Wikisource:WikiProject Film/Intertitles from GeoCities/Regeneration

Regeneration 1 Owen's mother, passing grate- fully on to another and, we believe, happier world, leaves ten-year old Owen to fight his way as best he can in this. Owen --- John McCann.


      Across the hall.

Jim Conway --- James Marcus Maggie Conway --- Maggie Weston

3 "The kid's alone now. I'm going to bring him in here."

4 Owen makes himself generally useful.

 On sentry duty.

5 "Hey! The old man's drunk again!"

6 And so the days pass in the only environ- ment he knows.

7 "Come on up, the old gal will be tickled to see yer!"

8 And then years pass and Owen still lives in a world where might is right --- and where the prizes of existence go to the man who has the most daring in defying the law, and the quickest fist in defending his own rights.

Owen, at seventeen --- H. McCoy.

9 Owen's twenty-fifth year finds him a leader of the gang, by virtue of a complete assortment of the virtues the gangsters most admire. Owen, at twenty-five

  -- Rockcliffe Fellowes.

10 Skinny, one of the gang

  --- William Sheer.

11 "Buy the drinks!"

12 While, like all proverbial new brooms, the recently elected district attorney resolves to sweep the city clean.

Ames --- Carl Harbaugh

13 Marie Deering, whose butterfly existence has hidden, even from her- self, the knowledge of her nobler qualities.

Marie --- Anna Q. Nilsson

14 Eight-thirty at the Deering home, where the district attorney is a frequent and welcome visitor.

15 Eight-thirty at Grogan's.

16 "I notice you have announced to the press the beginning of your war against the gangsters."

17 "Really, though, they must be awfully interesting people. I'd love to see one!"

18 "Very well. If you like, I'll take you this evening to a place where you can see a lot of them."

19 "I think we'd better be getting out of here."

20 "It's right down here that schools and hospitals -- and friends are needed! Charity begins at home -- right in this town!"

21 A few moments at Grogan's, and the passing words of a strange speaker -- and to Marie Deering comes an awakening to the duty she owes her fellowmen. As worker in a settlement in the gangsters' district, her gentle spirit finds that the days pass in true happiness.

22 The treat of the season.

 The settlement's 
 annual outing.

23 Noon.

24 Evening.

25 And afterward.

26 All the kiddies were saved.

27 One of the constantly recurring problems of the workers at the settlement-- the domestic troubles of the Flahertys.

28 "Send Owen. He's the guy who'll bring the kid."

29 A new world -- wherein Owen finds education, inspiration and -- love.

30 Owen's unaccountable desertion was the wonder of the gang, which had speedily elected Skinny to take his place.

  Some weeks later.

31 "Give up this life, Marie. What is its attraction? Won't you come back to the world where you belong?"

32 "Lose his Royal Highness -- quick!"

33 "Hide me, Owen -- I knifed a cop!"

34 "Don't forget he ----"

35 "That's a lie! There warn't nobody with me!"

36 "Very fine and loyal, my boy, but you can't save your friend, and you have lost what- ever chance you had -- with her."

37 "I guess it's all right to tell you where he is. He's upstairs."

38 "Go back, my boy, and keep up the good work. We are proud of you."

39 The journey homeward.

40 "She lies here, this girl o'mine, but her soul, the noblest and purest thing I ever knew, lives on in me. It was she, my Mamie Rose, who taught me that within me was a mind and a God-given heart. She made of my life a changed thing and never can it be the same again!"
