Chapters (not listed in original)
- A. (Addison)
- A. (Gilbert)
- A. C. C.
- A. K. B. G.
- A. L. P.
- A. L. W.
- A. M. G.
- A. R.
- A. R. C.
- A. R. T.
- A. R. W.
- A. T.
- A. T. R.
- A—y
- A beautiful land by faith I see
- A car of fire is on the air
- A charge to keep I have
- A children's temple here we build
- A day, a day of glory
- A debtor to mercy alone
- A few more years shall roll
- A form of words though e'er so sound
- A fountain of Life and Grace
- A friend there is; your voices join
- A fulness resides in Jesus our Head
- A glance from heaven, with sweet effect
- A glory in the word we find
- A good High Priest is come
- A helm upon my brow I wear
- A little child the Saviour came
- A little flock! So calls He thee
- A little lamb went straying
- A little ship was on the sea
- A little while and every fear
- A little while—our Lord shall come
- A look to Jesus saves the soul
- A mighty mystery we set forth
- A mourning class, a vacant seat
- A nation God delights to bless
- A Patre Unigenitus
- A pilgrim through this lonely world
- A sinful man am I
- A solis orbitû cardine. Ad usque
- A solis orbitû cardine Et usque terrae limitem
- A sure and tried foundation stone
- A thousand oracles divine
- A time to watch, a time to pray
- A voice comes from Ramah
- A voice upon the midnight air
- A widow poor, forlorn, oppressed
- A widowed mother lost her son
- Abash'd be all the boast of Age
- Abba Father! we approach Thee
- Abba Father, while we sing
- Abba, gentle Jesus prayed
- Abelard, Peter
- Abide in me, and I in you
- Abide with me, fast falls the eventide
- Above, below, where'er I gaze
- Above the clear blue sky, In heaven's, &c.
- Abraham, when severely tried
- Absent from flesh, O blissful thought
- Abyssinian Hymnody
- Accept, O Lord, Thy servant's thanks
- Accept our thanks, O Lord, we pray
- Accepted, Perfect, and Complete
- Accepting, Lord, Thy gracious call
- According to Thy gracious word
- According to Thy mercy, Lord
- Ach Gott vom Himmel, sieh darein
- Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid
- Ach Jesu, dein Sterben
- Ach! lehre mich ein Kindlein sein
- Ach! treuer Gott, barmherzigs Herz
- Ach, uns wird das Herz so leer
- Acquaint thee, O mortal
- Ad celebres, Rex coelice, laudes cuncta
- Ad coenam Agni providi
- Ad laudes Salvatoris
- Ad perennis vitae fontem mens sitivit arida
- Ad regias Agni dapes
- Ad templa nos rursus vocat
- Adam descended from above
- Adam, our father and our head
- Adam of St. Victor
- Adami, Johann Christian
- Adams, John
- Adams, John Greenleaf
- Adams, John Quincy
- Adams, Nehemiah
- Adams, Sarah, née Flower
- Addiscott, Henry
- Addison, Joseph
- Addison, Lancelot
- Ades Pater supreme
- Adeste, Coelitum chori
- Adeste fideles laeti triumphantes
- Adesto sancta Trinitas
- Adored for ever be the Lord
- Adoro Te devote, latens Deitas
- Adsis superne Spiritus, Pater benigne pauperum
- Adsunt tenebrae primae
- Advance, advance, the day is come
- Adversa mundi tolera
- Aemilie Juliane
- Aeterna Christi munera, Et martyrum victorias
- Aeterni coeli gloria
- Aeterna lux, Divinitas!
