Wikisource:WikiProject Film/Intertitles from GeoCities/Way Down East

Way Down East [A Simple Story of Plain People]

1 Since the beginning of time man has been polygamous -- even the saints of Biblical history -- but the Son of Man gave a new thought, and the world is growing nearer the true ideal. He gave of One Man for One


2 Not by laws -- our Statutes are now overburdened by ignored laws -- but within the heart of man, the truth must bloom that his greatest happiness lies in his purity

    and constancy.

3 Today Woman brought up from childhood to expect


possibly suffers more than at any point in the history of mankind, because not yet has the man-animal reached this high standard -- except perhaps in theory.

4 If there is anything in this story that brings home to men the suffering caused by our selfishness, perhaps it

  will not be in vain.

5 Time and place -- in the story

  world of make-believe,

Characters -- nowhere -- yet

 everywhere; Incidents --
never occurred yet always 

6 Let us suppose a remote village in New England.

7 Anna Moore and her mother. We call her "Anna" -- we might have called her "Woman" -- for is not hers

     the story --

8 Sore need of money drives the mother to appeal to the

 Tremonts, their rich
 relatives in Boston.

9 "Oh, Mother, I hate to ask

    them for money."

10 So, through the troubled

     twilight ...

11 "All right, Mother, I'll go."

12 The departure.

13 "Tell Cousin Emma I made this hug-me-tight with my

     own hands."


  "The fashion paper says 

these gloves are in style in the


15 An errand undertaken with the tremulous footsteps that ever mark the trail of the

   "poor relation."

16 Her cousins, the Tremonts, were giving a bridge whist

party the afternoon of
   Anna's arrival.

17 Cousin Emma Tremont


18 Diana Tremont --

her daughter.

19 An occasional interloper in

Society -- the dashing
 Lennox Anderson, who

depends for his living upon

    a rich father.

20 He has three specialties -- ladies -- Ladies -- and


21 "There is a young person --

 says she's your Cousin
  Anna Moore -- from

22 "My dear child! Whatever

  brought you here?"

23 "Well, you see, things haven't been going very well -- and we wanted to ask

  you -- if -- if --"

24 Courage failing, she changes the subject to

 the hug-me-tight.

25 "I beg your pardon."

26 Mrs. Tremont imparts the embarrassing news of the country cousin's arrival to

    her daughters.

27 "Well, get rid of her."

28 But to impress their eccentric but enormously rich aunt, the sisters pretend to be nice to Anna.

29 "I knew you both from

  your pictures."

30 "Yes, I expect to stay quite a time -- that is, if we suit

       each other."



Near the country estate of the Sanderson family is

  Bartlett Village.


Also the home of Squire

Bartlett, the richest farmer

  in the neighborhood.

33 The clock hand points

to blossoms -- and

34 David Bartlett, though of plain stock, has been tutored by poets and visions wide as the world.

35 Squire Bartlett, a stern old puritan, who lives according to his own con- ception of the Scriptures, particularly the "Thou

    Shalt Nots".

36 Mrs. Bartlett, whose gentle soul is as sweet as her

 beloved Scriptures.

37 Day dreams of twenty-one.

38 The great Tremont ball -- the climax of the social


39 Anna's dress that she and her mother had made in case

 she should go out in 

40 "It's quite all right -- and

 from the balcony you can 
     see us dancing."

41 Solely to pique the sisters of

 whom she is not over-fond,
 the aunt makes different
  arrangements for Anna.

42 "Oh, Aunty! -- This dress

 -- where's the top?"

43 Beneath the alcove lights' golden glow.

44 Anna's delicate beauty a

 whip to Sanderson's
  jaded appetite.

45 "In your beauty lives again Elaine, the lily maid, love

  dreaming at Astolat."

46 "Tell me more."

47 Cousin Emma hurries Anna off to bed -- perhaps in fear of her own daughters being


48 The susceptible Sanderson obsessed by a new desire.

49 Sanderson, after managing several meetings, finally lures Anna to the apartment to meet a mythical aunt.

50 "Wait -- I'll call Aunty."

