Wikisource:WikiProject Film/Intertitles from GeoCities/Intolerance: Love's Struggle Through the Ages



             D. W. GRIFFITH
   Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages
       In a prologue and two acts 
              COPYRIGHT 1916


2 ś Our play is made up of four separate stories, laid in different periods of history, each with its own set of characters.

3 ś Each story shoes how hatred and intolerance, through all the ages, have battled against love and charity.

4 ś Therefore, you will find our play turning from one of the four stories to another, as the common theme unfolds in each.


  "Out of the cradle endlessly 


6 ś Today as yesterday, endlessly rocking, ever bringing the same human passions, the same joys and sorrows.

7 ś Our first story - out of the cradle of the present. ś In a western city we find certain ambitious ladies banded together for the "uplift" of humanity.


  Even reform movements 
     must be financed.

"If we can only interest Miss Jenkins - with her money - "

9 A little affair is being given by Mary T. Jenkins, unmar- ried sister of the autocratic

  industrial overlord -

10 ś Seeing youth drawn to youth, Miss Jenkins realizes the bitter fact that she is no longer a part of the younger world.

11 The girl of our story keeps house for her father who works in a Jenkins mill. With a wage of $2.75 a day, a little garden, four hens, ditto geese, and a fair measure of happiness and


12 ś The little Dear One.

13 ś The Boy, unacquainted with the little Dear One, is employed with his father in the same mill.

14 ś Age intolerant of youth and laughter. ś "The vestal virgins of Uplift" succeed in reaching Miss Jenkins in their search for funds.

15 ś Comes now from out the cradle of yesterday, the story of an ancient people, whose lives, though far away from ours, run parallel in their hopes and perplexities.

16 ś Ancient Jerusalem, the golden city whose people have given us many of our highest ideals, and from the carpen- ter shop of Bethlehem, sent us the Man of Men, the greatest enemy of intolerance.

17 ś Near the Jaffa gate.

18 ś The house in Cana of Galilee

19 ś Certain hypocrites among the Pharisees.

Pharisee - a learned Jewish party, the 
name possibly brought into disrepute
later by hypocrites among them.

20 ś When these Pharisees pray they demand that all action cease.


  "Oh Lord, I thank thee 

that I am better than other men."

22 "Amen."

23 ś Another period of the past. ś A.D. 1572 - Paris, a hotbed of intolerance, in the time of Catherine de Medici, and her son Charles IX, King of France.

24 ś Charles IX receiving his brother, Monsieur La France, Duc d'Anjou.

25 ś The heir to the throne, the effeminate Monsieur La France. ś Pets and toys his pastimes.

26 ś Catherine de Medici, queen-mother who covers her political intolerance of the Huguenots beneath the cloak of the great Catholic Religion.

NOTE: Huguenots - the Protestant party of this period.

27 ś The great Protestant leader, the Admiral Coligny, head of the Huguenot party.


  "What a wonderful man, 

the Admiral Coligny, if he only thought as we do."


  "What a wonderful king, 

if he only thought as we do."

30 ś The King's favor to Coligny increases the hatred of the opposite party.

31 ś Celebrating the betrothal of Marguerite of Valois, sister of the King, to Henry of Navarre, royal Huguenot, to insure peace in the place of intolerance.

32 ś Marguerite of Valois.

33 ś Henry of Navarre.

34 ś Brown Eyes, her family of the Huguenot Party, and her sweetheart, Prosper Latour.

35 ś Brown Eyes attracts the attention of a mercenary soldier.

36 ś Returning to our story of today, we find the embittered Miss Jenkins aligning herself with the modern Pharisees and agreeing to help the Uplifters.

37 ś A diversion of the mill workers.


  "To everything there is a 

season .... a time to mourn and a time to dance .... He hath made everything beautiful in his time."

Ecclesiastes iii.

39 ś The little Dear One having the time of her life.

40 "Want my straw?"

41 Miss Jenkins receives a check from her brother for the purposed uplift

    of humanity.

42 ś Jenkins studies his employes' habits.


