A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Koch, Heinrich

1522849A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Koch, HeinrichJ. A. Fuller-Maitland

KOCH, Heinrich Christoph, born at Rudolstadt Oct. 10, 1749, the son of a member of the ducal orchestra there. In 1768 he was admitted into the band as a violinist, having received instruction from Göpfert of Weimar, and in 1777 obtained the title of 'Kammermusiker.' He composed various pieces of small importance for the court, but his fame rests upon his contributions to musical literature. His 'Versuch einer Anleitung zur Composition' appeared in three parts between the years 1782 and 1793; and his 'Musikalisches Lexicon' in 1802. This was republished in a condensed form in 1807 and 1828, but its complete revision dates from 1865, and is the work of Arrey von Dommer. [See Dommer in Appendix, vol. iv. p. 617.] He wrote several other works of less importance on harmony and other subjects connected with the art, and died March 12, 1816.

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