
Treaty between Spain and Portugal concluded at Saragossa, April 22, 1529. Ratification by Spain, April 23, 1529, and by Portugal, June 20, 1530.


The treaty concluded at Saragossa on April 17, 1529,[1] by the plenipotentiaries of Spain and Portugal, was not ratified. Five days later, in the same city, the same plenipotentiaries, with one additional representative of Spain,[2] concluded a second treaty. This differed from the first in several particulars, most strikingly in the omission of the provisions of the twelfth article—that the Emperor should order his Royal Council to find out whether the treaty could be legally made without the approval of the pueblos. The omission of this article is explained by a document preserved in the National Archives at Lisbon, which contains: (1) the decision reached by lawyers of the Royal Council to the effect that the Emperor and King of Castile might legally enter into the contract in respect to the Moluccas, and that the consent, authorization, and approbation of his towns were not necessary; (2) the Emperor's confirmation and promise to regard the lawyers' decision, and his abrogation of all contrary laws and regulations. The Emperor's letter is dated April 23, 1529.[3] The treaty concluded on April 22, ratified by the Emperor on the following day and by the King of Portugal more than a year later, was disliked in Spain. As late as 1548, the Cortes petitioned the Emperor that the whole realm should redeem the Moluccas in order that Spain might have the benefit of their spice-trade, if only for six years.[4]

By the terms of the treaty of Saragossa, the Philippine Islands fell within the Portuguese demarcation; and when, in 1542-1543, Ruy Lopez de Villalobos led a colonizing expedition thither from New Spain, the Portuguese governor of the Moluccas protested vigorously, demanding his withdrawal on the ground that his occupation of the Philippines violated the aforesaid treaty.[5] In 1568 a fruitless protest was made against Legazpi's colonization;[6] in 1580 Spain's annexation of the Portuguese crown quieted the dispute. Upon the separation of the crowns in 1640, however, as the Portuguese claimed, "the conditions of the Deed of Saragossa gave rise to a new title by which Portugal [might] claim restitution of or equivalent for all that the Spaniards had occupied to the west" of the line fixed by this treaty.[7] The controversy was not ended until 1750, when, by the first and second articles of a Spanish-Portuguese treaty signed at Madrid, it was stipulated that the demarcation lines provided for in the bull of Alexander VI[8] and in the treaties of Tordesillas[9] and Saragossa should be annulled; that Spain should permanently retain the Philippines, "in spite of the conditions contained in the Deed signed at Saragossa on the 22d of April, 1529"; and that the crown of Portugal should not be entitled to recover any part of the price which it paid under the sale effected by the said deed.[10]


Text: MS. An original manuscript of the ratification, signed by the King of Portugal at Lisbon, June 20, 1530, is in the National Archives at Lisbon, gav. 18, maço 8, no. 29. One of the original protocols is in the Archives of the Indies at Seville, Patronato, 1-2-2/16, no. 9.
Text: Printed. The Portuguese ratification is printed in J. Ramos-Coelho, Alguns Documentos (1892), pp. 495-512, and in G. F. von Martens, Supplément au Recueil des Traités (1802-1842), I. 398-421. Navarrete, Coleccion de Viages (1825-1837), tom. IV., no. 41. pp. 389-406, prints the protocol, but from a copy instead of from the original manuscript. As an appendix to the treaty of 1750, the treaty of Saragossa is printed in J. Ferreira Borges de Castro, Collecção dos Tratados de Portugal, desde 1640 (1856-1858), III, 64-82, and elsewhere.

References: See Doc. 15, Bibliography.


Dom Joham, per graca de Deus rrey de Portugal e dos Algarves daquem e dalem mar em Africa, senhor de Guinee e da comquista, naveguacam, e comercio de Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, e da Imdia. A quantos esta minha carta de confirmacam, aprovacam, e rretificacam virem, faco saber que antre mym e Dom Carlos, emperador sempre augusto, rrey dAlemanha, de Castela, de Liam, dAraguam, das Duas Cezilias, de Jerusalem, etc, meu muito amado e precado irmaão, avia duvida e debate sobre a propicdade e pose, ou quasy pose, e dereito, naveguacam, e comercio de Maluquo e outras ilhas e mares, por cada huum de nos dizer lhe pertencer e estar em pose de todo o sobredito, e pelo muy coniuncto divido,[12] que anbos temos, e porque amtre nosos vasalos e naturaes se nam podese nunca seguir descontentaniento e fose sempre consservado o muito amor, rrezam, e obriguacam que antre nos ha, nos concertamos sobre o que dito he de que se fez por nosos soficientes e abestantes precuradores, pera ello deputados, carta de contrauto, capitolacam, e asento, da qual o teor de verbo a verbo, he o seguinte:

Dom Carlos, por la divina clemencia electo emperador semper augusto, rrey de Alemania, Doña Juana, su madre, y el mismo Dom Carlos, su hiyo, por la gracia de Dios rreies de Castilla, de Leon, de Aragon, de ls Dos Secilias, de Jerusalem, de Navarra, de Granada, de Toledo, de Valencia, de Galizia, de Sevilla, de Cordova, de Corcega, de Murcia, de Jahen, de los Algarves, de Algezira, de Gibraltar, de las yslas de Canaria, de las Indias, yslas e tiera firme del mar Oceano, archiduques de Abstria, duques de Borgoña y de Bravante, condes de Barcelona, Flandres, e Tirol, señores de Viscaya e de Molina, duques de Atenas e de Neopatria, condes de Ruisellon e de Cerdania, marqueses de Oristam e de Gociano, etc., vimos e leimos una escriptura de capitolacion e asiento de venta com pacto de rretro vendendo del derecho y posesion, o casy posesion, y action de las yslas de Maluquo, que em ellas tenemos o podriamos tener, por qualquier via que nos pertenezca y pertenecer pueda, y en las tierras, yslas, e mares contenidas em la dicha contratacion e asiento, fecho en nuestro nombre por Mercurio de Gatinara,[13] conde de Gatinara, gran chamciller de me, el rrey, y por Don Fray Garcia de Loaysa,[14] obispo de Osma, my confesor, y por Dom Garcia de Padilla,[15] comendador mayor de Calatrava, todos del nuestro conseyo y nuestros procuradores, y por Amtonyo dAzevedo, couthiño,[16] del conseio y embaxador del serenisimo, muy alto, e muy poderoso Rey de Portugal, nuestro muy caro e muy amado hermano, e su procurador, el tenor del qual de verbo ad verbum es este que se sigue:

En el nombre de Dios Todopoderosa, Padre e Hijo y Espiritu Santo, tres Personas y un solo Duas verdadero. Notoria e manifesto sea, a quantos este publico ynstrumento de transacion e contrato de venta com pacto de rretro vendendo vieren, como en la cibdad de Carogoça, que es en el rreino de Aragon, a vente e dos dias del mes de Abril, año del nacimiento de nuestro Salvador Jhesu Christo de mill e quinientos e veinte e nueve años, em presencia de my, Francisco de las Covas, secretario e del conseio del emperador, Dom Carlos, e de la rreyna, Doña Juana, su madre, rreina e rrey de Castilla, y su escrivaño y nocario publico, y de los testigos de yuso escriptos, parecieron los señores, Mercurino de Gatinara, comde de Gatinara, gran chanciler del dicho señor emperador, y el muy rreverendo Dom Fray Garcia de Loaysa, obispo de Osma, su confesor, y Dom Frey Garcia de Padilla, comendador maior de la Ordem de Calatrava, todos tres del consejo de los dichos muy altos e muy poderosos señores principes, Dom Carlos, por la divina clemencia electo emperador senpre augusto, rrey de Alemania, y Doña Juana, su madre, y el mismo Don Carlos, su hiyo, por la gracia de Dios, rreies de Castilla, de Leon, y de Aragon, de las Dos Cezilias, de Jerusalem y de Navarra y de Granada, etc., en nonbre e como procuradores de los dichos señores, Emperador e Reies de Castilla, de la una parte, y el señor Antonyo de Azevedo, coutiño, del consejo y embaixador del muy alto y muy poderoso señor, Dom Juam, por la gracia de Dios rrey de Portugal e dos Algarves de aquende y de allende el mar em Africa, señor de Guinea y de la conquista, navegaçion, e comercio de Ethiopia, Arabia, e Persia e de la India, etc., em nombre y como su procurador, de la otra, segun luego mostraron por sus soficientes e abastantes procuraciones para este contrato firmadas por los dichos señores Emperador e Rey de Castilla e Rey de Portugal, seladas con sus sellos, de las quales dichas procuraciones los treslados, de verbo ad verbum, son los seguientes: [Here follow the full powers granted by the sovereigns of Castile to the Count of Gattinara, the Bishop of Osma, and the Chief Knight-Commander of Calatrava on April 15, 1529, and the full powers granted by João III. of Portugal to Antonio d'Azevedo on October 18. 1528.]

Asy presentadas las dichas precuraciones por los dichos señores procuradores, fue dicho que, por quanto antre el dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilla, de Leon, de Aragon, de las Dos Secilyas, de Jherusalem, etc., y el dicho señor Rey de Portugual, e de los Algarves, etc., avia dubda sobre la propiedad y posesion y derecho o posesion, o quasy posesion, navegacion, e comercio de Maluquo y otras yslas y mares, fo qual cada uno de los dichos señores, Emperador e Rey de Castilla y Rey de Portugual, dize pertenecerle, asy por vertud de las capitolaciones[17] que fueron fechas por los muy alto y muy poderosos y Catholicos princepes Dom Fernando y Doña Ysabel, rreies de Castilla, abuelos del dicho señor emperador y con el rrey Dom Juan el segundo de Portugal, que ayan gloria, acerqua de la demarcacion del mar oceano, como por otras rrezones y derechos que cada uno de los dichos señores emperador e rreis dezia tener e pretendian a las dichas yslas, mares, y tierras ser suias, e estar em posesiom dellas; y que, aviemdo los dichos señores emperador y rreis rrespecto al muy coniuncto deudo e gramde amor que antre ellos ay, lo qual no solamente deve, com mucha rezam), ser conservado, mas, quanto posible fuere, mas acrecentado, y que, por se quitar de dudas e demandas e debates que antre ellos podria aver, y muchos inconvinientes, que antre sus vasallos y subditos y naturales se podriam seguir, som aguora los dichos señores emperador e rreis y los dichos procuradores em su nombre concordados e concertados sobre las dichas dubdas e debates, en el modo y forma seguiente:

1. Primeramente,[18] dixeron los dichos Gran Chanciler y Obispo de Osma y Comendador Maior de Calatrava, procuradores del dicho señor Emperador e Reis de Castilla, que ellos, em su nonbre, por vertud de la dicha su precuracion, vendian, como luego de fecho vendieron, deste dia pera siempre jamas, al dicho señor Rey de Portugal, pera el y todos sus sobcesores ile la corona de sus rreinos, todo el derecho, action, dominio, propiedad, y posesiom, o quasi posesion, y todo el derecho de navegar y contratar y comerciar por qualquier modo que sea, que el dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilla dize que tiene y podria tener por qualquier via, modo, o manera que sea, em el dicho Maluquo, ysllas, luguares, tierras y mares, segundo abaxo sera declarado; e esto, con las declaraciones y limitaciones y condiciones y clausulas abaixo contenidas y declaradas, por precio de trezientos e cimquoenta mil ducados de oro, paguados em monedas corientes en la tierra de oro o de plata, que valguan em Castilla trezientos y satenta y cinquo maravedis, cada ducado, los quales el dicho señor Rey de Portugal dari e pagara al dicho señor Emperador y Rey de Castilla y a las personas que su Magestad pera ello nonbrare, en esta manera: los ciento e cinquoenta mil ducados dellos em Lixbona, dentro de quinze o veinte dias primeros seguientes despues que este contrato, comfirmado por el dicho señor Emperador y Rey de Castilla, fuere llegado a la cidad de Lixboa, o a domde el dícho señor Rey de Portugal estuviere;[19] e trinta mil ducados pagados em Castilla, los vinte mil em Valhadolid, e los dez mil em Sevilla, hasta veinte dias del mes de Maio primero que viene deste año; y setenta mil ducados em Castilla, paguados en la feria de Maio de Medina del Campo deste dicho anño, a losos terminos de los pagamientos della, y los ciem mil ducados restantes, en la faria de Otobre de la dicha villa de Medina del Campo deste dicha anño, a los plazos de los paguamientos della, pagado todo fuera del cambio; y asy fuere necesario, se daran luego cedulas pera el dicho tiempo; y, si el dicho señor Emperador y Rey de Castilla quisiere tomar a canbio los dichos cem mil ducados en la dicha feria de Maio deste dicho año, para socorrerse dellos, pagara el dicho señor Rey de Portugual a rrazom de cinqao o seis por ciento de canbio, como su tesorero, Hernand Alvarez, los suele tomar de feria a feria; la qual dicha venta el dicho señor Emperador y Rey de Castilla haze al dicho señor Rey de Portugal com condiciom que, em qualquiera tiempo que el dicho señor Emperador y Rey de Castilla o sus sobcesores quisieren tornar, y con efecto tornaren, todos los dichos trezientos e cinquoenta mil ducados, y sin dellos faltar cosa alguna, al dicho señor Rey de Portugal o a sus sobcesores, que la dicha vienta quede desfecha, y cada uno de los dichos señores enperador y rreies quede con el derecho e action que agora tienen y pretiendem tener, asy en el derecho de la ponesiom, o casy posesiom, como en la propiedad, por qualquier via, modo, y manera que perteneceries pueda, como se este contrato non fuera hecho, y de la manera que primero lo tenian y pertendian tener, sin que este contrato les haga ni cause per juizo ni ynovacion alguna.