51 "Strange, she isn't here."

52 "Just five minutes! She'll be

     back any time."

53 "If she doesn't come in five

  minutes -- I must go."

54 "You don't understand ..."

55 "I mean -- I want you to

   -- to marry me."

56 Anna's inexperienced heart

 caught in a tide of

57 "Oh, I'm just going to

  tell everybody."


  But Sanderson, dreading

to cross the wishes of his rich

 father, upon whom he is de-
 pendent, persuades Anna to
     promise secrecy.


 Sanderson belongs to a

class which, if it cannot get what it wants in one way, it will go to any length to get

     it in another.

60 Evil plans --

61 Passion's urge knows no conscience and various its

  ways to betrayal.

62 Sanderson induces Anna to marry secretly before going



Far away it happens that

David Bartlett is dreaming a

     troubled dream.


 "Don't worry -- every-

thing's all right. Don't you

       trust me?"

65 So -- it is done.

66 The bridal suite at

 Rose Tree Inn.

67 To her it is the fulfillment of the dreams of girlhood

 -- to him but another

68 Here conscience knocks at the door -- perhaps the slightest interruption might still avert this tragedy,


69 "My -- my husband!"

70 The afternoon the Bartlett

 postoffice was robbed.

71 The dread minion of the

Law -- Rube Whipple,

72 Seth Holcomb waiting for Martha Perkins, whom he has been following around

  for twenty years.

73 Seth takes his liquor under the name of "Long Life Bitters".

74 Martha Perkins -- a relic --

nobody needs a newspaper
  when she is around.

75 The Constable on the

     man hunt.

76 Napoleon, his fiery steed.

77 Napoleon refuses to

 climb the hill.

78 The temptation of


79 "These men! I just can't keep 'em from followin'


80 "Great news! Postoffice bin robbed! Dollar eighty-two cents in postage stamps, eighteen postal cards!

 Heavy loss to the 

81 "I'll 'low no man to laugh at

  the law, Seth Holcomb!"

82 They both win.



One day of honeymoon before Anna starts home with her great secret.

84 "Promise now -- only

    two days!"

85 Anna's return home.

86 Anna relieves her mother's anxiety with happy, mys- terious hints of wealth to


87 The old way too pleasant

     to give up.

88 Less and less frequent their secret meetings

 until at last....

89 In answer to her urgent


90 "All right -- I'll wait."

91 "You haven't told anyone

 about our marriage?"

92 She tells him of a tender new reason why the secret cannot be kept any longer.

93 "You mustn't tell anyone!"

94 "Well, if you must know the truth -- because we aren't married at all!"

95 "You're just joking -- tell

 me, aren't you joking?"

96 "WE MUST be married -- see -- see -- our ring ...."

97 "Marriage would have meant my losing every- thing -- I intended to make

   it right -- but --"

98 "For Heaven's sake, don't make a scene! I'll let you have lots of money and you

     can go away."

99 "Mother! MOTHER!"

100 When the mother returns --

101 Some time afterwards -- left alone by her mother's death -- Anna hides away with her shame in the village of


102 Maternity -- Woman's



 Shadows across the 
    time dial.

The baby without a name.

104 "My child, your baby

  is very sick."

105 "Ten drops of this in a little

  water every hour until I 

106 "Where's your husband?"

107 "Oh, he's -- he's away."

108 The landlady solemnly reminds Anna that if the baby dies without being baptized, it will never see


109 Helpless and alone in the dreadful hours of the night, and stricken with a terrible fear for her baby's soul....

110 .... she herself performs

   the sacred rite.

111 "In the name of the Father,

   and of the Son,--"

112 "...and of the Holy


113 "-- I baptize thee -- 'TRUST LENNOX'."

114 The vigil.

115 The little hands grow cold

    upon her breast.

116 "My child, your baby

     is dead."

117 Sanderson on his country

 estate at Bartlett.

