Wikisource:WikiProject Film/Intertitles from GeoCities/The Magic Cloak of Oz

The Magic Cloak of Oz 1 Once upon a time, the Fairies assembled one moonlit night, in the ancient Forest of Burzee.

2 The funny old Man in the Moon smiled down upon them.

3 And then the Fairies of Oz wove a Magic Cloak, which would grant one wish to the person who wore it.

4 And of course they had to weave it upon a Fairy Loom.

5 The home of the Ferry Man, by the Vinegar River.

6 His Daughter - called Fluff, of the Golden Hair.


7 His son - named Timothy, but the folks all called him Bud.


8 The Children's Playmate - Nickodemus - and if it hadn't been for Nickodemus - but that is getting ahead of my story.


9 A traveler asks to be ferried across the Vinegar River.

10 And after the Fairies had made the Magic Cloak, they did not know what to do with it, so they had to ask the Man in the Moon.

11 "That's easy, give the Cloak to the most unhappy person you can find."

12 "We want you to give this Cloak to the most unhappy person you can find."

13 The Children's Aunt - Rivette, the Village Laundress.

14 Now Aunt Rivette had a sort of second sight, that is she could see things happening before they really did so.

15 And Aunt Rivette's vision came true.

16 With two children to support, Aunt Rivette thought it best to move to the City of Noland.

17 The old King of Noland was dying, and his counsellors were worried because there was no heir to succeed him.

18 The King is dead.

19 And they didn't know whom to make King of Noland.

20 And what do you think? The Fairy Messenger found Fluff.

21 "Are you unhappy my dear?"

22 "Leaving the old home and all that was so dear to me, has made me the most unhappy girl in all the great big world."

23 "Here is a gift from the Fairies. It will grant you one wish - but no more."

24 "Anyone you give it to, will also have one wish granted, but if stolen it loses its power."

25 "If you take the Cloak from that child, I will punish you severely."

26 And then, all the people of Nole gathered to choose a new King.

27 They went to the east gate of Nole, where the new King must enter.

28 "Oh I just wish I could be happy once more!"

29 And silly old Zixi wanted to count the bears as people. The idea of bears as kings!

30 47!

31 "Long live the King of Noland!"

32 And then King Bud rode to the palace in the royal coach.

33 "Gee, Fluff, it's fine to be a King."

34 And then King Bud had to hold court.

35 Nickodemus didn't like Noland one bit, and wanted to go home.

36 And then two robbers saw Nickodemus. Poor Nick!

37 Way back in the woods was a robbers' camp.

38 And the silly old robbers played jacks.

39 And they had stolen a nice little girl, named Mary.

40 And little Mary was awful sorry for poor Nick.

41 "I know the robbers have stolen my little Mary and I will never see her again."

42 And then King Bud dismissed court, so that he and Fluff could go and buy some toys.

43 And then Nick met the awful lonesome Zoop.

44 Now Nick didn't know that there was a lazy lion in those woods.

45 And if the lion and the zoop hadn't hated one another, Nick would have been a goner.

46 And the first thing Nick knew, he met the friendly crow.

47 "I'll tell you what we'll do! We'll get all the animals together and lick the stuffin' out of the old robbers!"

48 And Bud and Fluff spent all the money the treasurer had, for toys.

49 "Say fellows, if you must fight, come on and help whip the old robbers."

50 "That's where I live. I'm ever so much obliged to you."

51 "He, and the other kind animals, saved me from the robbers."

52 Zixi, Queen of the country of Ix.

53 While Zixi looked young, she was really six hundred and eighty-three years old.

54 Now Zixi had offended some higher power and was compelled to carry a mirror, in which her real age was always reflected.

55 Because he was lonesome for Bud and Fluff, Nick had to say good-bye to Mary.

56 The Minstrel sings of the Magic Cloak, that gives its wearer one wish.

57 The Cloak belongs to Princess


'Tis woven of some magic stuff. If you its wearer chance to be, One wish, this Cloak will grant

 to thee.

58 And Zixi thought, if she could just get that Cloak, she would wish to be beautiful in a mirror.

59 Zixi knew she couldn't go as a Queen, so she turned herself into a maid.

60 And Zixi asked for a job as maid to the Princess.

61 "That's my new maid."

62 And then Zixi stole the Cloak.

63 And then Zixi changed back to Queen and used the Cloak to make a wish, to get rid of the ugly reflection.

64 But the Fairy Messenger told her, that because she had stolen it, the cloak would not grant her wish.

65 The Rolly Rogues. Rough, round rascals, ranging in the rugged rocks of the mountains above the clouds.

66 The Rolly Rogues have no judgment. The silly things eat buttons and hair pins, but oh how they love soup!

67 One day the clouds rolled away, and a Rolly Rogue saw the City of Noland below him.

68 And he came and told the other Rolly Rogues what he had seen.

69 And just because they wanted a new kind of soup, the Rolly Rogues decided to attack Noland.

70 Zip! Bing! Down come the Rolly Rogues.

71 And the Rolly Rogues captured Noland.

72 "Let's find the Magic Cloak and wish the Rolly Rogues out of town."

73 The Princess failing to find either her Cloak or the new maid, sets forth with King Bud to find them.

74 "If we can just find the Magic Cloak, it will end all our troubles."

75 "Won't you please give us our Magic Cloak so we can wish the Rolly Rogues out of Nolan?"

76 "Why, I threw it away."

77 Dame Dingle found the Magic Cloak.

78 Dame Dingle went to work and cut up that Magic Cloak.

79 "A whole nation is in danger because you cut up the Magic Cloak."

80 And the Rolly Rogues just made those frightened villagers make them some soup.

81 And once more all the animals came to help Nick. And they went to drive the Rolly Rogues out of Noland.

82 And then, by the aid of the Magic Cloak, the Rolly Rogues were all driven out of Noland.

83 Zip! Bing! Up go the Rolly Rogues!

84 "The Fairies have sent for the Magic Cloak. You mortals do not use it wisely."

85 "Wait a minute please, I haven't had a wish yet."

86 "I wish I could be just the very best King Noland has ever had."