2. Item,[20] es comcordado e asentado entre les dichos procuradores, em nombre de los dichos señores ses constituientes, que, pera se saber los yslas, lugares, tierras, y mares y derecho y actiom dellos que, por este contrato, dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilla asy vende, con la comdiciom que dicha es al dicho señor Rey de Portugal, desde agora pera todo siempre, han por hechada una linia de polo a polo, conviene a saber, del norte al sul, por huum semicirculo que diste de Maluquo al nordeste, tomando la quarta del este, diez y nueve grados, a que conrrespondem diez y sete grados escasos en la equinocial, em que montam dozientas y novienta y sete legoas y media mas a oriente de las islas de Maluquo, dando diez y sete legoas e media por grado equinocial, en el qual merediano y rrunbo del nordeste y quarta del este, estam situadas los islas de los Velas y de Santo Thome, por donde pasa la sobredicha linia y semicirculo; y, siemdo caso que las dichas yslas estiem y distem de Maluquo mas o menos, todavia, han por bien e sam concordes que la dicha lynia quede lancada a las dichas dozientas y novienta y sete legoas y media mas a oriente, que hacem los dichos diez e nueve grados al nordeste y quarta de leste de las dichas yslas de Maluquo, como dicho es; y dixeron los dichos procuradores que, pera se saber por donde se ha la dicha linia por lancada, se hagan dos padrones de huu tenor, conformes al padron que esta en la Casa de la Contratacion[21] de las Imdias de Sevilha, por donde navegan las armadas y vasallos y subditos del dicho señor Emperador y Rey de Castilla, y dentro de treinta dias despues de la fecha deste contrato se nombre dos personas de cada parte, pera que vean y hagan luego los dichos padrones, conforme a lo suso dicho, y en ellos sea lancada la dicha linia, por el modo sobre dicho, y que los dichos senores emperador e rreies los firmen de sus nombres y sellen com sus sellos, pera quedar a cada uno el suyo, y dende em adelante quede la dicha linia por lancada pera declaracion del punto y lugar por donde ella pasa; y tambien pera declaracion del sitio en que los dichos vasallos del dicho senor Emperador y Rey de Castilla tienen situado y asentado a Maluquo, la qual durante el tienpo deste contrato se vea que esta puesta en el tal sitio, puesto que, en la verdad este em menos o mas distancia a oriente de lo que en los dichos padrones es sytuado, y para que en el punto de la situacion em que en los dichos padrones esta situado Maluquo se continuen los dichos diez y siete grados a oriente, que, por biem deste contrato el dicho señor Rey de Portugal ha de aver, y que, non se alhando en la Casa de la Contratacion de Sevilha el dicho padron, las dichas personas, nombradas por los dichos señores emperador y rreis, dentro de huum mes hagan los dichos padrones y se firmen y sellen, como dicho es, y por ellos se haguan cartas de navegar em que se lance la dicha linia en la manera suso dicha, pera que de aquy adelante naveguen por ellas los dichos vasallos, naturales, y subditos del dicho señor Emperador y Rey de Castilha, y para que los naveguantes de una parte y de otra sean ciertos del sitio de la dicha linia y distancia de las sobredichas dozientas y novienta y sete leguas y media, que aya entre la dicha linia y Maluquo.

3. Item,[22] es concordado e asentado por los dichos procuradores que em qualquier tiempo que el dicho señor Rey de Portugal quisiere que se vea el derecho de la propiedad de Maluco, y las tierras y mares contenidas em este contrato, y puesto que, al tal tiempo, el dicho señor Emperador y Rey de Castilla no tenga tornado el dicho precio, ny el dicho contrato sea rresoluto, se vea en esta manera, conviene a saber, que cada uno de los dichos señores nombre tres astrologos y tres pilotos o tres marineros, que sean expertos en la navegacion, los quales se ajuntaran em huum logar de la rraya dentre sus rreynos, donde fuere acordado que se juntem desdel dia que el dicho señor Emperador y Rey de Castilha o sus sobcesores fueren rrequerydos por parte del dicho señor Rey de Portugal, que se nombren hasta quetro meses, y ally consultaran y acordaran y tomaran asiento de la manera em que ha de hyr a se ver el derecho de la dicha propiedad, conforme a las dichas capitolaciones e asiento que fue fecho antre los dichos Catholicos rreis, Dom Fernando y Doña Isabel, y el dicho rrey, Dom Juam el segundo de Portugual; y, siemdo caso que el derecho de la dicha propiedad se juzge al dicho señor Emperador y Rey de Castilla, no se executara ni usara de la tal sentencia sim que, primero, el dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilla y sus sobcesores tornem rrealmente y com efecto, todos los dichos trezientos e cinquoenta mil ducados que, por vertude deste contrato, fueron dados; e, juzgandose el derecho de la propiedad por parte del dicho señor Rey de Portugal, el dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilla y sus sobcesores seran obligados a tornar, rrealmente e com efecto, los dichos trezientos e cimquoenta mil ducados al dicho señor Rey de Portugal o a sus sobcesores desdel dia em que la dicha sentencia fuere dada, hasta quatro annos primeros seguientes.

4. Item,[23] fue concertado e asentado pelos dychos procuradores em nombre de los dichos señores sus constetuientes, que, siendo caso que em quanto este comtrato de venta durar y nom fuere desfecho, desdel dia de la fecha del em adelante, vinieren alguunas especiarias o drogarias, de qualquier suerte que seam, a qualesquier puertos o partes de los reynos e senhorios de cada uno de los dichos señores constetuientes que seam traidas por los vasallos, subditos, y naturales del dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilla, o por otras qualesquier personas, puesto que sus subditos y naturales e vasallos non sean, que el dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilla en sus reinos e senhorios, y el dicho señor Rey de Portugal en los suios, seam obligados a mandar e hazer e mandem e hagan depositar los dichas especiarias o drogarias em tal manera que el tal deposito quede seguro, sim que aquel a cuya parte viniere sea por el otro pera esto rrequerido, pera que asy estem depositadas em nombre de ambos, em poder de aquella persona o personas em quiem cada uno de los dichos señores em sus tierras e señorios las mamdaren e hizierem depositar; el qual deposito seram los dichos señores obligados a hazer e mamdar hazer por la manera sobredicha, aguora las dichas especerias o droguerias se hallem en poder de aquellos que las traxeren, o en poder de qualquier otra persona o personas, en qualesquier luguares o partes donde fuerem halladas, y los dichos señores emperador y rreies seram obligados de lo mandar asy noteficar desde aguora em sus reinos e señorios para que asy se cumpla, em modo que nom se pueda alegar ignorancia; y viniendo a aportar las dichas especirias o droguerias a qualesquier puertos o tierras que de cada uno de los dichos señores constituientes no fueren, no siendo de enemigos, cada uno dellos por virtud deste contrato podra rrequerir, em nombre de ambos, sin mas mostrar ninguna provisam ni poder de otro a las justicias de los rreinos e senhorios domde las dichas especerias o droguerias vinieren a parar, o fuerem halladas, que las manden depositar e depositen, y em qualquier de las dichas partes donde asy fueren halladas las dichas especearias o droguerias, estaram embargadas e depositadas por ambos hasta se saber de cuya demarcacion fueron sacadas; y para se saber si el lugar e tierras de donde las dichas especearias o droguerias fueron traidas e sacadas caem dentro de la demarcaciom e limites que por este contrato quedan con el dicho señor [Emperador] e Rey de Castilla, e ay em ellas las dichas especearias o droguerias embiaram los dichos señores emperador y rreis dos o quatro navios, tantos el uno como el otro, en los quales yran personas juramentadas que biem lo entendam, tantos de la una parte, como de la otra, a los dichos luguares e tierras donde dixeren que sacarom y traxerom las dichas especearias o droguerias, pera ver y determinar em cuia demarcacion caen las dichas tierras e luguares de domde asy las dichas especerias o droguerias se dixere que fueron sacadas, e hallamdose que las dichas tierras e luguares caem dentro de la demarcacion del dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilla y que em ellas ay las dichas especerias e droguerias en tanta cantidad que rrazonablemente pudiesen traer las dichas especerias o droguerias, en tal caso, se alcara e quitara el dicho deposito, y se entreguaran libremente al dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilla, syn que por ello seam obligados a pagar ningunas costas ny gastos, ny intereses, ny otra alguna cosa; e siendo hallado que fueron sacadas de las tierras e luguares de la demarcacion del dicho señor Rey de Portugal, asy mesmo sera alcado y quytado el dicho deposito, y se entregaram al dicho señor Rey de Portugal, sim que por ello sea obligado a pagar ningunas costas ni gastos, ny intireses, ny otra alguna cosa de qualquier calidad que sea; y las personas que asy las truxerem seram pugnidos e castigados por el dicho señor emperador, rey de Castilla, o por sus justicias, como quebrantadores de fee y de paz, conforme a justicia; y los dichos señores Enperador e Rey de Castilla y el dicho señor Rey de Portugal seram obligados de enbiar los dichos sus navios e personas tanto que por cada uno dellos al otro fuere rrequerido y, enquanto asy las dichas especerias o droguerias estuvieren depositadas y enbargadas en el modo sobredicho, el dicho señor emperador, rey de Castilla, ny otro por el, ni con su favor ni consentimiento, no iran ni enbiaran a la dicha tierra o tierras de donde asy las dichas especerias e droguerias fueron traidas, y todo lo que dicho es en este capitulo acerca del deposito de las especerias o droguerias, no avra lugar ny se entendera en las especiarias o droguerias que vinieren a cualesquier partes pera el dicho señor Rey de Portugual.

5. Item,[24] es concordado y asentado que en todalas yslas, tieras y mares que fueren de la dicha linea para dentro no puedam las naos, navios, e gentes del dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilla ny de sus subditos, vasallos, e naturales ny otras algunas personas, puesto que sus subditos ny vasallos naturales no seam por su mamdado, consentimiento, favor e ajuda, o sin su mamdado, favor ni aiude entrar, navegar, tratar ny comerciar ny cargar cosa alguna que en las dichas yslas, tieras, y mares oviere de qualquier suerte o manera que sea, y que qualesquier de los sobredichos que de aquy adelante el contrario de todas las dichas cosas y cada una dellas hiziere, o fuerem conprendidos e hallados de dentro de la dicha linea sean presos por qualquier capitan o capitanes o gentes del dicho señor Rey de Portugal e por los dichos sus capitanes oydos e castigados e pugnidos como cosarios e quebrantadores de paz; e, no siendo hallados dentro de la dicha linea por los dichos capitanes o gentes del dicho señor Rey de Portugal, se vinieren a qualquier puerto, tiera o senhorio del dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilla, que el dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilla e sus justicias donde asy vinieren o fueren hallados, seam tenidos e obligados de los tomar y prender, entanto que les fueren presentados autos e pesquisas que los fueren embiados por el dicho señor Rey de Portugal o por sus justicias por que se muestre ser culpados en cada una destas cosas sobredichos y los pugnir e castigar enteramente como malhechores e quebrantadores de fee e de paz.