118 "Everybody is talking about you having no husband -- I guess you'll have to leave."

119 Upon her back the

 age-old Cross.
The Pilgrimage.

120 Hi Holler, the Bartlett's chore boy, sprucing up in the barn to meet Kate,

 the Squire's niece.

121 A reckless spectator.


"Oh, Hi! Hi Holler! Hurry

up! It's time to fetch Kate!"

123 Anna, in search of work, reaches Bartlett Village.

124 Kate, the Squire's niece, returns from a short trip

     to Boston.


 The Professor, summer 

boarder at Squire Bartlett's. He studies butterflies -- and

  pursues his studies.


 "Is this the young niece

you were expecting from Boston?"

127 "I am looking for work."

128 "Work? You don't 'pear to have no strength to work."


"Where ye from?

Whose your folks?"

130 "I haven't any folks."


 "For all we know she 

might be some loose woman wanderin' 'round. I won't

take her inter my hum!"

132 "Sorry, young lady, but I ain't got nothin' for ye."

133 "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these -- ye have done it

      unto me!"

134 "That's Scripture, Father."

135 "All right, Mother, we'll try her. Nobody can't ever say

   I went agin' the 


"Whatever your troubles,

child, remember, the Lord is

your Shepherd, you shall
        not want."

137 Kate's homecoming.

138 "It has been settled by the Squire and his family, since

Kate's and David's child-
 hood that they are to

139 Open admiration.

140 The Professor, meeting Kate, is converted to the scientific theory of Love

  at first sight.

141 "Oh, Professor, my shoe

     is untied."

142 "Well, well, neighbor Sanderson, haven't seen you since Kate went away."

143 Kate -- Sanderson's newest infatuation.

144 "David, you'll have time before supper to show Neighbor Sanderson that heifer he wants to buy."

145 "What are you

doing here?"

146 "I am working."

147 "You can't stay here -- I live right across

    the way."

148 "Come right in, Mr. Sanderson! Supper's


149 "Your father was right. I'm afraid I'm not strong

enough for this work."

150 "Please don't go away, Miss Moore! I -- we all -- like you very much. You'll get stronger after

    awhile, and ..."


"Anna! David!

Come right in."



 Part II

154 Meanwhile, Anna, her past still a closed book, has become a beloved member

 of the household.


 Knowing only Anna's 

blameless life among them, David thrilled with the thought that she is the virginal white flower of his


156 By the river and the distant music of the falls -- Around

them the sweet scent of 
     summer fields.

157 There David points out the two forks of the river,

that go into one ....

158 And all athrill with

    a great sincere love,

Visions to her

  how they two might go,

On through life together...

159 "One heart for one heart, One soul for one soul, One love for one love, Even through Eternity."


At last the great over-

whelming love -- only to be halted by the stark ghosts

   of her past.

161 "I'm only trying to say I love you, Anna -- it seems

I've always loved you!"

162 So she tells him he must

never speak like this 

163 The summer goes,

       the winter comes,

We cannot rule the year, Nor can we rule

      the barque of Fate,

Nor all its strange ways


164 The Professor's love-- burdened heart brings him down to the country to see


165 "I'm going ter read yer

 some funny jokes."

166 "Why does a chicken

 cross the road?"

167 "None of the rooster's


168 "Ain't that funny?"

169 "Three eggs -- two bad."

170 "Miss Kate -- I want to ask -- if you will -- be --

         my --"

171 "The ice is going out soon. When the river starts you'd better look out down below


172 Anna goes to the store after forgotten goodies for the big party planned for the


173 The villain still

 pursues her.

174 The sewing circle next to

  the grocery store.

175 Maria Poole, the landlady from Belden, visits Bartlett.

176 "That's Anna Moore -- lives down to Squire


177 "Moore? Her name ain't



 "She lived at my house

-- 'Mrs. Lennox', she called herself -- but she never had

   no husband at all!"


  "And then --

there was a baby!"

