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Morley, Lord, 32, 118, 228
Moses, 16
Motilal, the Vadhvan worker, xi
Mudallar, K. M., 281
Mudaliar, Valliamma, 283-4
Mudalingam, Mrs R. A., 278

NADERI, s. s., 52 ff.
Nagappan, Swami, 224 £f.
Naidoo, Mrs A. P., 278
Naidoo, Mrs P. K., 213
Naidoo, Mrs Thambi, 278
Naidoo, P. K., 223, 295, 303, 304
Naidoo, Thambi, 147, 148, 156, 167, 238
Nanabhai Harldas, Mr Justice, 55
Narayanswaml, 225
Natal, 4, 5, 19, 21 ff.; Indians’ grievances in, 26 ff., 37, 52, 53, 87; passim
Natal Indian Congress, the, founded, 45 ff.
Natal Indian Educational Association founded, 47
Natal Mercury, the, 43
Natesan, G. A., 223
Navajivan, 51
Nawabkhan, 153
Nazar, M. H., 55, 67, 80, 141
Negroes, the, of South Africa, 8; their physique, 8-9; huts, 9; clothing, 10; food innocent of spices or condiments, 10-11; languages, 11; religion, 11; truthfulness, 11; timidity, 11-12; ‘civilization’ leads them into vice and disease, 12-3, 21; their relations with Indian and European traders, 24
Newcastle, 279, 282, 286, 293, 295
Norton, Mr, 52

ORANGE FREE STATE = Orangia q. v.
Orangia, 5, 14, 25; Indian grievances in, 35 ff.
Orloff, the, 4

Parbhusingh, an Indian, assigned most responsible work at the siege of Ladysmith, 79
Parsi Rustomji, 56 ff., 185, 216, 223, 281
Passive Resistance, phrase first used to denote the Indian struggle but since given up, 109-10; distinguished from Satyagraha, 111
Patel, M. H., 281
Patel, R. M., 281
Peace Preservation Ordinance, 94
Pearson, Willie, 177, 270, 322
Permanent funds, the impropriety of managing public bodies with, 129
Petit, Mrs Jaiji, xii
Phillips, Rev. Charles, 181
Phoenix, 97, 98, 141, 177, 184 ff., 219, 234, 274, 278, 315, 320
Phuka, the cruel practice of, 257
Pietermaritzburg, 4; author pushed out of the train at, 42, 43
Pietermaritzburg jail, 283
Pillai Parameshvaran, 52
Pillay, Miss B. M., 278
Pillay, Miss Minachl, 278
Pillay, Mrs K. C., 278
Pillay, Mrs K. Murugasa, 278
Pillay, Mrs N., 278
Pillay, Mrs N. S., 278
Pioneer, the, 50
Polak, H. S. L., 142, 177, 306 ff., 322 ff.