- Aeterne Rector siderum
- Aeterne rerum conditor
- Aeterne Rex altissime, Redemptor
- Aeterni Festi gaudia
- Aeterni Patris Unice
- Afflicted by a gracious God
- Afflicted soul, to Jesus dear
- Affliction is a stormy deep
- Again from calm and sweet repose
- Again our ears have heard the voice
- Again our earthly cares we leave
- Again the Church's year hath run its round
- Again the day returns of holy rest
- Again the Lord of life and light
- Again the morn of gladness
- Again we lift our voice
- Ἄγε μοι, λίγεια φόρμιγξ
- Ἄγε μοι ψυχὰ
- Age after age has called her blessed
- Ages, ages have departed
- Agnes, fair martyr
- Agnoscat omne saeculum
- Agnus Dei Qui tollis peccata mundi
- Agricola, Johannes
- Ah, I shall soon by dying
- Ah Jesus, let mehear Thy voice
- Ah, Lord, with trembling I confess
- Ah, lovely appearance of death
- Ah, mournful case, what can afford
- Ah, my dear Lord, Whose changeless love
- Ah, my dear loving Lord
- Ah, what a wretch am I
- Ah, when shall I awake
- Ah, whither flee, or where abide
- Ah, whither should I go
- Ah, why am I left to complain
- Ah, wretched souls who strive in vain
- Ah, wretched, vile, ungrateful heart
- Αἰγύπτου φωστήρ
- Aikin, Anna L.
- Ainger, Alfred
- Ainsworth, Henry
- Aird, Marion Paul
- Akerman, Lucy Evelina, née Metcalf
- Alanus de Insulis
- Alard, Wilhelm
- Alas! and did my Saviour bleed
- Alas! by nature how depraved
- Alas! what hourly dangers rise
- Alber, Erasmus
- Alberti, or Albert, Heinrich
- Albertini, Johann Baptist
- Alberus, Erasmus
- Albinus, Johann Georg
- Albrecht
- Alderson, Eliza Sibbald, née Dykes
- Aldridge, William
- Ales diei nuntius
- Alexander, Cecil Frances, née Humphreys
- Alexander, James Waddell
- Alexander, Joseph Addison
- Alexander, Sir William
- Alexander, William
- Alexander, William Lindsay
- Alford, Henry
- Aliqua
- Aliquis
- Alix
- All around us, fair with flowers
- All creation groands and travails
- All from the sun's uprise
- All glorious God, what hymns of praise
- All glory and praise to Jesus our Lord
- All glory to God in the sky
- All glory to our gracious Lord
- All hail, dear Conqueror, all hail
- All hail, Incarnate God
- All hail, mysterious King
- All hail, Redeemer of mankind
- All hail the glorious morn
- All hail! the power of Jesus' Name.
- All hail, Thou great Redeemer, hail
- All hail, Thou Resurrection
- All hail, triumphant Lord
- All hail, victorious Lord
- All hail, ye blessed band
- All hearts to Thee are open here
- All heaven was hush'd, Our risen Lord
- All is bright and gay around us
- All is o'er;—the pain, the sorrow
- All knowing God! 'tis Thine to know
- All mortal vanities be gone
- All people that on earth do dwell
- All powerful, self-existent God
- All praise to Him who dwells in bliss
- All praise to our redeeming Lord
- All praise to the Lamb! Accepted I am
- All praise to Thee, who didst command
- All-seeing God, Thy love sustains
- All thanks be to God
- All thanks to the Lamb, Who gives us to meet
- All that I was, my sin, my guilt
- All that's good, and great, and true
- All the night and nothing taken
- All the night so dark and drear
- All the sacrifice is ended
- All the world in sin was lying
- All things are possible to him
- All things are ready, Come
- All things are ready! there's a place of rest
- All things bright and beautiful
- All things praise Thee, Lord most high
- All we like wandering sheep have strayed
- All wondering on the desert ground
- All ye Gentiles, praise the Lord
- All ye that fear Him, praise the Lord
- All ye that (who) love the Lord, rejoice
- All ye that pass by
- All ye who faithful servants are
- All ye who seek a rest above
- All yesterday is gone
- Alle Christen singen gerne
- Alleluia = Hallelujah
- Alleluia
- Allelui(y)aticae Antiphonae
- Alleluia, dulce carmen
- Alleluia nunc decantet
- Alleluia piis edite laudibus
- Alleluia, sing to Jesus
- Alleluia! With a diadem of beauty
- Allen, Elizabeth-Lee
- Allen, Henry
- Allen, James
- Allen, Jonathan
- Allen, Oswald
- Allen, William
- Allendorf, Johann Ludwig Conrad
- Alles ist an Gottes Segen
- Alline, Henry (Allen)
- Allon, Henry
- Allsop, Solomon S.
