Author:John Ruskin
edit- The Bibliography of Ruskin: A Bibliographical List Arranged in Chronological Order by Richard Herne Shepherd, 1882 IA
- Salsette and Elephanta, 1839 short work Internet Archive identifier: salsetteelephant00rusk
- Poems (1835-1846)
- The Poetry of Architecture (1837-1838)
- The King of the Golden River, or The Black Brothers (1841) Internet Archive identifier: ofgoldenriveking00ruskrich
- Modern painters: their superiority in the art of landscape painting to all the ancient masters, proved by examples of the true, the beautiful, and the intellectual from the works of modern artists, especially from those of J. M. W. Turner, 1843 Internet Archive identifier: gri_33125010813760, Internet Archive identifier: modernpainters27ruskgoog, Internet Archive identifier: in.ernet.dli.2015.42809, Internet Archive identifier: modernpainters02conggoog, Internet Archive identifier: modernpainters00conggoog
- The Seven Lamps of Architecture (1849, Index)
- Pre-Raphaelitism (1851, Index)
- The Stones of Venice (1851-1853, [Internet Archive identifier: stonesofvenice01byurusk], [Internet Archive identifier: stonesofvenice02byurusk], [Internet Archive identifier: venicestones03rusk], [Internet Archive identifier: venicestones03ruskgoog]
- Lectures on architecture and painting, 1854 Internet Archive identifier: lecturesonarchit00rusk
- Architecture and Painting (1854)
- Giotto and his works in Padua, 1854 Internet Archive identifier: giottohisworksin00rusk_0
- On the Nature of Gothic Architecture, 1854 short work Internet Archive identifier: onnaturegothica01ruskgoog
- The opening of the Crystal Palace, short work 1854 Internet Archive identifier: openingofcrystal03rusk
- Notes on Some of the Principal Pictures Exhibited in the Rooms of the Royal Academy, 1855 Internet Archive identifier: notesonsomeprin00ruskgoog
- Construction of Sheepfolds
- Harbours of England
- The political economy of art, 1857 Internet Archive identifier: politicaleconom01ruskgoog
- The elements of drawing: in three letters to beginners, 1857 Internet Archive identifier: drawinelementsof00ruskrich
- Notes on the Turner gallery at Marlborough house: 1856-7, Internet Archive identifier: notesonturnergal00rusk
- The True and the Beautiful in Nature, Art, Morals, and Religion, 1858 Internet Archive identifier: trueandbeautifu00ruskgoog
- The Two Paths: Being Lectures on Art, and Its Application to Decoration and Manufacture, Delivered in 1858–1859 Internet Archive identifier: twopathsbeingle00ruskgoog
- Inaugural soirée of Cambridge city, sch . of art, mr. Ruskin's address, 1858 short work Internet Archive identifier: inauguralsoirem00ruskgoog
- Sketchings, 1859-01-01 in The Crayon, Internet Archive identifier: jstor-25527852
- The Elements of Perspective: Arranged for the Use of Schools, 1859 Internet Archive identifier: elementsperspec00ruskgoog
- Unto This Last (1860) Internet Archive identifier: in.ernet.dli.2015.5387
- The Laws Of Fesole, 1861 Internet Archive identifier: in.ernet.dli.2015.87574
- A Joy For Ever, and its price on the market, or The Political Economy of Art (1857 / 1880)
- Modern Painters [1] (1843-1860)
- Munera Pulveris: Essays on Political Economy (1862-1863 / 1872) ((transcription project), 1894)
- Sesame and Lilies (1864-1865) Internet Archive identifier: sesameliliestwol00rusk
- Cestus of Aglaia (1864)
- Precious Thoughts: Moral and Religious, 1865 Internet Archive identifier: preciousthought01tuthgoog
- The Ethics of the Dust: Ten Lectures to Little Housewives on the Elements of Chrystallisation (1866) Internet Archive identifier: in.ernet.dli.2015.22751, Internet Archive identifier: ethicsofdus00rusk
- An inquiry into some of the conditions at present affecting "the study of architecture" in our schools, 1866 short work Internet Archive identifier: inquiryintosomeo00ruskrich
- The Crown of Wild Olive: Three Lectures on Work, Traffic and War (1866, Index) Internet Archive identifier: crownofwildolive00ruskiala