6. Item,[25] es concordado e asentado por los dichos procuradores que el dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilla no embie por sy ny por otro a las dichas islas, tierras y mares dentro de la dicha finea ni consientan que alla vayan de aquy adelante sus naturales e subditos e vasallos o estranjeros, puesto que sus naturales e vasallos ny subditos no sean ny les de para ello ajuda ni favor ny se concierte com ellos para ellos alla yr contra la forma e asiento deste contrato, antes sea obligado de lo defender, estorvar e inpedir quanto en el fuere, e ynbiando el dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilla por sy o por otro a las dichas yslas, tierras o mares de dentro de la dicha linea, o consentiendo que alla vaiam sus naturales, vasallos, subditos o extranjeros, puesto que sus naturales, vasallos ny subditos no sean, dandoles pera ello ayuda a favor o concertandose com ellos para que alla vayan contra la forma e asiento deste contrato e sy lo no defendiere y estorvare e inpidiere quanto en el fuere, que el dicho pacto de rretro vendendo quede luego rresoluto, y el dicho señor Rey de Portugal no seia mas obligado a rrecibir el dicho precio ny al rretro vender el derecho e acion que el dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilha, por qualquer via e manera que sea, podria tener a ello, antes que aquel por virtud deste contrato tenga vendido e rrenunciado y traspasado en el dicho señor Rey de Portugal y por el mismo fecho la dicha venta quede pura e valedera para sienpre jamas, como si al principio fuera fecha sin condiciom y pacto de rretro vendendo; pero, porque poderia ser que, naveguando los sobredichos por los mares del sur, donde los subditos e naturales e vasallos del dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilha puedem navegar, les podria sobrevenir tienpo tam forcoso e contrario o necesidad com que fuesem costreñidos, continuando su camino e naveguacion a pasar la dicha linea, en tal caso, no incurriran em pena alguna, mas, antes que, aportamdo e lleguamdo em qualquier de los dichos casos a alguna tierra de las que asy entraren en la dycha linea, e por vertud deste contrato pertenecieren al dicho señor Rey de Portugal, que sean tratados por sus subditos e vasalos e moradores della como vasalos de su hermano y asy como el dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilha mandaria tratar a los suyos que desta manera aportasen a sus tieras de la Nueva España o a otras de aquellas partes, con tanto que, cesando la dicha necesidad, se salgam lueguo y se buelvan a sus mares del sur; y, siendo caso que los sobre dichos pasasem por ignorancia la dicha linea, es concordado e asentado que no incurram por ello em pena alguũa, em quanto no constare claramente que, sabiendo ellos que estavan dentro de la dicha linea, no se bolvieren e salieren fuera della, como es acordado e asentado em el caso que entrasem con tiempo forcoso y contrario o de necesidad; porque, quamdo esto constare, se avra por probado que com malicia pasaran la linea, y seran pugnidos y avran aquelas penas que han de aver aquellos que entraren dentro de la linea, como dicho es, y en este contrato es contenido y declarado; y hallando los sobredichos o descubriendo emquanto dentro de la dicha linea ansy anduvieren algunas yslas o tierras dentro de la dicha linea, que las tales yslas o tierras quedem luego libremente e con efecto al dicho señor Rey de Portugal e a sus sobcesores, como sy por sus capitanes e vasallos descuviertas e halhadas e poseydas al tal tempo fuesen; y es concordado y asentado por los dichos procuradores que las naaos e navios del dicho señor Emperador Rey de Castilla y de sua subditos, vasalos, e naturales puedam yr e navegar por los mares del dicho señor Rey de Portugal, por donde sus armadas vam para la Imdia, tanto solamente quanto los fuere necesario para tomar sus derrotas derechas para el estrecho de Magalhanes; y haziemdo lo contrario de lo suso dicho, naveguando mas por los dichos mares del dicho señor Rey de Portugal, de lo que dicho es, yncuriran por el mismo fecho, asy el dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilla, constando que lo hizieron por su mandado, favor y ajuda o consentimiento, y los que asy navegaren y fueren contra lo suso dicho en las penas sobredichas, asy e de la manera que de suso em este contrato es declarado.

7. Item,[26] fue asentado e comcordado que lo que toca a que sy algunos subditos del dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castella o otros algunos fueren tomados e hallados, de aquy adelante, dentro de los dichos limites ariba declarados, seam presos por qualquier capitan o capitanes o gentes del dicho señor Rey de Portuguall, y por los dichos sus capitanes, oydos, castigados y pugnidos como cosarios, violadores e quebrantadores de paz; y que, no siendo hallados dentro de la dicha linea, y viniendo a qualquier puerto del dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilla, su magestad e sus justicias seam obligados de los tomar e premder, tanto que les fueren presentados autos e pesquisas que les fueren enbiados por el dicho señor Rey de Portugal e por sus justicias, por los quales se muestre ser culpados en las cosas suso dichas y los pugnir y castigar enteramente, como malhechores y quebrantadores de fee y de paz y lo demas que se asienta por este contrato, em quanto toca a no pasar la dicha linea nimgunos subditos del dicho señor Enperador e Rey de Castilha, ni otros algunos por su mamdado, consentimiento, favor o ayuda; y las penas que cerca desto se ponen, se entienda desdel dia que fuere noteficado a los subditos del dicho señor Emperador y gentes que por aquellas mares e partes estam y naveguan, en adelante; y que, antes de la tal notificacam, no incurram en las dichas penas; pero esto se entienda quanto a las gentes de las armadas del dicho señor emperador, que, hasta aguora, a aquelas partes son ydas, y que desd el dia del otorgamiento deste contrato em adelante, durante el tempo que la dicha venta no fuere desfecha en la forma suso dicha, no pueda embiar ni embie otras algunas de nuevo, sin incorrir en las dichas penas.

8. Item,[27] fue concordado e asentado por los dichos procuradores que el dicho señor Rey de Portugal no hara por sy ny por otro ny mandara hazer de nuevo fortaleza alguna em Maluco, ny al rrededor del com veinte leguas, ny de Maluco hasta donde por este contrato se ha por lancada la linea; y es asentado y son concordes todos los dichos procuradores de la una parte y de la otra que este tempo de nuevo se entienda, comviene a saber, desd el tiempo que el dicho señor Rey de Portugal pudiere alla embiar a noteficar que no se haga ninguna fortaleza de nuevo, que sera en la primera armada que fuere del dicho rreino de Portugal para la Imdia, despues deste contrato ser confirmado e aprobado por los dichos señores sus constituientes, y selado de seus sellos; y, quanto a la fortaleza que aguora estaa fecha em Maluquo, no se hara mas obra alguna em ella de nuevo, desdel dicho tiempo em adelante, solamente se rreparara e sosterna em el estado em que estuviere al dicho tiempo, si ell dicho señor Rey de Portugal quisiere, el qual jura e prometa de gardalo e comprilo asy.

9. Item,[28] es asentado e concordado que las armades que el dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilha hasta aguora tiene enbiadas a las dichas partes seam miradas y bien tratadas e favorecidas del dicho señor Rey de Portugal y de sus gentes, y no les sea puesto embaraco ni impidimiento en su naveguacion e contratacion, y que si daño alguno, lo que no se cree, ellos ubieren rrecebido o rrecebieren de sus capitanes o gentes, o les ubieren tomado alguna cosa, que el dicho señor Rey de Portugal sea obligado de emmendar e satisfazer e rrestetuir y pagar luego todo aquelo em que el dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilla y sus subditos y armadas ubieren sido danificados, e de mamdar pugnir y castigar a los que lo hizieren y de proveer que las armadas y gentes del dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilla se puedam venir quando quisieren, libremente sin impidimiento alguno.[29]

10. Item,[30] es asentado que el dicho señor Emperador y Rey de Castilla mamde dar luego sus cartas y provisiones para sus capitanes e gentes que estuvieren en las dychas yslas que lueguo se vengam y no contraten mas em ellas, com que les dexem traer libremente lo que abieren rrescatado y contratado y cargado.[31]

11. Item,[32] es asentado e comcordado que en las provisiones e cartas que cerca deste asiento e contrato ha de dar e despachar el dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilla, se ponga e digua que lo que, segun dicho es, se asienta, capitula e contrata, valga biem asy como se fuese fecho e pasado em cortes generales com consentimiento expreso de los procuradores dellas; y que, para validacion dello, de su poderio rreal absoluto de que, como rrey e señor natural, no rreconociente superior en lo temporal, quiere usar e usa, abroga e deroga, casa e anula la supplicacion que los procuradores de las cibdades e vyllas destos reynos en las cortes que se celebraron en la cibdad de Toledo el año pasado, de quinientos e veinte e cinquo, le hizieron cerca de lo tocante a la contrataciom de las dichas yslas e tierras y la rrespoesta que a ello dio y qualquier ley que en las dichas cortes sobre ello se hizo y todas las otras que a esto puedam obstar.

12. Item,[33] es asentado que el dicho señor Rey de Portugal, porque algunos subditos del dicho señor Emperador y Rey de Castilla y otros de fuera de sus rreynos que le vinieron a servir se quexan que em su Casa de la Imdia y em su rreyno le tienem embaracadas sus haziendas, promete de mandar hazer clara e abierta e breve justicia, sin tener rrespecto a henojo que dellos se pueda tener, por aver venido a servir y servido al dicho señor Emperador.

13. Item,[34] fue asentado y concordado por los dichos procuradores em nombre de los dichos sus constetuientes que las capitulaciones hechas entre las dichos Catolicos rreies, Dom Fernando e Doña Ysabel, y el rrey, Dom Juam el segundo, de Portugal, sobre la demarcaciom del mar oceano, quedem firmes e valederas em todo e per todo, como en ellas es contenido e declarado, tirando aquelas cosas em que, por este contrato, em otra manera som concordadas e asentadas; y, siendo caso que el dicho señor Emperador y Rey de Castilla torne el precio que, por este contrato, le es dado, en la manera que dicha es, em modo que la venta quede desfecha, en tal caso, las dichas capita laciones hechas entre los dichos Catholicos reyes, Dom Fernando e Doña Ysabel, y el dicho rrey, Dom Juan el segundo, de Portugal, quedaran em toda su fuerca e vigor, como si este contrato no fuera fecho, como en ellas e contenido; y seran los dichos señores sus constituientes obligados de las complir e gardar em todo e per todo, como en ellas es asentado.

14. Item,[35] es acordado e asentado por los dichos procuradores que puesto que el derecho e action que el dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilla dize que tiene a las dichas tierras, lugares e mares e yslas que ansy por el modo sobredicho vende al dicho señor Rey de Portugal valgua mas de la mitad del justo precio que por ello le da, el dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilla sepa cierto e de cierta sabiduria por cierta informacion de personas em ello expertas, que lo muy biem saben y entieadem que es de mucho maior valor y estimacion, alende de la mitad del justo precio que el dicho señor Rey de Portugal da al dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilla a plaze hazer donacion, como de hecho la haze, donde el dicho dia para siempre jamas entre bivos valedera de la dicha maior valia y estimacion que asy vale mas e alemde de la mitad del justo precio por muy gran mas valia que sea, la qual maior valia y estimacion, alende de la mitad del justo precio, el dicho señor Emperador e Rey de Castilla dimitte de sy e de sus subcesores y desmienbra de la corona da sus rreynos para sienpre, y todo trespasa al dicho señor Rey de Portugal e a sus subcesores y corona de sus rreynos, rrealmente e com efecto, por el modo sobredicho, durante el tiempo deste contrato.

15. Item,[36] es concordado y asentado por los dichos procuradores que qualquier de las partes que contra este contrato o parte del fuere, por sy o por otro, por qualquier modo, via, o manera, que sea, pensada o no pensada, que por el mismo hecho pierda el derecho que tiene por qualquier via, modo, o manera que sea; y todo lueguo quede aplicado, junto, e adquirido a la otra parte, que por el dicho contrato estuviere y contra el no fuere y a la corona de sus rreynos, sin para ello el que contra el fuere, sea mas citado, oydo, ni rrequerido, ny ser necesario sobre ello darse mas otra sentencia por juez ni juzgador alguno que sea, averigandose y provandose primeramente el mandado o consentimiento o favor de la parte que contra ello viniere; y alende desto, el que contra este contrato fuere, por qualquier modo e manera que sea, em parte o em todo, pague a la otra parte que por el estuviere, duzientos mil ducados de oro, de peña, y en nombre de pena e intarese, en la qual pena incuriran tantas vezees quantas contra el fueren, em parte, o em todo, como dicho es; y la pena llevade o no llevada, todavia este contrato quedara firme y valedero y estable para siempre jamas em favor de aquel que por el estuviere, y contra el o parte del no fuere, para lo qual obligaron todos los bienes patrimoniales e fiscales de los dichos sus constetuientes y de las coronas de sus rreinos, de todo conplir y mantener asy e tan cumplidamente como em ellos se contiene.

