Wikisource:WikiProject Film/Intertitles from GeoCities/Judith of Bethulia

Judith of Bethulia 1 From the Apocrypha and the poetical tragedy of "Judith of Bethulia" by Thomas Bailey Aldrich.

By permission Houghton Mifflin & Company

2 This production is, in part, a dramatization of the narrative in the apocrypha. Though it contains characters, situations and passages from the apocryphal episode, our efforts have been confined expressly to the drama.



Judith ....... Blanche Sweet Holofernes ..... Henry Walthall Naomi ........ Mae Marsh Nathan ...... Robert Harron The young mother...Lillian Gish Crippled beggar ...Dorothy Gish Judith's maid ...... Kate Bruce

Servants, Guards, Natives, Warriors,

         Dancers, Slaves

4 JUDITH ... Widow of Manasses


5 HOLOFERNES ... Captain of the Assyrians


6 NAOMI ... Beloved by Nathan


7 In those days the walled city of Bethulia was situated in the hill country, so that it guarded the passages of Jerusalem.

8 Outside the city walls were the wells where the inhabitants went for water

9 NATHAN ... Beloved by Naomi



  And the stout walls of Bethulia were 

fifty cubits thick


  The market-place within the walls of



 In Bethulia in those days dwelt Judith the

devout, widow of Manasses, held in great reverence by all the inhabitants.


  At the great gate Naomi parted from 

Nathan and again repaired to the well for water.

14 In the eighteenth year of his reign Nebuchodonosor, King of the Assyrians, sent forth Prince Holofernes with the army of Assur to lay waste all the countries of the West -


and the army of Assur by command of

Holofernes took the wells wherefrom the inhabitants of Bethulia had all their water.

16 Nathan could scarce be refrained from

  going to the succor of Naomi

17 They pitched the tent of Holofernes

   in the midst of his army

18 Not one Assyrian had gained entrance

    within the walls ----

19 Naomi was among the captives that day


while Holofernes reveled in his

     bacchanalian festivities

21 The army of Assur stormed the walls

    by night and by day ----


while Judith watched and prayed

       by her window ----


and Holofernes waited within his tent


 Yet Holofernes could not batter down 

the brazen gates nor make a single breach


 Then Holofernes took counsel of his 

captains, and sat down with his army to wait for famine to reduce the city


 For water and food within the walls 

were all but spent


  And Judith's heart bled at the distress 

of her people for they were perishing of hunger and thirst

28 And a vision came from the Lord

29 "Hear me and I will do a thing which

shall go through all generations"


 And Holofernes visited vengeance on 

all cowards within his camp


 Then Julia put on sackcloth and fell 

upon her face and put ashes upon her head


 And she put on her garments of glad-

ness and decked herself bravely to allure the eyes of all men that should see her

33 So Judith, with her handmaid Marah, went forth to overcome Holofernes, the dread Bull of Assur

34 This was the punishment meted out

  to all who betrayed him

35 "For I am Holofernes"


 And Judith spoke cunningly unto Holo-

fernes, promising to deliver all Judea into his hands


 And his heart was ravished with her so 

that he gave her free passage in the camp and a tent for her abode and his chief eunuch to wait upon her

38 - while the inhabitants prayed for

  the safe return of Judith


  Then did Judith wrestle with her heart, 

for Holofernes now seemed noble in her eyes

40 While the Assyrians taunted the famished

    city for its lack of water


 Then a young captain of Bethulia led 

a brave dash for water at the wells


  But the crafty guards of Assur lay by 

in ambush and fell upon them with chariot and horse


 Now Holofernes in his tent had thoughts 

only for Judith ... and he gave no heed unto the Dance of the Fishers, by the artful women from the great Temple of Nin


 Again Judith faltered for the love of 

Holofernes --- yet struggled to cast away the sinful passion

45 "Strengthen me, O, Lord God of Israel"


 "Come thou with me to Nineveh, the 

city of the Gods"

47 "Let me be thy hand maid alone for to-night"


 And Judith pressed wine upon Holofernes 

so that he drank deeply


Now they within the city cried aloud 

to give it up for many were dying of thirst and famine


 And the captains of Assur without their 

Prince were as men bereft

__________________________________________________________ Slightly different, set of intertitles from another print:

1 This production is in part a dramatication of the narrative in the apocrypha. Though it contains characters, sit- uations and passages from the apocryphal episode, our efforts have been confined expressly to the drama.

