Wikisource:WikiProject Film/Intertitles from GeoCities/The False Faces

The False Faces 1

No man can 

be justified in surrendering while life and

love endure.

2 The False Faces.

3 Midnight on the Western front with the armies of Civilization beating back the wolf-hordes of a blood-crazed King.

4 With the spot-lights searching for the living, while the souls of the dead rise among the star shells toward the

 shadowy sky

5 The British front line.

6 No Man's Land, where the Legions of Death march cease- lessly to the drum- fire of a million


7 Merciful prowlers -- A patrol in search of the


8 "From the patrol, eh? Blimme but yer back in a


9 "I am not one of the patrol. I've come from the

enemy trenches."

10 "The 'ell yer 'ave! Deserter, eh? You kamerad - wot?"

11 "I am no German - I am an American and I've important information for your commanding officer"

12 "Yer can drop yer 'ands - but don't go forgettin' I'm right 'ere be'ind yer."

13 "A prisoner, sir - sez 'e's American - come across the open tonight with important information."

14 "I should prefer to give my name


15 "Your voice sounds


16 "It should."


 "My name is

Michael Lanyard."

18 "The Lone Wolf!"

19 "The last time I saw you, you were a notorious thief and I was in the Secret Service."

20 "You and I played hide and seek across half Europe."

21 "That was in the days of Troyon's and the 'pack', the days of Popinot

    and --"

22 "-- and Ekstrom,

  the skunk!"

23 "Ekstrom is still


24 Exiled, I went to Belgium and there lived peace- ably with my sister, a widow striving to support her child.

25 Then the WAR .... .... and Ekstrom leading a band of blond beasts --

26 Ekstrom the Hun - lower even than the crooks and assassins whom he ruled in the Parisian Underworld.

27 "'The Lone Wolf', eh?"

28 "Yes, Ekstrom, you

 Prussian dog."

29 "When I stood over her grave I dedicated my life to the extermination of Ekstrom and all of

  his breed."

30 "Under an assumed name I joined the German Secret Service and learned that Ekstrom was going to America for the


31 "Your pardon, Major -- I have been thru hell tonight -- and I must go on to America. Can

you help me?"

32 Defiantly plowing the Hun infested seas. The S.S. Assyrian bound for the U.S.A.

33 With the cowardly foe lying in wait be- neath the waves, and a dozen secret agents of that same foe on her sailing


34 Among the passengers.


The Lone Wolf,

carrying passports identifying him as

 M. Duchemin

36 Cecilia Brooke, traveling alone and making no acquaintances

37 Lieutenant Thackeray, a wounded veteran of the Great War.

38 Mr. Crane of the United States Secret Service

39 The leader of the Hun spies, aboard the Assyrian --


40 Knowing indisputably that the Assyrian also shelters an English Secret Service agent, carrying an important document to the American


41 "Watch from the Crow's Nest. When I give the signal, call the submarine alarm, then --"



submarine to port! All passengers on


43 The happy discovery that the submarine warning was a mistake -- a false


44 "Pardon me, Mademoiselle, would you kindly tell me why you tried my door tonight."


   "My door

was neither locked nor bolted on my side and one can't be too careful in times like these."

46 "Someone entered my room and tamp- ered with my luggage, escaping into your room when disturbed

 by our return."

47 "Yes, I have missed a jewel box."

48 "My jewels are all here."

49 "Failing to find what he sought, the thief hoped to implicate me."

50 "It appears we have a common


51 "Yes, though we met but ten minutes ago, we are now allies in a common


52 The fourth night out, with the clouds veiling the stars.

53 The rather disquieting realization that he is interested in

 her friends.

54 "He threw it as you fell."

55 "Who is this man?"

56 "Lieut. Thackeray. Please, oh, please, tell me he is not


57 "His heart beats but I fear he's badly injured I'll get the ship's


58 "Please, no! Later, if necessary, but not now. Just help me carry him to his stateroom."