16. Item,[37] fue asentado e concordado por los dichos procuradores que los dichos señores sus constetuientes y cada uno dellos, juraram solenemente y prometeran por el dicho juramiento, que por sy e por sus sucesores nunca em ninguun tiempo vendram contra este contrato em todo ny em parte, por sy ny por otro, en juizio ny fuera del, por ninguna via, forma, ny manera que sea y pensar se pueda, y que nunca em tiempo alguno, por sy ny por otro, pediran relaxacion del dicho juramiento a nuestro muy Sancto Padre, ny a otro que, pera ello, poder tenga; y, puesto que Su Santidad, o quiem pera ello poder tuviere, sin le ser pedido, de su propio motu, les rrelaxe el dicho juramiento, que lo no aceptaran, ny nunca em alguun tiempo usaran de la dicha rrelaxacion, ny se ajudaran della, ni aprovecharan em ninguna manera ny via que sea, em juizio, ny fuera del.

17. Item,[38] fue comcordado e asentado por los dichos procuradores que, para mas corroboracion y firmeza deste contrato, que este contrato e transacion, com todas sus clausulas, comdiciones, pactos, obligaciones y declaraciones del, asy e por la manera que en el som contenidas, sea juzgado por sentencia del papa, e confirmado e aprobado por Su Santidad, por bulla appostolica, com su sello, en la qual bula de sentencia, confirmacion, e aprobacion sera inserto todo este contrato, de verbo ad verbum; y que Su Santidad, en la dicha sentencia, supla e aya por suplido, de su cierta sciencia, e poderio absoluto, todo e qualquier defeto e solenidad que de hecho e de derecho se rrequiera para este contrato ser mas firme e valedero en todo e qualquier parte dello; y que Su Sanctidad ponga sentencia descomunion, asy en las partes principales, como em qualesquier otras personas que contra el fueren y lo no gardaren, em todo o em parte, por qualquier via, modo, e manera que sea, en la qual sentencia descomunion declarara e mandara que incurram ipso facto los que contra el dicha contrato fueren, em todo o em parte, sin para ello se rrequiera ni sea necesaria otra sentencia descomunion ny declaraciom della, y que los tales no puedam ser absueltos por Su Sanctidad, ny por otra persona por su mandado, sin consentimiento de la otra parte a quien tocare, y sim primero ser para la tal absolucion citada e rrequerida e oyda; e los dichos procuradores desde agora para entonces, y desde entonces para agora, em nombre de los dichos sus constetuientes, suplican a Su Sanctidad que lo quiera asy confirmar e juzgar por sentenc...ia del modo e manera que em este capitolo esta asentado e declarado, de la qual confirmacion e aprobacion cada una de las partes podra sacar su bulla, la qual los dichos procuradores, em nombre de los dichos sus constituientes peden a Su Sanctidad que mande dar a cada uno dellos que la expedir quisiere, sim mas la otra parte para ello se rrequerir para confirmacion e firmeza de su derecho.

Y todo lo sobredicho asy concordado e asentado, como de suso es contenido, los dichos procuradores, em nombre de los dichos sus constituientes, y por vertud de las dichas sus procuraciones, dixeron ante mym, el dicho secretario e notario publico, e ante los testigos de yuso escriptos y firmados, que aprobavan, loavan, y otorgavan pera siempre jamas, asy e tan enteramente. com todas las clausulas, declaraciones, pactos y convenciones, penas y obligaciones en este contrato contenidas; y promitieron y se obligaron, la una parte a la otra, la otra a la otra, em nombre de los dichos sus constituientes, estipulantes e aceptantes por solene estipulacion, de asy lo tener e complir y gardar para siempre jamas, y que los dichos sus constituientes y sus sobcesores y todos sus vasalhos, subditos, y naturales, ternan y gardaran e compliran, agora e pera siempre, el dicho contrato e todo lo en el contenido, so las penas y obligaciones en el declaradas; y que nom yran nim vernam, nym consentiran ny permitiran que sea ido ny venido contra el, ny parte alguna del, directe ny indirectemente, em juizio ny fuera del, por ninguna causa, color, ni caso alguno que sea, o ser pueda, pensada o por pensar; y dixeron los dichos procuradores em nombre de los dichos senhores sus constituientes que renunciavan, como de hecho rrenunciaran todas las enexaciones y ecepciones e todos rremedios juridicos, beneficios y concilios ordinarios y extraordinarios, que a los dichos señores sus constituientes, y a cada uno dellos conpetem, o podram conpetir e pertenecer por derecho, aguora y en qualquier tiempo de aquy adelante, para anular y rrevocar o quebrantar, en todo o em parte, este contrato, o para impedir el efecto del, y ansy mismo rrenunciaran todos las derechos, leis, costunbres, estilos, hazañas y openiones de doctores, que para ello los pudiesem aprovechar, em qualquier manera, y especialmente rrenunciaran las leis y derechos que dizem que general rrenunciacion no val, para lo qual todo asy tener e gardar y complir obligaron los dichos procuradores todos los bienes, patrimoniales e fiscales, de los dichos sus constituientes y de las coronas de sus reinos; y, por maior firmeza, los dichos procuradores dixeron que jurarian, como de hecho loguo juraran ante mym, el dicho secretario y notario suso dicho, e testigos de yuso espritos, a Dios y a Sancta Maria y a la señal de la Cruz y a los sanctos Avangelios, que com sus manos derechas tocaran, em nombre y en las animas de los dichos sus constituientes, por virtud de los dichos poderes que especialmente para ello tienem, que ellos, y cada uno dellos, por sy y por sus subcesores, ternam, e gardaran y haran tener y gardar, para siempre jamas, este contrato, como en el es contenido; y que los dichos señores sus constituientes, y cada uno dellos, confirmaran, aprovaran, loaran e rratificaran y otorgaran de nuevo esta capitulacion, y todo lo en ello contenido, y cada cosa, y parte dello, y prometeran y se obligaran y juraran de lo gardar y complir cada una de las partes, pelo que le toca, incumbe e atañe de hazer e gardar e complir, rrealmente y com efecto, a buena fee, sim mal engaño, y sim arte ni cautela alguna; y que los dichos sus constituientes ny alguno dellos, no demamdaran, por sy, ny por otras personas, absulucion, relaxacion, dispensacion, ny conmutacion del dicho juramiento, a nuestro muy sancto Padre, ni a otra persona alguna que poder tenga para lo dar e conceder; y, puesto que de propio motu, o en otra qualquier manera, les sea dada, no usaran della, antes, sin enbargo della, ternan, gardaran, y cumpliran, y haran tener y gardar y conplir todo lo contenido en este dicho contrato, com todas las clausulas, obligaciones y penas, y cada cosa, y parte dello, segund en el se contiene, fiel e verdadera, rrealmente e com efecto, y que dara y entregara, cada una de las dichas partes a la otra, la dicha aprobacion e rratificacion deste contrato, jurada e ffirmada de cada huum de los dichos sus constituientes, y sellada com su sello, desd el dia de la fecha del em veinte dias luego seguientes. Em testimonio y firmeza de lo qual, los dichos procuradores otorgaron este contrato en la forma suso dicha, ante mym, el dicho secretario y notario suso dicho, y de los testigos de yuso espritos, y lo firmaron de sus nombres, y pidierom a mynı, el dicho secretario y notario, que les diese uno y muchos instrumentos, se les necesario fuesen, sub my publica firma y signo; que fue fecha y otorgada em la dicha cibdad de Caragoca, el dia, mes y anno suso dichos. Testigos que fuerom presentes al otorgamiento deste dicho contrato, y vieron firmar en el a todos los dichos señores procuradores, en el rregistro de mym, el dicho secretario, y los vieron jurar corporalmente em mano de mym, el dicho secretario: Alonso de Valdes, secretario del dicho señor Emperador, y Agustin de Urbina, chancyller de su Magestad, Jeronimo Rancio, criado del dicho señor chanciler, y Conde de Gatynara; y Hernam Rodriguez y Antonio de Sosa, criados del dicho señor embaixador Antonio de Azevedo, y Alonso de Ydiaquez, criado de mym, el dicho secretario, los quales dichos testigos, asy mismo firmaran sus nombres en el rregistro de mym, el dicho secretario. Mercurinus, cancellarius. Frater Garcia, episcopus Oxomensis. El Comendador Mayor. Antonio de Azevedo, coutinho. Testigos: Alonso de Valdes, Jeronimo Rancio, Agustin de Urbina, Antonio de Sousa, Fernan Rodriguez, Alonso de Ydiaquez. E yo, el dicho secretario y notario. Francisquo de los Covos, fuy presente, en uno con los dichos testigos, al otorgamiento deste contrato y asiento, y al juramiento en el contenido, que en mis manos hizieron los dichos señores procuradores, y al firmar dellos y de los dichos testigos, en el rregisto que queda en my poder: e a pedimiento del dicho señor embaxador Antonio de Azevedo, hyze sacar este treslado; e, por ende, fize aquy mi signo em testimonio de verdad. Francisquo de los Covos. La qual dicha espritura e asiento, que de suso va incorporado, por nos vista y entendida, y cada cosa y parte dello, y siendo ciertos y certificados de todo lo en ella contenido, por la presente lo loamos e confirmamos e aprobamos y rreteficamos, y quanto es necesario de nuevo otorgamos, y prometemos de tener y gardar la dicha escriptura y asiento, que asy polos dichos nuestros procuradores, e asy mismo por el dicho embaixador, procurador del dicho serenisimo, muy alto, muy poderoso Rey de Portugal, nuestro ermano, fue asentada e otorgada e concertada em nuestros nombres, y cada cosa e parte dello, de todo lo tener y guardar, realmente y com efeto, a buena fee, sim mal emgaño, cesante todo fraude e simulacion, dolo e cautela, e toda otra especie de decebcion y arte; y queremos y somos contentos que se guarde e cunpla, segund y como en ella se contiene, bien asy y tan complidamente, como sy por nos fuera hecha y asentada. E, para validacion e corroboracion e firmeza de la dicha espritura de venta e asiento, derogamos e abrogamos, casamos e anulamos todas las leis e derechos, prematicas, hazañas, y openiones de doctores, que al valor de la dicha espritura de suso emcorporada seam contrarias; especialmente derogamos, casamos, e anulamos quallesquiera peticiones de procuradores del rreyno que en las cortes de Toledo, o en otras qualesquiera que ayamos tenido, no [sic] seam fechas sobre que no hagamos este concierto e asiento, ny otro alguno, con el dicho serenisimo rrey, nuestro hermano, puesto que especie de contrato tengan; e asy mismo qualesquiera prematicas, capitolos de cortes, que, sobre las dichas peteciones de procuradores del rreyno, hayamos hecho, porque todas e cada una dellas derogamos, abrogamos, anulamos y casamos, y avemos por ningunas, de nuestro poderio rreal absuluto, no rreconocientes superior en lo temporal; y avemos por buena la dicha spritura de venta, con el dicho pacto de rretro vendendo, y la confirmamos y rreteficamos, desde aguora pera siempre jamas, y la avemos por buena y provechosa a nos y a la corona de nosos rreinos; y queremos que valga como se em cortes, y con consentimiento de los procuradores de las cibdades, villas y pueblos de nuestros rreinos, fuese fecha; la qual asy confirmamos e rreteficamos e aprovamos por causas a nos conocidas y provechosas, y a la corona de nuestros rreinos; y avemos por casadas, anuladas, e abrogadas todas e qualesquiera leies e derechos que en contrario seam; especialmente derogamos, casamos e anulamos las leies que dizen e disponen que general rrenunciacion nom vale. E yo, el rrey, juro a Dios y a Santa Maria, y a las palavras de los Sanctos Avangelios, y a la señal de la Cruz em que ponguo nuestra mano derecha, y prometemos, por nos, y por nuestros subcesores, de nunca yr nem venir, ny consentir, ny permetir que se vaya ny pase contra esta espritura de venta, com pacto de rretro vendemdo, ny parte della, dereite ny indercite, ny por otra alguna caussa, pensada o no pensada, so color alguna, por nos ny por otro, ny consentiremos ny permiteremos que otra alguna persona o personas vayam contra la dicha espritura e asiento, antes lo defenderemos, y castigaremos e proiberemos quanto a nos posible sea, so cargo del dicho juramiento, del no pediremos rrelaxacion, como por mys procuradores esta otorgado, ny usaremos della, puesto que el papa, o otro que su poder tenga, de su propio motu nos la conceda, puesto que tenga clausulas derogatorias e abrogatorias de todo lo que dicho es, porque todo lo rrenunciamos, y prometemos de no usar dello, so cargo del dicho juramiento, y, para certenidad desta nuestra voluntad y firmeza y validacion de lo suso dicho, mandamos pasar y dar esta nuestra carta de aprobacion, rratificacion, abrogacion y anulacion, firmada por my, el rrey, y sellada con nuestro sello. Dada en la cidad de Lerida, a veinte e tres dias del mes dAbril, año del Señor de mil e quinientos e veinte e nueve años. Yo, El Rey. Yo, Francisquo de los Covos, secretario de Sus Cesarea y Catholicas Magestades, la fize screvir por su mamdado. Mercurinus, cancelarius. Frater Garcia, episcopus Oxomensis. El Comendador Maior.

