Author:Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin
edit- Poems (1888), translated by Ivan Panin
Narrative poems
edit- 1820 – Ruslan i Lyudmila (Руслан и Людмила); English translation: Ruslan and Ludmila
- 1820–21 – Kavkazskiy plennik (Кавказский пленник); English translation: The Prisoner of the Caucasus
- 1821 – Gavriiliada (Гавриилиада) ; English translation: The Gabrieliad
- 1821–22 – Bratya razboyniki (Братья разбойники); English translation: The Robber Brothers
- 1823 – Bakhchisaraysky fontan (Бахчисарайский фонтан); English translation: The Fountain of Bakhchisaray IA
- 1824 – Tsygany (Цыганы); English translation: The Gypsies
- 1825 – Graf Nulin (Граф Нулин); English translation: Count Nulin
- 1829 – Poltava (Полтава); English translation: Poltava
- 1830 – Domik v Kolomne (Домик в Коломне); English translation: The Little House in Kolomna
- 1833 – Andjelo (Анджело); English translation: Angelo
- 1833 – Medny vsadnik (Медный всадник); English translation: The Bronze Horseman
Verse novel
edit- 1823–31 – Yevgeny Onegin (Евгений Онегин); English translation: Eugene Onegin external link
Short poems
edit- The Singer (1816)
- Awakening (1816)
- A Nereid (1820, pub. 1824), in Modern Russian Poetry.
- "Behold a Sower Went Forth to Sow" (1823), in Modern Russian Poetry.
- "Who Stopped You Here..." (1823), in The Russian Review, Volume 1, No. 5, June 1916.
- To*** Kern (1825, pub. 1827)
- The Prophet (1826, pub. 1828)
- Three Springs (1827)
- Remembrance (1828, pub. 1829)
- I Loved You Once (1829, pub. 1830)
- Verses Written During a Sleepless Night (1830)
- Elegy (1830, pub. 1834)
- Madonna (1830)
- Work (1830)
- "The Horse" (1834)
- Wondrous Moment (1828)
edit- 1825 – Boris Godunov (Борис Годунов); English translation: Boris Godunov
- 1830 – Malenkie tragedii (Маленькие трагедии); English translation: The Little Tragedies
- Kamenny gost (Каменный гость); English translation: The Stone Guest
- Motsart i Salyeri (Моцарт и Сальери); English translation: Mozart and Salieri
- Skupoy rytsar (Скупой рыцарь); English translations: The Miserly Knight, The Covetous Knight
- Pir vo vremya chumy (Пир во время чумы); English translation: A Feast in Time of Plague
edit- 1828 – Arap Petra Velikogo (Арап Петра Великого); English translation: Peter the Great's Negro, unfinished novel (transcription project)
- 1831 – Povesti pokoynogo Ivana Petrovicha Belkina (Повести покойного Ивана Петровича Белкина); English translation: The Tales of the Late Ivan Petrovich Belkin
- Vystrel (Выстрел), short story; English translations: The Shot, translated by T. Keane (1894); The Pistol Shot, translated by Prosper Mérimée
- Metel (Метель), short story; English translations: The Snowstorm, translated by T. Keane (1894); The Blizzard, translated by Wikisource
- Grobovschik (Гробовщик); English translation: The Undertaker, The Coffin-Maker (transcription project), short story
- Stanzionny smotritel (Станционный смотритель); English translation: The Station-Master, The Postmaster (transcription project), short story
- English translation: The Lady-Rustic, An Amateur Peasant Girl (transcription project), short story
- Baryshnya-krestyanka (Барышня-крестьянка); English translation: The Squire's Daughter, short story
- 1834 – Pikovaya dama (Пиковая дама); English translation: The Queen of Spades, short story, translated by T. Keane
- 1834 – Kirdzhali (Кирджали), short story; English translation: Kirdjali, translated by T. Keane (1894)
- 1834 – Istoriya Pugacheva (История Пугачева); English translation: A History of Pugachev, study of the Pugachev's Rebellion
- 1836 – Kapitanskaya dochka (Капитанская дочка), novel; English translation: The Captain's Daughter, translated by Ekaterina Telfer (1875)
- 1836 – Puteshestvie v Arzrum (Путешествие в Арзрум); English translation: A Journey to Arzrum, travel sketches
- 1836 – Roslavlev (Рославлев); English translation: Roslavlev, unfinished novel
- 1837 – Istoriya sela Goryuhina (История села Горюхина); English translation: The Story of the Village of Goryukhino, unfinished short story
- 1837 – Yegipetskie nochi (Египетские ночи); English translation: The Egyptian Nights, unfinished short story
- 1841 – Dubrovsky (Дубровский); English translation: Dubrovsky, unfinished novel
Fairy tales in verse
edit- 1830 – Сказка о попе и о работнике его Балде; English translation: The Tale of the Priest and of His Workman Balda
- 1830 – Сказка о медведихе; English translation: The Tale of the Female Bear (unfinished)
- 1831 – Сказка о царе Салтане; English translation: The Tale of Tsar Saltan
- 1833 – Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке; English translation: The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish
- 1833 – Сказка о мертвой царевне; English translation: The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights
- 1834 – Сказка о золотом петушке; English translation: The Tale of the Golden Cockerel
Translated stories in The Strand Magazine
edit- "The Queen of Spades" in The Strand Magazine, 1 (1), (Jan 1891)
- "The Pistol Shot" in The Strand Magazine, 1 (2), (Feb 1891)
- "The Snowstorm" in The Strand Magazine, 1 (3) (March 1891).
Transcriptions projects
edit- Russian Romance (1875, translated by Ekaterina Telfer)
- The Prose Tales of Alexander Poushkin (1894, translated by T. Keane)
- Boris Godunov (1918, translated by Alfred Hayes)
Works about Pushkin
edit- "Pushkin, Alexander," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
Some or all works by this author were published before January 1, 1930, and are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.
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