Wikisource:WikiProject Film/Intertitles from GeoCities/Blind Husbands

Blind Husbands 1

           CARL LAEMMLE



      From the book
      Erich Stroheim
Adaptation and scenario by
        the author
        Directed by


         Edited by 

Photographed by Ben F. Renolds

   Titles by Lilian Ducey


       Dedicated to

Sepp Innerkofler, world-famous mountain guide - who risked his life again and again to save others, finally sacrificing it on the Monte Cristallo. Let us re- member him through years for his pure and mighty heart.



The Husband ............. Sam DeGrasse The Wife ................ Francellia Billington The Other Man ........... Erich von Stroheim The Mountain Guide ...... T. H. Gibson-Gowland The "Vamp" Waitress ..... Fay Holderness A Village Blossom ....... Ruby Kendrick Honeymooners ............ Valerie Germonprez

                         Jack Perrin

The Village Physician ... Richard Cummings The Village Priest ...... Louis Fitzroy Three Men from "Home" ... William Duvalle

                         Jack Mathes
                         Percy Challenger

6 One of the most frequent reasons

for divorce is "alienation of 

affection" ...And the reason within the reason is the fact that "the other man" steps in with his sincere (or insincere) attentions just when the husband in his self- complacency forgets the wooing wiles of his prenuptial days... Guilty! says the world condemning "the other man" ...But what of the husband?

7 Beneath the blue sky ...

as old ... as the world
itself ... the Monte
    Cristallo ....

8 ... and set like a gem ... almost choked by the near- ness of the Alpine magni- tude lies the little village of Cortina ...

Note Cortina D'Ampezzo, on the Austro- Italian Frontier - the Mecca of American tourists.

9 ... the Seventh Day ...

10 ... and a people ... simple

     and faithful ...

11 The wine room of the

Hotel Croce Bianca.

12 A son of the eternal

 mountains ... strong

and mute ... as they ... Silent Sepp ...

13 "To the end of my days -

I remain your friend -"


Into the solitude of the
 immortal mountains - -

where man is little and God is great - - comes Doctor Robert Armstrong, America's famous surgeon, seeking rest and relaxation.

15 Margaret, his wife ....

16 Lieutenant Von Steuben,

   an Austrian cavalry

officer, with a keen apprecia- tion of three things: Wine, WOMEN, Song.

17 "Robert - what time

is it?"

18 The next morning ...

19 "Oh Robert -- I forgot

my sweater!"

20 "Yes, - I saw it - lying

on the bed -"

21 "Did you find it?"


 That night was the
  Festival of the Trans-

figuration ...

23 Three men from home!

24 Honeymooners.

25 Lover's Lane.

26 "- this wonderful night

is ours - - yours and

27 "Even the good old moon

seems to give us her

28 "- I love you."

29 "You'll never neglect

me like that?"

30 "Why do you think of

him - he does not think
of you?"

31 "This wonderful night is

ours - yours and mine -"

32 "- and even the good

old moon seems to give
us her blessing -"

33 "- I love you."

34 "Well, Doc, tomorrow we

climb the Monte Cristallo.
And from the north side too 
- what do you know about

35 "But why from the north

side? No one ever
made it before - -"

36 "That's just the reason!"

37 "Don't try to break records.

The mountains have no
patience with such worldly
motives - they'll call you to
account - -"

38 "What do you think,


39 "It is bad for man to

believe he is more
almighty than mountains,
I know."

40 "To me mountains are life-

less rocks. My pleasure
has always been to master

41 "We'll be back tomorrow

night - keep your eyes
peeled for us!"

42 Daybreak.

43 .... and as the morning

     advanced ....

44 "Robert, look here - isn't

this wonderful?"

45 "Two hundred and fifty

kronen - but it's two
hundred years old."

46 "I'm sorry, Margaret, but Dr.

Brunner has a very urgent
case - a little mother needs
us - I have to go."

