Wikisource:WikiProject Film/Intertitles from GeoCities/Back to God's Country

Back to God's Country 1 In days when the lure of gold lay heavy on the land there labored into the great white north a Chinaman named Shan Tung, and with him a giant dog called Tao.

2 The Telegraph Trail Bar - a haven for venturesome men of forty years ago, before the long arm of the law reached into the savagery

  of the wilderness.

3 The deadliest of all insults to the

  yellow man.

4 In the years that follow, farther and still farther north wanders the blood of Tao the Great Dane,

 until at last ....

5 .... on the edge of the Arctic Sea, comes "Wapi the Killer," a throw- back of forty dog generations, a white man's dog in a brown

   man's land.

6 An alien without friends, hating the men who understand nothing of the magic of kindness and love, but whose law is

the law of the whip
   and the club.

7 "Sealskin" Blake -

free trader among the
Eskimo, barterer in
furs, whalebone - and
other things

- Charles Arling

8 And while a strange instinct brings to Wapi visions of a world he has never seen, Destiny weaves its whimsi- cal web in the far southern

  forests a thousand
      miles away.

9 "Peter Burke is my name - I'm a naturalist and investigator for the Government - wandering in search of material for a new book." - Wheeler Oakman

10 "We don't have much company, an' you're welcome here."

11 "Yes, m'sieu, she loves the forests - and has made friends of all wild things."

12 Magic night - and the

love flame kindled.

13 "I'm with you, old man!"

14 Days of sunshine and romance follow swiftly in the lives of Peter

   and Dolores.

15 "Want your supper, Cubby? Well, so do I."

16 "Hungry - everybody hungry! Wonder where Dolores can be?"

17 Peter prepares for a quick trip to the line of rail - and Ottawa.

18 Real tragedy draws near in the form of a man-beast named Rydal - a lawless trading vessel master forced to seek safety inland. - Wellington Plater

19 "You are my prisoner, Rydal. The law wants you for killing Scotty Ross."

20 "We'll make that uniform our passport out of this accursed country."

21 The hidden pool.

22 "I want to see more of that girl. We'll make believe I'm hurt - and they'll take us in."

23 Happy in Peter's Make-Believe Land.

24 After a night of evil

 dreams Rydal's

smouldering desire

leaps into flame.

25 Returning for the missing manuscript.

26 With the inspiration of a devil Rydal sees in the halfbreed's death an opportunity to make Dolores pay the price of her father's freedom.

27 "I arrest you in the name of His Majesty, the King."

28 "Canadian law knows no excuse for killing. I must take your father to the post."

29 Urged by his own danger, and fearing the vengeance of the uniform he is dese-

 crating, Rydal sees a
    better way out.

30 A year later in the city home of Dolores and Peter.

31 Yearning for the wild things she loved, pray- ing for a day when the forests will claim

     her again.

32 "And then - when we come back, you will keep your promise, Peter - and we will re- turn to my old home?"

33 "Yes, and we'll find Cubby, even if he's grown up. And all the others. And I'll never take you away from them again, Dolores."

34 And while Dolores longs for her homeland - Wapi awaits his appointed hour.

35 Weeks later aboard the Flying Moon. Round the jagged coast of Baffin Land into the edge of the Arctic Sea.

36 "All this time we have not seen the Captain. You are sure his illness is not serious?"

37 "He's much better, Ma'am. He'll be out pretty soon."

38 "A trader's crew is never strong on looks. Don't worry about them, dear."

39 "The Captain wants to see you, Ma'am."

40 "YOU!"

41 "Yes - me! I didn't want to show up until we were too far to turn back - you might not be glad to see me ...."

42 "You - you murderer!"

43 "Forget that! I am not bluffing now. I am the law here. I am Captain Rydal, the master of this ship."

44 "There isn't a man aboard who wouldn't break your husband's neck if I gave the word ...."

45 "On board this ship we shall surely be good friends."

46 Fearing for Peter's life if he learns the truth - facing the horror of her own peril if she keeps

    her secret.


 Dolores determines not 

to tell Peter, but to fight

 out her own salvation.

48 Rydal prepares

 his trap.

49 "When I give the signal - let the sail drop."

50 The Flying Moon's desti- nation - Blake's Trading Post - Rydal's companion in crime and lawlessness.

51 "I am sorry, Miss, but there is no other ship on the coast - and the nearest doctor is at Fort Confi- dence two hundred miles across the Barren Lands."

52 Like a great-winged bird the Flying Moon brings to Wapi a strange and thrilling message from the white man's world of

  his forefathers.

53 "There's a husband. But he won't count - much longer."

54 High revelry aboard the Flying Moon - with Eskimo "guests" sup- plied by Blake.

55 "You think we'll be going home soon, don't you? Well - we're not! We're going to stay here all winter. Understan'? All winter!"

56 Winter, sudden and terrible descends upon the land, and with the long Arctic night drawing near Dolores

 makes up her mind to
   appeal to Blake.

57 "Look out! That dog is a devil ...."

58 A new miracle of under- standing roused by the touch of a woman's hand.

59 "This is the season of great storm on the Barrens. An attempt to cross them now would mean almost certain death."

60 "What are you doing ashore with Blake? You're getting too intimate with him."

61 On the trail of the white woman - the first friend

 Wapi the Killer has
     ever known.

62 With the fall of the long polar night Dolores makes a last appeal for Peter's

 life and her
  own honor.

63 "Rydal wants you - and your husband is dying."

64 "He will die, unless I get him to a doctor. You have dog teams. Won't you help me?"

65 "Sixty degrees below zero - and not a stick of fire- wood between here and Fort Confidence. It's impossible."

66 "I'll take a chance - and help you."

67 "I will send two teams, one with the woman and the other with the husband ...."

68 "And I'll see that only the woman is returned - to you."

69 "Depend on me for the result."

70 Blake's trap ready

 for its prey.

71 "Why are there two sledges, Mr. Blake?"

72 "One for you - one for your husband."

73 "I heard you plotting with Rydal last night. Unless you play square I shall kill you. Tell your man to drive us to Fort Confidence!"

74 "Quick - or I will shoot!"

75 Rydal takes up

the pursuit.

76 Across the Barrens, with shame and death running

a close race behind.

77 And between - the hour of his destiny at hand -

runs Wapi the Killer.

78 Sensing the swift- approaching menace of the men and beasts

    he hates.

80 "If they come up with us - you die!"

81 "Dolores - give me the gun."

82 Her last hope.

83 "Sic 'em, Wapi! Sic 'em!"

84 Fighting at last the greatest of all his fights - for a woman.

85 Four days later at

Fort Confidence.

86 "Our men are after Rydal. We'll surely get him this time."

87 Rydal's last trail.

88 "Wapi - dear old Wapi - we're going home - home - and you are going with us ...."

89 And then the old dream ...


The End.