- On banded and brecciated concretions, 1867 v short work Internet Archive identifier: b22395519
- Time and Tide by Weare and Tyne: Twenty-five Letters to a Working Man of Sunderland on the Laws of Work (1868, Index)
- The Afternoon Lectures on Literature & Art, 1869 Internet Archive identifier: afternoonlectur01unkngoog
- The Flamboyant Architecture of the Somme (1869)
- The Queen of the Air: Being a Study of the Greek Myths of Cloud and Storm (1869) Internet Archive identifier: queenofairbeings00rus
- Lectures on art: delivered before the University of Oxford in Hilary term, 1870 Internet Archive identifier: bub_gb_R1YmLfeugzwC
- Catalogue of examples arranged for elementary study in the university galleries, 1870 Internet Archive identifier: catalogueofexamp00rusk
- Verona and its Rivers (1870)
- Fors clavigera. Letters to the workmen and labourers of Great Britain, 1871 Internet Archive identifier: forsclavigeralet03rusk
- The Relation Between Michael Angelo and Tintoret, 1872 short work Internet Archive identifier: relationbetween00ruskgoog
- Val d'Arno: Ten Lectures on the Tuscan Art antecedent to the Florentine Year of Victories, given before the University of Oxford in Michaelmas Term, 1872
- The Eagle's Nest: Ten Lectures on the Relation of Natural Science to Art, 1873 Internet Archive identifier: eaglesnesttenle02ruskgoog
- Art culture: a hand-book of art technicalities and criticisms, 1873 Internet Archive identifier: cu31924031222387
- Love's meinie: lectures on Greek and English birds, 1873 short work Internet Archive identifier: lovesmeinielectu00ruskin
- Ariadne Florentina: Six Lectures on Wood and Metal Engraving, 1873 Internet Archive identifier: ariadneflorenti02ruskgoog
- Theory of the Glaciers of Savoy, 1874 Internet Archive identifier: theoryglacierss00rendgoog
- Letter to Young Girls, 1876
- "Preface" to A Protest against the Extension of Railways in the Lake District (1876), By Robert Somervell
- Mornings in Florence (1877)
- Pearls for Young Ladies (1878)
- Fors Clavigera: Letters to the Workmen and Labourers of Great Britain (1871-1880, Index)
- Index to Fors clavigera. Letters to the workmen and labourers of Great Britain, 1887 Internet Archive identifier: indextoforsclavi00rusk
- Fiction, Fair and Foul (1880)
- The Art of England: Lectures Given at the University of Oxford (1883-1884)Internet Archive identifier: artenglandlectu01ruskgoog
- The Storm-Cloud of the Nineteenth Century (1884)
- The Pleasures of England: Lectures Given at the University of Oxford (1884-1885)
- The Pleasures of Learning (ed. 1888)
- The Pleasures of Faith (ed. 1888)
- The Pleasures of Deed (ed. 1888)
- The Pleasures of Fancy (ed. 1888)
- The Bible of Amiens (1885, Index)
- Proserpina
- The Best Hundred Books (1886) (transcription project)
- Præterita: Outlines of Scenes and Thoughts Perhaps Worthy of Memory in My Past Life (1885-1889)
- Ulric, the farm servant, [1907] Internet Archive identifier: ulricfarmservant00gottrich
- Kings' Treasuries and Queens' Gardens
- War, Commerce, and Work
- Letters to a Working Man
- A Wreath of Wild Olives
The Works of John Ruskin
edit- Volume 1. Early prose writings (transcription project)
- Volume 2. Poems (transcription project)
- Volume 3-7. Modern painters (transcription volumes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
- Volume 8. The seven lamps of architecture (transcription project)
- Volume 9-11. The stones of Venice (transcription volumes: 1, 2, 3)
- Volume 12. Lectures on architecture and painting, etc. (transcription project)
- Volume 13. Turner, The harbours of Engand (transcription project)
- Volume 14. Academy notes, etc. (transcription project)
- Volume 15. Elements of drawing, Elements of perspective, etc. (transcription project)
- Volume 16. A joy for ever, The two paths, etc. (transcription project)
