Wikisource:WikiProject Film/Intertitles from GeoCities/The Unbeliever

The Unbeliever 1

    The Thomas A Edison Studios
          "THE UNBELIEVER"
      based on the novelette,

Copyright 1918 by Thomas A. Edison inc.

2 Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews.

     Alan Crosland,

3 Produced with the co-operation

          of the

4 The Forge in which the Soul of a man

 was tested.

5 Featuring MARGUERITE




and          as


7 A peaceful Sabbath morning

 in Long Island.

8 Margaret Landicutt, an aristocrat

to her finger tips, but with
kindly feelings for the "masses"
                     KATE LESTER

9 "Uncle Jemmy" Landicutt.


10 "I am anxious about my son.

 he's young, but so firm in
 his unbelief."

11 "At twenty we don't believe:

 at thirty we don't know,-
 but faith comes when we
 need it."

12 A foursome of the social set.

13 Philip Landicutt, who will never

have to do a stroke of work
so long as he lives.-
              Ray McKee

14 Hoffman, the German gardener,

whose faithful service spans
twenty-five years.
              LEW HART

15 "Hoffman, you have received no

 word from the front?"

16 "No news is yet good news, ma'am."

17 "Oh, if it were '61 again - if

   I were Phil's age!"

18 "No, Jemmy, no - - he's only twenty -

 he's all of life to me!"

19 "It is our fight! If the Germans

 should win, do you suppose they'd
 stop over there? Not much! We'd
be the next bit of world-snatching.

20 "Oh, I'm at the end of the draft,

 and by that time I'll have 'tango
 toes' or something."

21 "Hey you! Carry your own sticks,

 you slacker! I'm through."

22 "Lefty," a former chauffeur of

 Phil's set.
               Darwin Karr

23 "Mr. Landicutt, sir."

24 "It's only justice, mother! His son

 was our enemy and this is war."

25 "I hate 'em, mother! From the

 Kaiser down - a nation of vul-
 garians glorified by brains which
 can't save 'em!"

26* "Breeding means much to

the world, Mother; even 
   more than brains."

27 "Phil! it's honorable to work."

28 "Oh, I'm for being kind to the

 common herd, but I'm not for
 blinking at the fact that
 they're different"

29 "Sei jeder kreig verflucht! -

     Damn all war!"

30 "Mother, I'm going! I want to

 go. Will you let me?"

31 "I've got to go! I couldn't keep on living

 and remember that this fight had been
 put up for the decency of the world,
 and I not lifting a finger!"

32* "Our best men are going,

Mother, I must do my 

33 "Why, if there was a God, he'd--"

34 "You believe in the masses - I don't."

35 "You're rather deeply religious, and

  I'm a plain unbeliever."

36* "You look for good in all

humanity - - I hate my

37 "We're different, mother -"

38 "- and I have my own life to live!"

39 "Yes, Phil, you'll have to go.

     I'll help you."


 A section
  of the

Western Front held by the UNITED STATES MARINES.

41 "No Man's Land," across which

 only a hundred yards, lie
 the advanced German defenses.

42 In the furnace of the front line trench

 where friendships are forged, Lefty
 has modified some of Phil's theories.

43 Albert Mullins, a crack shot with a fondness for reading his bible aloud.

      Sergeant Moss Gill, U.S.M.C.

44 "'Wilt thou shew wonders to the dead?

 Shall the dead arise and praise thee?

45 "'The Lord is the strength of my life:

     Of whom shall I be afraid?'"

46 "Is this right for headquarters?"

47 "Yes, change at Times Square."

48 "The Germans want a bombardment!

 Can you beat that for nerve!"

49 "Our battery's going to

   give it to 'em."

50 Nightfall spreads its mysterious

 shroud over "No Man's Land."

51 Lieutenant Thomas G. Sterrett,


52 "Who will volunteer?"

53 "Establish a listening post before

 trench 24, and report enemy
 mining operations."

54* "Fritz is mining. Let's get

       him first."

55 "Where's the lieutenant?"

56 "I want some dynamite --

  and a slow burning fuse!"

57 Do you realize your assumption

of authority in taking that
dynamite might mean court-martial!"

58 On the outskirts

  of Dixmude,

in the path of the German advance.

59* The Harbrok household, in the midst of War's


60 Virginie Harbrok, of the best

 blood in Belgium.
       Marguerite Courtot.

61 Eugene Harbrok, a Belgian scout.

            Mortimer Martini.

62 Madam Harbrok - his wife,

     Blanche Davenport.

Pierre Harbrok - their son,

     Harold Hallacher.

63 "Offer no resistance and you

  will not be harmed."

64 "Remember the signal code!"

65 "If you are discovered, you

must not be captured - alive!"

