Author:Algernon Charles Swinburne/Index of Titles
Alphabetisation is based on first significant word (i.e. disregarding initial 'A', 'An' or 'The'), and by whole word thereafter (e.g. 'Ben Jonson' comes before 'Benjamin Jowett'). Abbreviated words are treated as expanded (e.g. 'Doctor' for 'Dr.', 'Saint' for 'St.', etc.).
edit- Ad Catullum
- Adieux à Marie Stuart
- Æolus
- After a Reading
- After Death
- After Looking Into Carlyle's Reminiscences
- After Nine Years
- After Sunset
- Age and Song (To Barry Cornwall)
- "Ah, Face and Hands and Body Beautiful"
- Aholibah
- Anactoria
- Anima Anceps
- Anonymous Plays: Arden of Feversham (No. XVI. in the Sonnets on English Dramatic Poets (1590-1650) sequence)
- Anonymous Plays "Ye too, dim watchfires of some darkling hour" (No. XVII. in the Sonnets on English Dramatic Poets (1590-1650) sequence)
- Anonymous Plays "More yet and more, and yet we mark not all" (No. XVIII. in the Sonnets on English Dramatic Poets (1590-1650) sequence)
- Aperotos Eros
- Apologia, Sonnet XVII. from the Diræ sequence
- Appeal to England against the Execution of the Condemned Fenians, An
- April
- The Armada
- Armand Barbès
- Astrophel
- At a Month's End
- At Eleusis
- At Parting
- At Sea
- Athens: an Ode
- August
- Au Tombeau de Banville
- Augurs, The, Sonnet IX. from the Diræ sequence
- Autumn and Winter
- Autumn in Cornwall
- Autumn Rondel
- Autumn Vision, An
- Ave atque Vale
edit- Baby-Bird
- Babyhood
- A Baby's Death
- A Baby's Epitaph
- Ballad against the Enemies of France
- A Ballad at Parting
- A Ballad of Appeal
- A Ballad of Bath
- A Ballad of Burdens
- The Ballad of Dead Men's Bay
- A Ballad of Death
- A Ballad of Dreamland
- Ballad of François Villon
- A Ballad of Life
- The Ballad of Melicertes
- A Ballad of Sark
- Ballad of the Fair Helmet-Maker to the Girls of Joy: From Villon
- Ballad of the Lords of Old Time
- Ballad of the Women of Paris
- Ballad written for a Bridegroom
- The Ballade of Truthful Charles
- Barry Cornwall
- Beaumont and Fletcher (No. IV. in the Sonnets on English Dramatic Poets (1590-1650) sequence)
- Before a Crucifix
- Before Dawn
- Before Parting
- Before Sunset (In the lower lands of day)
- Before Sunset (Love's twilight wanes in heaven above)
- Before the Mirror
- Ben Jonson (No. III. in the Sonnets on English Dramatic Poets (1590-1650) sequence)
- Benediction
- "Between two seas the sea-bird's wing makes halt"
- Birth and Death
- A Birth-Song
- Birthday Ode, "Love and praise, and a length of days whose shadow cast upon time is light"
- Birthday Ode, "Spring, born in heaven ere many a springtime flown"
- Bismarck at Canossa
- Blessed Among Women
- The Bloody Son
- The Bride's Tragedy
- The Brothers
- Burd Margaret
- The Burden of Austria, Sonnet V. from the Diræ sequence
- By the North Sea
- By the Wayside
- By Twilight
edit- Caliban on Ariel
- A Cameo
- A Carol for Charity
- Celæno, Sonnet VII. from the Diræ sequence
- The Centenary of Shelley
- Change
- The Channel Tunnel
- Chanson d'Avril
- Chanson de Février
- A Child's Battles
- A Child's Future
- A Child's Laughter
- A Child's Pity
- Child's Song
- A Child's Thanks
- Christopher Marlowe (No. I. in the Sonnets on English Dramatic Poets (1590-1650) sequence)
- A Choice, Sonnet VIII. from the Diræ sequence
- Choriambics
- Christmas Antiphones
- A Christmas Carol
- Clear the Way!
