Wikisource:WikiProject Film/Intertitles from GeoCities/Something New

Something New 1 A Lady in search of an Inspiration.

... Nell Shipman

2 One of those muddy mental hills with the old brain hitting on one cylinder.

3 "There is nothing new

  under the sun!"

4 The Old -

5 - and the New.

6 "Fifty bucks to a jitney

that your gas-wagon
won't go where my
bronco will lead!"

7 "Here's fifty that says she

will and fifty more that
she comes in first!"

8 Here is "something new",

 and it happens beyond 

the border in that land of Rogues and Romance, Mys- tery and Murder......Mexico!


        THE HERO.

(He is a mining engineer and he owns the car, the dog AND the smile!)

... Bert Van Tuyle

10 SID BICKLEY is his

    story name.
(Call him "Dad." He's
the good old Yankee
kind we still have 
with us.)

... L. M. Wells

11 Dad has a kick; it seems that his mining partner, who lives in the States, is sending down his only che-ild.

12 She is a Writing Woman and she craves ATMOS- PHERE, real, red, and RAW.

13 "Where you goin' to park it when you go out on engineerin' jobs?"

14 The Stage from San Diego.

15 "Look for a skinny Dame,

with specs. That is the
Writing brand!"

16 "Stand by, Pardner! Ain't

seen this gal since she was
knee-high to a grasshopper
an' meetin' females allus
makes me nervous!"

17 The Writing Lady....Herself

.... Nell Shipman

18 "My friend bought this

here go-buggy fer a par-
lor ornamint. Where
we're goin' we'll use
horse flesh or the legs
the good Lord gave us!"

19 Head over heels - at

   first sight.

(Nothing new about that, but who would change it?)

20 Love my dog - love me!

21 At the Yaqui Wells Rancho, the end of the wagon road, the travelers prepare to continue their journey on horseback.

22 Where Desert Sand meets

   Mountain Sage.

23 Even as they ride the Home Trail, Danger, coiled like a snake, lies ready to strike!


Gorgez, the Bandit Chief.

... William McCormack

24 This "bull-ukelele" player does not appear dangerous, but look at his gang -

25 "Hell's Kitchen", the

   bandits' lair.

26 Translated into U.S., he is saying: "All the Guys, 'cept one old Gink, has beat it for Tia Juana, an' the 'Blue Lotus' mine is Jake for a Haul!"

27 "Hay mujeres a la mina?"

(Chile Con Carne is ask- ing if there are any women at the mine.)

28 The Blue Lotus Mine.

29 Hero Bill thinks of a girl -

30 - whose only thoughts are of facts and figures.

31 She craves to know how come the Cactus lost its Spine.

32 The bandits swoop down like buzzards upon the unpro- tected gold mine. Old Dad plays a lone hand - and loses; while the writing lady.......

33 "I wanted 'atmosphere' and

I'll say I'm getting it!"

34 "I wish your master

   were here!"

35 "If you don't come down,

these here coyotes is goin'
to pretend like they're
torturin' me. Don't pay
no attention - it's only

36 "You stay where you are,

or grown-up or not, I'll
give you the spankin' you

37 "The Lady says you

can go plumb to Hell!"

38 Old George FATE takes

      a hand.

39 Planning to drive to the Rancho, borrow a horse and...go and see how Laddie is, of course!

40 "Let the old fool hang

   'til he dies."

41 "Go Home, Laddie, -

 Home - to Bill!"

42 At the Rancho Bill bumps up against a disappointment.

43 Men and horses have gone to the Tia Juana races.

44 While deeper into the heart

   of the Bad Lands -

45 In the silence of those hills

 the tragedy lies hidden.

46 The corral is empty, the horses gone and the only road into the mine is from the south.

47 There is no hope -

48 - except.

49 To drive a man-made piece of mechanism into that rock- ribbed sea of sand and sage.....

50 "Little car, it's up to you!"

51 "White man heap

 Dam' Fool!"

52 The trackless Waste -

53 The Blue Lotus - at last!

54 "You're too late! Gorgez

has got her! They've gone
to Hell's Kitchen!"

55 "I've got the best bronco

in the world, and I'm
going after her!"

56 "Ride 'er Cowboy!"

57 The snake coils to strike.

58 Fighting the drowsy

 wings of sleep.

59 The trail is lost!

60 "You forget that I am

   an American!"

61 Like a wild beast's den the Bandit's stronghold lies hid- den in the black heart of the towering rocks and Bill searches vainly for the guid- ing gleam of the campfire.

62 "I reckon we're licked,

    little car."

63 Guided by her screams into the inky black recesses of Hell's Kitchen.

64 "You drive away and I

will hold them off."

65 She should have obeyed and gone the other way - but she couldn't see him die!

66 "Our only hope lies in

driving on. If the car 
should fail us, it means 
certain death. Are you 

67 "One down!"

68 "Set 'em up in the

  next alley!"

69 Human endurance reaches

     its limit.

70 Pilotless, the car dashes

   to destruction.

71 SPEED the only


72 Into the Country God


73 On and on through the hellish night, plunging and pounding, slipping and sliding, all nature arrayed against them, until, with the first peep o' dawn......

74 The End of the Trail.

75 "They must not take

   us, alive!"

76 The gun belt is empty!

77 "You have fought the good fight, little, brave car, but you cannot save us - now!"

78 The first rays of the rising Sun, shining down the canyon walls. A giant sign from Heaven to light their path.

79 Baffled by the disappear- ance of their prey, the bandits follow on foot.

80 If the great rock could be moved from its rest- ing place and sent crash- ing down the canyon, an avenging mountain of destruction upon their pursuers......

81 A Tomb of the Ages.

82 Was the real heroine of this left, like a bloomin' bird, on a mountain top?

83 No Sir-ee! She got 'em in and she got 'em out!

84 Battered and Bullet-ridden,

 but still on the job!

85 Now the MORAL is:

Be it MOTOR -

86 - Or MAID -