  "Ten o'clock! They should 

be in bed so they can work tomorrow."

44 ś And now our fourth story of love's struggle against Intolerance, in that distant time when all the nations of the earth sat at the feet of Babylon.

45 ś Outside of Imgur Bel, the great gate of Babylon, in the time of Belshazzar, 539 B.C. ś Merchants, farmers, East Indians, with trains of elephants, Egyptians, Numidians, and ambitious Persians spying upon the city.

46 The Mountain Girl

 down from the 
 mountains of 

47 The Rhapsode, a Warrior singer - poet agent of the

 High Priest of Bel.

48 The priest of Bel-Marduk, supreme God of Babylon, jealously watches the image of the rival goddess, Ishtar, enter the city, borne

   in a sacred ark.


  "Dearest one - in the ash heaps 

of my backyard there will be small flowers; seven lilies - if thou wilt love me - but a little."


  "Ishtar, goddess of love, 

seven times seven I bow to thee. Let her enjoy this kiss."

51 ś On the great wall. ś The Prince, Belshazzar, son of Nabonidus, apostle of tolerance and religious freedom.

  NOTE: - Replica of Babylon's encircling 
          walls, 300 feet in height, and 
          broad enough for the passing of 

52 ś The two-sword man, Belshazzar's faithful guard, a mighty man of valor.

53 ś The intolerant High Priest of Bel sees in the enthronement of rival gods, the loss of his own great powers in Babylon.

54 The gate of Imgur Bel which no enemy has ever been able

   to force.

55 ś Hand maidens from Ishtar's Temple of Love and Laughter.

56 ś The Princess Beloved, favorite of Belshazzar, in a room of scented cedar, plated with pure gold, in the hareem of My Lord the Prince.

57 ś A love blossom from Belshazzar. ś Stricken by her pale beauty, as though by white lightning.

58 The brother of the Mountain Girl, having some slight trouble with his high-spirited sister, takes the matter to the court.


     The first known court 
    of justice in the world. 

NOTE - Babylonian justice according to the code of Hammurabi, protecting the

      weak from the strong.

60 ś The Mountain Girl's brother tells the Judge that she is incorrigible.

61 ś The judgment is that she be sent to the marriage market to get a good husband.

62 Endlessly rocks the cradle uniter of here and hereafter. Chanter of sorrows and joys.

63 ś Resuming our story of today. ś Dividends of the Jenkins mills failing to meet the increasing demands of Miss Jenkins' charities, she complains to her brother, which helps decide him to action.


  "Order a ten percent cut 

in all wages."

65 ś A great strike follows.


  "They squeeze the money out of 

us and use it to advertise themselves by reforming us."

67 ś Hungry ones that wait to take their places.

68 ś The militia having used blank cartridges, the workmen now fear only the company's guards.

69 "Clear the property."

70 The Loom of Fate weaves death for the Boy's father.

71 The exodus after a time of waiting. Forced to seek em- ployment elsewhere, many vic- tims of the Jenkins' aspirations go to the great city nearby -

  the Boy among them.

72 ś A friendless one - alone - as the result of the strike.

73 ś So too, the Dear One - and her father.

74 ś Fate leads them all to the same district.

75 ś The Boy unable to find work - at last -

76 ś And again in Babylon.

77 ś The marriage market. ś Money paid for beautiful women given to homely ones, as dowers, so that all may have husbands and be happy.

78 Lips brilliant with juice of henna; eyes lined with kohl.

 NOTE: - According to Herodotus, 
 women corresponding to our 
 street outcasts, for life the 
 wards of Church and State.

79 ś The auctioneer.


  "Tish tish! 'tis no place

to eat onions."

81 ś The girl's turn - perhaps not so different from the modern way.

82 In distant Nineveh -

 One who would give his 
 life if he were able to buy 
 the merchandise held so 
 lightly upon Love's market.


  "Any man will be happy 

with this sweet wild rose - this gentle dove."


  "But touch my skirt and 

I'll scratch your eyes out!"

