A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Peschka, Minna

From volume 2 of the work.

1998999A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Peschka, MinnaAlexis Chitty

PESCHKA, Minna, née Leutner, was born Oct. 25, 1839, at Vienna. She received instruction in singing from Heinrich Proch, and made her début on the stage at Breslau, in 1856, as Agatha, and afterwards played Alice, remaining there a year. She next played at Dessau up to the time of her marriage with Dr. Peschka of Vienna, in 1861. In Sept. 1863 she appeared at Vienna with great success as Margaret of Valois, Isabel, etc., and afterwards received further instruction from Mme. Bockholtz Falconi. She next appeared at Lemberg and Darmstadt, and in 1868 at Leipzig, where she remained until 1876. She gained great popularity there both in opera and concerts, being equally successful both in serious and the lighter operatic parts. In 1877 she went to Hamburg, where she is at present engaged. In 1879 she reappeared at Leipzig for a short operatic season under Herr Julius Hoffmann, and played with great success the title part of Handel's 'Almira,' on the revival of that opera. She is at present (July 1880) fulfilling an engagement there under the same manager. Mme. Peschka-Leutner visited England in 1872, sang (March 20) at the Philharmonic, and at the Crystal Palace, and was well received at both concerts. In the autumn of that year she went to America, and sang at the Boston Festival with very great success. Her voice, a soprano of great volume, and extraordinary compass and agility, her good execution combined with good acting, and her agreeable appearance, have made her very popular in the principal cities of her own country, where she is an established favourite at festivals and concerts, as well as on the stage.

[ A. C. ]