2 Judith - Widow of Manasses

- Blanche Sweet.

3 Holofernes - Captain of the Assyrians

- Henry Walthall.

4 Naomi - Beloved by Nathan

- Mae Marsh.

5 In those days the walled city of Bethulia was sit- uated in the hill country, so that it guarded the passages of Jerusalem.

6 Outside the city walls were the wells where the inhabitants went for water.

7 At the threshing.

8 Nathan - Beloved by Naomi

- Robert Harron.

9 And the stout walls of Bethulia were fifty cubits thick.

10 The market-place within the walls of Bethulia.

11 In Bethulia in those days dwelt Judith the devout, widow of Manasses, held in great reverence by all the inhabitants.

12 At the great gate Naomi parted from Nathan and again repaired to the well for water.

13 In the eighteenth year of his reign Nebuchodonosor, King of the Assyrians, sent forth Prince Holofernes with the army of Assur to lay waste all the countries of the West -

14 - and the army of Assur by command of Holofernes took the wells wherefrom the inhabitants of Bethulia had all their water.

15 Nathan could scarce be refrained from going to the succor of Naomi.

16 Not one Assyrian had gained entrance within the walls -

17 - then the inhabitants armed themselves for defense.

18 They pitched the tent of Holofernes in the midst of his army.

19 Naomi was among the captives that day.

20 - while Holofernes reveled in his bacchanalian festiv- ities.

21 The army of Assur stormed the walls by night and by day -

22 - while Judith watched and prayed by her window -

23 - and Holofernes waited within his tent.

24 Yet Holofernes could not batter down the brazen gates nor make a single breach.

25 Then Holofernes took counsel of his captains, and sat down with his army to wait for famine to reduce the city.

26 For water and food within the walls were all but spent.

27 And Judith's heart bled at the distress of her people, for they were perishing of hunger and thirst.

28 And Holofernes visited vengeance on all cowards within his camp.

29 This was the punishment meted out to all who betrayed him.

30 "Hear me and I will do a thing which shall go through all generations."

31 Then Julia put on sackcloth and fell up- on her face and put ashes upon her head.

32 And she put on her garments of gladness and decked herself bravely to allure the eyes of all men that should see her.

33 So Judith, with her hand maid, Marah, went forth to overcome Holofernes, the dread Bull of Assur.

34 "For I am Holofernes."

35 And Judith spoke cunningly unto Holofernes, promising to deliver all Judea into his hands.

36 And his heart was rav- ished with her so that he gave her free passage in the camp and a tent for her abode and his chief eunuch to wait upon her.

37 - while the inhabitants prayed for the safe return of Judith.

38 Then did Judith wrestle with her heart, for Holofernes now seemed noble in her eyes.

39 Then a young captain of Bethulia led a brave dash for water at the wells.

40 While the Assyrians taunted the famished city for its lack of water.

41 But the crafty guards of Assur lay by in ambush and fell upon them with chariot and horse.

42 Now Holofernes in his tent had thoughts only for Judith - and he gave no heed unto the Dance of the Fishers, by the artful women from the great Temple of Nin.

43 Again Judith faltered for the love of Holofernes - yet struggled to cast away the sinful passion.

44 "Strengthen me, O, Lord God of Israel."

45 "Come thou with me to Nineveh, the city of the Gods."

46 "Let me be thy hand maid alone for to-night."

47 And Judith pressed wine upon Holofernes so that he drank deeply.

48 Now they within the city cried aloud to give it up for many were dying of thirst and famine.

49 And the captains of Assur without their Prince were as men bereft.