A qual carta de contrato, capitolacam, e asento de pacto de rretro vendendo, vista por mym, e todas as condicões e clausulas em ella conteudas, de palavra a palavra, bem vistas e entendidas, a comfirmo, aprovo, e rretefico, e ey por booa e todas as cousas em ella conteudas e cada huũa dellas; e prometo por minha fee rreal, y juro aos santos Avangelhos, sobre que pus minhas maãos, que as comprirey e gardarcy, comvem a saber, aquelas que a mym toca comprir e guardar, por bem, do dito contrato, capitolacam, e asento, asy e tam inteiramente como nela he conteudo e declarado e sem mingoamento alguum, e sob as penas, clausulas, pactos, e condicões que nela se contem. E prometo e juro, por mym e por meus erdeiros e sobcesores, de nunca em nenhuum tempo, nem por modo alguum, por mym, nem por outrem, hiir nem viir contra o dito contrato, capitolacam, e asento, nem contra cousa alguũa das que em elle sam contiudas, antes em todo e por todo as comprirey e guardarey, e farey comprir e gardar, a boa fee, sem arte, cautela, emgano nem malicia alguũa, como dito he. E, por certidam de todo, mamdeey fazer esta carta de comfirmacam, aprovacam e rreteficacam, por mym asinada e aselada do meu selo pendente em chumbo. Dada em a cidade de Lixboa, a vinte dias de Junho. Pero dAlcacova Carneiro a fez. Anno de Noso Senhor Jesuu Cristo de mil e quinhentos e trinta annos.

El Rey.


Dom John, by the grace of God king of Portugal, and of the Algarves on this side and beyond the sea in Africa, lord of Guinea and of the conquest, navigation, and commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, and India. Be it known to all who shall see this my deed of confirmation, approval, and ratification, that between me and Don Charles, emperor ever august, king of Germany, Castile, Leon, Aragon, the Two Sicilies, Jerusalem, etc., my very beloved and prudent brother, there was doubt and dispute in respect to the ownership and possession (or quasi-possession), title, navigation, and commerce of the Moluccas and other islands and seas, each of us saying that they belonged to him and that he was in the possession of all the aforesaid: and because of our very close relationship, and in order that no discontent might ever be felt between our vassals and the natives of our kingdoms, and that the great love, justice, and obligation existing between us might always be preserved, we have concerted in respect to the aforesaid a deed of contract, treaty, and agreement, made by our sufficient and qualified representatives, deputed therefor, the tenor of which, word for word, is as follows:

Don Charles, by the divine clemency elected emperor ever august, king of Germany, Doña Joanna, his mother, and the same Don Charles, her son, by the grace of God king and queen of Castile, Leon, Aragon, the Two Sicilies, Jerusalem, Navarre, Granada, Toledo, Valencia, Galicia, Seville, Cordova, Corsica, Murcia, Jaen, the Algarves, Algeciras, Gibraltar, the Canary Islands, the Indies, islands and mainland of the ocean sea, archduke and archduchess of Austria, duke and duchess of Burgundy and Brabant, count and countess of Barcelona, Flanders, and Tyrol, lord and lady of Biscay and Molina, duke and duchess of Athens and Neopatras, count and countess of Roussillon and Cerdagne, marquis and marchioness of Oristano and Gociano, etc., we have seen and read a deed of treaty and agreement of sale with compact of retrovendendo of the right and possession, or quasi-possession, and action that we have or may have in the Molucca Islands—in whatever way the right may or can pertain to us—and in the lands, islands, and seas mentioned in the said contract and agreement, made in our name by Mercurino de Gattinara, count of Gattinara, grand chancellor of me, the king, and by Don Fray Garcia de Loaysa, bishop of Osma, my confessor, and by Don Garcia de Padilla, chief knight-commander of Calatrava, all members of our council and our representatives, and by Antonin d'Azevedo, contino, member of the council and ambassador of the most serene, very exalted and very mighty King of Portugal, our very dear and greatly beloved brother, and his representative, the tenor of which, word for word, is as follows:

In the name of God Almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, three Persons, and only one true God. Be it known and manifest to all who shall see this public instrument of adjustment and contract of sale, with compact of retrovendendo, that in the city of Saragossa, which is in the kingdom of Aragon, on the twenty-second day of the month of April, in the year of the nativity of our Savior Jesus Christ, 1529, in the presence of me, Francisco de los Cobos, secretary and member of the council of the emperor, Don Charles, and of the queen, Doña Joanna, his mother, queen and king of Castile, and their scrivener and notary public, and in the presence of the undersigned witnesses, appeared the lords, Mercurino de Gattinara, count of Gattinara, grand chancellor of the said emperor, the very reverend Don Fray García de Loaysa, bishop of Osma, his confessor, and Don Fray Garcia de Padilla, chief knight-commander of the Order of Calatrava, all three members of the council of the said very exalted and very powerful princes, Don Charles, by divine clemency elected emperor ever august, king of Germany, and Doña Joanna, his mother, and the same Don Charles, her son, by the grace of God, king and queen of Castile, Leon, Aragon, the Two Sicilies, Jerusalem, Navarre, Granada, etc., in the name and as representatives of the said lords, emperor and king and queen of Castile, on the one part, and Antonio d'Azevedo, contino, member of the council and ambassador of the very exalted and very powerful lord, Dom John, by the grace of God king of Portugal, of the Algarves on this side of and beyond the sea in Africa, lord of Guinea and of the conquest, navigation, and commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, and India, etc., in his name, and as his representative on the other part; as they presently proved by their procurations, suitable and sufficient for this contract, signed by the mid lords, emperor and king and queen of Castile and the King of Portugal, and sealed with their seals. Verbatim transcripts of these said procurations are as follows:

[Here follow the full powers granted by the sovereigns of Castile to the Count of Gattinara, the Bishop of Osma, and the chief Knight-Commander of Calatrava on April 15, 1529, and the full powers granted by John III. of Portugal to Antonio d'Azevedo on October 18, 1528.] After[39] said authorizations were presented by the said representatives it was declared that, inasmuch as there existed a doubt between the said Emperor and King of Castile, etc., and the said King of Portugal, etc., concerning the ownership, possession, and rights, or possession, or quasi-possession, navigation, and trade of the Moluccas and other islands and seas, which each one of the said lords, the Emperor and King of Castile and the King of Portugal, declares as his, both by virtue of the treaties made by the most exalted, powerful, and Catholic sovereigns, Don Fernando and Doña Isabella, rulers of Castile, grandparents of the said Emperor and the King, Dom John II., of Portugal (may they rest in glory), about the demarcation of the ocean sea, and by virtue of other rights and privileges which each one of the said emperor and monarchs asserts to belong and pertain to said islands, seas, and lands belonging to him of which he is in possession; and inasmuch as the said emperor and monarchs considering the very close relationship and great affection existing between them, and which not only should very rightly be preserved, but as far as possible be increased, and in order to free themselves from the doubts, complaints, and disputes that might arise between them, and the many troubles that might ensue among their vassals and subjects and the natives of their kingdoms, the said emperor and monarchs, and the said attorneys acting in their names, have covenanted and agreed as to the said doubts and disputes in the following form and manner:

1. First, the said Grand Chancellor, the Bishop of Osma, and the Commander-in-chief of Calatrava, attorneys of the said emperor and sovereign of Castile, declared that they, in his name, and by virtue of their said power of attorney, would sell and in fact did sell from this day and for all time, to the said King of Portugal, for him and all the successors to the crown of his kingdoms, all right, action, dominion, ownership, and possession, or quasi-possession, and all rights of navigation, traffic, and trade in any manner whatsoever, that the said Emperor and King of Castile declares that he holds and could hold howsoever and in whatsoever manner in the said Moluccas, the islands, places, lands, and seas, as will be declared hereafter; this, with the declarations, limitations, conditions, and clauses contained and stated hereunder, for the sum of three hundred and fifty thousand ducats of gold, paid in the current money, of gold or silver, each ducat being valued in Castile at three hundred and seventy-five maravedis. The said King of Portugal will give and pay this amount to the said Emperor and King of Castile, and to the persons whom his Majesty may appoint, in the following manner: one hundred and fifty thousand ducals to be paid at Lisbon within the first fifteen or twenty days after this contract, confirmed by the said Emperor and King of Castile, shall have arrived at the city of Lisbon, or wherever the said King of Portugal may be; thirty thousand ducats to be paid in Castile—twenty thousand at Valladolid and ten thousand at Seville, by the twentieth day of the month of May of this present year; seventy thousand ducats to be paid in Castile at the May fair of Medina del Campo of this same year, at the terms of the payments of said fair, and the hundred thousand ducats remaining at the October fair at the said town of Medina del Campo, of this same year, at the terms of the payment of the same—all to be paid over and above the rate of exchange. If necessary, notes will be given for the said time; and, if said Emperor and King of Castile wishes to take in exchange the said hundred thousand ducats at the said May fair of this said year in order to avail himself of their use, he shall pay the said King of Portugal exchange at the rate of five or six per cent., the rate which his treasurer, Hernand Alvarez, is accustomed to exact from fair to fair. The aforesaid sale is made by the said Emperor and King of Castile to the said King of Portugal on condition that, at whatever time the said Emperor and King of Castile or his successors should wish to return and should return all of the said three hundred and fifty thousand ducats without any shortage to the said King of Portugal or his successors, the said sale becomes null and void and each one of the said sovereigns shall enjoy the right and authority which be now holds and claims to hold, both as regards the right of possession or quasi-possession, and as regards the proprietorship, howsoever and in whatever manner they belong to him, as if this contract were not made, and in the manner in which they first held possession and claimed to hold it, and this contract shall cause no prejudice or innovation.

2. Item, it is covenanted and agreed by the said attorneys, in the names of their said constituents, that, in order to ascertain what islands, places, lands, seas, and their rights and jurisdiction, are sold henceforth and forever by the said Emperor and King of Castile, by this contract under the aforesaid condition, to the said King of Portugal, a line must be determined from pole to pole, that is to say, from north to south, by a semicircle extending northeast by east nineteen degrees from Molucca, to which number of degrees correspond almost seventeen degrees on the equinoctial, amounting to two hundred and ninety-seven and one-half leagues east of the islands of Molucca, allowing seventeen and one-half leagues to an equinoctial degree. In this northeast by east meridian and direction are situated the islands of Las Velas and  [40] Santo Thome, through which the said line and semicircle passes. Since these islands are situated and are distant from Molucca the said distance, more or less, the deputies determine and agree that the said line be drawn at the said two hundred and ninety-seven and one-half leagues to the east, the equivalent of the nineteen degrees northeast by east from the said islands of Molucca, as aforesaid. The said deputies declare that, in order to ascertain where the said line should be drawn, two [model] charts of the same tenor shall be made, conformable to the [model] chart in the India House of Trade at Seville, and by which the fleets, vassals, and subjects of the said Emperor and King of Castile navigate. Within thirty days from the date of this contract two persons shall be appointed by each side to examine the aforesaid chart and make the two copies aforesaid conformable to it. In them the said line shall be drawn in the manner aforesaid; and they shall be signed by the said sovereigns and sealed with their seals, so that each one will keep his own chart; and the said line shall remain fixed henceforth at the point and place so designated. This chart shall also designate the spot in which the said vassals of the said Emperor and King of Castile shall situate and locate Molucca, which during the time of this contract shall be regarded as situated in such place, although in truth it is situated more or less distance eastward from the place that is designated in the said charts. The seventeen degrees eastward shall be drawn from the point where Molucca is situated in said charts. For the good of this contract the said King of Portugal must have said chart, and in case the aforesaid be not found in the House of Trade of Seville, the said persons appointed by the said sovereigns shall make said charts within one month, signed and sealed as aforesaid. Furthermore navigation charts shall be made by them, in which the said line shall be drawn in the manner aforesaid, so that henceforth the said vassals, natives, and subjects of the said Emperor and King of Castile shall navigate by them; and so that the navigators of either part shall be certain of the location of the said line and of the aforesaid distance of the two hundred and ninety-seven and one-half leagues between the said line and Molucca.

