Wikisource:WikiProject Film/Intertitles from GeoCities/Traffic in Souls

Traffic in Souls 1 The head of the family.

MARY BARTON . . Jane Gail

2 Her Sister.

                 Ethel Grandon


       Her father.



       Her fiance.

Officer Burke . . Matt Moore

5 "Your sister has been late every morning for a week."

6 Reprimanded.


   The man higher up.

WM. TRUBUS . . Wm. Welsh.

8 His wife.

                Mrs. Hudson Lyston.

9 His daughter.

                Irene Wallace.

10 The greatest society "catch" of the season.

11 They who traffic in souls.

12 The most infamous type

      of man.

THE CADET . Wm. Cavanaugh

13 Another who profits by the wages of shame.

THE CADET . Arthur Hunter

14 An attempt to escape.

15 "What do you think of

   that girl?"

16 The man who finances the social outlaws.

THE GO-BETWEEN Howard Crampton

17 -"A dictagraph."-

18 "What kind of a pen is


19 The "Look-outs" call for


20 The man higher up is well satisfied with the day's


21 Mary is a favorite of

   Mrs. Trubus.

22 Off duty.

23 His Captain.


 "Respectable" Smith.

The grey haired inspirer

    of confidence.
              WM. BURBIDGE.

25 Off to watch the railroad


26 "She's a little beauty."

27 Just outside the harbor.

28 Sent to await the arrival

   of the emigrants.

29 The country girl.

              LAURA HUNTLEY.

30 The "look-outs" wait for

   the emigrants.

31 The emigrant girl's brother.

               WM. POWERS.

32 The "frame-up" to get rid of the brother.

33 "I will take your

sisters home."

34 The go-between finishes

his evil day's work.

35 The spoils of their traffic

        in souls.


 Officer Burke lands his

captives - and their victims

  are placed under the
protection of the police.

37 Waiting for his prey.

38 The first move of the tempter.

39 "For God's sake find my sister."

40 "Where is your sister?"

41 Burke asks to be assigned to find his sweetheart's


42 A reporter gets the story.

43 The peaceful and happy good night of the head of the infamous system.

44 The dawn.

45 The wife of the man high- er-up attends a meeting

 of her pet charity.

46 Discharged on account of her sister's disgrace.

47 Her new position.

48 The daily meeting of the

   social outlaws.

49 "This is my private


50 A weekly meeting at the

 office of the man 
     higher up.

51 Mary recognizes the voice of the man who took her

    sister away.

52 She realizes her employer and his secretary must be

  in league with the
 infamous traffickers.

53 Lunch Hour.

54 That night, they secure her father's invention for intensifying sound waves and recording dictagraph sounds on a phonographic


55 Little sister bravely resists

      her captors.


 The attachment is made

that will allow Mary to get a phonographic record of all conversations made in

 both lower and upper 


       Next Day.

The trap is sprung.--Get-

   ting the evidence.

58 "Five hundred was too much to pay for girl

   number 364."

59 Mary has secured the


60 The evidence placed in the hands of Burke's Captain.


 The fiance of Trubus's

daughter brings his father and mother to ratify the


62 Little sister is near the

   breaking point.

63 Gathering in the


64 The proudest moment of

   Trubus's life.

While his daughter's be- trothal was being arranged

65 "That man has handled all the money from the in-

  famous traffic."

66 "These are the people you

  have been backing."

67 "The invention of the father of the girl you

sought to ruin will
   convict you."

68 "Your conversations are

 on these records in
  your own voices."

69 To her father's arms.

70 Awaiting trial.

71 Out on bail.

72 Trubus's wife escapes her

  husband's shame.

73 "You've killed my mother."