85 ś The temper and rough language of the "wild rose" prove her to be not without thorns.


  "With her goes a third 

of a mina of silver."


  "You lice! You rats! You 

refuse me?

  "There is no gentler dove in 

all Babylon than I."

88 ś Belshazzar now ruling for his father.


  "Oh, lord of lords! Oh, king of kings! 

Oh, masu! Oh, scorching sun of the mid-day, these bugs will not buy me for a wife!

  "I dwell in sorrow."


  "This seal gives you freedom 

to marry or not to marry - to be consecrated to the goddess of love or not as thou choosest."

91 ś The Rhapsode, working in the tenements, to convert backsliders to the true wor- ship of Bel.


  "Put away thy perfumes, thy 

garments of Assinnu, the female man. I shall love none but a soldier."

93 ś The love-smitten Mountain Girl vows eternal allegiance to Belshazzar.


In the Love Temple.

Virgins of the sacred

   fires of life.

95 He promises to build her a city, beautiful as the memory of her own in a foreign land.


  "The fragrant mystery of 

your body is greater than the mystery of life."

97 Belshazzar the king,

The very young king, of Babylon - 

And his Princess-Beloved,

Clearest and rarest of all his pearls, 

The very dearest one of his dancing girls.

98 ś Belshazzar, shepherd of the mighty nation, purified by the sacred baths and a Sabbath of rest, visits the temple of the moon god.

99 "My masu, my hero-love."

100 ś Another agent of the High Priest of Bel, agitating against Belshazzar.

101 "Lies! Lies! Lies!"

102 ś For the affront to the Priest- hood the High Priest orders that she be beaten to death with a rod of iron.


  "I swear, oh Sar, this priest 

spoke evil of thee."


  "Since when has the High 

Priest of Bel the power of death over my subjects?"

105 ś Belshazzar again gives the girl her freedom.

106 The Dear One in her new environment forced upon her by the Jenkins strike. The same old love

      and dreams.

107 ś The hopeful geranium.


  "I'll walk like her and 

maybe everybody will like me too."

109 ś In the same neighborhood, the friendless one again.

110 ś Across the hall, The Musketeer of the Slums.

111 ś The Boy, now a barbarian of the streets, a member of The Musketeer's band.

112 ś Imitating the walk of the girl on the street.

113 ś The Boy's news stand, a blind for his real operations. ś Their first meeting.

114 ś The new walk seems to bring results.


  "Say kid, you're going to 

be my chicken."

116 "Pray to be forgiven!"

117 ś Inability to meet new conditions brings untimely death to The Dear One's father.

118 ś Out of the cradle, endlessly rocking -

  The Comforter, out of Nazareth.


ś There was a marriage in Cana of Galilee.

               John ii-1. 

Note: - The ceremony according to Sayce,

       Hastings, Brown and Tissot.

120 ś The first sop to the bride.

121 ś Be ye as harmless as doves.

122 ś Scorned and rejected of men.

123 ś Mary, the mother.

124 ś Meddlers then as now.

  "There is too much revelry 

and pleasure-seeking among the people."

125 ś The poor bride and groom suffer great humiliation. ś The wine has given out.

126 ś The first miracle. ś The turning of water into wine.

Note: - Wine was deemed a fit offering 
        to God; the drinking of it a part 
        of the Jewish religion.

127 ś Now for a time the little love god works his small but mighty way, in other days the same as now.

128 ś Brown Eyes and her family happily ignorant of the web intolerance is weaving around them.

129 ś Love's silent mystery.

130 ś The mercenary made bold by passion.

131 In the good old summertime.

  For the little Dear 
  One, passing days 
  and youth have 
  healed the wound.

132 ś The end of a "Coney Island" day.


  "Nothing doing on the good 

night stuff, I always go inside to see my girls."


  "Help me to be a strong-

jawed jane."

135 "I told you before - I promised Our Lady and I promised father that no man would ever come in this room."

136 "Just for that I'll never see

 you again!"


  "I was thinking -- suppose we 

get married, then I can come in."