- The Commonweal
- Comparisons
- The Complaint of Lisa
- The Complaint of the Fair Armouress
- The Concert of Europe
- Concord
- Constance and Frederick
- Cor Cordium
- A Counsel, Sonnet X. from the Diræ sequence
- Cradle Songs
- The Cup of God's Wrath
- Cyril Tourneur
edit- A Dark Month
- A Dead Friend
- A Dead King, Sonnet I. from the Diræ sequence
- Dead Love
- Death and Birth
- The Death of Richard Wagner
- The Death of Sir John Franklin
- A Death On Easter Day
- Dedication ("Spring speaks again, and all our woods are stirred")
- Dedication ("A sea-mew on a sea-king's wrist alighting"}
- Dedication ("The sea gives her shells to the shingle")
- Dedication ("The sea of the years that endure not")
- Dedication ("When stark oblivion froze above their names")
- Dedication ("The years are many, the changes more")
- Dedication: To Joseph Mazzini
- Dedication: To My Mother
- Dedication, 1878
- The Descent into Hell, Sonnet XVI. from the Diræ sequence
- A Dialogue
- Dickens
- Dies Iræ
- A Dirge
- Discord
- The Dispute of the Heart and Body of François Villon
- Dolores
- A Double Ballad of August
- A Double Ballad of Good Counsel
- Disgust: A Dramatic Monologue
- Duriesdyke
- Dysthanatos
edit- The Earl of Mar's Daughter
- Earl Robert
- East to West
- Echo
- Eight Years Old
- Elegy
- The Emperor's Progress
- England: an Ode
- Envoi
- Epicede
- Epilogue ("Between the wave-ridge and the strand")
- Epilogue (No. XXI. in the Sonnets on English Dramatic Poets (1590-1650) sequence)
- Epistle in form of a Ballad to his Friends
- The Epitaph in form of a Ballad
- Eros
- Erotion
- Eton: an Ode
- Étude Réaliste
- Euonymos
- Eurydice
- Euthanatos
- The Eve of Revolution
- Evening on the Broads
- Ex-Voto
edit- The Garden of Cymodoce
- The Garden of Proserpine
- Genesis
- George Chapman (No. XI. in the Sonnets on English Dramatic Poets (1590-1650) sequence)
- Gentle Spring
- The Ghost of It
- Grace Darling
- Grand Chorus of Birds from Aristophanes
edit- 'I saw the double-featured statue stand'
- Ilicet
- In a Garden
- In Guernsey
- In Harbour
- In Memory of Aurelio Saffi
- In Memory of Barry Cornwall
- In Memory of Henry A. Bright
- In Memory of John William Inchbold
- In Memory of Walter Savage Landor
- In Obitum Theophili Poetæ
- In San Lorenzo
- In Sark
- In Sepulcretis
- In the Bay
- In the Orchard
- In Time of Mourning
- In the Twilight
- Inferiae
- Inscriptions for the Four Sides of a Pedestal
- 'Insularum Ocelle'
- Intercession, Sonnet XII. from the Diræ sequence
- An Interlude
- The Interpreters
- Itylus
edit- Jacobite Song
- A Jacobite's Exile
- A Jacobite's Farewell
- James Shirley (No. XIV. in the Sonnets on English Dramatic Poets (1590-1650) sequence)
- John Day (No. XIII. in the Sonnets on English Dramatic Poets (1590-1650) sequence)
- John Ford (No. VI. in the Sonnets on English Dramatic Poets (1590-1650) sequence)
- John Jones
- John Marston (No. XII. in the Sonnets on English Dramatic Poets (1590-1650) sequence)
- John Webster (No. VII. in the Sonnets on English Dramatic Poets (1590-1650) sequence)
edit- Lady Maisie's Bairn
- A Lamentation
- Landor at Florence
- A Landscape by Courbet
- Last Words of a Seventh-Rate Poet
- A Last Look
- The Last Oracle
- The Launch of the Livadia
- Laus Veneris
- A Leave-taking
- The Leper
- Les Casquets
- Les Noyades
- Life in Death
- Light: an Epicede
- Lines on the Death of Edward John Trelawny
- Lines On the Monument of Giuseppe Mazzini
- A Litany
- The Litany of Nations
- Loch Torridon
- Locusta, Sonnet VI. from the Diræ sequence
- Lord Scales
- Lord Soulis
- Louis Blanc
- Love and Scorn
- Love and Sleep
- Love and Sleep, I
- Love and Sleep, II
- Love at Sea
- The Lute and the Lyre
- A Lyke-wake Song
edit- Madonna Mia
- The Many (No. XIX. in the Sonnets on English Dramatic Poets (1590-1650) sequence)
- The Many (No. XX. in the Sonnets on English Dramatic Poets (1590-1650) sequence)
- March: an Ode
- A Marching Song
- 'Marzo Pazzo'
- The Masque of Queen Bersabe
- A Match
- Mater Dolorosa
- Mater Triumphalis
- May Janet
- Maytime in Midwinter
- Memorial Ode on the Death of Leconte de Lisle
- Memorial Verses on the Death of Karl Blind
- Memorial Verses on the Death of Theophile Gautier
- Memorial Verses on the Death of William Bell Scott
- Mentana: First Anniversary
- Mentana: Second Anniversary, Sonnet XIV. from the Diræ sequence
- Mentana: Third Anniversary, Sonnet XV. from the Diræ sequence
- Messidor
- A Midsummer Holiday
- The Moderates, Sonnet XI. from the Diræ sequence
- Monotones
- The Monument of Giordano Bruno
- A Moss-Rose
- Mourning
- Music: an Ode
edit- The Oblation
- Ode
- Ode on the Insurrection in Candia
- Ode on the Proclamation of the French Republic
- "Ode to Gautier" in Littell's Living Age, 144 (1863) (1880)
- Ode to Mazzini
- Off Shore
- An Old Saying
- Olive
- "On a Country Road" in Littell's Living Age, 162 (2092) (1884)
- On an Old Roundel
- On Lamb's Specimens of Dramatic Poets
- On the Bicentenary of Corneille
- On the Cliffs
- On the Death of Sir Henry Taylor
- On the Death of Richard Burton
- On the Death of Richard Doyle
- On the Deaths of Thomas Carlyle and George Eliot
- On the Downs
- On the Proposed Desecration of Westminster Abbey by the Erection of a Monument to the Son of Napoleon III.