3. It is covenanted and agreed by the said deputies that, whenever the said King of Portugal shall wish to prove his right to the proprietorship of Molucca, and the lands and seas specified in this contract, and although at that time the said Emperor and King of Castile shall not have returned the price abovesaid, nor the said contract be cancelled, it shall be done in the following manner, namely, each one of the said sovereigns shall appoint three astrologers and three pilots or three mariners, who are experts in navigation, who shall assemble at a place on the frontier between the kingdoms, where it shall be agreed that they assemble, within four months of the time when the Emperor and King of Castile, or his successors, shall be notified by the said King of Portugal to appoint a day. There they shall consult, covenant, and agree upon the manner of ascertaining the right of said proprietorship conformable to said treaty and contract made between the said Catholic sovereigns, Don Ferdinand and Doña Isabella, and the said king. Dom John II., of Portugal. In case the said Emperor and King of Castile be judged to have the right of said proprietorship, such sentence shall not be executed nor used until the said Emperor and King of Castile, or his successors, shall first have actually returned all the said three hundred and fifty thousand ducats, which by virtue of this contract shall have been given. If the right of proprietorship be conceded to the said King of Portugal, the said Emperor and King of Castile, or his successors, shall be obliged actually to return the said three hundred and fifty thousand ducats to the said King of Portugal, or his successors, within the first four years ensuing after the date of such sentence.

4. Item, it was covenanted and agreed by said deputies, in the names of their said constituents, that, since this contract of sale shall be valid and hold good henceforth from date, if any spices or drugs of any sort whatever be brought to any ports or parts of the kingdoms and seigniories of either of the said constituents, in charge of the vassals, subjects, or natives of the kingdoms of the said Emperor and King of Castile, or by any other persons whomsoever who may not be vassals, subjects, or natives of said kingdoms, then the said Emperor and King of Castile in his kingdoms and seigniories, and the said King of Portugal in his, shall be obliged to order and cause, and they shall order and cause, the said spices or drugs to be deposited securely, without him to whose kingdom they have been brought being so notified to do so by the other side; but they shall be deposited in the name of both, in the power of the person or persons whom each one of the said sovereigns shall have ordered to take charge of said deposit in his lands and seigniories. The said sovereigns shall be obliged to order and cause such deposit to be made in the manner abovesaid, whether the said spices or drugs are found in the possession of those who brought them, or in the power of any other person or persons, in whatsoever regions or districts they shall have been found. The said emperor and kings shall be obliged to give notification to this effect henceforth throughout all their kingdoms and seigniories so that these instructions may be complied with and no one may plead ignorance of them. The said spices or drugs having been taken to any ports or lands that do not belong to either one of the said sovereigns, provided they are not those of enemies, either one of them by virtue of this contract may require, in the name of both, and without showing any further provision or power of the other to the justice of the kingdoms and seigniories where said drugs or spices beppen to be, or to have been found, and they may order them to be deposited, and they shall be deposited. In whatsoever ports said drugs or spices are thus found they will be under embargo and deposited by both until it is known from whose demarcation they were taken. In order to ascertain if the places and lands from which the said spices or drugs are taken and brought fall within the demarcation and limits which by this contract remain to the said King of Castile, and if they contain the said spices or drugs, the said emperor and kings shall despatch two or four ships, an equal number being sent by both. In these an equal number of persons from both sides, sworn to fulfill their obligation, shall sail to those places and lands whence the said spices or drugs were said to have been taken and brought, in order to ascertain and determine within whose demarcation are situated the said lands and places whence the said spices or drugs are said to have been brought. Should it be found that said places and lands are within the demarcation of the said Emperor and King of Castile, that the said spices and drugs exist there in such quantity that they could reasonably be carried away, then the said deposit shall be given up and freely delivered to the said Emperor and King of Castile without his being obliged to pay any costs, expenses, interests, or any other thing. If, on the other hand, it be discovered that said drugs or spices were taken from the districts and lands belonging to the said King of Portugal, the said deposit shall be ceded and delivered in like manner to the said King of Portugal without his being obliged to pay any costs, expenses, interests, nor anything whatsoever. The persons who thus imported said drugs or spices shall be penalized and punished by the said Emperor and King of Castile or by his justices, as violators of peace and faith, according to law. Each one of the aforesaid, the emperor and king of Castile and the king of Portugal, shall be obliged to send as many ships and persons as may be required by the other. As soon as the said spices or drugs shall be deposited and placed under embargo in the manner aforesaid, neither the said Emperor and King of Custile, nor his agents, nor anyone with his favor or consent, shall go or send to the said land or lands whence were taken the said drugs or spices in this manner. All that is set forth in this section about the deposit of the spices or drugs shall not be understood to refer to the spices or drugs which may come to any places whatsoever for the said King of Portugal.

5. Item, it is covenanted and agreed that, in all the islands, lands, and seas within the said line, the vessels and people of the said Emperor and King of Castile, or of his subjects, vassals, or natives of his kingdom, or any others (although these latter be not his subjects, vassals, or natives of his kingdoms), shall not, with or without his command, consent, favor, and aid, enter, navigate, barter, traffic, or take on board anything whatsoever that may be in said islands, lands, or seas. Whosoever shall henceforth violate any of the aforesaid provisions, or who shall be found within said line, shall be seized by any captain, captains, or people of the said King of Portugal, and shall be tried, chastised, and punished by the said captains as privateers and violators of the peace. Should they not be found inside of said line by the said captains or people of the said King of Portugal and should come to any port, land, or seigniory whatsoever of the said Emperor and King of Castile, the said Emperor and King of Castile, by his justices in that place, shall be obliged and bound to take and hold them. In the meantime the warrants and examinations proving their guilt in each of the aforesaid things shall be sent by the said King of Portugal, or by his justices, and they shall be punished and chastised exactly as evil-doers and violators of the peace and faith.

6. Item, it is covenanted and agreed by said deputies that the said Emperor and King of Castile shall not personally, or through an agent, send the natives of his kingdoms, his vassals, subjects, or aliens (and although these latter be not natives of his kingdoms, or his vassals or subjects), to the said islands, lands, and seas within said line, nor shall he consent nor give them aid or favor or permit them to go there contrary to the form and determination of this contract. Rather he shall be obliged to forbid, suppress, and prevent it as much as possible. Should the said Emperor and King of Castile, personally or through an agent, send natives of his kingdoms, or his vassals, subjects, or aliens (although these latter be not natives of his kingdoms, or his vassals or subjects), to the said islands, lands, or seas within the said line, or consent to such a thing, giving them aid or favor or permitting them to go contrary to the form and determination of this contract; and should be not forbid, suppress, or prevent it as much as possible, the said agreement of retrovendendo becomes null and void; and the said King of Portugal shall no longer be obliged to receive the said sum, nor to sell back the rights and dominion which the said Emperor and King of Castile might have therein, in any manner whatsoever, but which he has sold, renounced, and delivered to the said King of Portugal by virtue of this contract, and by this very act the said sale shall remain complete and valid forever, as if at first it were made without condition and agreement to sell back. However, since it may happen that, when the aforesaid subjects, natives, or vassals of the said Emperor and King of Castile, navigating as aforesaid in the southern seas, should meet with winds so tempestuous or contrary that they would be constrained by necessity to continue their course and navigation within the said line, they shall in such case incur no penalty whatever. On the contrary, when, in such circumstances, they shall come to and anchor at any land included within the said line, pertaining by virtue of this contract to the said King of Portugal, they shall be treated by his subjects, vassals, and inhabitants of said land as the vassals of his brother, as in the same manner the Emperor and King of Castile would command the Portuguese subjects to be treated who should in like manner arrive at ports in his lands of New Spain or in any other of his ports. It is understood, however, that when each necessity ceases they shall immediately set sail and return to their part of the southern seas. Should the aforesaid subjects cross said line through ignorance, it is herein covenanted and agreed that they shall incur on that account no penalty whatsoever, and as long as it is not fully evident that they know themselves to be within the said line, they shall not turn about and go outside of it as is covenanted and agreed in case of entering on account of tempestuous and contrary winds or necessity. But, when such a fact is quite evident, if it shall be proved that they have entered the line maliciously, they shall be punished and dealt with as those who shall enter the line as aforesaid and as is set forth in this contract. Should the aforesaid discover any islands or lands while navigating within the said line, such islands or lands shall belong freely and actually to the said King of Portugal and his successors, as if they were discovered, found, and taken possession of by his own captains and vassals at such time. It is covenanted and agreed by said deputies that the ships and vessels of the said Emperor and King of Castile and those of his subjects, vassals, and the natives of his kingdoms tray navigate and pass through the seas of the said King of Portugal, whence his fleets sail for India, only as much as may be necessary to take a due course toward the Strait of Magellan. And if they violate the abovesaid and sail farther over the said seas of the said King of Portugal than is mentioned above, both the said Emperor and King of Castile, if it is proved that they did it by his order, countenance, aid, or consent, and those sailing in this manner and violating the abovesaid, shall incur the above penalties in the completeness set forth above in this contract.

7. Item, it was covenanted and agreed that if any of the subjects of the said Emperor and King of Castile or any others shall henceforth be seized and found within the said limite above declared, they shall be imprisoned by any captain, captains, or subjects whatsoever of the said King of Portugal and shall be tried, chastised, and punished as privateers, violators, and disturbers of the peace by the said captains. Should they not be discovered within the said line, and should afterwards come to any port whatever of the said Emperor and King of Castile, his Majesty and his justices shall be obliged to seize and imprison them until the warrants and testimonies sent by the said King of Portugal, or his justices, shall have been presented. If proved guilty of the aforesaid offenses they shall be punished and chastised to the limit as evil-doers and violators of the faith and peace, and of everything else set forth in this contract in regard to the crossing of said line by any subjects of the said Emperor and King of Castile, or any others by his command, consent, favor, or aid. It is understood that those penalties shall apply from the day when the subjects and people of the said emperor now in and navigating those seas and regions shall be notified. Before such notification they shall not incur said penalties. It is to be understood, however, that the aforesaid refers to the people of the fleets of the said emperor which have until now gone to those parts, and that no others be sent without incurring said penalties from the day of the signing of this contract, and henceforth during the time that the said sale be not cancelled in the aforesaid manner.

8. Item, it was covenanted and agreed by the said deputies that the said King of Portugal shall not build nor order built for himself, or any other, any new fortress whatever in Molucca, nor within twenty leagues of it, nor any nearer Molucca than the line which is to be drawn according to this contract. It is covenanted unanimously by the said deputies of both sides that this provision shall take effect, namely, from the time that the said King of Portugal can send there a notification to make no new fortress whatever, that is to say, in the first fleet which shall sail for India from the said kingdom of Portugal after this contract shall here been confirmed and approved by the said constituents and sealed with their seals. There shall be no new work whatsoever undertaken on the fortress which is already built at Molucca, from the said time henceforth; it shall only be repaired and kept in the same condition in which it may be at the aforesaid time, if the said King of Portugal so desires; to the above he shall swear and promise full compliance.