  "That's me. Kiss me good 

night and we'll call it settled."

139 ś The enormous sums supplied by Jenkins to be distributed as the meddlers see fit - in "charity" - now make the Uplifters the most influ- ential power in the community.

140 ś Equally intolerant hypocrites of another age.

141 ś And the Pharisee said:

  "Behold a man gluttonous, 

and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners."

                St. Matthew XI-19. 

142 The woman taken

 in adultery.

143 "Now Moses in the law commanded us that such should be stoned; but what sayest thou?"

                - John VIII. 

144 "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a

 stone at her." 


  "Woman, where are those 

thine accusers? Hath no man condemned thee?"

146 "No man, Lord."

147 ś Now, how shall we find this Christly example followed in our story of today? ś The Committee of Seventeen re- port they have cleaned up the city.

148 "It is peaceful in the --"

149 "No more dancing in --"

150 "You yourself were with us

    when we raided -"

151 ś When women cease to attract men they often turn to Reform as a second choice.

152 ś But these results they do not report:

153 ś Each one his own distiller. ś Instead of mild wines and beers -

154 The Boy, strongly braced in the Dear One's sweet human faith, sets his steps with hers on the

   straight road.

155 ś The Boy tells the boss he won't need the "cannon" any more; he is through with the old life.

156 ś As an example to others of the band, The Musketeer, with the help of men higher up, arranges the old familiar frame-up.

157 ś The sometimes House of Intolerance.

158 ś Stolen goods, planted on The Boy, and his bad reputation intolerate him away for a term.

159 ś The broken love nest - The Dear One - - alone -

160 ś While at the Jenkins home the Uplifters celebrate their success in righting the world that was all wrong.

161 ś In Babylon. ś The High Priest of Bel courts public homage.

162 The Priest of Bel, frenzied at the worship of Ishtar, prophecies the loss of their souls and the down-

   fall of Babylon.

163 Belshazzar's father has a red letter day. He excavates a foundation brick of the temple of Naram-Sin, builded 3200

      years before.

164 Incidentally he remarks that Cyrus, the Persian, Babylon's mighty foe, is nearing the city.


  "We will begin building your 

city, oh dove of Ishtar, when Cyrus is conquered.

166 ś The Persian camp. ś Cyrus, world-conqueror, preparing for the titanic struggle with Babylon, in secret league with the priest of Bel.

   Note: - Situate between the Euphrates 
           and post road to Egypt.

167 The treacherous priest of Bel re- ceives assuring news from Cyrus.

168 ś In his tent, Cyrus, before the sacred image of the sun.

169 ś The institution of Cyrus. ś The Medes and Persians at exercises.

   Note: - It was required that each man 
           perspire every day

170 ś Ethiopians.

171 ś Barbarians.

172 Out of the cradle - endlessly rocking. Baby fingers hopefully lifted.

173 The little wife, now a mother, plans for the day of daddy's


174 ś The Uplifters, claiming the regular children's societies are inefficient, now turn to "negligent" mothers.

175 ś A cold sends our little mother to an old-fashioned remedy, condemned publicly yet used privately by many physicians and hospitals.

176 ś The Uplifters investigate.

  "Child - evil surroundings - 

criminal father."

177 "Whisky!"


  "We are afraid you're no 

fit mother ----."

179 ś Reporting the case.

180 ś Despite the objections of some of the members, they decide to seize the baby.

181 ś The friendly neighbor, with a glass of beer.


  "Did you see that? 

A man visitor!"


  "We have a warrant to 

take your baby."

184 Suffer Little Children -

185 ś Hoping for a sight of her baby.

  "Perhaps they are right and baby 

is happy after all."

186 ś Of course, hired mothers are never negligent.

187 ś A new dissipation - watching the happiness of others.

188 ś In another bitter day, memorable through intolerance.

189 ś The threatening attitude of the Huguenots throughout France is reported to Catherine.

190 ś The "old serpent" uses the incident to inflame the minds of the Catholics against the Protestants.


