Chapters (not listed in original)
- B. (Browne)
- B. (Brown)
- B. (Bubier)
- B. (Brooke)
- B. B.
- B—d
- B. S.
- B. T.
- Backward with humble shame we look
- Bacon, Francis
- Bacon, Leonard
- Bahnmaier, Jonathan Friedrich
- Bailey, Edward
- Bailey, Philip James
- Baker, F. A.
- Baker, Sir Henry Williams, Bart.
- Baker, Mary A.
- Bakewell, John
- Bald zieh ich mit dem Sterbekleid
- Balde, Jacob
- Baldwin, Thomas
- Baldfern, William Poole
- Ball, Thomas Isaac
- Ball, William
- Ballou, Hosea
- Bampfield, George Frederick Lewis
- Bancroft, Charitie Lees, née Smith
- Bancroft, James Henry
- Bannerman, David Douglas
- Baptized into the name
- Baptist Hymnody, American
- Baptist Hymnody, English
- Baptist Hymnody, Scottish
- Baptist Hymnody, Welsh
- Barbould, Anna Laetitia, née Aikin
- Barclay, John
- Baring-Gould, Sabine
- Barlow, Joel
- Barnaby, Sir Nathaniel
- Barnard, Edward William
- Barnard, John
- Barnes, Barnaby
- Barrows, Elijah Porter
- Barry, Alfred
- Barth, Christian Gottlob
- Bartholomew, William
- Barton, Bernard
- Barton Gray
- Barton, William
- Bartrum, Joseph P.
- Bateman, Christian Henry
- Bateman, Henry
- Bathurst, William Hiley
- Batman, Stephen
- Batty, Christopher
- Batty, William
- Baxter, Lydia
- Baxter, Richard
- Bay Psalter, The
- Bayly, Charles
- Baynes, Robert Hall
- Bazlee, John
- Be joyful in God, all ye lands of the earth
- Be known to us in breaking bread
- Be love, delightful theme
- Be Thou, O God, my night, by day
- Be Thou our (my) Guardian and our (my) Guide
- Be thou ready, fellow-mortal
- Beadon, Hyde Wyndham
- Beale, Mary, née Craddock
- Beata nobis gaudia Anni reduxit orbita
- Beaumont, Sir John
- Beaumont, Joseph
- Beck, Thomas
- Becker, Cornelius
- Becon, Thomas
- Beddome, Benjamin
- Bede, Beda, or Baeda, the Venerable
- Befiehl du deine Wege
- Begin, my tongue (soul), some heavenly theme
- Behm, Martin
- Behme, David
- Behold, a stranger at the door
- Behold! how glorious is yon sky
- Behold, how good a thing it is, And how, &c.
- Behold my Servant! see Him rise
- Behold the amazing sight
- Behold the angel flies
- Behold the glories of the Lamb
- Behold the Lamb (of God)
- Behold the Lamb of God, who bore thy burdens, &c.
- Behold the lofty sky
- Behold, the Master passeth by!
- Behold the Prince of Peace
- Behold the Redeemer of man
- Behold the Saviour of mankind
- Behold the Saviour on the cross
- Behold the servant of the Lord
- Behold the sun that seemed but now
- Behold the throne of grace
- Behold the wretch whose lust and wine
- Behold we come, dear (good) Lord, to Thee
- Behold what condescending love
- Behold what witnesses unseen
- Behold what wondrous grace
- Behold where breathing love divine
- Behold, where in a mortal form (the Friend of Man)
- Behold with pleasing extacy
- Behold yon newborn Infant grieved
- Bei dir Jesu, will ich bleibe
- Beim frühen Morgenlicht
- Being of Beings, God of Love
- Belcher, Joseph
- Bell, Charles Christopher
- Bell, Charles Dent
- Bell, Jane Cross
- Beman, Nathan Sidney Smith
- Benedicite
- Benedict, Erastus Cornelius
- Benedicta sit beata Trinitas
- Benedictus
- Bengel, Johann Albrecht
- Benigna-Maria
- Bennett, Henry
- Bennett, M. E., née Dampier
- Bernstein, Christian Andreas
- Benson, Edward White
- Benson, Richard Meux
- Bernard of Clairvaux
- Bernard of Morlaix
- Berridge, John
- Bertram, Robert Aitken
- Beset with snares on every hand
- Besnault, Abbé
- Bestow, dear Lord, upon our youth
- Bethune, George Washington
- Betts, Henry John
- Bevan, Emma Frances, née Shuttleworth
- Beyond, beyond the (that) boundless sea
- Beyond the glittering, starry globes
- Beyond the smiling and the weeping
- Beyond the wicked (holy) city walls
- Bèze, Théodore de
- Bianco da Siena
- Biarowsky, Wilhelm Eduard Immanuel von
- Bickersteth, Edward
- Bickersteth, Edward Henry
- Bickersteth, John
- Bienemann, Caspar
- Biggs, Louis Coutier
- Bilby, Thomas
- Binney, Thomas
- Bird, Frederic Mayer
- Birken, Sigismund von
- Birks, Edward Bickersteth
- Birks, Thomas Rawson
- Bis ternas horas explicans
- Blackall, Christopher Ruby
- Blackie, John Stuart
- Blacklock, Thomas
- Blackmore, Sir Richard
- Blair, Hugh
- Blair, Robert
- Blair, William
- Blatchford, Ambrose Nichols
- Blaurer, Ambrosius
- Bleak winter is subdued at length
- Blenkinsopp, E. C. L.
