Wikisource:WikiProject Film/Intertitles from GeoCities/Nomads of the North

Nomads of the North 1 God's great wilderness fifteen hundred miles North and West of Montreal.

2 Post Fort O'God.

3 Duncan McDougall - Hud- son's Bay Company Factor

... Melbourne MacDowell

4 A tiger of the old regime, still ruling his primitive domain with a hand of iron and a heart of stone.

5 Bucky McDougall, his son.

... Francis McDonald

6 A serpent polished with the veneer of years spent in Montreal, the deadliest and most treacherous of all the McDougall race.

7 "Stay here and watch the men, I'm going to the store."

8 Nanette Roland

... Betty Blythe

9 Corporal Michael O'Connor of the R.N.W.M. Police.

... Lewis S. Stone

10 "I've come fifty miles off the trail for this meeting, you know why, Nanette."

11 "I'm sorry Corporal, but you know I am to marry Raoul when he comes back."

12 Andre Roland, father of Nanette, fighting heroically his last great fight - against death.

... Spottiswood Aitken

13 "It's nothing dear, just a

      slight cold."

14 "Take the flowers to the

  cemetery, my dear."

15 Father Beauvais, a man of God who has found his work in the deep forests.

... Charles A. Smily

16 Her Sacred Ground.

17 "Even the birds sing when

  you come, Nanette!"

18 "They do not sing for me, m'sieu. God sends them to sing for my mother."

19 "A frosted lung never gets well. I am dying. And I have nothing to leave Nanette -"

20 "Raoul Challoner must be dead, so why should she not marry the Factor's son? It would ease your mind, friend Andre."

21 "Even now we are living on the charity of McDougall. We are two years in debt at the Company store, and there is no hope -"

22 "I tell you it is impossible, m'sieu. I am to be the wife of Raoul Challoner - when he comes down from the North!"

23 "Raoul Challoner is a year over-due, Nanette. He will never come back -"

24 "If he cared for you he would have returned. He has for- gotten you, and married someone else, or is dead -"

25 "He may be dead, m'sieu - but if you say that he is false, you lie!"

26 "Love is impulsive, my dear.

 He did not mean wrong."

27 "Dear Mother - bring him

    back to me -"

28 "What - that beggar's girl refuse the son of Duncan McDougall! I'll break them, and turn them out without a rag on their backs -"

29 "- and you are more than two years in debt to the Company, Andre Roland! This charity can not go on. It must stop -"

30 "There is one way out, friend Andre. My son wants to marry your daughter -"

31 "I will marry your son when I

 know that Raoul is dead."

32 That night Bucky McDougall entertains a stranger at Post Fort O'God.

33 Black Marat, a whiskey-runner up from "civilization" with a cargo of smuggled fire-water.

... Gordon Mullen

34 "The old man wouldn't stand for whiskey among his Indians Marat. We must work with care."

35 "You know Roland's girl,


36 "And I want this girl, Marat! I want her more than I ever wanted Marie, down in Montreal -"

37 "Once she thinks this Raoul Challoner is dead, she is mine! Understand? And you can put it over."

38 "You are a stranger here. Go to her. Tell her you are a messenger from Challoner, and was with him when he died -"

39 Three hundred miles further north, Raoul Challoner, the "dead man," twelve months over-due from the edge of the Arctic Sea.

... Lon Chaney

40 Brimstone, the pup.

41 Neewa, always hungry,

 never satisfied.

42 Fatherless, motherless, two little nomads destined by a whimsical fate to play their parts in a drama of human lives.

43 "That's her, I tell you -

     That's her!"

44 Sensing the presence of his mother in the lifeless skin - wondering why she does not speak to him, and move.

45 "I'm sorry I had to kill her, Boy - I'm sorry! But it was that - or starve!"

46 Late that afternoon Fate plays

     her trump card.

47 In the days that follow, Neewa and Brimstone face hunger and adventure in the big wilderness.

48 "Mama! Mama!"

49 Facing the monsters of

     the wild.

50 "Don't you wish we were

 back with our boss?"

51 The end of a perfect day.

52 Baby dreams.

53 Again on his journey toward Fort O'God, saddened by the loss of his little comrades of the wild.

54 And then - just as the sun was going down that day -

55 While in the little

mission church -

56 "Andre Roland dead! Nanette - she up at mission church."


58 "He lied to me Raoul! He told me that he saw you dying!"

59 The unhappiness of morning turned into the joy of after- noon.

60 "You've killed him!"

61 "It is my duty as Factor of Fort O'God to hold you until the coming of the Police."

62 The Fort O'God dungeon - a relic of the old days when Factors were kings.

63 The black hours of

 stormy night.

64 "Neewa - Brimstone - we'll fight for him - we'll fight!"

65 An hour later - starting on their flight into the unknown regions of the still farther north.

66 "You will start north at once, and bring Challoner in."

67 "That is all Corporal O'Connor - You will leave at once."

68 For three years the Royal Northwest Mounted Police seek in vain for Raoul Chal- loner, the "Murderer" of Black Marat.

69 While in the far forest of the Yellowknife hidden from the eyes of men -

70 Happy in their paradise, for- getful of the menace which is ever clouding their lives -

71 "I discovered it this


72 - While close at hand,

 coming their way -

73 "Not an Indian in a hundred miles! No use bringing whiskey up here. Tomorrow we turn back."

74 The next morning Raoul leaves for a friendly Indian camp twenty miles away.

75 "Take care of them while

   I'm gone, boys!"

76 "Go to camp - pack up - and be ready to start south when I come!"

77 "There will be three of

   us going back!"

78 "So - at last - I have

    found you!"

79 "He cheated me. By right

 you are my wife - !"

80 "And you're going to run away - and go back with me - or I will give him to the hangman!"

81 "If you won't go with me quietly I'll make you go! Understand? I'll tie you hand and foot -"

82 "Brimstone - Neewa -

      Neewa -"

83 "Brimstone - help - help!!"

84 "Neewa - Neewa -"

85 "You must not kill!"

86 "I'll kill him!"

87 Vengeance and the law draw near, twenty miles from the cabin of Raoul and Nanette.

88 "We're saving a day's journey

 by hitting cross-country."

89 "Seems to me, McDougall, that you're thinking more of the woman than of the man - who killed Marat!"

90 "You'll have to stay here while I go on for my man, I'll return - soon."

91 "I said you were to stay here."

92 The end of O'Connor's trail.

93 "Challoner - I'm sorry - but it is my duty as an officer of the law!"

94 "I'm sorry - but it is the law!"

95 "It is - the law!"

96 Twenty hours later. The law and its prey - in the heart of a burning world.

97 "Our one chance is in that

      direction -"

98 "It's going to be a man's fight - and you'll need your hands."

99 Knowing that the power of death lies under her hands, yet hesitating to give the com- mand to kill.

100 Death - everywhere the red death of the forest flames.

101 "There's a small lake some- where out there. It's our one chance."

102 In the cabin where Bucky

  McDougall waits.

103 Another beast -


104 "Leave me - and go on, Chal-

 loner! Save - the baby!"

105 The death call of

   the wild.

106 That night at the edge of the lake - with a dead and charred world about them.

107 And then the day - and the few miles to the cabin where Bucky McDougall "waits."

108 "The last of Bucky

  McDougall -"

109 "Challoner, from this day on you are officially dead! Under- stand? I shall report to head- quarters that it was YOU who died in that cabin -"

110 "And some day - if you ever have a boy - call him Mike, after me!"

111 "And if you'll have that boy - I'll sure come back and see you some day!"

112 Where the forest did

    not burn.

113 "It's our home, baby -

    our HOME!"
