Index:The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume 02.djvu

Title The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Part 2
Author Francis James Child
Year 1884
Publisher Mifflin
Location Boston Houghton
Source djvu
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed
29. The Boy and the Mantle 257
30. King Arthur and King Cornwall 274
31. The Marriage of Sir Gawain 288
32. King Henry 297
33. Kempy Kay 300
34. Kemp Owyne 306
35. Allison Gross 313
36. The Laily Worm and the Machrel of the Sea 315
37. Thomas Rhymer 317
38. The Wee Wee Man 329
39. Tam Lin 335
40. The Queen of Elfan's Nourice 358
41. Hind Etin 360
42. Clerk Colvill 371
43. The Broomfield Hill 396
44. The Twa Magicians 399
45. King John and the Bishop 403
46. Captain Wedderburn's Courtship 414
47. Proud Lady Margaret 425
48. Young Andrew 432
49. The Twa Broterhs 435
50. The Bonny Hind 444
51. Lizie Wan 447
52. The King's Dochter Lady Jean 450
53. Young Beichan 454
Additions and Corrections 484