel in his cabin, dis- covers the unconscious balloonist.

52 He orders two of his crew to help

 the half-drowned man ashore.

53 Dawn.

54 "Where is Harding?"

55 Every cavern along the coast is

 searched for their missing

56 The stranded party is reunited.

57 Captain Nemo sympathizes with

 the ill-fated castaways.

58 A chest of supplies is sent ashore.

59 They search the island for food.

60 "There must have been a


61 Meanwhile on the submarine Pro- fessor Aronnax and his party are

 summoned to Captain Nemo's

62 "I wish to make you my guests--not my prisoners....Give me your promise never to attempt to escape and you shall

  have the freedom of the ship."

63 "We promise."

64 In the meantime, a crude camp

 has been constructed ....

65 . . . .And a pit dug to afford protection from prowling beasts.

66 "See what I found in the pit."

67 Captain Nemo reveals some of the marvelous mysteries of the deep.

68 "I call this my magic window."

69 "We are now at the bottom of

         the sea."

70 "Through these crystal plates con- structed to withstand the pressure of the water at this great depth, we gaze on scenes which you might think God

  never intended us to see."

71 "Behold the beautiful marine


72 "Those are sponges growing among

        living corals."

73 "Notice how brilliant is the reflection of the sun's rays on these coral beds, fathoms

         below the surface."

74 "See the blueheads, looking for sea eggs' on which they feed."

75 "At the base is dead coral, formed by skeletons of the little coral polyp

      --a marine animal."

76 "That is the wreck of an old

    blockade runner."

77 "There's a great barracuda, which is often six feet long .... some are

     dangerous as sharks."

78 "Look! Sharks!"

79 "Think! Only the crystal plates of our window protect us from those


80 "Wonderful! Isn't it?"

81 "Tomorrow, I shall show you scenes even more wonderful .... I shall take you on a hunting trip on

the very floor of the ocean."

82 Preparing for the promised hunt.

83 "From this cabin, we shall descend into the water chamber, from which we will pass out through a trap-door into the ocean."

84 "These suits are my own invention .... instead of receiving air from above, we breathe through tubes connected with

          oxygen tanks."

85 "Although we have neither life lines, nor air pipes, we need not fear .... With our supply of oxygen we can remain under

        water indefinitely."

86 First the hunters visit the marine


87 They make slow headway against

     the swift current.

88 Two of the party search for pearls.

89 Shark hunting.

90 The guns which the hunters carry are discharged by compressed air.

91 Captain Nemo takes Professor Aronnax on a thrilling adventure.

92 They arrive at the vast ocean meadows infested by tigers of the


93 The hunters release impure air

   from their helmets.

94 Regardless of danger, they attack

        the sharks.

95 One bold man-eater charges them.

96 The hunters return to the


97 In a distant land, sometime before the preceding events, Charles Denver, a retired ocean trader, is haunted in his dreams.

98 Twelve years before this time he had forced his attentions on the wife of Prince Daaker,

                of India.

99 He is terrorized in his dreams by the gruesome details of his crime against the

          Princess Daaker.

100 One night in his bedchamber the ghost of the Princess tortures him

  to the point of madness.

101 To escape further mental torture, Denver takes to the sea in his


102 "Do you remember your mother?"

103 She relates how, when a child, she was dragged from her dying mother's arms

  and taken to sea on a boat.

104 Wondering if the child still lives, he decides to search for her.

105 "If I do not return by nightfall,

        come for me."

106 Lost on "Mysterious Island."

107 Captain Nemo sights a yacht

    lying off shore.

108 "Go ashore and learn who

 commands that yacht!"

109 They struggle against the undertow.

110 Meanwhile, one of the lieutenant's party violates their code of honor.

111 The scoundrel is made an outcast.

112 "I was shipwrecked and have lived on this island -- alone."

113 "We are from Charles Denver's yacht .... He is lost in the jungle."

114 The outcast plans to gain control of the yacht and abduct the island


115 The conspirators set out.

116 "I have the honor to report that the yacht is owned by Charles


117 "At Last."

118 The conspirators start to escape

      with the yacht.

119 "That ship must not get away.... go to the torpedo room....Let me

      take the wheel."

120 "This torpedo must not miss its


121 "Ready!"

122 "Load!"

123 "Fire!"

124 "Rescue them!"

125 A revelation!

126 "Allah be praised--it is my child!"

127 The comrades of Lieutenant Bond are taken off the island.

128 Captain Nemo reveals the tragic secret of his life, which Jules Verne

          never told.

129 ".... Years ago, I lived in peace in an Empire beyond the sea, where I was

known as Prince Daaker . . . ."

130 "....A beloved wife and daughter were the rarest treasures in my

        palace ....."

131 ".... Charles Denver, an adven-

   turer, had gained my
     confidence ...."

132 ".... At this time the mutter- ings of the natives portended

 an early uprising ...."


".... The crafty Denver, who secretly

coveted the Princess, falsely accused me of

       inciting the rebellion ...."

134 ".... On the night air came the weird sounds of the tom-toms and the frenzied shouts of the natives, who had learned of my

        imprisonment ...."

135 ".... It was the signal for an

    open rebellion ...."

136 ".... I escaped from prison and hastened to my palace . . . ."

137 ".... With her dying breath, the Princess told me how Denver had attacked her and taken our child

           away ...."

138 ".... When her spirit had taken flight, I bore her body from the

          palace ...."

139 ".... My native land was made a place of death and desolation ...."

140 ".... There beside the body of my beloved, I prayed that Allah might some day bring me face to face with mine enemy ...."

141 "This is a picture of your mother."

142 The death of Captain Nemo.

143 With heavy hearts, the crew obey

     his last command.

144 The funeral under the sea.

145 "May his soul rest in peace."

146 The Great Commander gone, his crew disbanded, the "Nautilus" sinks into the silent depths, manned only by the spirit of the "Wizard of the Sea."


