Wikisource:WikiProject Film/Intertitles from GeoCities/Don't Change Your Husband

Don't Change Your Husband 1 This does not deal with the

tread of victorious Armies,

nor defeated Huns - but is just a little sidelight on the inner life of Mr. and Mrs. Porter - who found that they should not have looked for their mar- ital troubles with a Telescope - but with a Microscope.

2 James Denby Porter, who,

through complete absorp-

tion in his business, has lost his Romance - and his Waistline.

Elliott Dexter.

3 Leila Porter, who finds her

Husband's habits - after

several dull gray years of matrimony - getting slightly on her nerves.

Gloria Swanson.


"Keeps out the

moths, Dear!"


"Jim, do you know 

what day tomorrow will be?"

6 "Thursday, the 19th."


"I don't mean that -

doesn't tomorrow mean anything - special?"


"By Jove, I've got a note 

due at the First National - glad you reminded me!"

9 "Toodles" Thomas who

believes in signs -

especially the Dollar Sign.

Julia Faye.

10 Fortunately, the Guests at

Leila's Wedding Anniver-

sary Dinner include: The Bishop - Theodore Roberts. Mrs. Huckney - Sylvia Ashton. And unfortunately, the lat- ter's Nephew, Schuyler Van Sutphen - Lewis J. Cody.

11 "Jade?"


"There's an Ancient Chi-

nese Tradition that when two people drink from Jade - their lives, thereafter, will run in the same path!"


"I'm afraid it couldn't 

be - the straight and narrow path!"


"I knew you were expect-

ing Mr. Porter for dinner - and thought I had better let you know that he is very busy at a meeting."


"Mr. Porter has 

been detained - we won't wait."

16 "Better Late than Never"

  - IF you haven't

forgotten your Wedding Anniversary!


"Bring me some 



"Very sorry - but

him asked for onions!"

19 With the Cordial.


"To the Wedding



"Secretary have 



"Leila - Jim regards you

a little too much like an old shoe. Why not come down to my place for the week-end, and give him a chance to miss you?"


"Sorry to have robbed 

you of the little gift, Bishop - but I'll square it with a check for your Widows and Orphans!"

24 Hours later when

he wearily seeks 

his Bed -

25 And when, a little later,

she magnanimously

decides to forgive him - she bumps squarely into a situation which has baffled Womankind for Centuries!

26 "Snoring!"

27 Why is it that a Man who

will run no risk with 

his Business - will run every risk with his Wife?


"I'm sorry, Dear, that

in the rush at the office, I forgot our Anniversary - but perhaps this will help some!"


"It will be a nice 

change for you - why don't you go?"


"Pack my trunk, Marie

- I'll spend the week- end with Mrs. Huckney."

31 Giving "Hubby"

a Chance to

"Miss" her.


"Mrs. Porter should

be here now - any minute!"

33 "Comparisons are



"Pack my bag - I'm

going to Mrs. Huckney's in the morning!"

35 The Dangers of a Fancy

Dress Ball lurk as in-

sidiously behind the merri- ment as a Serpent under Rose Leaves - its very Romance is Temptation! At least so discovered Van Sutphen and Leila.


"Come on up - the

Costumes for tonight have come!"


"How would I look 

as a King?"


"If I were King - I'd bring

you three priceless Gifts:

'Pleasure' - "Wealth" and

'Love' - and the first should be 'Pleasure'!"


"Next, I would bring you the 

'Wealth' of the Universe:

Chests of smoldering Rubies,

And Chains of virgin Pearls -

Sapphires, blue as Midnight,

And Emeralds clear as light - Shimmering Silks and Fabrics

As soft as your own Curls! "


"And lastly - I bring you

the greatest gift of all - 'Love'! Without which 'Pleas- ure' and 'Wealth' are of no avail!"

41 The safe refuge of his

dependable Arms, at

this time, might have set her worried heart straight if only -


"Onions, Jim -

how could you?"


"I've just run down to 

take Leila back with me, tonight."


"He can't take you 

home now - on ac- count of the Ball!"


"But I haven't any-

thing to wear!"


"Here's a Costume that

will just fit you - why not go as 'Folly'?"

47 "For the Apparel

oft proclaims

the Man - "


"Jim, tights were meant 

to be tight - don't you see how Schuyler has his?"

49 The Dangerous Alchemy

of a Pretty Woman -

and a Blind Husband.


"No thoroughfare

- to 'Romeos'!"


"With Love's Light

Wings did I o'erperch these Walls!"


"You sly old dog! Tell

me who she is - if I'm to buy you a wedding present!"


"I don't know where Leila 

is - but I'm like a fish out of water at a dance, and I'm going up to bed."


"Nothing on earth can

keep you from me, Leila - not even yourself!"

55 The Cross Roads.


"Why should you blame 

me for trying to get what another man is too fond of onions to try to keep!"


"Jim, I know it will hurt 

you - but I can't stand this 'corn beef and cabbage' existence any longer!"


"May I sleep in the

Blue Room, Dear - the night is so close!"

59 The Open Cage.


"I caught Schuyler with

the Goods last night - and here's a Souvenir!"


"What would you say,

Jim, if I were to tell you that I'm desperately un- happy - and that I want my freedom!"


"I love you, Leila - but

I won't hold you one minute longer than you want to stay!"

