Wikisource:WikiProject Film/Intertitles from GeoCities/Eyes of Youth

Eyes of Youth 1 Out of the East the wise men

 came. Out of the East

knowledge of the spiritual has reached us. In the East holy men spend their lives in search for perfection.

2 On a pinnacle of the

Himalaya mountains,

where the earth dream reaches out to touch the stars, is ever kept burning the light of divine brotherhood.

3 Here are to be found

those mysterious men

who live to give spiritual aid to all who serve

 their brothers.

4 A disciple. Vincent Serrano.

5 "The time has come

 when we must go
forth -- can there be
peace when so many 
suffer? Shall we be
saved and hear the 
whole world cry?"

6 "There will be no welcome

for thee in the Western
World -- thy ways will be
strange - only as thou
canst amuse canst thou
hope to hold their interest
-- so, take with thee
 this fakir's pack."

7 In the Western World

where the eyes

of men have been blinded to the things of the spirit by the cruel struggle for gold.

8 And in this struggle

 the souls of little 

children are forgotten, until their thoughtless acts reflect its cruelty.

9 "Tie it on."

10 "Gee - he ain't got no tail."

11 Gina Ashling -- one whose eyes

 have not been blinded

by the material things ----

Clara Kimball Young.

12 "No dog with no tail

ain't got no rights."

13 Peter Judson,

a civil engineer.

Edmund Lowe.

14 "You're a lucky little

beggar to have such
a beautiful Princess
     adopt you."

15 "Why must people be

cruel and cause so much
unhappiness! - If I could
only find a way to help!"

16 The first far-off cry

of a pure heart

asking for guidance that he has heard in months of wandering.

17 "Now we needn't wait

any longer - this makes
our marriage possible -
won't you ----------?"

18 "You won't mind

being poor for a
change, will you?"

19 Asa Ashling, Gina's father,

whose eyes have grown 

too dim to look ahead.

Sam Sothern.

20 Kenneth Ashling, his son,

 full of the dreams
     of youth.

Gareth Hughes.

21 "Why won't you give me a

chance to show what I can
do - with modern methods
and efficiency ----"

22 "Modern impudence! ---

Just see how fast your
efficiency can take you
out of this office!"

23 Where chocolates and

novels are making

a lasting impression.

24 Gina's sister - Rita Ashling.

Pauline Starke.

25 "Ask Gina to come to

the office immediately."

26 One of the things that

money has bought for

Robert Goring, a typical wise man of the West.

27 Robert Goring, a type

that believes "every-

thing has its price."

Ralph Lewis.

28 Louis Anthony,

assistant cashier

of the Vanfield Bank.

Milton Sills

29 "I hear old Ashling's affairs

    are in a bad way."

30 "--- the directors decided

to call his loans yester-
day --- it will be awfully
      hard on Gina."

31 Money vs. Happiness

32 "We are never beaten

until we think we are,
    father ----"

33 "Gina, you don't realize

how serious it is ----
if only you would marry
Mr. Goring - our troubles
    would be over."

34 "---- why not let me

accept Mr. De Salvo's
offer of an operatic
career? - if I succeed -"

35 Paolo de Salvo,

 maker of

operatic stars.

   William Courtleigh.

36 "With such a voice

- you cannot refuse
to come with me
to Paris and study!"

37 "I think it's selfish

of Gina to think
of leaving us."

38 "I must talk it over

  with my father."

39 "You grab it, Gina! --

We can take care of 
ourselves. Don't you
waste your talents on
this one-horse town."

40 "Your daughter is entitled

to the opportunity -----
you will never regret it."

41 "It's out of the question

--I have other plans for
      my daughter."

42 Anthony offers the

  only thing that 

costs nothing -- advice.

43 "Can't you see it's

your duty to remain
with your family?"

44 "Duty! If I could only

look into the future ---"

45 "--- if your mother

were alive it would
  be different."

46 "Gina, you know I

love you and hope
some day ----"

47 "I did not mean to frighten

the young lady -- I merely
meant to ask for bread."

48 "Do not trouble, it

is but a moment's
weakness -- I have
traveled a long way."

49 Detained in New York

 by the final nego-

tiations for the South American contract --

50 "---- I am coming

on the ten o'clock 
train to get your
father's consent."