- Alma Redemptoris Mater quae pervia coeli
- Almighty Author of my frame
- Almighty Father, bless the word
- Almighty Father, God of grace
- Almighty Father, gracious Lord
- Almighty Father, heaven and earth
- Almighty Father, let Thy love
- Almighty Father of mankind
- Almighty Father! robed with light
- Almighty Father, Thou hast many a blessing
- Almighty God, be Thou our Guide
- Almighty God, Eternal Lord
- Almighty God, in humble prayer
- Almighty God of love
- Almighty God, the pure and just
- Almighty God, Thy Name I praise
- Almighty God, Thy piercing eye
- Almighty God, Thy sovereign power
- Almighty God, Thy word is cast
- Almighty God, to-night
- Almighty God, whose only Son
- Almighty King, whose wondrous hand
- Almighty Lord and King
- Almighty Maker, God!
- Almighty Maker, Lord of all
- Almighty Ruler of the skies
- Almum flamen, vita mundi
- Alone! to land alone upon that shore
- Altenburg, Johann Michael
- Altus Prosator, Vetustus
- Alway in the Lord rejoice
- Am Grabe stehn wir stille
- Am I a soldier of the Cross?
- Am I poor, do men despise me?
- Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
- Amazing love! transcendent grace
- Ambrosius (St. Ambrose)
- Amen to all that God hath said
- American Hymnody
- Amidst the cheerful bloom of youth
- Amidst the mighty, where is he
- Amidst Thy wrath, remember love
- Amidst us our Beloved stands
- Ämilie, Juliane
- Among the deepest shades of night
- Amplest grace with Thee I find
- Ἀναστασεως ἡμέρα
- Anatolius
- Ancient of ages! humbly bent before Thee
- And am I born to die?
- And am I only born to die?
- And are our joys so quickly fled?
- And are we now brought near to God
- And are we wretches still alive?
- And are we yet alive?
- And art Thou, gracious Master, gone?
- And art thou with us, gracious Lord?
- And can it be that I should gain
- And can my heart aspire so high
- And did the Holy and the Just
- And did the Son of God appear
- And dost Thou fast, and may I feast?
- And have I, Christ, no love for Thee
- And have I measured half my days?
- And is it so? A little while
- And is it true, as I am told?
- And is my soul with Jesus one?
- And is salvation brought so near?
- And is the gospel peace and love?
- And is the time approaching?
- And is there in God's world so drear a place?
- And is there, Lord, a cross for me?
- And is this life prolonged for me?
- And let our bodies part
- And let this feeble body fail
- And live I yet by power divine?
- And may i hope that when no more
- And must I be to judgment brought?
- And must I part with all I have?
- And must this body die?
- And now another day is gone, I'll sing, &c.
- And now, 'mid myriad worlds enthroned
- And now, my soul, another year
- And now the wants are told that brought
- And will the Eternal King
- And will the great Eternal God?
- And will the Judge descend?
- And will the Lord thus condescend?
- And will the majesty of heaven?
- And will ye go away?
- And wilt Thou now forsake me, Lord?
- And wilt Thou yet be found?
