Cicero chronologically:
85 BC | 81 BC | 80BC | 76 BC | 70 BC | 69 BC | 68 BC | 67 BC | 66 BC | 65 BC | 64 BC | 63 BC | 62 BC | 61 BC | 60 BC | 59 BC | 58 BC | 57 BC | 56 BC | 55 BC | 54 BC | 53 BC | 52 BC | 51 BC | 50 BC | 49 BC | 48 BC | 47 BC | 46 BC | 45 BC | 44 BC | 43 BC |
In the year of his consulship, some of Cicero's most important speeches were delivered. The three on the agrarian proposals of Rullus present him to us for the first time as discussing an important question of home politics, the disposal of the ager publicus, a question which had become again prominent owing to the great additions made to it by the confiscations of Sulla. He also defended C. Rabirius, prosecuted by Iulius Caesar for the murder of Saturninus as long ago as B.C. 100, and later in the year defended Murena on a charge of ambitus. Finally, the three Catilinarian speeches illustrate the event which coloured the whole of Cicero's life.