51 "Something dreadful has

happened - I can't marry
you. Father - Rita - and
Kenneth - they need me 
now - it's my duty ----"

52 "Duty! Are you going

to sacrifice both of us?"

53 "If I only knew which

path to take ----"

54 "Perhaps I can help you."

55 "I'm afraid you can't.

If I only had to think
of myself - I wouldn't

56 "I don't know what I

wouldn't give to see a
few years ahead - just
a glimpse - but that's
impossible ----"

57 "With this, I can help you

to project yourself forward
- say, five years - you will
see what those five years
have made of you - whether
or not your spirit has gone
   forward and upward."

58 "You mean that if I de-

cide to do a definite
thing, I can see what the
consequences would be
-and decide differently?"

59 "It is the effect the

decision will have
on your soul - it is
the spirit only that

60 "You shall have three

opportunities --- use
    them wisely."

61 "Is it my duty to

remain at home?"

62 "This will show you.

Believe and desire
with a pure heart."



64 The results of five

 years of duty
to her family.

65 The only occupation

left to Gina after

illness had ruined her singing voice.

66 "Children, before I give

you a half-holiday to
see the circus ---"

67 "----- so the board has

engaged another teacher.
This letter will explain
     our action."

68 The years have increased

Anthony's bank account

-- and his selfishness.

69 "I knew you liked me

- but - I thought it
was Gina you wanted
    to marry."

70 "I - I was fond of Gina

- but - she's changed -
she's old --- it's you I
    want to marry."

71 "---- so you will have

a new teacher Monday
- it seems I'm too old-
     fashioned --"

72 "--- promise me you

will be nice to the
new teacher -- and
never-forget me --
I love you all ---"

73 Duty done in violation

of the laws of life is

a weak yielding to the selfishness of others.

74 "So this is what Louis

meant when he asked
me to wait for him."

75 "It isn't jealousy, dear

--- but I don't want
you to make the same
mistake I made ----"

76 "Don't turn from

me, Rita - I need
your love now
more than ever."

77 "So this is what you meant

when you told me it was
my duty to remain with my
family - and wait for you."

78 "Just because you've

ruined your life, why
d'you want to spoil
  my happiness?"

79 "Gina, I have always

loved you --- I can't
let you go away with
De Salvo ---- if you
will only wait -----"

80 "Here is the contract

--- I sail Saturday -
you will let me have
my answer tonight?"

81 "Mr. De Salvo

is urging me
to accept an
operatic career."

82 "Did I not once have

the pleasure of hearing
you play in India?"




84 Ambition nearly

 realized after

four years work at a sacrifice --?

85 Kenneth's studio in

 Paris -- another

drain on Gina's purse.

86 "Then maybe this

will convince you."

87 "It's an outrage to

let Rita live with
a woman who has
become notorious!"

88 The cost of ambition

is never realized
 until too late.

89 "---- if that article

were true I wouldn't
   want to live!"

90 "Do you suppose I could

keep the whole family on 
my salary? ---- have you
learned nothing about life?"

91 "Then you mean

to say it's true?"

92 "---- if I'm to be a

money machine -
leave the method 
     to me!"

93 "Another word from

you ---- and you'll
earn your own living."

94 "I'm not going to hurt you

- I'd rather be dead than
see you lead such a life!"

95 "---- so at last you have

ruined me - you Jezebel!"

96 "---- and what have

you done to me?"

97 "You were a nobody

and I made you a
 great artist."

98 "Yes --- but you

made me some-
thing else first."

99 "Don't worry ----

talk it over with 
your daughter."

100 "Can't you see, Gina,

that your marriage
to Mr. Goring means
everything to us?"

101 "Of course this crystal

business is nonsense --
but if you'll persuade
Miss Ashling to marry 
    me -- I ---"

102 "I will show Miss

Ashling what wealth 
can do for her."

103 "Permit me to quote from

your own religion: 'Ye shall
know the truth and the truth
shall make ye free'."



105 Loneliness - - the fruit

 of three years of

wealth without happiness.

106 "Mrs. Louis Anthony

   - madam."

107 "Louis has become

impossible -- I've
made up my mind to
get a separation."

