Young Christian's first lesson-book/Lesson Thirteen

3278289Young Christian's first lesson-book — Lesson Thirteen1822Philip Doddridge


Of Christ's Death, Reſurrection and Aſcenſion

JESUS the Righteous, lo, he dies,
For ſin a ſpotleſs ſacrifice!
Justice has on his ſacred head
The weight of our tranſgreſſions laid?
If God's own Son would ſinners ſave,
He muſt be humbled to the grave,
That ſo a pard'ning God might ſhew
What vengeance to our crimes was due.

Nail'd to the croſs with torturing ſmart,
What anguiſh rack'd his tender heart!
Alas! how bitterly he cried,
Taſted the vinegar, and died!
Cold in the tomb that mournful day
My Saviour's mangled body lay.
Well may I bluſh and weep to ſee
What Jeſus bore for love of me.

But Oh! my ſoul, thy grief refrain,
Jeſus the Saviour lives again:
On the third day the Conqu'ror roſe,
And greatly triumph'd o'er his foes;
Prov'd his recover'd life and then
Aſcending to his heaven again.

Exalted on a ſhining throne,
At God's right hand he ſets him down,
To plead the merits of his blood.
And rule for all his people's good:
Wide o'er all world: his pow'r extends,
And well can he protect his friends.
May I in that bleſt band appear.
Secure from danger, and from fear!

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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