Wikisource:WikiProject Film/Intertitles from GeoCities/The Coward

The Coward 1 A Dramatic Episode

    of the

American Civil War.

2 Virginia. 1861.

   On the outbreak

of hostilities.


     Winslow Hall
 The Home of Colonel

Jefferson Beverly Winslow

4 Colonel Winslow,


5 Frank Winslow, his boy


6 The Girl


7 The gentle mistress of

    Winslow Hall


 "They've opened a recruiting

office in the Town Hall and we're

      all going to enlist"

9 His awful fear that he is a coward

10 "They opened the recruiting station only this morning, but they've enlisted Five Hundred



  "No Frank did not 

enlist. He left before they got to him."

12 "Mother, I am afraid --- afraid!"

13 "Send Him to Me"

14 "You are going to enlist"

15 "You are going to enlist"

16 "Yes Sir"

17 "I had to get my father's

    consent first"

18 The gay day -- the Gray day -- when War's finger beckoned and men obeyed, stepping across destiny's threshold toward the battle-reddened horizon where Death and Glory stood hand in hand.

19 "Remember, suh, you are

      a Winslow"

20 Off to the front! To fields of

    glory - or death!

21 A day's march from home, the recruits hear the first growl of

   war, the rumble of a 
      distant battle

22 That Night __________

Picket Duty

23 A million voices in the dark.

24 Morning.

     Private Winslow

is reported missing.

25 When the night came down.

26 "Please, Miss Betty, would yo' please com' to de ketchen jes' a minit?"

27 "What are you doing here, suh?"

28 "Why am I here? Because I deserted. I told you I couldn't

       stand it"

29 "Almighty God -- why was I ever born to be the father of a coward?"

30 When the sombre shadows of the long night lifted, Colonel Winslow, in an effort to retrieve the family name, determines to take his son's place.

31 "The name of 'Private Winslow' is on the rolls: someone must answer when that name is called."

32 A week later

 News of the Union
 Advance reached
 Cotton Creek.

33 "The Yanks are coming."

34 The old overpowering fear of himself.

35 "The laws of war, Madam, compel us to accept your hospitality."

36 The substitute.

  Plain "Private Winslow."

37 "Our weakest link is at this point marked by the arrow."

38 "It will be impossible to strengthen our position before tomorrow night: but, not knowing, they will hardly attack us before then."


    Realization of

what the plans would mean to the cause he deserted.

40 The blood of his fathers. The shadowy hands of past generations of fighting men shatter the fetters of cowardice, and the last of the house of Winslow stands forth unafraid.


     Frank in his reckless 

haste to reach the Southern Commander dashes through the outflung Confederate lines.


 "Take me to the 

Commanding Officer."

43 Unconscious that he has shot his own son.

44 With the dawn the main body of the Confederate troops is thrown against the weak Union Centre

45 Dusk and the songs of victory.

46 "Yes, my boy, they are singing, and they owe it all to you."

47 "'Private Winslow,'

 you are wanted 
at Headquarters.

48 "A friend inside wishes to see you."

49 "This gentleman is mistaken, Sir. I do not know him."

50 "But for that boy, today's victory would never have been won."