  "Remember, gentlemen, the 

Michelade at Nimes when hundreds of our faith perished at the hands of the Huguenots!"


  "And so, our very lives depend 

upon their extermination." ś An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth - ]

193 ś Cyrus moves upon Babylon; in his hand the sword of war, most potent weapon forged in the flames of intolerance.

194 ś Belshazzar leaving to take charge of the city's defense.


  "My Lord, like white pearls I shall keep 

my tears in an ark of silver for your return. I bite my thumb! I strike my girdle! If you return not, I go to the death halls of Allat."

196 ś While the Princess Beloved prays, the Mountain Girl goes to fight for her Belshazzar.

197 ś Babylon's gates close against the foe.

198 ś War drums and trumpets!


  "On the walls of my city, I, 

Belshazzar, defy the enemies of Babylon. Allato! Allato! Allato!"

200 ś Great moving siege towers covered with ox hide.

201 ś Inside the city walls.

202 ś Ancient instruments of war. ś Rock-throwers, catapults, battering rams, mighty cross- bows, burning oil.

203 ś Prayers in the temples and burning of frankincense.

204 ś Burnt offerings.


  "Ishtar, beloved, though our 

sins be many, forgive us. In our behalf seize thou now the burning sword."

206 ś The city assaulted on all sides.

207 ś Cyrus repeats the world-old prayer of intolerance, to kill, kill, kill --- and to God be the glory, world without end, Amen.


  "Ishtar, my offering, three 

turnips and a carrot."


  "Babylon is falling! Babylon, 

that mighty city is falling, is falling!"

210 ś The Princess Beloved, frenzied with war's terrors, watches the battle from afar.

211 ś Great timbers against the towers.

212 ś Into the night.

213 "Fight for him, Ishtar,

        fight for him!" 

214 ś Morning brings fresh assaults and towers.

215 ś The mighty man of valor and his legion oppose the threatening tide.

216 ś A new and flaming engine of destruction attempts to burn the towers of Cyrus.

217 ś The army of Cyrus repulsed by Belshazzar.

218 ś Babylon's paean of victory.

219 "My glorious Belshazzar."


       End of Act

This intermission five minutes

      before last act 


 A Sun-play of the Ages
 A drama of Comparisons
        ACT II.

222 ś In this last act the events portrayed in Babylon are according to the recently excavated cylinders of Nabonidus and Cyrus, that relate Babylon's betrayal by the priests of Bel.

223 ś These cylinders describe the greatest treason of all history, by which a civilization of countless ages was destroyed, and a universal written language (the cuneiform) was made to become an unknown cypher on the face of the earth.

224 ś In our modern story, The Musketeer, inflamed by a new face wins the unsuspecting little mother's confidence with a promise to recover her baby.

225 Jealousy.

226 ś The Boy's return to The Dear One.

227 ś The Feast of Belshazzar. ś In the great court of the palace, rejoicing over Babylon's victory.

228 ś Before the nobles of Babylon, Belshazzar pours out the colossal hospitality of an ancient time.


Note: - This hall over a mile in length,

       imaged after the splendor of 
       an olden day.

229 ś A golden moment for Belshazzar and the Princess Beloved.


  "To thee, oh Ishtar, all praise 

for the victory."

231 ś A gateway of the banquet hall. ś The Mountain Girl happy in being even in the fringe of her hero's glory.

232 ś The High Priest looks down upon the city he seeks to betray to Cyrus.

233 "They give thanks to Ishtar now, but Oh Lord Bel - tomorrow Cyrus, thy ser- vant, shall avenge thee!"

234 The Rhapsode, unaware of the dastardly purpose, is ordered by the High Priest to have chariots at the great gate for a

  journey to Cyrus.

235 In the tenement dis- trict, a simpler repast - her last in Babylon.


       At the table of 
      Egibi, Babylonia's 
       greatest noble. 

NOTE - Following Babylonian cus- tom, the feasting lasts many days.

237 ś Spiced wine, made cool with snow from the mountains.

238 ś Soldiers, barbarians and camp followers.

