- Volume 1 (1810)
- "Der Freischütz" ('The Freeshooter') by Apel
- "Das Ideal" ('The Ideal') by Laun
- "Der Geist des Verstorbenen" ('The Ghost of the Deceased') by Laun
- "König Pfau" ('King Peacock') by Apel
- "Die Verwandtschaft mit der Geisterwelt" ('The Connection with the Spirit-World') by Laun
- Volume 2 (1811)
- "Die Todtenbraut" ('The Dead Bride') by Laun
- "Die Bräutigamsvorschau" ('The Bridegroom Preview') by Apel
- "Der Todtenkopf" ('The Death's Head') by Laun
- "Die schwarze Kammer" ('The Black Chamber') by Apel
- "Das Todesvorzeichen" ('The Death Omens') by Laun
- "Der Brautschmuck" ('The Bridal Jewelry') by Apel
- "Kleine Sagen und Märchen" ('Little Legends and Tales') by Apel
- "Empusa-Lamia: Griechische Sage" ('Empusa-Lamia: Greek Legend') by Apel
- "Asvit und Asmund: Nordische Sage" ('Asvid and Asmund: Norse Legend') by Apel
- "Alp" ('Alp') by Apel
- "Der Rabe: Griechisches Märchen" ('The Raven: Greek Tale') by Apel
- "Hildur's Zauberlied: Nordische Sage" ('Hildur's Magic Song: Norse Legend') by Apel
- Volume 3 (1811)
- "Die Vorbedeutungen" ('The Portents') by Laun
- "Klara Mongomery" ('Clara Montgomery') by Apel
- "Der Gespensterläugner" ('The Ghost-Deniers') by Laun
- "Anekdoten" ('Anecdotes') by Apel
- "Das Geisterschloß" ('The Ghost-Castle') by Apel
- "Der Geisterruf" ('The Ghost Call') by Apel
- "Der Todtentanz" ('The Dance of the Dead') by Apel
- Volume 4 (1811)
- "Zwei Neujahrsnächte" ('Two New Year's Nights') by Apel
- "Der verhängnißvolle Abend" ('The Fateful Evening') by Laun
- "Zauberliebe" ('Magic Love') by Apel
- "Die Braut im Sarge" ('The Bride in the Coffin') by Laun
- "Das unterirdische Glück" ('The Underground Fortune') by Laun
- Volume 5 (1815); also volume 1 of Wunderbuch
- "Der Heckethaler" ('The Hedge Thaler') by Laun
- "Der Liebesschwur" ('The Love Oath') by Laun
- "Die Ruine von Paulinzell" ('The Ruins of Paulinzell') by Apel
- "Die Hausehre" ('The House-Honour') by Laun
- "Die Schuhe auf den Stangen" ('The Shoes on the Poles') by Apel
- "Legende" ('Legend') by Laun
- "Das silberne Fräulein" ('The Silver Maiden') by Apel
- Volume 6 (1816) edited by Apel and Laun; also volume 2 of Wunderbuch
- "Vorrede" ('Foreword') by Apel
- "Swanehild" ('Swanhilda') by Laun
- "Der Schutzgeist" ('The Guardian Spirit') by Apel
- "Die Wachsfigur" ('The Wax Figure') by Laun
- "Blendwerke" ('Illusions') by Laun
- "Das Meerfräulein" ('The Mermaid') by Laun
- "Der Mönch" ('The Monk') by Laun
- "Der rothe Faden" ('The Red Thread') by Laun
- "Der Lügenstein" ('The Lying Stone') by Laun
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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