Wikisource:WikiProject Film/Intertitles from GeoCities/The Saphead

The Saphead 1 A little street where money is everything-

 and everything
    is money.

2 Nicholas Van Alstyne- known, loved, and feared as "The Old Nick of 'The Street.'"

3 Old Nick's very private secretary -- "Mr. Musgrave."

4 "You tell him that Jim Hardy

 from Arizona is here."

5 "I used to pal with this old

     boy out west."

6 "What the blazes brought

   you east, Jim?"

7 "The Henrietta mine -- she's the all-fired biggest propo- sition I ever seen."

8 "Jim, you know more about a mine than anybody on earth -- except me --"

9 "I want a broker -- send for

     Watson Flint."

10 "If you say the Henrietta is that big -- watch me gamble on her!"

11 Mark Turner had succeeded in marrying Old Nick's daughter -- but had never succeeded at anything else.

12 His morning mail as usual was all bills and no business.

13 "There's a girl outside that wants to see you personal."

14 "Your wife's outside, sir."

15 "Go back and tell her she'll hear from me in a day or two."

16 "I came to invite you

    to lunch."

17 "I'm afraid you'd find me

   rotten company."

18 "I work like a dog, Rose -- but I don't get anywhere."

19 "Your father's commissions are worth a fortune to a broker -- but he never gives me an order."

20 "I'll have a talk with Dad about you -- when he gets home this afternoon."

21 Old Nick's castle.

22 Bertie Van Alstyne, Esquire, his father's hope and pride, breakfasts early -- in the afternoon.

23 "I want to talk to you about the way you treat Mark."

24 "You keep away -- I'll see her, and try to get your letters


25 "If you'll stop talking I'll see what I can do for your Mark."

26 Bertie had been in love for years and decided something must be done about it.

27 Nick's ward, Agnes, was the girl Bertie loved. He had confided this to his sister and his valet -- but had never mentioned it to her.

28 "Agnes has telegraphed that she's coming home from school today."

29 "Don't get excited ---- you'll have plenty of time to meet her --- the train doesn't arrive

   until 6:30."

30 "What's happened to you lately? Getting home at daylight and having a picture of Henrietta, the dancer, in your room--"

31 "I am leading a fast life because I am in love with Agnes."

32 Agnes was to arrive at the Grand Central -- so Bertie went to meet her at the Pennsylvania.

33 Six-thirty at the Grand


34 Agnes was an orphan -- whom Nick has brought up

 as his own child.

35 "Nobody met me."

36 "The saphead! I suppose he

 forgot all about you."

37 "Ask Hutchins to let me know as soon as Mr. Bertie comes in."

38 "Mr. Bertie is never home before three in the morn- ing, Miss."

39 "I was waiting for someone

-- but she didn't come."

40 The Gay White Way failing to cheer Bertie - his friends try the side streets.

41 "I'm having rotten luck -- lend me a couple of thousand."

42 "Are those things worth two

   thousand dollars?"

43 "What are they made of?"

44 "I'm awfully tired of this -- would you mind very much if I stop?"

45 "Your winnings, Mr. V. -- thirty-eight thousand."

46 "Are you quite sure you

   can spare it?"

47 Bertie sees a chance to get a real reputation as a

  sport --

48 "Will you see to arresting

     me, please?"

49 Morning

50 "But they might come and

  take him to jail!"

51 "Is it true you were in that

    dreadful place?"

52 "I was there because I

    love Agnes."

53 "If you love Agnes, why

didn't you meet her?"

54 "I did -- but she didn't come."

55 "Bertie -- you've changed


56 "I heard you tell Rose that you loved me -- and I love you, too."

57 "I've tricked you into loving me -- when you know the truth I'm afraid you won't care for me any more."

58 "Tell me --"

59 "I'm good!"

60 "I've tried my best to get over it -- but I can't -- and I still kneel down and say my prayers every morning -- before I go to bed."

61 "Bertie, who is Henrietta?"

62 "I bought her picture- but I never met her."

63 "Agnes, you'd better go."

64 "You've got to get out and shift for yourself -- this is the last check you'll get from me!"

65 "How can you be so cruel! I love Bertie, whether you do or not, and I'm going to be his wife!"

66 "If you've had the impert- inence to ask Agnes to marry you--"

67 "-- I suppose I've got to give

    you a little more."

68 "Not another cent!"

69 "Not another word about marrying Agnes until you go to work ---- and make something of yourself!"

70 Poor Bertie-- cut off with a million -- moved into humble quarters at the Ritz.

71 Watson Flint -- Nick's broker, and a friend of the family.

72 "I've got to go into business like you and Mark Turner."

73 "I bought a seat on the Stock Exchange for a hundred thousand dollars."

74 "A hundred thousand dollars

      for a seat?"

75 "Well, furniture is way

   up now-a-days."

76 "I want to show you an

  engagement ring."

77 "You asked me to look

   after it, sir."

78 "If father won't let us marry, perhaps you'll keep it to remember me by."

79 "No matter what Uncle Nick says, I'll marry you when- ever you want me --"

80 "We can't now, Bertie -- we must make arrangements first -- let's say next Tuesday!"