239 The Rhapsode, having com- pleted his arrangements for the journey, turns to

  thoughts of love.

240 ś Thinking only of Belshazzar, her hero, The Mountain Girl leads on the love-sick boy, until -

241 - - as always since the beginning of time between man and maid, boasting, he tells everything he knows.


  "I know not why we go, but 

if I don't return soon you can use the password to visit me."

243 ś The conspiring priests leave the banquet hall.

244 ś Catherine's audience with the King to secure his signature to the order for the massacre of St. Bartholomew.

       Note: - Councillors present: Nevers, 
               Tavannes, Retz and Birague.


  "I will not consent to this 

intolerant measure to destroy any of my people."

246 ś After a long session, the Intolerants sway the King.

  "We must destroy or be 



  "By God's death, since you 

wish it, kill them all! Kill them all! Let not one escape to upbraid me."

248 ś Prosper and Brown Eyes betrothed.

  "The banns - tomorrow, 

St. Bartholomew's morn."

249 ś Candles out - fading lights.

250 ś Prosper puzzled by the ominous activities.

251 ś St. Bartholomew's eve. ś Upon the doorways of the Huguenots - the chalk of doom.

252 ś Prosper's lodgings across the town.

253 ś In the Temple of Love. ś The sacred dance in memory of the resurrection of Tammuz.

254 ś Beloved - a white rose -

             from Beloved.

255 The gates manned with their own guards, the priests are guided by the Rhapsode on their mission of treason to the camps of Cyrus.

256 ś In the interests of her prince - ś A little flirtation.

257 ś Suspicious of the hated priests' journey to Cyrus, she uses the password and follows them.

258 ś The Musketeer of the Slums seizes an opportune time to visit the little wife.


  "You go in and get the address 

where the kid is."


  "You know me - I can get 

your baby for you."


  "Just saw the boss go up 

to see your wife."

262 Nearing the end of the Boy's trial

  for murder.

263 ś Love's brave encouragement.


  "Yes, it was once my gun - but I - 

I - didn't do it."

265 ś The maiden case of The Boy's attorney.


  "I mean - can we hang - I mean, 

it's only circumstantial evidence."

267 ś The verdict - guilty. ś Universal justice, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a murder for a murder.

268 ś Outside the Roman Judgment Hall, after the verdict of Pontius Pilate:

    "Let Him Be Crucified"

269 The Boy's sentence.

270 "Please - Mister Judge - "


  "To be hanged by the neck 

until dead, dead, dead!"

272 ś The Kindly Officer on the beat learns of the sentence.


  "The people everywhere 

are singing your praises."

274 ś The irresistible impulse.

275 ś In his distant camp, Cyrus awaits the priests.

276 ś The Mountain Girl's bold pursuit.

277 The day before the Boy's execution.

278 Feeling the Boy wrongly convicted by some mis- chance of fate, the Kindly Heart sees a ray of hope in the visit of the governor

     to the city.

279 "And wondered if each one of us

  Would end the self-same way,

For none can tell to what red Hell

  His sightless soul may stray."

280 ś The governor unable to give any hope.

281 At the tents of Cyrus.

282 ś The Mountain Girl from a distance watches the priests' arrival.

283 ś The great conspiracy.

284 ś The Boy's last dawn. ś The hangman's test.

285 ś Desperate, the little wife herself goes to the governor.


  "Oh God, don't let them 

do it!"

287 ś St. Bartholomew's morn. ś The bell of St. Germain.

288 ś The beginning of the massacre of St. Bartholomew.

289 ś For Brown Eyes, a terrible awakening.

290 ś The Dear One's appeal to the Governor fruitless.

291 ś The governor leaves.


  "I killed him! I did it, 

I did it!"

293 ś The attempt to overtake the governor before he reaches the train.

294 ś Her long wait rewarded, she goes to warn Belshazzar of the new advance on Babylon.

295 ś The last Sacrament.

296 ś No. 8, after the train, leaps with a new impulse.