59 "Will you stand guard while I get some bandages from my room?"

60 "This is no slight blow, Mademoiselle, and, if I may, I would advise call- ing the surgeon


61 "No! -- if you please, a moment -- I must have time to think!"

62 "Will you keep this for me, Monsieur, until I ask for it again?"

63 "I warn you, it will be searched for and may cost you your


64 "What is life? A prelude -- perhaps an overture - to death."

65 "I'll turn out the lights so you may leave unseen."

66 A false summons to the upper deck.

67 "Tell the surgeon I will come at once."

68 The hidden menace

  of the sea.

69 "Be quiet, Herr Lone Wolf, and hold up your


70 "Tell us without delay where we shall find the


71 "You lie! Search

  him, Karl!"

72 The Lone Wolf's


73 "You have two minutes to tell us where to find that cylinder!"

74 "You have just forty seconds more to live, unless you speak."

75 Resolving to get all the reward for the cylinder himself.

76 The signal to the


77 "What have we here?"

78 "From the Assyrian."

79 "We can't bother with him. There is a Yankee destroyer approaching us. We must submerge."


 "Wait! On the 

Emperor's service --"



Secret Service, Wilhelmstrasse -- Number 27"

82 "Take him below. He may be tell- ing the truth, if not -- !!"

83 Off the New England coast.

84 "Dr. Paul Rodiek, Wilhelmstrasse No. 27." Still the "guest" of the Submarine.

85 "Awake, eh? Thought you were going to sleep forever. We are just going into

   our base."

86 "Heligoland?"

87 "No, it's a little nook on the south shore of Martha's Vineyard, safely hidden from the pig-head Yankees."

88 "Water? Hell! You may have champagne if you like -- we have been cele- brating the sinking of the Assyrian."

89 "Why was I not informed he had awakened?"

90 "The beastly Captain is drunk -- the fool."

91 "Who are you? What is your


92 "I am Doctor Paul Rodiek. Personal Intelligence Bureau -- confidential


93 "I must know more. What identifications

    have you?"

94 "My papers are at the bottom of the sea. I set off that signal flare on the Assyrian at the risk of my life. That is my identification."

95 "I have wirelessed the Wilhelmstrasse. Either you are all right or you will never live to tell of it."

96 "I beg to report that we are about to drop anchor, sir."

97 "He hates me even as I hate him -- because I am a Pruss- ian and he a dog of a Bavarian."

98 "Sorry, I cannot permit you to go ashore, Doctor; but you have the liberty of the boat."

99 Five thousand dollars in American currency.

100 "Here's to our Com- mander -- may he drink himself to death, so we can have a new one --


101 "It's not only drink- ing -- he's mad -- sees faces -- dead faces with eyes eaten out and seaweed in their hair."

102 "It was he who sank the Lusitania. His own hand fired

 that torpedo."

103 At an isolated shack on shore.


   The awful

hallucinations of a consciousness steeped in innocent


105 "But he has insulted me for the last time -- I --"

106 "So - you verdammtes Prussian schwein -- I find you thus!"

107 "Get ashore and report yourself under arrest for fraternizing with - !"

108 "I've done it

 at last!"

109 "He's dead ----- My only hope is to hide the body. You

 will help me?"

110 "I'll send the watch ashore; then we can drop the body


111 "It's all right. We are rid of the dam- ned watch for half an hour at least."

112 "Plenty of time for one drink, and God knows I need it."

113 The toll of brandy -- an overtaxed heart suddenly paralyzed into eternal stillness

114 The dying gurgle of a slimy serpent of the


115 Two hundred miles away.

116 The Knickerbocker Hotel in New York.

117 "M. Duchemin, to whom you entrusted the cylinder, was surely drowned. Go to headquarters and report it as lost."

118 The Lone Wolf's abode on Riverside


119 Ekstrom's lair at another hotel.

120 "Hotel Knickerbocker,




British Secret Service Headquarters in New York.

122 Basil Blensop, secretary to the head of the British secret service and the tool of Ekstrom.

123 "Very sorry, Mr. Ember, but the earliest you can see Colonel Stanistreet is tomorrow morning at nine o'clock."

124 "Don't mind using the side entrance do you? It's a much shorter way out."

125 The realization that some one is impersonating


126 The combination

of the safe.

127 "Don't forget the Colonel will be expecting you at twelve o'clock


128 "Twenty dollars if you don't lose sight of that taxi."


  New York
   of the


130 The council room of the Hun agents

131 "That paper went to the bottom with the Lone Wolf."

132 "Then we may yet secure it - for the Lone Wolf is still


133 "If that is true, I will move heaven and earth to regain

 that cylinder."

134 Colonel Stanistreet, head of the British Secret Service in


135 "Yes, the Lone Wolf has returned to America. He will be here at twelve with an important message for you."

136 Successfully eluding the night watchman,

 the Lone Wolf

again reaches his

 hiding place.

137 "You are correct. I traveled as M. Duchemin. Here are my passports."

138 "I risked my life to save this cylinder, and I demand ten thousand dollars as a just reward."

139 "I dare say the German agents in this country would consider it very cheap at double

 the price."

140 "Examine it yourself, and see that the seal is not broken and that the Coat of Arms is correct. One can safely trust an Englishman's honor."

141 "Tell the watchman to keep an extra eye open tonight. I don't trust this self- styled Lone Wolf."

142 The ghostlike voice of Temptation, still linking him

 to his past.

143 "The Lone Wolf! Good God! Will you never die?"

144 "Not by your hands, Ekstrom."

145 The Lone Wolf's


146 "At my hotel I received a message stating that I might see Mr. Anthony Ember here."

147 "Wyas'm, he said if you all come to have you wait in his apartment - that it was very impo'tant."

148 In the Lone Wolf's


149 "-- and they took her away."

150 The inquisition at the Wilhelmstrasse.

151 "Little will the Lone Wolf dream that it was Ekstrom who stole his prize."

152 "Don't mind me -- look to that brute!"

153 "Even the Lone Wolf is not afraid of an unarmed man."

154 "Keep that! We may have to shoot

our way out."

155 "In heaven's name, Monsieur, what are you doing?"

156 "Making up my understudy for a dangerous role. Stand by the door. I'll

   join you."

157 A raid by the U.S.

Secret Service.

158 "I'll have to hand it to you for corr- aling them. Now it will be an easy

 job for us."

159 "You will find a taxi outside."

160 "And now, Monsieur, may I ask you for

the cylinder?"

161 "Unfortunately, Mademoiselle, I must ask you

 to wait."

162 "When the Assyrian was torpedoed, the man you just saw killed stole it and threw me overboard."

163 "My suspicions lead me to Stanistreet's office. If you will give me time I'll

  recover it."

164 "We cannot be annoyed now. We are making photo- graphs of finger prints. Miss Brooke will have to wait."

165 "Miss Brooke has access to this office at any time.

Show her in."

166 "Is it not true that yesterday a man sold you a cylinder which was later stolen?"

167 "That man was killed in a raid this mor- ning and your money


168 "But the cylinder -- it was in the safe."

169 "That's simple when you have the combination."

170 "Nine, twenty-seven, eighteen, thirty-six."

171 "A hard pencil, unlike a fountain pen, leaves an impression on the second sheet. For instance --"

172 "That pen, M. Blensop."

173 The realization of a love that can never be.

174 "Monsieur was not going away without allowing me to

thank him?"

175 "Surely you will see my brother, Lieutenant Thackeray, before you go."

176 "Your brother?"

177 "Yes. Thackeray is his nom de service."

178 "I knew all the time that you were the Lone Wolf --"

179 "But I'm proud of you, not for what you were -- but for what you are."

180 "So Lieutenant Thackeray is your brother."

181 "Now that I think of it, you do look a little like your