81 "Leon, we're to be married secretly Tuesday evening -- please make all the arrange- ments."

82 "It would be a wonderful surprise for her -- if we could only get it ready in time."

83 "We must!"

84 You can never be sure a woman will be on time -- even for her wedding.

85 "I'm going to marry Bertie


86 "But, Agnes -- you mustn't run away -- we'll have the wedding here!"

87 "Get out one of her little white dresses -- and she can wear my wedding veil."

88 "I'll manage father, and send for the Reverend Murray Hilton."

89 "I took you into business because Rose wanted me to -- and you're making good!"

90 "I've given you power of attorney because I'm going on a cruise Wednesday and you'll be in charge while I'm away."

91 "Bertie and Agnes are going

to be married tonight --"

92 "Perhaps they've locked

       her up."

93 "All right -- let 'em be married in here -- or down cellar -- or on the roof --"

94 "-- but I won't see them."

95 "I have called for Agnes."

96 "I'm through with you --"

97 "-- and as for Agnes, she has disobeyed me --"

98 "Now ask Bertie to

  forgive you."

99 "We're going to be

 married here!"

100 "Anything else?"

101 "I'll put one in every pocket -- then when the minister asks me -- there you are!"

102 "If I die -- promise me you'll put these into Mrs. Turner's hands."

103 "I want Mrs. Turner!"

104 "Henrietta is dead -- and I gave her my sacred word I'd put these into your hands."

105 "I'm sorry this blow has come, Rose -- I've tried to keep it from you --"

106 "Bertie, these belong to you ---- they're from Henrietta."

107 Bertie's valet had planned a great surprise for the bridal couple.

108 Tortured by thoughts of Agnes -- Bertie hopes a visit to the Stock Exchange may help him to forget.

109 "This is a new member -- Mr. Van Alstyne."

110 "Mr. Turner wants to see you at Mr. Van Alstyne's office right away."

111 "Do all these seats cost a hundred thousand dollars?"

112 Knowing that the truth about Henrietta Reynolds must soon come to light, Mark has induced Nick to go on his yachting

 trip as planned.

113 With Nick out of the way, Mark sees a chance to clean up a fortune before his actions with Henrietta Reynolds are discovered.

114 "Mr. Van Alstyne notified you that I would be in com- plete authority here during his absence -- ?"

115 "I want you to sell 'Henrietta Mine' until you have knocked the price down fifty points!"

116 "I can't accept a commission of that size without security."

117 "Great heavens, Turner! -- these securities belong to your father-in-law!"

118 "While he is away they

     are mine."

119 Bertie's introduction to the Floor grows more and more informal.

120 "All they do here is knock off hats -- but I enjoy it -- it occupies the mind."

121 "I'm going out to get some new ones so I can play it again."

122 The raid on Henrietta.

123 "They've started a raid on 'Henrietta' -- you ought to be on the Floor!"

124 "When I want your advice

 I'll send for you!"

125 "Mr. Tildon of the National

    City is here."

126 "Mr. Van Alstyne won't return for a week -- and Mr. Turner is in charge."

127 "Tell Turner if we don't re- ceive collateral by three o'clock we'll be forced to throw Van Alstyne's hold- ings on the market!"

128 "Thank God you've come, sir!"

129 "Thank God! I was seasick--"

130 "Call up Mr. Tildon -- and send to the Stock Exchange for Mark Turner!"

131 "Mr. Turner hasn't been on

   the Floor today!"

132 "Mark Turner is responsible for this raid, sir."

133 "Because he's a cheat- I found out he was responsible for that Henrietta girl, and put the blame on Mr. Bertie-"

134 "I'm sorry to hurry you -- but it's two-thirty, and your securities must be in the bank before the market closes."

135 "It's almost three o'clock. There's nothing on earth I can do."

136 "You're too late. Flint's on the Floor now, knocking the last breath out of the 'Hen- rietta' -- and I can buy your holdings for next to nothing!"

137 "Get the police!"

138 "All the police in the world can't prevent your losing control of the Henrietta Mine when the gong rings in the Stock Exchange!"




142 "Sir, you're insulting me!-- and I demand that you stop yelling that woman's name!"


144 "They're all yelling that woman's name at me -- and I can't make them stop!"

145 "Bertie, listen! -- I'll tell you something that will stop them!"

146 "Every time you hear a man yelling 'Henrietta' -- you grab him and say -- 'I TAKE IT'!"

147 It seems to Bertie that the whole Stock Exchange is taunting him by yelling Henrietta's name.

148 "She's up forty

    points and
    going like
    a rocket!"

149 "I've been saved, Flint! -- saved by a miracle!"

150 "It was no miracle -- it was Bertie! He's the latest member of the Stock Exchange!"

151 "He's bought a cottage on Long Island -- this is his address."

152 "I have been on the Floor of

  the Stock Exchange."

153 "Why, my boy -- you've

saved 'Henrietta'!"

154 "I mean the Henrietta mine! Now get dressed, because I've sent for Agnes and the minister."