9. Item, it was covenanted and agreed that the fleets which heretofore have been despatched to those regions by the said Emperor and King of Castile be well treated in every way by the said King of Portugal and his people; and that no embargo or obstacle to their navigation or traffic be imposed upon them. If there should be any damage, which is not looked for however, which they shall have received or shall receive from his captains or people, or shall anything have been seized from them, the said King of Portugal shall be obliged to give satisfaction, restore, make good and pay immediately all such damages suffered by the said Emperor and King of Castile and his subjects and fleets; he shall order the offenders to be punished and chastised, and he shall allow the fleets and people of the said Emperor and King of Castile to come and go as they please, freely, without any obstacle whatever.

10. Item, it is covenanted that the said Emperor and King of Castile command letters and instructions to be given immediately to his captains and subjects who are in the said islands that they do no more trading henceforth and return at once, provided that they be allowed to bring freely whatever goods they shall have already bartered, traded, and taken on board.

11. Item, it is covenanted and agreed that in the instructions and letters relating to this covenant and contract, which are to be given and despatched by the said Emperor and King of Castile, it shall declare that this statement, instruction, and contract as above made is as binding as though it were made and passed in the General Cortes.[41] with the express consent of the deputies thereof; and to make it valid by his royal and absolute power, which, as king and natural lord, recognizing no temporal superior, he may exercise and shall exercise, abrogate, abolish, repeal, and annul the supplication made by the deputies of the cities and towns of these kingdoms at the cortes held in the city of Toledo in the past year, [one thousand] five hundred and twenty-five, concerning the trade of the said islands and lands, the reply given to it, and any law that was made on this subject in the said cortes or in any others that may conflict with this.

12. Item, it is hereby covenanted that the said King of Portugal promises to command manifest, sincere, and summary justice to be executed, because certain subjects of the said Emperor and King of Castile and other aliens of his kingdoms who entered his service complain that their possessions have been seized by the former's India House of Trade[42] and in his kingdoms, without any regard to the annoyance caused them thereby, because they have entered the service and did serve the said emperor.

13. Item, it was covenanted and agreed by the said deputies in the names of their said constituents that the treaties negotiated between the said Catholic sovereigns, Don Ferdinand and Doña Isabella and the King Dom John II., of Portugal, in regard to the demarcation of the ocean sea, shall remain valid and binding in toto and in every particular, as is therein contained and declared, excepting those things which are otherwise covenanted and agreed upon in this contract. In case the said Emperor and King of Castile returns the sum which, according to this contract, is to be given in the manner aforesaid, thus cancelling the sale, the said treaties negotiated between the said Catholic sovereigns, Don Ferdinand and Doña Isabella and the said king Dom John II., of Portugal, shall remain in full force and power as if this contract were not made; and the said constituents shall be obliged to comply with it in every respect, as is therein agreed.

14. Item, it is covenanted and agreed by the said deputies that although the rights and dominion which the said Emperor and King of Castile claims to possess in the said lands, districts, seas, and islands, and which be sells to the said King of Portugal in the manner abovesaid are worth more then [the] half of the just price given, and the said Emperor and King of Castile has certain definite knowledge, through exact information, of persons who are experts on the subject, and who have investigated and ascertained definitely, that said rights are of much greater value and worth, more than [the] half of the just price that the said King of Portugal gives to the said Emperor and King of Castile, he is pleased to make him a gift of it, as he does in fact, which from the said day henceforth shall be valid among the living, of the said excess in value above the half of the just price, however great that excess may be. This excess in value ahove the half of the just price the said Emperor and King of Castile relinquishes for himself and his successors, and disunites the same from the royal crown of his kingdoms forever, and delivers it entire to the said King of Portugal, to him and to his successors and crown of his kingdoms, really and effectually, in the aforesaid manner and during the time of this contract.

15. Item, it is covenanted and agreed by the said representatives that whichever of the parties shall violate this contract, or part of it, of himself or through another, in any way, shape, or manner, premeditated or unpremeditated, he shall, ipso facto, lose the right that he holds in any way, shape, or manner whatsoever. The whole shall be immediately adjudged, given to, and acquired by the other party, who shall abide by the said contract and not violate it, and to and by the crown of his realms. He who shall violate it shall not be cited, heard, or notified further; nor shall it be necessary that any further sentence be given in respect to that matter, by any judge or judicator whatsoever, provided that the command, consent, or support of the party who shall violate it shall have been first investigated and proved. Furthermore, he who shall violate this contract in any form or manner whatsoever, in part or in whole, shall pay to the other party, who shall abide by it, 200,000 ducats of gold, as a penalty and under the name of fine and interest. This fine they shall incur as often as they shall violate the treaty in part or in whole, as has been said; and whether this fine be exacted or not, the contract will, nevertheless, remain secure, valid, and stable forever and ever, to the advantage of him who shall abide by it, and to the disadvantage of the party who shall violate it. To this end they have pledged all the possessions, patrimonial and fiscal, of their said constituents, and of the crowns of their realms, to fulfill and maintain all in the same manner and as completely as is set forth therein.

16. Item, it was covenanted and agreed by the said representatives that the said lords, their constituents, and each one of them, shall solemnly swear and shall promise on the said oath, that neither they nor their successors will ever, at any time, violate this contract, in whole or in part, of themselves or through another, in court or without, in any way, shape, or manner whatsoever, or that may be thought of; and that never, at any time, of themselves or through another, will they seek release from the said oath from our Very Holy Father, or from any other who may have power to release them. And although his Holiness, or whoever shall have power to release them, shall, without being asked, but proprio motu, release them from the said oath, they will not accept it, or ever, at any time, make use of the said release, or help themselves by it, or avail themselves of it, in any manner or way whatsoever, in court or out.

17. Item, it was covenanted and agreed by the said representatives, that, for the further corroboration and strengthening of this contract, this contract and adjustment, with all the clauses, conditions, compacts, obligations, and declarations thereof, as and in the manner in which they are set forth therein, be adjudged by sentence of the Pope, and confirmed and approved by his Holiness, by an apostolic bull, with his seal, in which bull of sentence, confirmation, and approval, all this contract will be inserted verbatim; and that, in the said sentence, his Holiness supply and consider as supplied, of his certain knowledge and absolute power, all or any defect or formality, which may be required, in fact or in law, to render this contract more secure and valid, in all and every part of it; and that his Holiness impose sentence of excommunication both upon the principal parties and upon all other persons who shall violate it, and shall not observe it, in whole or in part, in any way, shape, or manner whatsoever. In this sentence of excommunication, he shall declare and ordain that those who shall violate the said contract, in whole or in part, shall incur excommunication ipso facto, without any other sentence of excommunication, or declaration thereof, being necessary or required for that purpose; and that those who violate it cannot be absolved by his Holiness, or by any other person acting by his command, without the consent of the other party concerned, and without his being first cited, notified, and heard in regard to the said absolution. The said representatives, henceforth and forever, and forever and henceforth, acting in the name of their said contituents, entreat his Holiness that he will thus consent to confirm and adjudicate the contract in the form and manner agreed upon and stated in this article. Of this confirmation and approval each one of the parties will be able to obtain a copy of the bull, which the said representatives, acting in the name of their said constituents, shall solicit from his Holiness; and the latter shall order it to be given to either one of them who shall choose to ask for it, without the other party's requiring it for the preservation and strengthening of his right.

And all the foregoing having thus been covenanted and agreed, as is set forth above, the said representatives, acting in the name of their said constituents, and by virtue of their said powers of attorney, declared before me, tha said secretary and notary public, and before the undersigned witnesses, that they approved, commended, and authorized this contract forever and ever, as it is and in its entirety, with all the clauses, declarations, compacts and conventions, penalties, and obligations set forth in it; and they promised and bound themselves reciprocally, in the name of their said constituents, stipulating and accepting as a formal stipulation, that they will keep, fulfill, and observe it in this manner forever; and that their said constituents and their successors, and all their vassals, subjects, and natives of their kingdoms, shall keep, observe, and fulfill, now and forever, the said contract and all that is set forth therein, under the penalties and obligations stated therein; and that they will not violate it, or consent or permit that it, or any part of it, be violated, directly or indirectly, in court or out, for any cause, pretext, or contingency, which may or can be, premeditated or unpremeditated. The said representatives declared in the name of the said lords, their constituents, that they renounced, as in fact they did renounce, all releases, exceptions, and all juridical remedies, benefits, and ordinary and extraordinary councils which are or may be due or rightfully pertain to the said lords, their constituents, and to each one of them, now and at any future time, to annul, revoke, and break this contract, wholly or in part, or to obstruct the effect of it, and in like manner they renounced all the rights, laws, customs, uses, decisions, and opinions of doctors of the law, which could protect them in any manner; and they renounced specifically the laws and rights which declare that a general renunciation is invalid; and as guarantee that they would keep, observe, and fulfill all this, the said representatives pledged all the patrimonial and fiscal possessions belonging to their said constituents and to the crowns of their realms. For greater security, the said representatives declared that they swore, as in fact they did swear forthwith, before me, the said secretary and notary aforesaid, and the undersigned witnesses, in the presence of God and of Holy Mary and upon the sign of the Cross , and upon the Holy Gospels, which they touched with their right hands, in the name and on the consciences of their said constituents, by virtue of the said powers which they had especially for this purpose, that they, jointly and severally, themselves and their successors, will keep and observe this contract and will cause it to be kept and observed forever and ever, as is set forth therein; and that the said lords, their constituents, and each one of them, will confirm, approve, commend, ratify, and authorize anew this agreement and all that is set forth therein, and each part and parcel of it, and that they will promise, bind themselves, and swear to observe and fulfill it, each one of the parties [promising] to do, observe and fulfill, really and in effect, in good faith and without any deception, evasion, or mental reservation whatsoever, that which concerns, is incumbent upon, and appertains to him; and that neither their said constituents nor any of them will ask for himself or for others, absolution, release, dispensation, or commutation of tha said oath, from our Very Holy Father, or from any other person who may have power to give and grant it; and even though he gives it to them proprio motu or in any other way whatsoever, they will not make use of it, but rather, in spite of this, they will keep, observe, and fulfill, and will cause to be kept, observed, and fulfilled, all that is set forth in this said contract, with all the clauses, obligations, penalties, and every part and parcel thereof, as they stand, faithfully and truly, really and effectively, and that each one of the said parties will give and deliver to the other the said approval and ratification of this contract, sworn to, and signed by each one of their said constituents, and sealed with his seal, within the term of the first twenty days following the day when it is dated. In testimony and assurance of this, the said representatives authorized this contract in the foregoing form, before me, the aforesaid secretary and notary, and the undersigned witnesses; and they signed it with their names and they requested me, the said secretary and notary, to give them one, and, if they should need them, many instruments written under my public signature and sign. This was made and authorized in the said city of Saragossa on the day, month, and year abovesaid. Witnesses who were present at the authorization of this said contract, and saw it signed by all the said representatives in the register made by me, the said secretary, and saw them take oath in person, by the hand of me, the said secretary: Alonso de Valdés, secretary of the said lord emperor; Augustin de Urbina, chancellor of his Majesty; Geronimo Ranzo, servant of the said lord Chancellor and Count of Gattinara; Fernando Rodriguez and Antonio de Sosa, servants of the said lord ambassador, Antonio d'Azevedo; Alonso de Idiaquez, servant of me, the said secretary. The said witnesses likewise will sign their names in the register made by me the said secretary: Mercurinus, chancellor. Fray García, bishop of Osma. The Chief Knight-Commander. Antonio de Acevedo, contiño. Witnesses: Alonso de Valdés, Hieronimo Ranzo, Agustin de Urbina, Antonio de Sousa, Fernando Rodriguez, Alonso de Idiaquez. I, the said secretary and notary, Francisco de los Cobos, was present, together with the said witnesses, at the authorization of this contract and treaty, and at the oath set forth therein, which the said representatives made by my hands, and at the signing of it by them, and by the said witnesses, in the register which remains in my possession; and at the instance of the said ambassador, Antonio d'Azevedo, I have caused this transcript to be made, and for that reason I have made this my sign here, in testimony of the truth, Francisco de los Cobos.

Spanish ratification.

