Wikisource:WikiProject Film/Intertitles from GeoCities/The Kid

The Kid [1971 reissue titles]

1 A picture with

a smile - and

perhaps, a tear.

2 The woman -

whose sin

was motherhood.

3 Alone.

4 The man.

5 His morning


6 "Awkward ass."

7 "Pardon me, you dropped something."

8 "Is that yours?"

9 "What's its name?"

10 "John."


12 "Put the quarter in the gas meter."

13 "You know what streets we worked today?"

14 All's well ....

 Job number 13.

15 Off duty.

16 The woman -

now a star of

great prominence.

17 Professor Guido,


18 "Read what the critics say .... wonderful!"

19 Charity -

to some a duty,

to others a joy.

20 Enter - his brother.

21 "You wicked boy."

22 "Go lick 'im."

23 "If your kid beats my brother, then I'm going to beat you."

24 "And you wouldn't strike this man, would you?"

25 "Remember - if he smites you on one cheek, offer him the other."

26 A successful


27 "Oh, well, I guess

 he's not in."

28 "This child is ill. Get a doctor at once!"

29 "I must go now, but I'll return."

30 The country


31 "Say 'ah'."

32 "Louder!"

33 "Are you the father

 of this child?"

34 "Well - practically."

35 "Explain yourself."

36 "This child needs proper care and attention."

37 "I'll attend to

 the matter."

38 Convalescence

39 The proper care

and attention.

40 "Ask him where

the kid is."

41 "Ask him if he's got any belongings."

42 "Tell him it's none of his business."

43 Night.

44 "You don't charge

  for a baby 
   in arms?"

45 Dawn.

46 Dreamland.

47 Shopping.

48 Off for a spin.

49 Sin creeps in.

50 The trouble begins.

51 "Vamp him."

52 Innocence.

53 Getting flighty.

54 Her sweetheart


55 Jealousy.