- Volume 17. Unto this last, Munera pulveris, Time and tide, etc. (transcription project)
- Volume 18. Sesame & lilies, Ethics of the dust, Crown of wild olive, etc. (transcription project)
- Volume 19. Cestus of Aglaia, Queen of the air, etc. (transcription project)
- Volume 20. Lectures on art, Aratra pentelici, etc. (transcription project)
- Volume 21. The Ruskin art collection at Oxford (transcription project)
- Volume 22. Lectures on landscape, Michaelangelo & Tintoret, The Eagle's nest, Ariadne Florentina (transcription project)
- Volume 23. Val d'Arno, The schools of Florence, Mornings in Florence, The shepherd's tower (transcription project)
- Volume 24. Giotto, Cavalli monuments, Guide to the Academy, St. Mark's rest (transcription project)
- Volume 25. Love's meinie, Prosperpina (transcription project)
- Volume 26. Deucalion (transcription project)
- Volume 27-29. Fors clavigera (transcription volumes: 1, 2, 3)
- Volume 30. The guild and museum of St. George (transcription project)
- Volume 31. Bibliotheca Pastorum (transcription project)
- Volume 32. Studies of peasant life (transcription project)
- Volume 33. The Bible of Amiens, Valle crucis, The art of England, The pleasures of England (transcription project)
- Volume 34. The storm-cloud of the nineteenth century, On the old road, Arrows of the chace, Ruskiniana (transcription project)
- Volume 35. Præterita, Dilecta (transcription project)
- Volume 36. Letters, 1827-1869 (transcription project)
- Volume 37. Letters, 1870-1889 (transcription project)
- Volume 38. Bibliography, Catalogue of Ruskin's drawings, etc. (transcription project)
- Volume 39. General index (transcription project)
edit- Inaugural Lecture
- The Relation of Art to Religion
- The Relation of Art to Morals
- The Relation of Art to Use
- Line
- Light
- Colour
editWorks about Ruskin
edit- Rural architecture, or, Designs for villas, cottages, etc.: in the Italian, Gothic, Elizabethan, Old English, and Swiss styles, with descriptions and an essay on rural architecture and landscape gardening, including a critique on Ruskin's new theoretical principles of design by Marriott Field, 1857 Internet Archive identifier: ruralarchitectur00fiel
- John Ruskin by Brownlee Brown, 1857-11-01 from The Crayon, Volume 4. Internet Archive identifier: jstor-25527643
- Three great teachers of our own time, 1865 Internet Archive identifier: threegreatteache00jappuoft
- Modern men of letters honestly criticised by James Hain Friswell, 1870 Internet Archive identifier: cu31924013260439
- John Ruskin, economist, by Patrick Geddes, 1884 IA
- John Ruskin, social reformer, by John Atkinson Hobson, 1898 IA
- John Ruskin, by Alice Christiana Thompson Meynell, 1900 IA
- John Ruskin, by Frederic Harrison, 1902 IA
- Life of John Ruskin, by Ashmore Wingate, 1910 IA
- The Life of John Ruskin by W. G. Collingwood, 1911
- The Life of John Ruskin, by Edward Tyas Cook, 1911 IA, IA
- Ruskin's politics, by Bernard Shaw, 1921
edit- "Ruskin, John," in The New Student's Reference Work, Chicago: F.E. Compton and Co. (1914)
- "Ruskin, John," in A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature, by John William Cousin, London: J. M. Dent & Sons (1910)
- "Ruskin," a chapter in Varied Types by Gilbert Keith Chesterton, 1905
- "John Ruskin," in Cartoon portraits and biographical sketches of men of the day, by anonymous, illustrated by Frederick Waddy, London: Tinsley Brothers (1873)
- "Ruskin, John," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
- "Ruskin, John," in Dictionary of National Biography, 1901 supplement, London: Smith, Elder, & Co. (1901) in 3 vols.
- "Mr. Ruskin on Women and War" in Littell's Living Age, 127 (1645)
- "Modern Warfare" in Littell's Living Age, 130 (1679)
edit- The bibliography of Ruskin (transcription project)
Some or all works by this author were published before January 1, 1930, and are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse