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Satyagraha in South Africa

Poll-tax on Indian labourers, 28
Poona, 50 ff.
Porbandar, 23, 41, 52
Portugal, 5
Portuguese, the, 4
Potchefstroom, 262
Pretoria, 4, 41, 42 ff., 81 ff., 130, 148, 157, 218, 261, 267 ff., 325, 327
Pretoria News, the, 181
Progression, law of, applicable to all righteous movements, 208-10
Punjab wrong, the Satyagraha against, xiii

QUINN, LEUNG, 146, 156

Rahimkhan, 304
Rajendraprasad, Babu, xii
Rajkot, xii
Raju Govindu, 281
Rama Sundara, Pandit, 137
Ramzan on Tolstoy Farm, 247
Ranade, Mahadev Govind, 50
Redmond, 119
Reuter sends exaggerated summary of the author’s speeches to South Africa, 52
Rickshaw, the author spared the shame of a—ride, 58
Ripon, Lord, 29, 44, 46
Ritch, L. W., 119, 120, 124, 177, 260
Roberts, Lord, 14
Robertson, Sir Benjamin, 327, 330, 331, 333
Rose Innes, Sir James, 323
Roosevelt, President, 92
Rowlatt Act, the, xiii; Satyagraha against, xiii
Royeppen, Joseph, 219, 238
Royeppen, Solomon, 281
Rule, the golden, for the interpretation of agreements, 18

Sandals made on Tolstoy Farm, 240-1
Sanitary arrangements on Tolstoy Farm, 239-40
Sarvajanik Sabha, 51 ff.
Satyagraha, advent of, 102 ff.; implications of, xiv, 17, 92-3,
187-8, 209-10, 285, 306; invention of the term, 109-10; distinguished from passive resistance, 111: fresh association organized for, 128 ff.
Satyagraha in India in respect of Viramgam customs, xi, xii; as regards the stopping of indentured labour, xii; in Champaran, xii, xiii; by the mill-hands in Ahmedabad, xiii; in Kheda, xiii; against the Rowlatt Act, xiii; against Khilafat and Punjab wrongs, xiii, xiv; for Swaraj, xiii, xiv
Satyagrahis keen upon keeping promises, 253; their chivalry, 325-6
Saunders, 52
Saurashtra, xi, 23, 41
Savage, Dr, 97
Schlesin, Miss Sonja, 178 ff., 295, 320
Schreiner, Olive, 37, 182 ff.
Schreiner, W. P., 36, 37, 262, 323
Searle, Mr Justice, 276 ff.
Selborne, Lord, 32, 81, 85
Servants, no domestic—on Tolstoy Farm, 236
Shelat, U. M., 98
Shukadeva, 10
Sinha, Ramnarayan, 304
Smuts, General, 15, 17, 90, 130 ff., 154 ff.; his breach of faith (?), 189 ff.; 207 ff., 228 ff., 267, 272, 300, 306, 321 ff.