- Anderson, John (1804–1867)
- Anderson, John (b. 1820)
- Anderson, Maria Frances
- Andreä, Johann Valentin
- Andrew, St., of Jerusalem
- Andrews, Lancelot
- Ἀνέστης τριήμερος
- Angel of God, whate'er betide
- Angel voices ever singing
- Angel voices sweetly singing
- Angelice Patrone, Beate Spiritus
- Angels, assist to sing
- Angels from the realms of glory
- Angels from your blissful stations
- Angels roll the rock away
- Angels round the throne are praising
- Angels that high in glory dwell
- Angels where'er we go attend
- Angelus Silesius
- Anima Christi sanctifica me
- Anna Sophia
- Anni peractis mensibus
- Annue Christe saeculorum Domine
- Ἄνωθεν, παρθένοι, βοῆς ἐγερσίνεκρος ἧχος
- Another called, another brought, &c.
- Another day begun!
- Another day has past along
- Another portion of the span
- Another six days' work is done
- Another week begins
- Another week for ever gone
- Another week has passed away
- Another year has now begun
- Another year has passed away
- Another year hath fled, renew
- Another year is dawning
- Anstice, Joseph
- Anthologia Davidica
- Antiphon
- Antphonale
- Antiphonarium
- Anton Ulrich of Brunswick
- Apelles von Löwenstern
- Ἄφραστον θαῦμα
- Apostle of our own dear home
- Apostles of the risen Christ, go forth
- Apparebit repentina dies magna Domini
- Apparuit benignitas
- Appleton, Sarah
- Approach, my soul, the mercy seat
- Aquinas, St. Thomas
- Are there not in the labourer's day?
- Are we doing as we should do?
- Are we not sons and heirs of God?
- Are your souls the Saviour seeking?
- Arends, Wilhelm Erasmus
- Arglwydd arwain trwy'r anialwch
- Arise, and follow me
- Arise and hail the happy (sacred) day
- Arise, in all Thy splendour, Lord
- Arise, my soul, arise, Shake off, &c.
- Arise, my soul, arise, This earth, &c.
- Arise, my soul, arise, Thy (The) Saviour's sacrifice, &c.
- Arise, my soul, in songs to own
- Arise, my soul, my joyful powers
- Arise, my soul, nor dream the hours
- Arise, my tenderest thoughts, arise
- Arise, ye people, and adore
- Arise, ye saints, arise
- Arise, your voices all unite
- Arm of the Lord, awake, awake. The terrors, &c.
- Arm of the Lord, awake, awake. Thine own, &c.
- Armstrong, Florence Catherine
- Arnds, W. E.
- Arndt, Ernst Moritz
- Arnold, Gottfried
- Around the throne of God, a band (in circling band)
- Around the throne of God in heaven Thousands of children
- Around the throne of grace we meet
- Around Thy grave, Lord Jesus
- Around Thy table, Holy Lord
- Around Thy table, Lord, we meet
- Arrayed in majesty divine, What power, &c.
- Arrayed in robes of virgin white
- Art thou acquainted, O my soul?