180 The Squire thinks it time that David and Kate come to

  an understanding.

181 "It's my bounden duty to go

and expose this woman to 
      the Squire."

182 "Father's set on our getting married but I don't think we

 can without proper love
      -- do you?"

183 To the Squire's -- bursting with the

 great news.

184 "Suppose, Squire, I had been like you suspected when you first saw me? Would there be any hope of


185 "When the law's broke, it's broke, ain't it? A wrong's a wrong and nothin' can make

      it right."


   "Of course --

I was just supposing."

187 On their way to the

 big barn dance.

188 "Maria Poole, from Belden, was at the sewing circle and

      she says...."

189 "No. I shouldn't tell you!"

190 "It's that...."

191 "Oh, it's awful...."

192 But before Martha tells her thrilling news....


On their way to the big 

party, they stop to warm up at the Squire's with an old-

   fashioned dance.

194 "No. I am not invited

  to the party."

195 The Professor -- dazed but happy.

196 "All bound 'round with a woolen string! A great big hat with a great big brim, All bound 'round, all bound 'round, All bound 'round with a woolen string!"


 David, for some reason,

suddenly discovers he is not

 interested in the party.

198 The neighbors' barn dance.

199 More and more worried by Anna's presence -- also afraid she will interfere in his pursuit of

  Kate -- Sanderson --

200 "I can't have you around

 here where I live!"

201 "Suppose they find out about your past life? You'd have to get out


202 "Suppose they find out about YOUR past life!"

203 "Oh, it's different with a MAN! He's supposed to sow

    his wild oats."

204 At last Martha gets her

opportunity with the 

205 "Does Lennox Sanderson mean anything to you?"

206 "Why do you ask such a question?"

207 "Because I can't keep silent

       any longer."

208 "I love you! I want you

   to be my wife."

209 "It's about Anna Moore. She lived in Belden under the name of 'Lennox' --

   Mrs. Lennox!"


 "A baby was born --

but there warn't no weddin'

 ring to her finger."

211 "I'll drive her out of the

  house -- this night."

212 "No, father -- you must

     have proof."

213 "I'll go to Belden in

the morning -- and
if it is true --"

214 "Please! Please don't!"

215 "I can never be ANY


216 The next morning. The Squire on his way to Belden to investigate

  Martha's story.

217 "The Squire's on important

   business, is he?"

218 So it happens that Sanderson...

219 At noon the Squire arrives

     in Belden.

220 "It's all true. Why, her baby was born in this

    very room."

221 Late afternoon.

222 "Roses in wintertime!

   Lan' sakes!"

223 "Don't want no supper

 of your gettin'!"

224 "The time's come for you to get your things and get out

    of this house!"

225 "Don't want no words!

  Just get out!"

226 "It means she is going to

get out of my house!"

227 "I found out all about her -- she ain't fit to be here!"

228 "She's the mother of a baby -- but she ain't got


229 "Tell them it's a lie,


230 "I -- I can't!"

231 "You found out so much! Why didn't you find out the

    whole truth?"

232 "That I was an ignorant girl

 betrayed through a mock


"This man -- an honored 

guest at your table -- why don't you find out what HIS

    life has been?"

234 "For HE is the man who

   betrayed me!"

235 And then the storm.

236 The sugar camp.

237 "Anna's lost in the storm -- get out your men --


238 Frenzied -- tortured --

 The calling river.

239 The storm lulls.

240 The great ice-break.

241 The ice jam gives way -- rushing to the falls.

242 "Quick! Quick! The Doctor!"

243 Toward morning.

244 The Squire asks



 "Come, Anna, I know I

didn't do the right thing. I'm willing to marry you now if

     you want me."

246 "I -- I will."

247 "I will."

248 Interested witnesses.

249 "Seth, wilt thou have this

woman to be thy wedded
       wife -- ?"

250 "I -- I will."

251 The one man for

           the one woman,

Between them the

      Sacramental bond --

Life's cleanest and sweetest.