63 The Mind has a thousand

               Eyes -
The Heart but one!

Yet the Light of a whole life

               dies -
When Love is gone!


"Jim - a woman wants some-

thing besides mere personal comfort! She doesn't want a man to bury himself in a news- paper at every meal - nor to allow himself to get soft and fat - nor to kiss her invariably after eating onions!"

65 Freed at last from the many

chains that bound her, and

married to her romantic "King of Dreams" - Leila finds that it would have been much better to cure those matrimonial ills she had - than fly to others that she knew not of.


"Can't you find something 

to wear in the mornings, Leila, besides that queer Oriental junk?"

67 "At Thirty, Man suspects

    himself a fool -
Knows it at Forty -
  And reforms his plan."


"Perhaps you like

onions - better!"

69 To her dismay, Leila real-

izes that the habits of

"Kings of Dreams" are as bad - or worse - than the "Garden Variety" of Husband.

70 [interspersed with bars of music] "If this be forgetting,

you're right, Dear - And

I have forgotten you then!"


"If you're sure, Schuyler,

that this will really help your business - I'll give you the last of my jewels!"

72 The Eternal


73 "Murray Hill 1132."


"My old dress is so 

shabby, Schuyler, that I'm getting a new suit - may I go as high as $150.00?"


"I'm sorry, Leila, but

I'm too hard up at this time - can't you let the dress go until a little later?"

76 "Murray Hill 1132."


"I'm over at the tailor's

- my clothes are posi- tively in rags - and I've got to have a new suit."


"All right 'Toodles' -

you can have it!"


"I've finally decided on

this one, Mr. Frankel. Please charge it to my husband - Mr. Schuyler Van Sutphen!"

80 Fate sometimes

lurks in Christ-

mas Shopping.


"It's good to see you, 

Leila! Can't I give you a lift home?"

82 "Old Wood to Burn -

 old Wine to Drink -

old Friends to Trust!"


"Mr. Van Sutphen just

'phoned - and said not to expect him for dinner, as he has an important business engagement!"


"Why don't you return 

and dine with Mrs. Huck- ney and me?"

85 The "Important Busi-

 ness Engagement".

86 Of those external forces

which combine to make

us what we are, DRESS is the most potent. It covers our ideas no less than our bodies - until we finally become the thing we look to be.


"Do you remember the 

Christmas I gave you those cuff links, Jim - and how I never could make you dress up and wear them!"


"You were a dear 

to remember that I loved orchids!"

89 "Dinner is served."


"Have you forgotten,

'Bingo', that day after tomorrow is Christmas!""


"That ring is going to be 

pawned to pull me out of a certain financial 'hole' - but you can wear it for tonight!"


"The Gown - the Fan -

the Head-dress! All the costume complete, ex- cept the Ring - I miss my solitaire, Leila!"


"I'll tell you what's become 

of your solitaire, Jim: my Nephew is in financial diffi- culty - and Leila has given him her jewels!"


"To think that I held

Paradise in my arms - and didn't know enough to keep it!"

95 Seeking diversion from

his wretched thoughts

- thoughts of a dead Yes- terday - and a Forbidden Woman.


"If you want a good 

laugh, watch the dame with Van Sutphen - she's cleaned him out!"

97 "I'll buy it!"


"That ring doesn't belong 

to you - and I'm going to see that this money reaches the rightful owner!"


"You'll come home to 

your wife for a little busi- ness talk - or you'll find no wife when you get there!"


"Some drop from a 

six carat diamond to a hundred dollar bill - eh, 'Toodles'?"

101 Even Money.


"I bumped into your hus-

band at the club, and pur- chased your ring from him - but he thinks you'd bet- ter handle the money."


"You thought you could

shake me, didn't you - well you can't! I've come to get some of that money - or I'll spill the whole mess to the Papers!"


"I figure that I've got 

something coming - and I came here to get it!"


"Don't misunderstand -

he owed you something - and you are paid! He promised me a few things, too, such as Love and Pro- tection - and he didn't pay! Let's only one of us be cheated."


"They're all alike, 

Dearie - you can't trust any of 'em!"


"Leila, if the time ever

comes that you change your mind - my home and my name are waiting for you!"


"Don't you think you've

done damage enough - without sneaking in behind my back and trying to make love to my wife!"


"Your trouble is your sense 

of humor - how about the flowers you sent Leila when she was my wife? You stole her love from me - but I'm going to try my damnedest to win it back!"


"It isn't for you to say, 

Schuyler, what is - or is not - to be done! When I have made up my mind - I shall let you know."


"I'm not going to give you

a chance to brow-beat Leila into making up her mind! And what's more - I won't leave this house until she has made her choice!"


"You need a little more 

practice, Young Man!"


"I'm going to wire for 

your same old Suite - at Reno!"

114 And with the Summer -

she comes to learn that

"Many Waters cannot

     quench Love -

Neither can the Floods

     drown it!"


"Do you know that if 

I were King - I'd bring you three priceless Gifts: 'Pleasure' - "Wealth" and 'Love' - and the first should be 'Pleasure'!"


"Jim - do you know 

what day tomorrow will be?"


"Of course I know - it's

our Wedding Anniversary - we've been married a month, tomorrow!"

118 And now you know what

every Woman comes to

know - that Husbands, at best, are pesky brutes; and at worst - are unfit for publication!

      THE END.