- Bless God, my soul: Thou, Lord alone
- Bless, O my soul the living God
- Bless'd, Blessed, Blest
- Bless'd are the humble souls that see
- Bless'd are the pure in heart
- Bless'd be the everlasting God
- Bless'd morning! whose young, dawning rays
- Bless'd with the presence of their God
- Blessed are the sons of God
- Blessed are they whose hearts are pure
- Blessed by Thy Name
- Blessed night, when first that plain
- Blessed Redeemer, how divine
- Blessed Saviour, who hast taught me
- Blessing, honour, thanks, and praise
- Blest are the sould that (who) hear and know
- Blest be the dear uniting love
- Blest be the Lord, our Strength and Shield
- Blest be (is) the tie that binds
- Blest day of God, most calm, most bright
- Blest hour when mortal men retireth
- Blest is the faith, divine and strong
- Blest is the man, for ever bless'd
- Blest is the man, supremely blest
- Blest is the man who feels
- Blest is the man whose bowels move
- Blest is the man whose heart expands
- Blest Jesus, Source of grace divine
- Blest Saviour, when the fearful storms
- Blest season when our risen Lord
- Blest truth, my soul and Christ are one
- Blest voice of love! O Word Divine
- Blew, William John
- Blick aus diesem Erdenthale
- Bliss, Philip
- Blomfield, Charles James
- Boardman, Sarah B.
- Bode, John Ernest
- Boden, James
- Body, George
- Βοηθὸς καὶ σκεπαστὴς ἐγένετό μοι εἰς σωτηρίαν
- Bogatzky, Carl Heinrich von
- Bohemian Brethren's Hymnody
- Böhm, David
- Böhm, Martin
- Böhmer, Just Henning
- Böhmer, Maria Magdalena
- Boie, Nicolaus
- Bonar, Horatius
- Bonar, Jane Catharine, née Lundie
- Bonaventura
- Bond, Alessie
- Bonn, Hermann
- Bornschürer, Johannes
- Borthwick, Jane
- Borthwick, Robert Brown
- Borthwick, Sarah
- Böschenstein, Johann
- Boswell, Robert
- Boswell, Robert Bruce
- Botham, Mary
- Bottome, F.
- Bound upon the accursed tree
- Bourignon, Antoinette
- Bourne, George Hugh
- Bourne, Hugh
- Bourne, William St. Hill
- Bowdler, John
- Bowed with the guilt of sin, O God
- Bowles, Caroline Ann
- Bowly, Mary
- Bowring, Sir John
- Boyce
- Boyd, Robert
- Boyd, Zachary
- Boyden, Henry
- Boye, Nicolaus
- Boyse, Joseph
- Brackenbury, Robert Carr
- Bradberry, David
- Bradford, John
- Brady, Nicholas
- Brainard, John Gardiner Calkin
- Brammall, John Holland
- Brandenburg-Culmbach, Margrave of
- Brandenburg, Electress of
- Brawn, Mary Ann
- Bread of Heaven, on Thee I (we) feed
- Bread of the world in mercy broken
- Breay, John George
- Breithaupt, Joachim Justus
- Brennende Lieb du süsse Flamm
- Brethren, let us join to bless
- Breton, Nicholas
- Brettell, Jacob
- Breviary
- Brewer, Jehoiada
- Bride of the Lamb, awake, awake
- Bride of the Lamb, rejoice, rejoice
- Bridgman, Isaac
- Bridges, Matthew
- Brigg, Julius
- Bright and joyful is the morn
- Bright as the sun's meridian blaze
- Bright Queen of heaven
- Bright shadows of true rest
- Bright the vision that delighted
- Bright was the guiding star that led
- Bright, William
- Bright with all His crowns of glory
- Brightest and best of the sons of the morning
- Brightly did the light divine
- Brightly gleams our banner
- Bring the glossy branch, unfading
- Brönté, Anne
- Brooke, Stopford Augustus
- Brooke, William Thomas
- Brooks, Charles Timothy
- Brother, now thy toils are o'er
- Brother, thou art gone before us
- Brought to the Font with holy care
- Brown, Abner William
- Brown, James Baldwin (1820-1884)
- Brown, James Baldwin (1790–1843)
- Brown, John Newton
- Brown, Phoebe, née Hinsdale
- Brown, William
- Brown-Borthwick, Robert
- Browne, Felicia Dorothea
- Browne, Charlotte Elizabeth
- Browne, Jane Euphemia
- Browne, Mary Anne
- Browne, Moses
- Browne, Simon
- Browne, Sir Thomas
- Browne, Thomas Briarly
- Browning, Elizabeth, née Barrett
- Bruce, Charles
- Bruce, Michael
- Bruce, William
- Brunn alles Heils, dich ehren wir
- Brunnquell aller Güter
- Bryant, William Cullen
- Bubier, George Burden
- Buchanan, George
- Buchfelder, Ernst Wilhelm
- Buckoll, Henry James
- Buckworth, John
- Budden, William
- Bulfinch, Stephen Greenleaf
- Bullock, William
- Bulmer, Agnes, née Collinson
- Bulmer, John
- Bunsen, Christian Carl Josias, Baron
- Bunting, William Maclardie
- Bunyan, John
- Bürde, Samuel Gottlieb
- Burder, George
- Burgess, Daniel
- Burgess, George
- Burgess, Henry
- Buried beneath the yielding wave
- Buried in baptism with our Lord
- Buried in shadows of the night
- Burleigh, William Henry
- Burmeister, Franz Joachim
- Burnham, Richard
- Burns, Dawson
- Burns, James Drummond
- Burns, Robert
- Burton, John (1773-1822)
- Burton, John (1803-1877)
- Butcher, Edmund
- Βυθὸς ἁμαρτημάτων
- Butterworth, Joseph Henry
- By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored
- By cool Siloam's shady fountain
- By faith in Christ I walk with God
- By faith the upper choir we meet
- By the picture of Thy passion
- By Thy victorious hand struck down
- Byles, Mather
- Byrom, John
- Byron, George Gordon Noel, Lord