- On the Russian Persecution of the Jews
- On the South Coast
- One of Twain
edit- The Palace of Pan
- Pan and Thalassius
- Papal Allocution, Sonnet IV. from the Diræ sequence
- A Parting Song
- Past Days
- Pastiche
- Pelagius
- Perinde Ac Cadaver
- The Person of the House (Idyll ccclxvi.)
- Peter's Pence from Perugia, Sonnet III. from the Diræ sequence
- Phædra
- Philip Massinger (No. V. in the Sonnets on English Dramatic Poets (1590-1650) sequence)
- The Pilgrims
- Plus Intra
- Plus Ultra
- The Poet and the Woodlouse
- Pope Celestin and Giordano
- Prelude
edit- The Recall
- Recollections ("Years upon years, as a course of clouds that thicken")
- Recollections ("Years have sped from us under the sun")
- A Reiver's Neck-Verse
- Relics
- A Reminiscence
- The Resurrection of Alcilia
- A Rhyme
- Rizpah
- Rococo
- Rondel ("These many years since we began to be")
- Rondel ("Kissing her hair I sat against her feet")
- The Roundel
edit- Sairey Gamp's Roundel
- The Salt of the Earth
- Sapphics
- St. Dorothy
- Satia te Sanguine
- The Saviour of Society, Sonnet XIII. from the Diræ sequence
- The Sea-Swallows
- Seven Years Old
- A Sequence of Sonnets on the Death of Robert Browning
- Sestina
- Siena
- A Singing Lesson
- Sir William Gomm
- Six Years Old
- Sleep
- A Solitude
- Song
- Song Before Death
- A Song for Margaret Midhurst
- Song for the Centenary of Walter Savage Landor
- A Song in Season
- A Song in Time of Order
- A Song in Time of Revolution
- A Song of Italy
- The Song of the Standard
- Sonnet (with a Copy of Mademoiselle de Maurin)
- Sonnet for a Picture
- Sorrow
- Spring in Tuscany
- Stage Love
- The Statue of Victor Hugo
- A Study from Memory
- Summer in Auvergne
- The Sundew
- Sunrise
- Sunset and Moonrise
- Super Flumina Babylonis
- A Swimmer's Dream
edit- The Tale of Balen
- Tenebræ
- Thalassius
- Thaw: A Fragment
- Théophile Gautier
- Thomas Decker (No. VIII. in the Sonnets on English Dramatic Poets (1590-1650) sequence)
- Thomas Heywood (No. X. in the Sonnets on English Dramatic Poets (1590-1650) sequence)
- Thomas Middleton (No. IX. in the Sonnets on English Dramatic Poets (1590-1650) sequence)
- Three Faces
- Threnody ("Life, sublime and serene when time had power upon it and ruled its breath")
- Threnody ("Watching here alone by the fire whereat last year")
- Time and Life
- Tiresias
- To a Cat
- To a Leeds Poet
- To a Seamew
- To Catullus
- To Dr. John Brown
- To Dora Dorian
- To James McNeil Whistler
- To John Nichol
- To Louis Kossuth
- To Sir Richard F. Burton
- To Richard F. Burton, on His Translation of the Arabian Nights
- To Walt Whitman in America
- To William Bell Scott
- Triads
- The Tribe of Benjamin (No. XV. in the Sonnets on English Dramatic Poets (1590-1650)
- Tristram of Lyonesse
- The Triumph of Time
- The Twilight of the Lords
- Twins
- The Two Dreams
- Two Leaders
- Two Preludes
edit- Wasted Love
- A Wasted Vigil
- A Watch in the Night
- The Way of the Wind
- Wearieswa'
- The Weary Wedding
- Westland Well
- What is Death?
- The Winds|149}}
- The White Czar
- The White Maid's Wooing
- William Shakespeare (No. II. in the Sonnets on English Dramatic Poets (1590-1650) sequence)
- Winter in Northumberland
- The Witch-Mother
- A Word for the Country
- A Word for the Nation
- A Word from the Psalmist
- A Word with the Wind
- The Worm of Spindlestonheugh
edit- A Year After, Sonnet II. from the Diræ sequence
- The Year of Love
- The Year of the Rose
- A Year's Burden
- A Year's Carols