1796 (April 25.) Born at Ratisbon.
1805 Upon the capitulation of Ulm (Oct. 20, 1805), Charles’ father, the Concommissarius of the Reichstag, with his family and the staff of the Chancellory, flies from Ratisbon and remains in Vienna till after the signing of the Peace of Pressburg, Dec. 25, 1805.
1806 After the affairs of the Reichstag had been finally closed, the Hügels permanently remove to Vienna.
" –1807 (Winter and Spring.) Charles, with his elder brother Clemens and their tutor, is taken by his father on an extended tour through Italy.
1810 (––– –––.) Enters at Heidelberg, as law student.
1811 (––– –––.) Joins the Austrian Army and takes part in the war of liberation.
1814 (March–July.) Is sent with General von Teigentesch on a diplomatic mission representing the great powers, which negotiates King Christian Frederick’s renunciation of the Norwegian crown, and the union of Norway and Sweden under Charles XIII of Sweden, who was succeeded, in 1818, by Charles (John) XIV (Field-Marshal Bernadotte, made Crown Prince of Sweden in 1812).
1815 (July.) Enters Paris with the troops of the allied Sovereigns.
1817-1818 Travels in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Russia.
1819 (––– –––.) Returns south, and joins, as Captain, the 5th Regiment of Austrian Hussars ('The Prince Regent of England's Own'), which he accompanies to Italy and the South of France, when at Tarascon and at Arles he acts as Commandant de Place.
1821 Is attached to the Neapolitan Expedition (the outcome of the Congress of Laibach, held in January and February of this year) which restores the absolute power of Ferdinand I, King of the Two Sicilies.
1824 Retires from the Army and returns to Vienna.
1825 (August 30.) Charles’ father, Baron Johann Aloys Joseph, dies at Hietzing near Vienna, aged seventy-one.
1826–30 Lives at his villa at Hietzing, and devotes himself to horticulture and the study of natural science.
1829 (Early in September.) Charles' second sister, Marin, dies at Ratisbon[1].
1830 His engagement to the Countess Mélanie Zichy Ferraris is broken off. (She marries Prince Metternich January 30, 1831.)
" Visits England and France, in preparation for his proposed travels to the East.
1831 (May —.) Sails from Toulon, and occupies this year, and the following
five years, in travel and exploration[2].
1836 (—— ——.) Returns home.
" From this year to 1848 leads a studious life at Hietzing, working with the
scientific results of his travels and resuming his botanical and horticultural pursuits.
1837 (May 27.) Charles’ mother, Anna Susanna Philippina, Baroness von Hügel (née von Holthof) dies at Vienna, aged sixty nine.
" (—— ——.) Establishes the Viennese Gartenbaugesellschaft, of which he is nominated President.
1840 The first volume of his work on Cashmere appears.
1846 (—— ——.) Charles' eldest sister, ‘Nanny‘ (Anna), dies at Vienna somewhere about this time.
1847 (May 14.) Appointed, on the day of its foundation, an ‘Actual Member' of the k. k. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Vienna.
" (August 10.) Betrothed, at Verona, to Miss Elizabeth Farquharson, daughter of General Francis Farquharson (of Allargue) and of Margaret Outram.
1848 (March 13.) On the outbreak of the revolution conveys the Chancellor, Prince Metternich, out of Vienna to Felsberg and thence, by the Hague, to England.
" –1849. Spends the winter in England.
1849 (—— ——.) Rejoins the army under Prince Windischgrätz, who, with his troops, had, until now, been engaged in quelling the disorders in Austria, Hungary, and Bohemia: is sent, in March, to Radetzky's headquarters in Lombardy.
" (May 28.) Is awarded the Patron’s Medal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, for geographical research in Cashmere and elsewhere.
" Accompanies Baron d’Asper, Master of the Ordnance, as diplomatic agent, in his advance into Tuscany; and takes part in the siege of Leghorn, and in the entry into Florence on May 25.
1849 Sent from Florence to Naples on a secret mission to the Grand Duke of Tuscany (June 10); and (on the conclusion of the convention of the four catholic powers) as representative of the Empire to Pope Pius IX, and King Ferdinand at Gaeta.
" (August.) Commissioned by Field-Marshal Radetzky to convey the news of the conclusion of peace with Piedmont to the ex-Emperor Ferdinand at Inspruck.
" (Aug. 25.) Gazetted Honorary Major.
" (Sept. 7.) Named Austrian Chargé d'Affaires at Florence, after the command of the army of occupation had been taken over by Prince Friedrich Liechtenstein.
" (Dec. 3.) Charles' elder brother, Clemens Wenzislaus, dies at Hardenberg in Hanover, aged fifty-seven.
1850 (Dec. 9.) Appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Grand Ducal Court of Tuscany.
1851 (June 28.) Is married to Miss Farquharson at Florence.
1852 (May 5.) First child born, named Friedrich, after his godfather Prince Liechtenstein.
1853 (Sept. —.) Charles' youngest sister 'Fanny' (Kunigunde Franziska, Countess Anton von Hardenberg) dies at Florence.
1854 (Sept. 29.) Second child born, named Anatole Andreas, after his godfathers Prince Demidoff and Prince Corsini, the latter being the actual sponsor as the former was a member of the Greek Church.
1866 (April 30.) Created a Privy Councillor.
1867 (August 31.) Retires finally from the army.
1858 (Nov. 3.) Third child born, named Pauline, after Pauline wife of Prince Richard Metternich. (Died March 29, 1901, aged forty-three.)
1859 (April 27.) On the outbreak of the revolution, leaves Florence with the
Grand Duke.
" Lives in Vienna.
1860 (Sept. 20.) Appointed Austrian Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary[3] at the Belgian Court.
1867 (—— ——.) Retires into private life.
" (—— ——.) Goes to England, where, in failing health, he lives at Torquay, till May 1870.
1870 (May 31.) Leaves England for Austria.
" (June 2.) Dies at Brussels, on his way to Vienna, in the seventy-sixth year of his age.