47 "Lieutenant, please look

after my wife until I
return -"

48 "- you were created for

nothing else but love -
love with its longings - its

49 "You must not talk that

way. I am married -
and I love my husband."

50 "Husband? Love? How

can one love alone?"

51 .... In the rose glow of

  an Alpine sunset ....

52 "What I foresaw has

happened - - I am
going up to bring
them help."

53 "Dr. Brunner is detained in

the country - I am the
only physician here - - I
must go."

54 "It's a long way. We won't

return before tomorrow

55 Ready to bring aid to

those who had reck-

lessly challenged the spirit of the mountains ...

56 ... Morning ... and some- where a lovebird was calling ... calling to its mate ....

57 "Suppose my husband were

to come now - !"

58 "Your husband does not

think of you - he climbs
the mountains - -"

59 "- I promise. But give

me time! Please - -
please - - !"

60 ... I call the living ... I mourn the dead ...

61 "If you feel strong enough

- we'll leave for Rome

62 "- No! Not until you've

had your climb to the

63 "Then - if you don't mind -

I'll go tomorrow."

64 "Take me with you as far

as the Pinnacle hut - and
I'll wait for you until you
come back - -"

65 "Maybe Lieutenant Von

Steuben would like to
join our party?"

66 "Perhaps - I've heard him

say that he has climbed
most of the mountains of
the world."

67 ... Cortina had been left far behind ... and into the cloud- mist where voices grew fog muffled to an echo ... went the party ....


 Am 16 September

1879 wurde Franz Huber von Alois Bauer während einer geheimer Zusammenkunft mit der Ehefrau des letzteren überrascht und im darauf folgenden Zweikampfe von diesem Felsen herunter geworfen.

Wanderer bete ein Vater Unser für die arme Seele!

[dissolves to:]

On Sept. 16th 1879 Franz Huber was caught by Alexis Bauer holding a secret meeting with the latters wife. In the ensuing fight the former was thrown by the betrayed husband down this precipice and killed.

Passerby pray for the condemned soul of the poor sinner

69 ... and just below the timber- line, where all the earth scents mingle ... the Pinnacle hut ....

70 "Separate rooms - if we can

have them? I leave at sun-
rise for the Pinnacle and
do not want to disturb my

71 ... night and drifting fog ... and a mountain owl

  weirdly calling ...
       calling ...

72 "- When all is quiet -

remember - -"

73 The Pinnacle, one of three

sister peaks in the Dolo-

mites - not the highest but famed for its inaccessibility. Buried at its foot lie the victims of many an intrepid expedition.

74 Lifting itself to immortal

 Heaven - aloof ... for-

bidding ... and still, still as everlasting death ...

75 A platoon of Austrian

 Alpine soldiers on a

mapping expedition.

76 "Do you think they

are in danger?"

77 "Not if they left their

worldly troubles behind."

78 The Pinnacle - at the very

 feet of God - where man

forgets his baser self and the soul beneath his mind grows clean.

79 "Sepp! Sepp!"

80 "Something terrible is

happening - I know it -
I feel it. Sepp, I must
go to them."

81 "Did my wife write this

letter to you?"

82 "Was that letter written

by my wife?"

83 "Yes - what of it?"

84 "What can one man do

alone? There is only
one way up - but many
ways down - -"

85 "I am going to give you one

chance - if you speak the
truth - and I shall know it - I
will not harm you. But if you
lie - and I shall know that too
- down you go - -"

86 "Did she promise to go

away with you?"

87 "You will not hurt me if

I speak the - truth?"

88 "She did!"

89 "No law of God or man

can make me take you
down again!"

90 "I lied because I was

afraid you wouldn't
believe the truth."

91 "I didn't do it - I tell you!

I swear I didn't!"

92 "Doctor Armstrong -"

93 "I've found him -"

94 "He is still up there -

save - him - -"

95 ... the spirit of the mountain had spoken ... and again everything was still...still as everlasting death ...

96 - Until we meet again.

97 "Be good to her -"

98 "Little I know of the

world - but one thing
she needs: Love."
