Wikisource:WikiProject Film/Intertitles from GeoCities/The Love Light

The Love Light 1 When great storms rage at sea, far off coasts are lashed by cruel waves, tempest born. Like sullen legions they come - to batter frail craft in peaceful waters ---

2 ---and Life is like the Sea.

3 From vast upheavals born of lust for world dominion, come waves of misery, surging on to buffet helpless lives

 on distant shores.

4 Caressing the rock-girded coast of Italy are the waters of the calm


5 Flashing blue in the sunlight,

 its plumed waves curl

about the feet of a little

    fishing village.

6 A simple folk these -- happy children of impulse -- dwelling amid picturesque squalor.

7 A rising young profiteer -


8 Apart from the village

 lives one whose 

love dreams are borne upon the wings of song.


9 His melody of love sounds an echo in the hearts of Maria

  and Pietro.

10 It is of the girl Angela he sings and his songs are sad, for he knows that he loves in vain.

11 Sympathy.

12 The good Father Lorenzo,

  guide, friend and
   comforter of his
     tiny flock.

13 Far beyond the horizon clouds are gathering - sullen, sinister, menacing.

14 But the spirit of youth

holds sway in the
 Carlotti home.

15 - where lives Angela Carlotti and her two brothers.

(Angela, translated, means angel. But, as her brothers say - 'What's in a name?')

16 The elder brother Antonio

 looked with favor on

the courtship of Giovanni.

17 "I tell you, Giovanni, if you marry Angela

you take one fine

18 The joy and bane of Angela's existence is her younger brother


19 "When you marry Angela,

 we'll tell you our

system how to make her work - like ten devils!"

20 "We flatter the poor little

      sardine --"

21 "Antonio, where is the

  gentle Angela?"

22 "You shriveled herring,

   you struck me!"

23 "Sure, Giovanni, you stay

 for dinner. Angela,
 she's crazy for it!"

24 "You're going to give me a piece of that chicken

 aren't you dear?"

25 "You know that chicken is only for Father Lorenzo!"

26 Then, Madonna mia...

the wine began to 
  take effect!

27 "Don't let him bless

the macaronies.

They'll get cold!"

28 "Please, Father Lorenzo, a very long blessing

 on this happy home!"

29 Stewed chicken.

30 And then the storm broke A tidal wave of war engulfed humanity, sweeping to destruction the splendid manhood

 of the world.

31 To part is to die a little.

32 Silent months have passed with no word from the soldier brother, Antonio. But life still exacted its duties and youth danced

  its vibrant way.

33 "No brother makes his sister a present - for nothing!"

34 "Soldiers are leaving today--"

35 "You are such a little boy. Please to wait for another year."

36 "The courier has just

 brought word of

the death of another brave village boy."

37 "Angela's brother,

   Antonio ...

38 "When I think, it may

  be a long time

before I'll be digging out your ears again."

39 "Pig! You said it was yesterday that you


40 "You, who love Angela,

 must be the one

to comfort her in her


41 "Goodbye, kids!

 See you in
the spring!"

42 "Remember what you promised about your


43 "Goodbye, my little


44 "Antonio!"

45 "Mario must not go!...... They will kill him too!"

46 The harsh roll of far off battle drums summons Giovanni.

47 "... Send Mario and Giovanni home without too many wounds, to Thine obedient servant, Angela Carlotti."

48 WOMAN'S PART IN WAR No martial music hers, No joys of battle won;

But waiting, dreading,-- Her frail shoulders bent to carry on

  man's unfinished tasks;

Silent, patient toiler -- anguish torn,-- Who shall say that she is not

  the bravest soldier of them all?

49 Angela has taken Giovanni's

 place as keeper of the 

lighthouse. Returning home after the night watch.....

50 "You speak so funny my

 language. Where do 
 you come from, eh?"

51 "I - am an American!"

52 "Never before have I met the breed... it is very nice."

53 "Why, Mr. American, are you so afraid?"

54 "Because..."

55 "... I am a deserter!"

56 "You have, perhaps, a good excuse for this deserting?"

57 "We were having a wild shore-leave at Genoa, when our ship pulled out and left us. As our only chance we hired a tug to catch her; then we ran into this storm --"

58 --and Angela, believing Joseph, the American, hid him in her home until he could return in safety to his ship.

59 "Would he like me better

 if I were romantic?"

60 Or would he prefer

 one of those 

kittenish girls?

61 "No, I shall be cold

 and haughty like 

the ladies of Rome!"

62 "Yes -- I shall

 refuse him!"

63 "I--I was just polishing

      the pan."

64 "I though I heard

  voices - -
Are you alone?"

65 "I must get away from here.

  Every hour I stay

makes it more dangerous!"

66 "Mario! He's only my little baby brother."

67 Then, as Joseph lingered,

 Angela knew that

the love which sleeps in every woman's heart, had at last awakened.

68 "You will perhaps--

   miss me?"

69 "In our country it is the pleasant custom to believe that a kiss will cure any pain!"

70 "Father Lorenzo would never allow this!"

71 "But then, you don't know

   Father Lorenzo!"

72 One by one the broken men of the village returned. Came Pietro, once so strong

    and brave...

73 "This stranger that you wish to marry in secret. Are you sure, my child,

 that you love him?"

74 "It must be love, Father Lorenzo. I suffer so much the sweet pain of


75 After their secret marriage.

76 "Don't forget, Angela,

 our love signal
 -- at midnight!"

77 And at midnight, Angela flashed her "I love you" message across the waters to the waiting Joseph.

78 "I..."

79 ""

80 ""

81 Angela's code of love carries a message of destruction in Joseph's code of war.

82 Fearing that her continued absence from the village might arouse suspicion, Angela called upon Maria and Pietro the following


83 "On an enemy's knife ... Italian blood!"

