Wikisource:WikiProject Film/Intertitles from GeoCities/Scarlet Days

Scarlet Days [Reconstructed titles]

1 Pictured in the country of the great gold strikes of '49.

2 This story corroborates the old saying that truth is stranger than fiction - incidents being taken from actual episodes of those stirring days. We refer you to "Reminiscences of a Ranger," by Horace Bell, H. C. Merwin's "Bret Harte," or Hittell's "History of California."

3 From this ground, eighty millions in gold was taken,

 with pick and shovel.

4 At times in the world's history, law and order step aside, while each man with his weapon alone makes law. The Robber Barons of the Dark Ages reappear in California, in the days of '49.

5 So we introduce these Sir Knights of the Golden West.

5 The Wandering Knight - Don Maria Alvarez - blue-blood of old Spain - a frontier Robin Hood, who masquerades as a rich cattle buyer from Mexico.

6 Dreaming of past events: Note: This gentle- appearing youth was the most famous desperado and gunman in all California.

7 A mad prank - he holds up the Sheriff of Angel's Camp.

8 The Sheriff: "I'd give five hundred dollars to meet that outlaw Alvarez face to face."

9 And Alvarez accommodates the Sheriff, without even asking for the five hundred.

10 Also Little Flameheart - piteous maiden - from the old adobe quarter - sometimes moaning for an indifferent lover - Alvarez.

11 "Moon less over Alvarez -

 you'd cook better."

12 Sir Whiteheart of the Stain- less Shield - otherwise, John Randolph, a clean young Virginian - strikes pay-dirt on the Tuolumne.

13 The dance-hall in Bagley's

     outlaw camp.

14 In days of old, when knights were bold, and life and love

        held sway.

15 Bagley, Knight of the Black

 Stain - ex-convict and 

16 Rosy Nell, the belle of


17 Now, journeying from this strange Romance Land, meet Lady Fair, leaving the New England school that

 has been her world.

18 Though longing since child- hood to see her mother, she knows a strict and religious aunt as her only guardian.

19 Arriving home - the aunt

   critically ill.

20 "Your mother - I want

     to tell -"

21 The aunt dies without explaining certain strange matters concerning Lady Fair's mother.

22 As to Lady Fair's mother - Rosy Nell could throw

    much light.

23 The lonely little Lady Fair often pretends that her mother - of whom she dreams as a saintly, beautiful lady - is actually with her.

24 Soon to be very, very happy with her mother - says the fortune in the tea leaves.

25 Only a dream.

26 In her loneliness, Lady Fair

 determines to go west to
    find her mother.

27 Again in the West.

28 Little Flameheart's hero

  still indifferent.

29 Also introducing a Mexican lady called "Spasm Sal," often warned to avoid excitement because of her heart.

30 "Chiquita, you are too small

    for a man's love."

31 She takes it out on the goat.

32 The goat loses.

33 Lady Fair's ship arrives in

     San Francisco.

34 "My daughter - Boston society, she is! I'd die if she found out about me in this place!"

35 "Don't believe me? Look!"

36 "Nothing like that around

      here, eh?"

37 "You don't make a hit with the Senor - ever try washing your face?"

38 Love-driven - a desperate venture with soap and


39 Not dreaming that on the

 nearing stage is her 

40 Hoarding her earnings until she can get away with her daughter to a different life.

41 In the stained soul of Rosy Nell is a mother's yearning for childish arms, vaguely remembered. A strange game of pretend - even a special dress for these


42 She wheedles the pass keys

      from Bagley.

43 Lady Fair arrives at Spring

 Station, near Bagley's.

44 She inquires of Alvarez' man for the Bagley Hotel.

45 So they agree to take her

 to Randolph's cabin.

46 Ready for her turn.

47 "That money - I slaved for

   it - my daughter!"

48 The Boy's cabin, a safe distance from the dance hall.

49 "We'll get your mother. Think she's attending to some business in town."

50 "She's dead!"

51 Alvarez goes for the mother.

52 "I didn't do it!"

53 Hot for vengeance, Bagley determines that Rosy shall


54 "Hang her! Hang her!"

55 But Bagley does not forget

       the gold.

56 Alvarez intervenes.

57 Bagley consents that Rosy Nell shall see her daughter

       before -

58 "Perhaps you can get your daughter away before she

      finds out."

59 The first decent kiss in ten


60 "Hurt my arm, Miss? I'll cut

  it off if you say so!"

61 Never did Nell dream that fate would set such a stage for the meeting with her


62 The strange pact with trusted Sir Whiteheart: Silence concerning the mother's plight for three days, on condition she then be returned to Bagley's.

63 "Come down to my place and see me - just down

      the way."

64 "Gracias, Senor! I accept your mos' kind invitation. When she comes, I come too."

65 The cabin given to the ladies, the men in a nearby


66 World-bruised arms hunger for the tender touch of

   innocent love.

67 And a sweeter fire burns in

   a lawless breast.

68 "The Senor's gone."

69 In a suit that fitted when he

     left Virginia.

70 Fortunately one of their library of three books is lovelorn poetry.

71 "White days above me, I love - I love, Moon rays above me, still, still,

      I love."

72 A half hour later, while Randolph is love-moaning

  in the far woods.

73 His search unavailing.

74 "Next time, don't scream -

      come to us."

75 In distant Angel's.

76 "I'd give my roll to get that

   girl in this place."

77 "When I get that Alvarez...!"

78 "If they hadn't robbed me, I might yet be able to get

 my daughter away from 
  this terrible place."

79 Alvarez, weary of his life, dares to dream he can steal away with them to a better,

     sweeter way.

80 "Perhaps, Senora, I can borrow the money, and -"

81 When the hall is nearly


82 Randolph, hunting the marauder, happens upon Alvarez.

83 In the early morning.

84 "My own money!"

85 She hints she has sold a


86 "You can't go! I've given

       my word!"

87 Black Stain pretends to believe Sir Whiteheart is the robber.

88 He cannot tell the daughter why the journey is impossible.

89 But before they -

90 "Bagley mus' not come in - he wish only the girl!"

91 "Stay where you are,


92 "But you will be in danger!"

93 Alvarez' super-gun work in

   good use at last.

94 They agree to let one man

   search the house.

95 From his coarse bluster

  about Rosy Nell -

96 - Lady Fair learns the terrible truth about her


97 "- Besides that, she's got

        to hang."

98 "Well, the time isn't up yet."

99 "Mother! That isn't true -

        is it?"

100 "I am Rosy Nell."

101 "They're not there."

102 "Partner!"

103 Alvarez' supreme sacrifice:

104 "The cliff - perhaps you make it - you tell the

     Sheriff -"

105 They demand Randolph, thinking to learn where Lady Fair is hidden.

106 Without ammunition, Randolph attempts to divert the attack.

107 "While they're busy with me, make a run for it with

     the ladies."

108 "Where are those women?"

109 "You let him go out - to die?"

110 "Let him hang till he talks!"

111 She attempts to save her lover by returning the gold.

112 "Bring Baby-Face here and

     let him look!"

113 "Where's Alvarez?"

114 "I'm glad he's alive so I can

        hang him!"

115 "It's - it's all right - dear. I

   had you a little while."

116 So, after Chiquita has nursed him back to life -

on his way to death.

117 The last farewell.

118 "Used to be the best shot in the country - little off color


119 On the way to Stockton,

   and matrimony.