- Art thou, Lord, rebuking nations
- Art thou, sinner, sighing, weeping
- As birds their infant brood protect
- As Christ our Saviour's gone before
- As for Thy gifts we render praise
- As helpless as the (a) child who clings
- As high as the heavens, and as vast
- As many as in Adam die
- As morn to night succeeds
- As much have I of worldly good
- As nigh Babel's streams we sate
- As oft with worn and weary feet
- As panting, in the sultry beam
- As pants the hart for cooling springs
- As pants the hart for cooling streams
- As pants the hart for water-brooks
- As pants the wearied hart for cooling streams
- As showers on meadows newly mown
- As some tall rock amidst the waves
- As the dew from heaven distilling
- As the hart, with eager looks
- As the sun's enlivening eye
- As thy day thy strength shall be
- As to His earthly parents' home
- As various as the moon
- As when the deluge waves were gone
- As when the weary traveller gains
- As with gladness men of old
- Ascend Thy throne, Almighty King
- Ascended Lord, accept our praise
- Aschenfeldt, Christoph Carl Julius
- Ash, John
- Ask, and ye shall receive
- Ask, and ye surely shall receive
- Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep
- Asleep in Jesus, wondrous sleep
- Ἄσωμεν μαντες λαοί
- Aspice, infami Deus ipse ligno
- Aspice ut Verbum Patris a supernis
- Assembled at Thy great command
- Assembled in Thy house of prayer
- Astley, Charles Tamberlane
- Astonished and distressed
- At even ere the sun was set
- At evening time let there be light
- At every motion of our breath
- At God's right hand in countless numbers
- At length the worst is o'e, and Thou art laid
- At length the restless heart is still
- At the tomb where Christ hath been
- At Thy command, our dearest Lord
- At Thy feet, O Christ, we lay
- At Thy Feet, our God and Father
- At Thy transfiguration, Lord
- Atchinson, Jonathan Bush
- Atkins, Lucy
- Atkinson, John
- Attend, and mark the solemn fast
- Attend, my ear, my heart rejoices
- Attend, while God's exalted Son
- Attend, ye tribes that dwell remote
- Attolle paullum lumina
- Atwood, Henry Adams Sergison
- Auber, Harriet
- Auctor beate saeculi
- Audi, benigne Conditor
- Audi nos, Rex Christe
- Audimur: almo Spiritus
- Auf, auf, ihr Reichsgenossen
- Auf, auf, weil der Tag erschienen
- Aufer immensam, Deus, aufer iram
- Auferstehn, ja auferstehn wirst du
- Augusta, Johann
- Aurea luce et decore roseo
- Aurora jam spargit polum
- Aurora lucis dum novae
- Aurora lucis rutilat
- Aurora vails her rosy face
- Aus Lieb' verwundter Jesu mein
- Aus tiefer Noth schrei ich zu dir
- Austin, John
- Austin, William
- Αὕτη ἡ κλητή
- Author of all in earth and sky
- Author of faith, Eternal Word
- Author of faith, on me confer
- Author of faith, to Thee I cry
- Author of faith, we seek Thy face
- Author of friendship's sacred tie
- Author of life divine
- Author of life, with grateful heart
- Author of our salvation, Thee
- Author of peace unknown
- Ave Christi Corpus verum
- Ave! Colenda Trinitas
- Ave Jesu! Ere we part
- Ave Jesu, Qui mactaris
- Ave Maria, blessed Maid
- Ave maris stella
- Ave, plena gratiâ, cujus
- Ave regina coelorum
- Ave verum corpus natum
- Aveling, Thomas William Baxter
- Awake, again the Gospel trump is blown
- Awake, and sing the song
- Awake, awake, my sluggish soul
- Awake, awake, O Zion
- Awake, awake the sacred song
- Awake, glad soul, awake, awake
- Awake, Jerusalem, awake
- Awake, my heart, arise my tongue
- Awake, my love, awake, my joy
- Awake, my soul, awake, my tongue
- Awake, my soul, in (to) joyful lays
- Awake, my soul, lift up thine eyes
- Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve
- Awake, my soul, to grateful praise
- Awake, my soul, to meet the day
- Awake, my zeal, awake, my love
- Awake, our drowsy souls
- Awake, our souls, and bless His name
- Awake, our souls, away our fears
- Awake, sweet gratitude, and sing
- Awake, sweet harp of Judah, wake
- Awake, ye saints, and raise (lift) your eyes
- Awake, ye saints, to praise your King
- Away, dark thoughts, awake, my joy
- Away from every mortal care
- Away, my needless fears
- Away, my unbelieving fear
- Away, thou dying saint, away
- Away with death, away
- Away with our fears, Our troubles and tears
- Away with my (our) fears! The glad morning appears
- Away with our sorrow and fear
- Awhile in spirit, Lord, to Thee
- Aylward, James Ambrose
- Ayres, H. C.