297 Intolerance, burning and slaying.

298 In the doomed city.

"Our marriage will be announced to-



  "This bud will blossom - 



  "Beloved, I will begin 

building your city - tomorrow."

301 ś Cyrus sweeps on to Babylon's destruction.


  "Medici, the old cat, is 

scratching out the lives of all your people."

303 ś At the house of Brown Eyes. ś The mercenary's opportunity.

304 ś Prosper, with the badges of safety, goes to rescue his loved ones.

305 ś Even with the password, Prosper's way beset with danger.

306 Babylon's last Bacchanal.

307 ś Brown eyes - ah me, ah me!

308 ś Cyrus unites forces with his lieutenant, Gobryas.

309 ś The Mountain Girl's warning delayed by the revelers.

310 ś A new appeal.

311 ś While Belshazzar doubts, the army of Cyrus enters through the gates left open by the priests.

312 ś Belshazzar at last convinced by his own servants.

313 ś Belshazzar finds only twelve guards to defend his palace gates against the hordes of Cyrus.

314 ś The Princess' vain appeal.

315 ś To save Belshazzar the disgrace of captivity, they send him back to his throne.

316 ś At the threshold of death. ś The farewell.


  "Honor commands that you 

go with your king to the death halls of Allat. Come!"

318 "To God the glory! Long live Cyrus, King of Kings and Lord of Lords!"

319 ś Justice and restoration.

320 When cannon and prison bars

 wrought in the fires of intolerance -

321 ś And perfect love shall bring peace forevermore.

322 ś Instead of prison walls -

       Bloom flowery fields.





  Photographed by G. W. Bitzer

Associate Photographer Karl Brown

  Art Director Walter L. Hall
Master Builder Frank Wortman


      The Modern Story

The Dear One . . . . . Mae Marsh The Boy . . . . . . Robert Harron The Girl's Father . . . Fred Turner Jenkins . . . . . . Sam de Grasse Mary Jenkins . . . . . Vera Lewis The "Uplifters" and "Reformers": Mary

    Alden, Eleanor Washington, Pearl
    Elmore, Lucille Brown, Mrs. Arthur

The Friendless One . Miriam Cooper

326 The Musketeer of the Slums . Walter Long The Kindly Policeman . Tom Wilson The Governor . . . . Ralph Lewis The Judge . . . . . Lloyd Ingraham Father Fathley . Rev. A. W. McClure Prison Guard . . . . J. P. McCarthy The Friendly Neighbor . Dave Davidson The Strike Leader . . . Monte Blue Debutante . . . . Marguerite Marsh A Crook . . . . . . Tod Browning Another Crook . . . Edward Dillon Bartender . . . . . . . Billy Quirk


       The Judean Story

The Nazarene . . . . Howard Gaye Mary . . . . . . . Lillian Langdon Mary Magdalene . . . . Olga Grey First Pharisee . . Gunther von Ritzau Second Pharisee . Erich von Stroheim Bride of Cana . . . . . Bessie Love The Bride's Father . . William Brown The Bridegroom . . . George Walsh A Wedding Guest . W. S. Van Dyke


        The French Story

Brown Eyes . . . . Margery Wilson Prosper Latour . . . Eugene Pallette Brown Eyes' Father . Spottiswoode Aitken Her Mother . . . . Ruth Handford The Mercenary . . . . A. D. Sears Charles IX . . . . . Frank Bennett Duc d'Anjou . . . Maxfield Stanley Catherine de Medici . Josephine Crowell Marguerite

 de Valois . . Constance Talmadge

Henry of Navarre . . W. E. Lawrence Admiral Coligny . . Joseph Henaberry A Page . . . . . . Chandler House


     The Babylonian Story

The Mountain Girl . Constance Talmadge The Rhapsode . . . . Elmer Clifton Prince Belshazzar . . . . Alfred Paget The Princess Beloved . . Seena Owen King Nabonidus . . . Carl Stockdale High Priest of Bell . . Tully Marshall


    linking the stories, 

the woman who rocks the cradle,

       Lillian Gish