66 Relieved from the fever of

 the front line trench.

67 "Get me some writing paper, Lefty -"

68 "Yes, sir."

69 "Some fresh water, sir!"

70 In a sector where the official German bulletin reports "nothing of interest."

71 While Virginie signals the position

of the German gun to her father -

72 Herr Lieutenant Kurt Von Schnieditz.

           Erich Von Stroheim.

73 Emanuel Müller, a conscript musician.

               Earl Schenck

74 "You're here to fight!

   - not fiddle."

75 "Tell our battery to try a shot

    on Hill 3 - Zone 46."

76 "They have the range, that's

     your work, spy!"

77 "Vive la Belgique!"


79 "Mother, my mother -- and little Pierre -

  - in death, fils de Belgique,
  montez au ciel."

80 Before the great adventure.--

 Dawn of the following day.

81 "Three minutes more to go!"

82 All through the long night a hideous drumfire of artillery has been smashing in the German first line.

83 The commanding officer of the

Marine Sector.
   Major Thos. Holcomb, U.S.M.C.

84 Over the top

85 "The marines have landed and have

 the situation well in hand."

86 "If they hadn't potted me that

second, we'd 'a got off. We'd
'a had some more nice times, sir."

87 "Lefty, listen! Take this in--I'm

not 'sir' to you: we're equal.
- - - - Get that, old Lefty."

88 "You've taught me to judge people

 as people, Lefty, old pal, and
 class pride is junk!"

89* "Good-bye - pal - God

     bless - -"

90 Greater love hath no man than this: that a man lay down his life for his friend.

91 "Poor little Dixmude, caught

 in the claws, now of the
Allies, now of the Germans."

92 Marianne Marnholm, widowed in Belgian martyrdom -

          Gertrude Norman.

93 Nearby Phil's company is

 stationed at an advanced
 scouting post.

94 Lieutenant Terence O'Shaughnessey

      Lieut. J. F. Rorke U.S.M.C.

95 "Advance contingent to Dixmude,

- by direction Lieutenant Colonel."

96 "Last night I dreamed the

 Americans would come."

97 "The marines are out-numbered two

 to one. They must be warned!"

98 "We are safe, mes amis,

les Americains come."

99 Overpowered by numbers,

a retreat is ordered.

100 "Quick! They would kill me as

well:-two flights-the trap door!"

101 Meanwhile, the Germans force their advance.

102 "You must not let them take me alive!"

103 "I am not afraid to die - for


104 Re-enforcements.

105 "You came here and, now, you're

    going to stay here!"

106 "Remember - Herr Lieutenant,

       the violin!"

107 "Down with Militarism!

Long live Democracy!"

108 'At the twilight's last gleaming.'

109 "You might - want to go to America,

 Here is a word to my mother -
 she will look after you."

110 Into the enemy's territory.

111 By afternoon the fight has attained such unexpected proportions that it is impossible to reach the wounded.

112 A rabbi from a nearby village risks his life to aid the wounded.

113 The fast dimming eyes of

 Terence O'Shaughnessey make
 no distinction in creed.

114 "Father - - my crucifix!"

115 "Out of the depths have I called

unto thee. O Lord, hear my voice!"

116 "A thousand damnations on your

sniveling, lying preaching! There
ain't no God - - I know it!
There's only Hell - - - - -"

117 "O God! Give me back my life

 so that I can use it for your
 work. I will! Save me - - -
 God help us all - - - -"

118 "There is a God! I have to

give in - - ask him to - - -
to help - me - I believe O God --."

119 "Patience, m'sieur, yours was a

 man's fight and the injury is grave.
 But soon the wound will mend."

120 "What a shame - - he's

    only a kid."

121 "Ach! Träume ich? Ist sie die

Mutter? Was schafft sie auf
dem Schlachtfeld?"

122 "Es ist nichts - - I saw you were busy."

123 "So long! Remember me to the boys

 at the front. I'm sorry I have to 
 go home."

124 Afterward, as the "veteran" lives

     his battles over.

125 "Lefty - good old Lefty - killed class pride.

That was buried in his unknown grave
   out on 'No Man's Land.'"

126 "Then on the battlefield, unbelief was

 wiped out. Out of the depths, the
choir of the dying chanted faith and
 hope - and there I found - God."

127 "So you see, mother, I've come

around to you on the things
I said we'd never agree on.
But--I've paid--fairly high
for the lesson."

128 "There's one friend of yours

you haven't told me about."

129 "Did you think that torn scrap

 of paper from you would mean 
 nothing to me?"

130 "One does not say thank you

 for such things as you have done -"

131 "You saved my life, that is much -"

132 "You fought for Belgium, that is more---"

133 "Every Belgian owes-----I owe

you - the life for you to use."

134 The End