The said instrument and treaty, incorporated above, and every part and parcel of it, having been seen and understood by us, we, being certain and assured of all its contents, commend, confirm, approve, and ratify it, by these presents, and so far as is necessary we execute it anew, and we promise to keep and observe the said instrument and treaty, which thus by our said representatives, and likewise by the said ambassador, representative of the said most serene, very exalted, and very mighty King of Portugal, our brother, was agreed to, authorized, and concerted in our names, and every part and parcel of it, to keep and observe it all, really and in truth, in good faith, without deceit, renouncing all fraud and subterfuge, imposition and mental reservation, and every other form of deception and evasion; and we desire and are content that it shall be observed and fulfilled just as is set forth therein, in the same manner as, and as completely, as if it had been made and adjusted by us. And for the validation, corroboration, and security of the said instrument of sale and treaty, we abolish and abrogate, repeal and annul, all the laws and rights, rescripts, decisions, and opinions of doctors of the law that may be opposed to the validity of the said instrument incorporated above. In particular, we abolish, repeal, and annul any petitions from deputies of the realm that, in the Cortes of Toledo, or in any other cortes whatsoever held by us, they may have presented against our concluding this or any other agreement and treaty with the said Most Serene King, onr brother, although they may regard the petition as a kind of contract; and likewise whatever rescripts and articles of the Cortes we may have made, in respect to the said petitions of the deputies of the realm, we, of our absolute royal power, recognizing no superior in temporal affairs, abolish, abrogate, annul, and repeal all and each of them, and deem them as nothing, and we consider as good the said deed of sale, with the said compact of retrovendendo, and we confirm and ratify it, from now on forever and ever. And we regard it as good and profitable for us and for the crown of our realms; and we desire that it shall be valid, as if it had been made in the Cortes and with the consent of the deputies of the cities, villages, and towns of our realms. We thus confirm, ratify, and approve it, for reasons known and profitable to us and to the crown of our realms; and we consider as repealed, annulled, and abrogated all and whatsoever ordinances and laws may be contrary to it. In particular we abolish, repeal, and annul the laws that state and direct that a general renunciation is not valid. And I, the King, swear hefore God and Holy Mary and on the words of the Holy Gospels and on the sign of the Cross on which I place my right hand, and we promise for ourselves and for our successors never to violate or permit to be violated by ourselves or by another this deed of sale with compact of retrovendendo, or any part of it, directly or indirectly, for any other cause, premeditated or unpremeditated, under any pretext; nor shall we consent or permit any other person or persons to violate the said deed and treaty, but rather we will forbid, punish, and prohibit it, as much as we can, under obligation of the said oath. We will not ask to be released from the oath as it was executed by my representatives, nor will we make use of the release although the Pope, or other person who shall have his power, shall grant it to us proprio motu, and although it shall have clauses abolishing and abrogating all that is said; for we renounce it all and promise not to make use of it, under obligation of the said oath. And to secure this our will, and to establish and validate the aforesaid, we order this our letter of approval, ratification, abrogation, and annulment, signed by me, the King, and sealed with our seal, to be drawn up and delivered. Given in the city of Lerida, on the twenty-third day of the month of April, in the year of the Lord, 1529. I, the King. I, Francisco de los Cobos, secretary of his Imperial Majesty and of their Catholic Majesties, caused it to be written by his command. Mercurino, chancellor. Fray Garcia, bishop of Osma. The Chief Knight-Commander.

Portuguese ratification.

This instrument of contract, agreement, and compact of retrovendendo, having been seen by me, and all the conditions and clauses contained therein, having been, word for word, seen and well understood, I confirm, approve, and ratify it, and I approve of all and every part of its contents; and I promise on my royal faith and I swear on the Holy Gospels, on which I place my hands, that I will fulfill and will observe as good the contents of the said contract, treaty, and agreement (i. e., such parts of it as it pertains to me to fulfill and observe), as, and as entirely, as is contained and declared in it, and without any diminution, and under the penalties, clauses, compacts, and conditions contained therein; and I promise and swear, for me and for my heirs and successors, never, at any time, or in any way, of myself, or through another, to contravene or violate the said contract, agreement, and treaty, or any of its contents, but rather, I will fulfill and observe them wholly and completely, and I will cause them to be fulfilled and observed in good faith, without any evasion, mental reservation, deception, or malice, as is aforesaid; and to secure this I command this instrument of confirmation, approval, and ratification to be made, signed by me and sealed with my hanging leaden seal. Given in the city of Lisbon on the 20th day of June. Pero d'Alcaçova Carneiro made it. In the year of our Lord Jesus Christ, 1530.

The King.

  1. Doc. 15.
  2. García de Padilla, who signed the treaty of Vitoria, and was employed in the negotiations of 1526. See Doc. 13, note 16, and Doc. 14.
  3. "Don Carlos, por la divina clemencia etc. emperador semper augusto, rrey de Alemaña, Dona Juana, su madre, y el mismo Don Carlos, su hijo, por la gracia de Dios rreyes de Castilla, de Leon, de Aragon, de las Dos Sicilias, de Jerusalem, de Navarra, de Granada, de Toledo, de Valencia, de Galizia, de Mallorcas, de Sevilla, de Cerdena, de Cordova, de Corcega, de Murcia, de Jaen, de los Algarves, de Algezira, y de Gibraltar, de las Islas de Canaria, de las Indias, Islas, e tierra firme de Mar Oceano, archiduques d'Austria, duques de Borgoña, y de Brabante, condes de Barcelona, Flandes, y Tirol, señores de Viscaya, y de Molina, duques de Atenas, y de Neopatria, condes de Ruysillon, y de Cerdenia, marquezes de Oristan, y de Gociano, etc.

    Hacemos saber a los que esta nuestra carta vieren, que nós mandamos vér a los del nuestro Real Consejo cierta dubda, sy podriamos concordar e asentar con el Serenissimo, muy Alto, y muy Poderozo Rey de Portugal, nuestro muy caro, y muy amado hermano, sobre las Islas de Maluco, y otras islas, e mares y tierras a ellas comarcanas, y vimos su declaracion, y determinacion en las espaldas d'esta nuestra carta escrita, y dada, y fecha por ellos y la leimos, y entendimos: la qual aprovamos confirmamos, e avemos por buena, firme, e valiosa, como en ella es contenido; y esto sin enbargo de qualesquier leyes, derechos, hordenaciones, capitulos de Córtes, determinaciones, sentencias, glosas, hazañas, y opiniones de dottores, y de qualesquier otras cosas, que en contrario sean, o puedan ser, puesto que sean tales, que por derecho se deva hacer dellas espresa mencion, y derogacion, y abrogamos, y derogamos, e avemos por casadas, e anulladas todas las leyes, e derecho, que en contrario sean, y las leyes, y direchos, que disponen que general renunciacion no vale: Y promettemos por nós, y por nuestros subcesores de nunca yr, ny venir, ny consentir, ny premitir, que ses ydo, ny venido contra esta determinacion, ny parte alguna della, direte ny indirete en justio ny fuera del, por causa alguna ny color, que sea, y pueda ser pensada, o no pensada; y para certinidad, e firmeza de todo, mandamos pasar esta nuestra carta firmada de my, el Rey, y sellada con nuestro nello.

    "Dada en Lerida a veinte tres de Abril, año del nascimiento de Nuestro Salvador Jesus Christo de mil e quinientos e veinte e nueve años. Yo el Rey. Yo Francisco de los Covos, secretario de Sus Cesarea y Catholicas Magestades, la fize screvir por su mandado. Lugar do sello. Herbijna, chanciller. Registrada. Ydiaques. Mercurinus, cancelarius. Fray Garcia, episcopus Oxomensis. El Comendador Mayor. Vuestra Magestade confirma, e ha por bueno el parecer, que los del Consejo dieron sobre la contratacion de Maluco, que està escrità, e firmada dellos en esta otra parte.

    "Parecer dos Conselheiros d' Estado sobre a carta acima.—Sacra Catholica Magestad: Los del Consejo Real de Vuestra Magestad dizen, que por justas causas, e consideraciones, que a Vuestra Magestad han dicho, y consultado de palavra con Vuestra Real Persona, son de voto, y parecer que en la capitulacion, e assiento que entre Vuestra Magestad, y el Serenissimo Rey de Portogal se concierta, sobre el empeño de Maluco, que para seguridad d'este empeño, que es con condicion para la poder redemir, y quitar, que no es necessario que entrevengan procuradores de Cortes, ny de ciddades, ny que sean llamados para lo otorgar. Licentiatos de Santiago, Licentiatus Polanco. Licentiatus Aguirre. Doctor Guevara. Nunus Alvares. Martinus Doctor. El Licenciado Medina. Fortunius Dercilla Doctor." National Archives at Lisbon, gav. 18, maço 3. no. 39.
  4. B. Leonardo de Argensola, Conquista de las Islas Malucas (1609), pp. 46, 47. F. López de Gómara, Annals of the Emperor Charles V. (ed. R. B. Merriman, 1912), p. 138, and note 4, same page.
  5. Colección de Documentos Inèdītos relativos al Descubrimiento . . . de Ultramar [Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid), 2d ser. tom. 11. (1886), pt. l., pp. 66-94. A. de Morga, Philippine Islands (Hakluyt Soc., no. XXXIX., 1868), app. V., pp. 394-396.
  6. J. A. Robertson, "Legazpi and Philippine Colonization", in Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the year 1907 (1908), p. 154.
  7. Preamble to the treaty of Madrid, 1750, translated in the Statements submitted by the United States of Brazil to the President of the United States of America as arbitrator . . . between Brazil and the Argentine Republic (1894), III. 5.
  8. Doc. 7.
  9. Doc. 8
  10. For a sketch of Spanish-Portuguese disputes over the demarcation line subsequent to 1529, see E. G. Bourne, "The Demarcation Line of Pope Alexander VI." in Essays in Historical Criticism (1901), pp. 212-214.
  11. The text is from the original manuscript of the ratification by John III. in the National Archives at Lisbon, gav. 18, maço 8, no. 29.
  12. In 1524 the King of Portugal, who was the Emperor's firs cousin, married the Emperor's sister, Catherine, and soon after the Emperor married the Infante Isabella, sister to John III.
  13. See Doc. 14, note 8, and Doc. 15.
  14. See Doc. 14, note 11, and Doc. 15.
  15. See Doc. 13, note 14, and Docs. 14 and 15.
  16. See Doc. 13, note 16, and Doc. 14.
  17. The treaty of Tordesillas, Doc. 9.
  18. Cf. Doc. 15, art. 1, and notes.
  19. An order from the King of Portugal, dated June 1, 1529, directed Hernando Alvarez, his treasurer, to pay to Lope Hurtado de Mendora, the Castillan ambassador in Portugal, 150,000 cruzados toward the amount due for the Moluccas. Two days later the ambassador gave the treasurer a quittance for the sum paid. Santarem, Quadro Elementar, II. 67.
  20. Cf. Doc. 15, art. 2, and notes.
  21. Cf. Doc. 15, note 24. The Casa de Contratacion, or India House of Trade at Seville, founded in 1503, supervised all matters connected with maritime affairs. See the article by B. Moses in the Report of the Am. Hist. Asso., for 1894, pp. 93-123, and J. Piernas Hurtado, La Casa de la Contratación de las Indias (1907), articles published in La Lectura and Ateneo.
  22. Cf. Doc. 15, art. 5.
  23. Cf. Doc. 15, art. 3.
  24. Cf. Doc. 15, art. 3.
  25. Cf. Doc. 15, art. 3.
  26. Cf. Doc. 15, art. 4.
  27. Cf. Doc 15, art. 6.
  28. Cf. Doc. 15, art. 7.
  29. A fierce struggle was kept up in the Moluccas for several years between the Portuguese at Ternate and the Spaniards at Tidore and their respective native allies. See Doc. 15, bibliography, for references to the history of the two nationalities in the Moluccas from 1521 to 1532.
  30. This article is the same as art. 6 of Doc. 15.
  31. The Spaniards in the Moluccas, who had been defending the claims of the Emperor there, first heard about the sale of the islands from the Portuguese in 1532. Navarrete, Viages, V, 148, 395.
  32. This article is the same as art. 11 of Doc. 15.
  33. This article corresponds to Doc. 15, art. 14.
  34. This article corresponds to Doc. 15, art. 13. Note that the words "enpeño y retrovendendo" in the corresponding article of the earlier treaty are changed to venta.
  35. This article corresponds to Doc. 15, art. 15.
  36. This article corresponds to Doc. 15, art. 16.
  37. This article corresponds to Doc. 15, art. 9.
  38. This article corresponds to Doc. 15, art. 10.
  39. From this point through art. 14 the translation is from Blair and Robertson, Philippine Islands, I. 223-238.
  40. The word of is omitted from the translation. Cf. Doc. 15, note 23.
  41. The editor has ventured to alter the translation in respect to this word.
  42. The translation has been slightly altered.