108 "You're both young - don't

 do anything hasty ---"

109 "You know, dear ----

there must be sacrifices
 on both sides ----"

110 The reason for

Mrs. Goring's 

111 "We can't go on like this

--- you must find a way
to get rid of your wife."

112 The unwelcome


113 "I'll not stand for your

sister's interference -
  you're coming home 
      with me."

114 "Gina has nothing

to do with it ---"

115 "You're to blame -

I'll never rest until
   I get even."

116 Goring finds

a more than

willing ally.

117 "If you put this through

for me ---- I'll go the
    limit for you."

118 Clarence Morgan,

a cabaret parasite.

Rudolfo Valentino.

119 "My name is to be

kept out of this."

120 "Give this money

  to Morgan."

121 "I am motoring in from

the country --- please 
remain at home I want
to talk to you ----"

122 "This is Dr. Grant

speaking ---- your
husband has been
seriously injured -"

123 "---- at Pearson's

road-house --- Mr.
Brown's room, A-4."

124 "Is he badly injured,


125 "The doctors are holding

a consultation in there."

126 "Darling, I know you

love me - but what
of your husband?"

127 "Thanks, Louis. I have

suspected this for 
some time."

128 Judge Singleton's


129 "I decline to answer

on the grounds that
it might --- incrimi-
      nate me."

130 "The plaintiff rests."

131 "I fail to see the slightest

  evidence of conspiracy.
   Motion denied. Call
     your witnesses."

132 "Mrs. Goring, will you

please take the stand?"

133 "She admits it."

134 "I admit nothing! You

have permitted these
contemptible hirelings
 to swear away my
  reputation ---"

135 "You sit calmly by while

a woman's name ----
is bespattered by a man
without honor --- and
 without conscience."

136 "Silence, Madame --

or I shall grant Mr.
Goring the divorce!"

137 "---- and brand me

faithless to one man
-- and fair game for
    every other!"

138 "Madam, you must observe

the decorum of this court
      of justice."

139 "Justice - if this be

justice then God
help every woman!"



Condemned by the

merciless judge,
Public Opinion -

'To hell for life

and no parole!'

141 Deserted by her

friends and even

the family for which she sacrificed herself.

142 Dick Brownell

  of the

Central office.

Norman Selby.

143 "I'm just out of the

hospital. I used to
get odd jobs singing
but my voice is gone."

144 "It's stopped raining now

- let me go home."

145 "You don't look like a

woman that would steal
--- you're on the level,
    aren't you?"

146 "I come here to laugh at

these fool women - who
never stop to think that
all they have depends
on the selfish whim of
      some man."

147 "I've got a laugh coming

     ---- haven't I?"

148 "Gina! I've looked

everywhere for you!"

149 "Don't you know me, Gina?

Think back - it's Peter."

150 "I'm not going to lose you

again - there's still happi-
  ness for both of us."

151 "--- no happiness for me!

- I'm tired - so tired ---"

152 "Peter, don't you ever

dare to leave me!"

153 "Love with wisdom is the

secret of life. Weigh well
what you have seen ----
judge not from the material
   but the spirit."

154 "Find out your daughter's

decision ---- and we'll
discuss your affairs later."

155 "---- but I can't marry

   Mr. Goring. Money
isn't all of life - it's the
     least of it!"

156 "That Hindu double-

  crossed us!"

157 "Father, nothing ever

came of doing the
wrong thing - even 
 to save others."

158 "There is your answer ----

if you will only see things
with the eyes of youth!"

159 "With Kenneth's youth

- and your experience -
there's nothing you can't

160 "The Consolidated will take

over your business for a
   half-interest ----"

161 "I wanted to tell you this

morning but you wouldn't
let me - it means modern
methods - efficiency ---"

162 "How can I thank you

for the service you've
done me? - If I could
only help others as
you have helped me!"

163 "This is but a toy - tell others

to look into the pure crystal
of their own souls and the
Great Spirit behind the veil
of destiny shall guide their
       every step."

164 "May the blessings

of the Everlasting
rest upon you."

165 "He helped me to look into

the future - if others could
have the same opportunity
- how much unhappiness
  could be avoided."

The End