84 "'Gott Mitt Uns!'

  That, Angela,

is their blasphemous


85 "A boat ... bringing home

 wounded soldiers,

was sunk by an enemy submarine last night ...

  at midnight!"

86 Joseph had chosen this night to carry out his plans

    of escape.

87 "Chocolate will be all I dare carry. I can live on that for several days."

88 "Tony is the only one who has any. If I ask for more than the ration

 it would make him

suspicious. But I know where he hides it!"

89 "A thief in this village

  means a stranger!"

90 "A stranger is an enemy!

 Perhaps -- a spy!"

91 "Let the dog follow

   the scent!"

92 "Gott---"

93 "Gott.. Mitt Uns!"

94 "You ... a German!"

95 "Angela, I am an enemy

  of your country,

but not a traitor to you."

96 "You can't hate me, Angela, for serving my own country. It is every man's duty."

97 "Why do you leave your work at the lighthouse and come to the village -- like a thief?"

98 "You sheep, do you think I steal chocolate for my own greedy self?"

99 "I had nothing to send my little brother Mario."

100 "It's a lie! She knows that

   Mario is dead!"

101 "You devil! Father Lorenzo

   was to tell her!"

102 "Mario was on the boat that was sunk last night."

103 "I've not long to live, Angela, forgive me--- the fever of this war has turned us into beasts."

104 "The boat!"

105 "The lighthouse!"

106 "My love signal

to Josepho!"

107 "I have lied to you!

Betrayed you! I

have been hiding and protecting an enemy of our country...

    a spy!"

108 "Angela, are you telling us

       the truth?"

109 "Swear to me, Pietro, that you will not

  kill him!"

110 "My little brother Mario -- you've killed him! You used my love signals to send him to his death!"

111 To Angela a child was born and they named it Dolora --which means sorrow.

112 For months Angela's mind lay sleeping, -- stunned by successive shocks of sorrow --- innocent victim of a far off conflict.

113 "Have I - still - a little baby?"

114 Maria, now a widow, had lost her little son, And they had laid Angela's girl baby upon her sorrowing

 mother breast.

115 "Don't take her away from me! Tell Angela that her child is dead! She's crazy! She'll never


116 The miracle of babyhood kept Angela's faith serene -- and her hands busy.

117 To Angela's tortured brain, there was healing in her baby's fingers.

118 Unceasing wonder that so much joy should be given to one so humble.

119 Caught in the swirl of war's hysteria, driven to distraction by loss of husband and child, Maria conceives a cruel scheme.

120 "Little mother! I think we've both a right to puff out our feathers!"

121 "Angela still insane! You may keep the child until we have seen poor Angela."

122 Distraught -- Angela came to the convent, seeking her baby there.

123 "I know, sister Lucia, you think I'm crazy.

  But I'm not!"

124 The sister is convinced that Angela is unfit to care for the child.

125 In this little village, not even the echoes of the battlefield.. yet how War crucifies the innocent and the helpless.

126 "Giovanni!"

127 "At first ... Oh, God ...

 I prayed to die!"

128 "Then ... I rushed to see the flowers and the trees ... and I struck against things -- like a drunken man!"

129 "Oh, my poor Giovanni,

 you will see them 

again ... through my eyes ..."

130 "Feel the sunset, Giovanni.

 It is warm and golden."

131 "Your hair was golden in the sunlight, Angela."

132 "See, Giovanni, the birds are singing to make our hearts glad."

133 "Do you remember

 how I always

thought you sang like the lark!"

134 "And Mario said my voice was like a pip-squeak!"

135 "You see, we are going to be happy, aren't we,


136 Empty months dragged by -- Angela's mother-heart ached with longing for the baby they had hidden from her in the home of Maria.

137 "He's blind - but Angela's

 teached him to see
with his finger tips!"

138 "Hey, there, you little magpies! I can see you talking about me!"

139 An outcast from the villa- gers, Angela devoted her life to the mothering of Giovanni. One morning, coming from her hopeless pilgrimage to the convent where she believed her child was harbored ...

140 "Oh, the baby!"

141 "Poor Pietro's son!"

142 "I have..."

143 "I had a little baby -

 a - little girl!"

144 Then through the Shadows of the past came stark remembrance---Maria's child

      had died.

145 "Oh, Giovanni, I saw

  my own baby --

and I didn't know her."

146 That afternoon, Maria, terror-stricken, sought

 advice from Tony.

147 "She will remember that my baby died.

  And then ..."

148 "We are just sailing for

  Genoa. Why not

run away from Angela?"

149 "Tony, I'll go with you

    to Genoa!"

150 "Marry with me, and

 they'll let you

bring the baby home."

151 "You are one crazy fool to sail into this storm!"

152 "I know, Beppo, but adventure is life!"

153 During the dark hours the storm whips itself

   to fury.

154 Angela's light - the

one guardian of the 

rocky shore - is failing.

155 "The main stays have

 been broken. And

the wind is driving us

toward the rocks."

156 "I'm afraid, Beppo,

we cannot fix
 the light."

157 "It's no use - the light

       is dead!"

158 "I told Tony he was crazy to sail into this storm. And to take Maria with him!"

159 "My God, Beppo, it's my baby!"

160 "God ... please, please tell me what to do to save my baby!"

161 Angela's home becomes a beacon light to save her child.

162 "They are close to the shore!

  We can reach them!"


 A sullen dawn 
 watched their 

efforts at rescue.

164 After Angela's marriage to Giovanni they sought the harbour of his home.

165 "My two little children--"

166 "Googuggeegappapanaaa..."

167 "Why! She's saying - 'papa'!"

168 "Oh, no, she's saying - 'mama'!"

169 "Blop!" [inverted text]

170 "There! It is papa!"

